Infinity Armament

Vol 19 Chapter 51: business

The appearance of the Great God of War has set off an uproar on the battlefields of the two countries.

Its combat power has limited help for the Lionheart Kingdom. The God of War giants, which lack self-production and maintenance capabilities, do not have a lasting threat. Unreasonable use of time does not truly maximize the value of this weapon.

But the political impact it brings is extremely significant.

The people are angry!

People have taken to the streets to condemn Enko's shameless behavior of selling the country in order to make money, and the empire began to investigate the matter.

Enke certainly denied that this was what they did, but honestly it denied some paleness.

It’s not that you can’t clean yourself, but the truth is accompanied by another cruel reality – why can someone easily steal the Colossus from Enko?

The disclosure of the truth may not be able to clean up Enke, but it will give the public a sense of incompetence of the company - after all, it is not easy to open so many heroes of the **** of war.

For Encore, the latter may be more troublesome than the former.

Because the former is illegal, Enke has enough power to settle down - the arms company is not clean, Enke may not have done such things before, but it will not be so eye-catching. Don't worry about the anger of the emperor, politics is the art of compromise. As long as he wants to get the support of the majority of officials, nobles and businessmen, he will not easily be able to do it.

But the latter may directly affect the investor's confidence - it is easy for people to come and take away a lot of Ares colossus, which means that Enke lacks sufficient control over internal security. They are either incompetent or they have provoked an unbeatable opponent. No matter which answer, it means that the prospect of this company is not good.

Enke’s stock will fall, and some cautious investors are likely to withdraw funds, and some politicians may give up their support.

This is the reality. In the world where fists speak, power is more important than morality!

Therefore, for Encore, the most important thing for this matter is not to wash itself, but to suppress things first and avoid a bigger sensation.

Only by letting things go cold first, many things can be handled.

They can of course think about who did it – after all, Chipman was nailed to the wall of the warehouse.

But what really scares them is not the death of a sales representative, but the undisguised, arrogant style of action.

This means that the opponent is extremely crazy.

Arms companies like crazy business partners, which means that arms sales will be better, but do not like crazy enemies, which means that the muzzle will be aimed at themselves.

So soon, the indulgent company came to the second representative of Encore.

This time, the attitude of the other party is more polite.

The representative of Baram first conveyed the greetings from the company's board of directors to Shen Shen, and then euphemistically stated that some of Chipman's claims were not from their intentions - really fucking, how do you know that a dead person said What is not what you are instructing?

Of course, Shen Yu did not point out that being a fool is the basic quality of a good diplomat.

Then, Balam said in a slightly tough stance that this incident will not affect Enke. If someone thinks that he can take this opportunity to defeat himself, it is an idiotic dream.

This is a warning, but the other party's tone and wording are still quite good. As much as possible, Shen Shen feels threatened but will not go crazy. Even though Mr. Baram is not too emboldened, after all, his Once he came in, he died on the wall of his own warehouse, but he felt that his performance was worthy of his salary.

Finally, after a boring, long, polite conversation, Enke re-introduced the plan for the acquisition - they still want to buy technology from indulge here, they even dare to buy technology from indulge here!

Shen Yan thinks this is very interesting.

But he quickly understood where the other side's strength was - Mr. Baram hinted that the military had already targeted the suspicion.

It turned out to be the case, Shen Shen understood.

Obviously, in the eyes of the other party, he is still an insignificant little person.

To be precise, this small does not refer to his personal strength, but to his company.

Although his company is good, the technology is OK, but it has not yet reached the point where it can determine the situation of the war and affect the decision of the empire. As long as you find enough evidence, even if you think it is necessary, the empire will still start with him.

Also, although t1000 is good, it is not decisive.

But it doesn't matter, they will soon realize how serious their mistakes are.

This time, he did not step on Mr. Baram's foot under his feet, but sent him out with politeness.

But after returning to the factory, he immediately let Shirley issue a statement.

This statement quickly made the whole world sensational!


"what did you say?"

Emperor, the white-haired General Jacks took the case.

His adjutant rarely saw the excitement of the veteran general, and he trembled with trepidation: "Chromosomal agents can greatly enhance the overall physique of the soldiers after use, and the increase is about doubled, and can be further improved with exercise. Upgrade."

“Do you double the omnidirectional? Do you say that all-round doubling?” The old general once again smashed.

Double the omnidirectional improvement is not as simple as multiplying the ability of soldiers by 2, but by leaps and bounds in combat power.

To make a simple analogy, one attack 100, one attack 50, no defense, other soldiers with the same attributes are hacked, basically attack 50 hangs, attack 100 half blood, then attack 100 soldiers, their real combat power It is equivalent to double the opponent.

So what if all-round improvement? Regardless of the will, theoretically doubling the four attributes is equivalent to a sixteenfold increase.

Of course, there are still many differences, such as mental power is meaningless when not in use, too fast attack frequency is not conducive to the use of power, etc., but a full-oil doubling of the soldiers one-on-one continuous release There are no problems for more than seven or eight people. If it is a response at the same time, it is ok to have a pair of three.

Of course, this is only considered from the strength of the war, if the flexibility of the use of soldiers, elite soldiers are much more useful than ordinary soldiers.

The biggest problem of the Arendt Empire is that the quality of the soldiers is weak. If there is such a potion, the quality of the soldiers can be more than doubled in all directions, which is equivalent to doubling the strength of the Arendt Empire.

How can the old general not be excited?

"However, the use of this medicine is very dangerous. If it fails, it will die. In addition, there is an upper limit to the promotion of the medicine, but I don't know what the upper limit is. According to them, our soldiers do not have to expect to reach the upper limit. To the point where the people of the Lionheart Kingdom use this potion, they may reach the upper limit."

As soon as this was said, the old general’s eyes immediately shrank.

On the surface, the other party is talking about the defects of this medicine, but the meaning of the words is not otherwise indicated.

If the people in the Lionheart Kingdom use this medicine, will the effect be stronger?

This bastard...

The old general snorted: "What is the death rate?"

"About 50%."

"That doesn't make sense!" The old general waved.

Raise the doubling strength and kill half of the soldiers?

Just kidding, even if the elite soldiers can be one-on-three, the price is right, but don't forget that there is something in the world called morale.

If half of the people die because of the use of pharmacy, then Aaron does not need the enemy to attack, and his own soldiers will rebel first. A battle of 10% of deaths is a high casualty, and the use of pharmacies will kill half of them. The price is unbearable.

"Indulge, he can cut down to find the right person to use the drug, reduce the mortality rate, but the minimum mortality rate will remain at 20%. In addition, the detection of the deletion will require additional costs."

20% mortality...

The old general said to himself: "If it is done by volunteers, this number will be much more acceptable."

At the national level, 20% of the mortality rate is still unbearable, but at the individual level, for many people who are willing to take risks, they are not gambling.

The old general immediately realized that the indulging pharmacy brought to Aaron, it is likely to be a revolutionary level of change.

He pondered for a long time and finally nodded: "I will show my feelings to my majesty."

It was like a storm, and news about chromosomal agents quickly swept the world.

"At all costs, you must get this potion!" Prince Apollo said to gentleness.

"This is troublesome." Encore's board of directors has also changed color.

"I immediately smuggle to Arendt, meet the Broken Blade Company, and discuss the purchase of pharmacy. If it is possible, it is best to buy it with the deformable armor. I can pay for the gold in the Deer Dynasty!" The generals of the dynasty said.

"Gen mission: get a bottle of chromosome drug, reward 20 points. If you can get back to the method of making chromosome drugs, reward 200 points, and get the pro-pass of the gods and swords." Honglang received from Qingyang The Qingjian dynasty of the Qing dynasty.

When the Arendt Empire was still discussing the use of this medicinal agent, big men from all over the world had already thrown olive branches to the Broken Blade Company.

The pressure from the outside world made Aaron finally realize that they did not have much choice in this matter.

So the special envoy from the empire finally rushed to the Shenyi factory and began to discuss cooperation matters.

The price of the sputum pharmacy is not high, almost the cost price - what he needs is the influence of the drug rather than the money. To be honest, a drug that can eat dead people is not suitable for driving too high a price.

But on the other hand, Shen Qian firmly rejected the suggestion that drugs could not be sold to other countries.

The indulgence of this time, almost publicly stated that it is going to sell arms to other countries.

This made the Arendt Empire very angry.

But with this rejection, it is another proposal that makes them heart--the broken blade company can get some special medicinal herbs from the Tianlu dynasty, and record some pedigrees from the lion heart kingdom.

This made the Arendt have to be tempted.

Really excellent international arms dealers are not relying on money and relationships to suppress people. The most important thing is that they can do something for their own government that they can't do. This is the fundamental reason why they can act unscrupulously.

There is no such precedent in the world of unparalleled worlds - the Broken Blades are not so designed, so all the arms companies are brain-destroyed.

But now, this precedent has appeared in the hands of Shen Yu.

No matter which country, there is demand for the resources of other countries, letting out some surplus and getting some urgent needs. What is important is that the God of War statues, the elixir medicines, and the blood medicines are all special items owned by each country. They can only be produced on the land of the country. Even if they are distributed to other countries, they are all consumables. Don't worry about the other party being able to copy.

In this case, the transaction can bring more benefits than paying, and refusing to trade means sitting and watching other people grow and develop.

No one will be stupidly watching others develop and stagnate, then the only thing that can be done is to promise.

In the end, the Arendt Empire reached an agreement with Shen Yu.

Broken Blade Company can sell certain weapons to other countries, but can only sell the lowest level of nuclear guns and ordinary mechas to the Lionheart and there are strict quantitative restrictions, and can never sell t1000 and The Terminator, at the same time, must obtain at least 20 bottles of blood for them. For the Tianlu dynasty, some intermediate mechs and terminators can be sold, and the relatively limited quantity limit can not be sold. At the same time, at least one hundred bottles of Qingyuandan and other high-grade medicinal herbs should be obtained from the Tianlu dynasty.

The chromosomal agent for the Lionheart Kingdom can be 20 bottles, and the chromosome drug for the Tianlu Dynasty can be 50 bottles.

From a trading perspective, this is equivalent to Arendt selling only the least valuable equipment, but wanting to buy the most advanced resources.

However, Shen Yu still promised. In any case, he is now in the land of Arendt. It is necessary and obligatory to favor Aaron.

Only with such a resource configuration can Aaron be blind to his behavior.

As for how to get those resources, this simple, gentle and tidal wave can be open, bright, and generous to obtain various domestic resources.

As a result, a new round of arms trading began, in contrast to the more heated and more diverse battlefields in the Three Kingdoms.

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