Infinity Armament

Vol 19 Chapter 52: procession

On the battlefield of Shuangfengcheng-El Salvador, the two men of the two countries are playing hard. Www_dyzw8_m/no + bomb + window + small + say + net /

The war has entered the sixth day, and Arendt still failed to win the frontier town of the Lionheart Kingdom. Both sides are investing in each other. The fierce battle has made the development of meat grinders.

At the corner of the wall of Salva, an Arendt commando is launching a storm, and a laser beam breaks through the sky. With a strong firepower advantage, the lion's longbow can't be lifted. Just as they were about to rush to the city, a team of Holt soldiers rushed over from the flank.

These short Holt soldiers are among the lowest in the battle sequence of the Lionheart Kingdom. The commando captain looked through the goggles and the group of Holt soldiers screamed and laughed: "The group of lion hearts has begun. Have you put the cook on the battlefield?"

The soldiers made a laugh.

But the next scene, let the commando can not laugh again.

On the hands of the Holt soldiers who rushed, a gun was fired and the fire was officially opened against the commando.

This sudden blow suddenly slammed the commando, and the captain yelled: "How can they get a gun?"

Accompanied by this angry roar, at least twelve energy beams hit him, and the mech instantly disintegrated.

For Arendt's soldiers, losing armor means losing the most important protection, which means they are infinitely close to death.

However, this situation has changed.

After losing the mech, the captain did not fall down. Instead, he screamed loudly, his whole body muscles began to rise, and the drums rose out of a group of bursts of air. The whole person rose like a gas. With a punch, a nearby Holt soldier has been slaughtered.

More soldiers took off their mechs and various changes were made on them.

Some back wings, volley flying, some body armor, head horns, and some people simply turned into a huge beast, rushed into the enemy's team, madly slashed.

The opposite Holt also yelled with anger: "blood? How can they have blood?"

Fortunately, at this time, a team of God of War heroes in the Lionheart Kingdom was killed, and finally blocked the runaway commando.

The two sides used the same power that they should not have, and the battle became confused.

At the same time in the eastern battlefield, the battle between the Tianlu dynasty and the Lionheart Kingdom also showed such dislocational confusion.

The tyrannosaurus, known for its bravery and bravery, was on the Tianfu Army, which had the blessing of the tactics and the aid of the elixir.

The former is stronger than strength and impact, while the latter is stronger than toughness and lasting.

The battle between the two armies should have been the confrontation between barbarism and discipline, and the mutual rush of flames and ice.

But with the fight, the two sides have also seen incredible changes.

The soldiers of the Tianfu Army have put on the mechs, which greatly enhanced their defense capabilities. The soldiers of the Tyrannosaurus Legion swallowed a mandarin, and the injured body began to heal automatically, which also greatly improved their ability to continue their war. .

The warriors on both sides were hedged with a fearless attitude, and the death storm on the ground became longer and longer.

All these battles were faithfully recorded by the Terminator and passed back to the center city. Sitting on the sofa seemed to watch the battles as if they were watching a big movie. It was a joy to laugh.

"Sure enough, the excellent arms dealers can not only bring lucrative profits to themselves, but even determine the trend of the war. But now, it seems that you are playing well, so slowly consume it." Red wine, said to himself.

I finally realized the feeling of being a black hand behind the scenes, and it really has its fun.

"You look very happy with the situation at the moment." Shirley stepped into the office with the twist/hip of the high-grade white-collar.

"When I used to play chess pieces, I sometimes did a chess player, and it felt pretty good." Shen Yu raised the glass to answer.

"I am afraid that your players will not be long." Shirley threw a newspaper.

Indulging in awkwardness, he picked up the newspaper and saw the title of the headline saying, "The military mech is in the battlefield of the Three Kingdoms. Who is selling weapons to our enemies to kill our soldiers?"

Sinking in my heart, I know that it is not good.

Sure enough, in the detailed report below, the reports on the outflow of weapons have been written a lot, and various analyses have been put in place. Although it is not clearly pointed out that the company is behind the scenes, it’s all right. Point out that all this is done by them.

"What the **** is it, who wrote this report? How does our public relations department do it?" Shen was very angry.

Shirley replied: "We don't have a public relations department. In order to save money, we don't even have a sales department. In addition, it doesn't matter who wrote this report. What matters is who is behind the scenes."

"This is still asking? There are too many people who want us to be unlucky. But the biggest suspect is Enke, I will make them look good."

"The problem is that you have no evidence."

"I don't need evidence!"

"The question is what to do now? The trouble is coming."

"No, it is the trouble has come." Shen Yu answered.

He suddenly turned back and pulled the curtains behind him. He saw the factory outside, and more and more people were gathering.

Some people still hold a sign in their hands.

"Severely punish the war traffickers!"

"We don't need a death businessman!"

"Broken Blade Company is a seller of profiteers!"

A demonstration from an angry mass has been launched vigorously.

"What should I do now?" Shirley looked at Shen Yan, and honestly she was quite a bit eager to see the screaming and violent look.

But she is destined to be disappointed.

Sinking out of the window, his face suddenly smiled: "Interesting, coming so fast, to say no one is organized, I don't believe it."

"Do we want to call the police?"

"No need, so many people, we don't have to call us, the police will come over. But don't count on them. There is also an imperial government behind it."

“Imperial government?” Shirley was surprised: “Why?”

"Because they can take the opportunity to put pressure on us. It is best that we can't help but make a **** case, and then we can directly engulf the company in the name of justice... What better than public opinion? ?"

“Don't they need us to help them get those resources?”

"They certainly want it, but they want the victory of the war more. And it is not the government's appearance, so they have room to ease afterwards. In short, they have too many choices, they can use this opportunity to re-negotiate with us, too You can take this opportunity to directly rob us of everything... When something like this happens, the initiative falls into their hands."

"What do we do then?"

Sinking and screaming: "The profiteers who have not experienced it are not qualified profiteers... Close the factory door, don't let anyone in, let them go outside, they will soon find that they can't do anything. ”

The factory gate was closed.

The demonstrators gathered in front of the factory.

They made a loud cry and resent.

Some people threw stones, bottles, and burning torches into the factory.

The police who had ordered the Shangfeng to maintain order in a false manner, but did not arrest anyone. This is undoubtedly a change of encouragement, which has quickly turned the protest into a violent/chaotic trend. Some mobs in the name of patriotism have begun to work in the company. Surrounded by smashing and rushing into the company.

There are also some people who are swarming to maintain their rationality.

Bernard stood in the crowd, he did not shout with the angry crowd, just watching the surrounding with vigilance.

He can see that some people in the crowd are particularly excited and emotionally high, and from time to time they utter highly provocative words.

Some of these people are familiar with him - some of them are rogue.

They are human pests most of the time, but occasionally they also play angry young people.

As long as they have money, they are the best plays.

It seems that this company is really offended, Bernard thought.

It is no wonder that with the rapid rise of an arms company, there are often countless blood bonds behind it.

The Broken Blade Company has risen ten times faster than the normal company, and the hidden dangers are naturally ten times.

How fast they make money, how fast they can come.

But Bernard doesn't think that such a demonstration can pose a real threat to the Broken Blade company. If the company is fiercely attacking the **** of war 15 kilometers away and robbing Camera, then their power is afraid. It is far beyond imagination.

These people can't please.

But Bernard doesn't care. All he wants is to complete his case and grab the ultra-long-range sniper.

He raised his camera and began to shoot around.

In the afternoon, the impacted people formally attacked the company.

Some people began to support the door, and more people began to try to turn over the high wall and jump into the factory.

They took the chéngrén ladder, climbed up like an ant, cut the power grid, leveled the wall, and the movements were orderly, as if they were staged a siege war.

They are greeted by a large number of smoke bombs.

One after another, the smoke rises at the factory wall, filling the horizons of everyone. The pungent smokers cough and cough, and most people back away.

There are also a small number of people who still bravely rushed into the wall.

Ibrahim Bath is one of them. In the first time when the smoke rose, he took out a gas mask and put it on himself, while rejoicing his foresight.

Attacking an arms company is not a fun thing. Any arms company has excellent internal security, and as a businessman who sells death, their courage is much larger than that of any ordinary businessman. Although they are not daring enough to dare to kill the crowds, the proper self-defense counterattack can still be done, and smoke bombs are one of the most effective means.

As an old commercial spy, Ibrahim Bathurs is very experienced.

After jumping over the wall, he immediately began to walk along the wall. The smoke bombs certainly disable the public's vision, but it also makes the user unable to see the opportunity to mix in, which is his chance.

Enke has given a very good price for the two technologies of t1000 and chromosomes. If you do this well, you will not have to take risks anymore.

He followed the wall and hurried all the way, and soon came under a building.

There is less smoke and a clearer view, and Ibrahim Bathurs knows that he is moving fast, otherwise it is easy to be discovered.

He gently opened a window and then rolled over and jumped into the window.

Just landed he stopped.

The two men were tied to the ground by the big flowers.

"Lam, Brad, how are you here?" Ibrahim screamed. He knew the two men, and he was his two competing peers. He did not expect to be **** in this room.

A young man has appeared at the door and walked open to him: "Congratulations, sir, you are the third player to pass the game's first pass, now enter the second pass: jailbreak!"

Ibrahimovic was shocked and retired. The man had already bullied him by one step, punching him in his face, and Ibrahimovic fainted.

Before the coma, he saw the window jumping in again.

The man’s voice rang again: “Congratulations to this gentleman, you are the fourth friend to pass the first level...”

"Mom, this sneak sneak is really a lot..." Ibrahimovic flashed this last thought in his mind, and then fainted.

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