Infinity Armament

Vol 20 Chapter 80: Kill

In the void, a figure appears slowly, it is sinking. M (Please use our Pinyin domain name to visit us.)

He stands in the void, obviously just as small as a dusty existence, but clearly appears in everyone's vision, standing between the heavens and the earth, it is like walking on this universe, the inexhaustible calm and nature.

"Boss, you are finally back!" Honglang's eyes have already shown excitement.

Not only him, the owner of the Broken Blade team looked at the indulgent eyes at this moment, full of hope.

Although I don’t know what it is to defeat this powerful and terrible enemy, at that moment, they feel that they suddenly have confidence.

Maybe it was because of that smile.

Maybe because the other person is indulging!

The indulging is coming, this reason is enough.

Enough for them to retain a glimmer of hope before the great despair.

An unreasonable confidence, or a craze that is gradually established based on the foundation of trust, is like the bud of religious belief.

"You... you bastard... finally knowing to come back." Gentleness is already tears.

"Sorry, this time has caused you to suffer." Shen Yu has said to them gentlely.

Although he is vacant, he has no communication equipment, and the voice is heard by everyone, as if he is in his ear, and everyone can hear it, so that everyone can feel incredible. .

At the same time as Shen Bao appeared, a loud bell-like loud noise was also spread between heaven and earth: "Sink, you finally came out!"

As the loud noise appeared, a tall man had walked out of the void.

"Balsa adults!" someone called.

What appeared was Balsa who had interrupted the sinking arm.

With the advent of Balsa, the infinite void has suddenly come out of countless people, including Kalif, Ye Dongsheng, Meryl and others who have already completed the mission, as well as Blue Yan, Zisha, Barr. Sa and other familiar existence.

"Lord, head, boss..."

Various names have arisen.

"It is the guardian of the city, the guardian!" someone called.

City Guardian!

They finally appeared.

At this moment, I don’t know how many city guardians have appeared so suddenly. At first glance, there are nearly 10,000.

Together they looked at the sinking, and at the same time issued the majestic voice of the Hongwu wave: "The command of the highest council, the appearance of the punishment force, the execution of the decree, the arrest to commit the sinking!"

Can you catch a crime?

What kind of joke?

Are the Laozis playing bugs now?

But if you come to help, even if you come, you will run over and mess with people?

The worms don't matter your mission, let you die all under the worm's mouth.

However, the scene that disappointed them happened.

A large number of Zerg did not take the opportunity to attack these sudden urban guardians, but instead collectively returned.

They retire like a torrent, some insects fly directly through the adventurer's side, especially the naked/exposed Hong wave and other people, only to see the crowd of insects flying over the sky, can not help but hit a slap .

But none of these worms attacked them, and flew straight to the new-born ultimate nest, which was elevated as a star.

Then they were there, watching all this coldly.

On the contrary, Shen Yu was not surprised. He just shook his head: "It’s fun to punish the troops... I’m talking about folks, hear them use the name you built, and execute the rules you design into the city. Are you feeling very cool, or is it very uncomfortable?"

This is what he said to the Zerg master.

Mastering the harsh and cold voice back: "The time is too long, I have adapted, you still concentrate on your own troubles."

"My trouble?" Shen Xiao smiled and pointed to the guardians who came out: "Do you mean them?"

Balsa has already said to Shen Shuo: "Sink, you betray the city, and the highest parliamentary order, immediately obliterate!"

The **** coat of arms of everyone has sounded the system prompt: "Found number E5371, obliterate execution!"

"Sinking!" everyone shouted. .

I saw a ray of light suddenly illuminating from the indulgent wrist, and then I heard a bang, the **** coat of arms on his wrist was shattered into thousands of pieces, dissipated in the air, and the sinking was still good. In the air, where half of the points are obliterated.

Shen Yu has slowly raised his arms and looked at everyone. He saw that there was nothing in his wrist, and there was no **** coat of arms.

"How is this possible?" Cliff and others were completely stupid.

On the contrary, Balsa did not feel strange, and snorted: "You have already got rid of the **** coat of arms."

"You guessed it too? Or why bother to punish the troops. Of course, guessing that the test has always been tried." Shen Xiao laughed.

Lan Yan finally spoke: "The system can't find you, you guess that the **** coat of arms is mostly useless to you. But even if you gain powerful power through taboos, it doesn't mean you can win us, not even you. Can win the parliament, give up, sink, now surrender, you still have time."

Although he persuaded Shen Yu to surrender, the intention was to care, and it was quite helpless to see Shen Yan’s eyes.

Hong Lang shouted: "You don't have a **** coat of arms? What about your equipment?"

"Of course, along with the coat of arms, they were destroyed by what they had just said." Shen Yu replied.

"Hey!" Honglang took a forehead and deploreed it: "It's a pity that the Scarlet Blade, the Gun of the Soul."

Shen Xiao smiled: "You want it? Then I will send you some back."

"Ah?" Honglang was dumbfounded.

"I want to do as much as I want."

"What are you talking about?" Chu Sheng said loudly: "If you come in, don't help everyone to eliminate the bugs, but instead kill the sinkers. What is the reason?"

Lan Yan has not spoken yet, and Shen Xiao has laughed and said: "Oh, I can help them explain this. They really can't help you."

"Why?" Everyone is puzzled.

"Because this is a simulated world!" Shen Yu replied: "Everything here, even if it is dead, will regenerate at a faster rate than the outside, killing it, in fact, it does not make sense. Even we see The ultimate level of the nest and the master, do you think you can really kill? You must know that everything here is copied, even the master is the same. The system automatically replicates the final level of the nest and dominates everything, equivalent to The lord created a avatar, and the powerful soul energy passed through the space barrier, directly affecting the avatar here, even if it really killed it, as long as its ontological consciousness is still there, it will always be resurrected... It’s a real resurrection, but it will take a long time. So the guardians don’t have to work hard with the bugs here, and they are entering according to the procedures of the punishment force, not the internal defense, it is even more inappropriate for the insects. It is."

He looked at the guardians and smiled. "Is it right? I hope you like my explanation."


It is rare to find the basis for the behavior of the wanted criminals.

"That is, because it is a replica, it can continue to transfer the soul, right?" Hua Tianrui quickly asked. Compared with other contents that Shen Yu said, he is more concerned about the transfer of the soul.

Shen Xiao smiled: "I finally found a reason to deceive myself?"

Hua Tianrui is amazed.

Shen Qiang has shook his head: "Only the strength of the ontology affects the avatar. When did you hear that the avatar has the ability to possess the body? So, it can transfer the soul, not because it is the cause of the copy, but because of its ontology. Can soul transfer!"

"No, this is impossible!" Hearing this, Hua Tianrui was shocked.

Shen Yu actually completely denied his last illusion.

Even Balsa Lanyan and others frowned. "What the **** are you talking about? Shen Shen!"

"Surely you don't know?" Shen Xiaoxiao: "We are talking about the transfer of the soul... Oh, yes, have you ever seen it transferred to the soul? Yes, just like the transfer it just made, 瞒Through everyone's eyes, let you think that it can really regenerate infinitely. But unfortunately, the Zerg world is the real world, not the systemic world. The system world can skip the process, the Zerg... !"

"What about that? We are here to catch you, how to dominate, not related to us." A guardian has said.

The gentleness that has returned to the battleship snorted: "Are you stupid or stupid? Even I don't know the inside story. I have mastered it. It has the ability to transfer souls. This ability is developed by Longmeng. This shows that the rebellious war of the Quaternary, not that Quares dominated his own escape, but that the Supreme Council deliberately let go! They are deliberately creating Zerg enemies!"

"This is impossible!" All urban guards changed their faces at the same time.

Lan Yan has stepped forward: "Sink, you know what you are talking about? Your behavior has been suspected of defaming the Supreme Council!"

"It sounds like I don't say anything when I don't say anything." Shen Xiao smiled.

Lan Yan was stagnant.

But the next moment, he said: "Of course, the evidence to be taken must always be taken out. Those guys want to use you to consume me, although I don't care too much, but it is always good to save some strength."

Said that he has looked at the ultimate parent nest in the distance.

Looking at this, the mother's nest seems to be aware of any great danger. A slap in the back, and a large number of zerg are rushing to the mother's nest, but it is necessary to block the body with their own body.

Shen Yan shook his head: "I let you go?"

His hand stretched out, and the palm of his hand had been grabbed toward the mother's nest. Through the long void, it was so flat, and it didn't see it getting bigger, but it was straight through the obstacles of countless bugs, and grabbed the mother who was nearly 10,000 meters long. The nest, then slammed over, and the rumbling of the rumbling did not know how many worms were broken.

At the same time, sink your fingers and tap on the nest.

Just listen to the "嘶!" mother's nest whistling, a group of illusory fog suddenly appeared from above the mother's nest, has left the mother's nest and flew to the other mother's nest.

If you look closely, you will find that this mist is always attached to the original nest, like a long filament, which cannot be found without attention.

Hua Tianrui looked at it, and he cried out: "It is a soul transfer. How is this possible?"

Not only him, but also the loneliness around him, the enchanting enchantress and the four scorpions also found out that the four scorpions were evenly screaming: "It is still the soul transfer of the soul level, no, not a line, it is a trace!" How did it do it?"

He can't believe his eyes.

The transfer of soul is to let the soul enter one body from one body, but in the process, the soul cannot be completely separated from a certain body, but only partially detached. Of course, temporary detachment is also possible, but only for a very short time. Inside, it is like jumping from a broken bridgehead to the opposite bridge.

This is the performance of the soul transfer can not completely get rid of the body, but the level of dependence of the soul of different levels is not the same. The soul is the highest stage of the soul transfer. As long as there is a line of soul involved in the ontology, the soul can be made onto the ontology. Move around for the center. Once the body is threatened, the soul can escape as soon as it finds the right carrier.

The soul of the Zerg’s mother's nest, which is implicated in the eyes, is the most peak of the soul transfer. It can be said that the soul is infinitely close!

Sinking is a sigh: "The soul is a trace, but after all, it is not true. It is too far away from God!"

When he said that his palms were retracting and slamming together, the huge mother's nest burst under the palm of his hand and burst into countless flesh and blood. In the mist, he made a scream and scream, and wanted to escape, but he was swayed by the palm of his hand. The fog was scattered, revealing the image of the body.

It is a weird image of a bipedal erect creature. The lips are everted, the eyes are raised, and the body is about three meters long. It looks like a scorpion orangutan, but the whole body is full of energy. The fluctuations, the body shape flickering, as if at the same time in two spaces.

"Quares people grow this virtue?" Hong Lang whispered.

He even had the mood to be surprised by the appearance of the Quérez.

Shen Shen shrugged: "I have said that he is not handsome."

At this moment, a finger in the distant void suddenly appeared, and the sky continued to enlarge, pointing to the eyebrows.

Sinking and slamming a hand, a slap in the wind is on the fingertips, I saw that the fingers turned into a squad to die, and there was a sigh in the vague.

Shen Yu has seized the Quarez master.

The power that dominates no rebellion is just shouting: "Dreams come true? This is the power of space, how can you master, how can you master..."

"There is there, there are so many problems." Shen said disdain.

This scene shows that everyone is stupid.

That made them spend a lot of effort, the price, and only barely killed the ultimate parent nest, in the hands of Shen Yan, like a mud sculpture, collapsed, and even pinned the master in the palm of his hand.

What powerful power does he have?

"Oh my God!" Even the gentle and grinning exclaimed.

She never knew what to do with the son of space, so I couldn't imagine where this horrible power came from.

Not only they, but even the city guardians are shocked.

With such a strong indulgence, why should they fight against it?

Is it true that things are as indulgent as they are, they are just the cannon fodder sent by the Supreme Council to consume the power of indulging?

In the next moment, there was a little aura in the body that flew to the void, and a huge black hole appeared in the void. Outside the black hole, a huge majestic momentum invisibly pressed, and all the guardians shouted at the same time. : "Out of the field!"

That is the real consciousness of the real dominance outside the realm. At this moment, it is forced to run through the two worlds, and wants to greet the detachment consciousness of oneself here.

"Want to run?" Shen Hao has screamed, and he crushed the master in his hand. This lord is only a system replica. It is much worse than the real master body. It doesn't make much sense, so it is directly crushed. To that point, the aura is to dominate the sense of the ontology, which is of great significance and must not let it run away.

Sinking at the aura of light: "Dess!"

The aura will not stop moving.

Shen Yu has already grabbed a blast and slammed it to the aura: "Fu!"

I saw a flash of light, and it was already injected into the body.

Then Shen Hao pointed at the green one: "Feng!"

A crystal ball has already appeared, and the blast is covered in the ball.

The sinking of the crystal ball has been thrown away, and the crystal ball has risen to the sky, gradually becoming bigger, and turned into a star standing in the sky. In the meantime, a giant python is looming, but it is hard to scream, but it is a little consciousness that dominates. In this way, it was permanently sealed in a minimum level of insects.

"This..." Looking at this thorough means, everyone is dumbfounded.

"No!" On the other side of the black hole, the sound of earth-shattering noise, such as the mental storm, sweeping the audience, was shocked by everyone holding a headache, some low-risk adventurers are even more embarrassing, continuous head burst, its power It was terrible.

Beyond the extraterrestrial world, it is far stronger than the dominant in the simulated world!

At the same time, the sky suddenly appeared innumerable golden light chains. Under this chain, the horrible spiritual storm instantly disappeared invisibly, and even all the storms were bounced back.

"Bastard! Shenshan, Isomida, Chris, Mansfield... You guys, dare to stop me, that person has mastered the power of space, you idiots..." Black hole, crazy The roaring master's consciousness gradually went away.

In the eyes of Shen Yan, it is a murderous flash: "When you want to come, do you want to go and leave? Leave me something!"

He glanced at the black hole that was about to disappear. Under the idea, the black hole suddenly turned into a white light to explode.

What is astonishing is that the explosion did not explode outward, but infinitely collapsed into the black hole. The shock wave of the explosion did not affect anyone in the air. Instead, it was the end of the distant black hole. There was an earth-shattering groan: "Hey! I will be back, bastard! I am waiting for you outside the field!!!"

After leaving a gray-wolf-style message, and no matter whether these two sentences are contradictory, the violent snoring finally fades.

At the same time, countless Zerg in this space burst out one by one, and eventually turned into nothing.

All Zerg are dead.

The adventurers looked dull, and the **** coat of arms had a sharp tone, which was a reminder to eliminate the final parent nest and complete the first main task of all personnel.

It’s just that everyone’s accomplishment is so inexplicable, all wrong.

"They...will reappear, right?" Hong Lang looked at the countless zerg bodies in space.

"Well...but it should be a long time later." Gentle also murmured: "For a long time, it should be too flat."

"So to say The war is over?" All the adventurers asked.

"No." Shen Yu replied: "The war has just begun."

"I am right? The adults in the Supreme Council?"


A sigh rang.

Seven figures have come out of the void.

All of them are dressed in white robes, and it seems that they are about 40 years old. The first one is the most old Shenshan that has had a side.

He looked at Shen Yu: "I didn't expect that the power of the space source was actually mastered by you."

Shen Xiaoxiao said: "Disappointment and excitement coexist, right? After all, it is the master and what you have been pursuing for so many years, but you haven't got it, Shenshan, or... Shen Ruixia!"

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