Infinity Armament

Vol 20 Chapter 81: history

When I heard the name Shen Ruixia, everyone was a glimpse. Not only they, but even the members of the parliament behind Shenshan looked at each other. Obviously, they didn’t understand what Shen was saying.

Who is Shen Ruixia?

Hong Lang even muttered: "How is this name so familiar?"

Gentleness has given him a blast: "The Valley of the Beasts, two goods!"

"The Valley of the Beasts? The dead woman?" The whole team of the Broken Blades exclaimed.

"Obviously, she didn't die... or said that she didn't die enough, and she swindled her body and became a man." Gentlely looking at the old face of Shenshan in the distance, if it wasn't for the name of Shen Shen, she It is impossible to connect the old man in front of him with the woman who died into a pile of white bones.

But since she is talking about it, she believes.

"Shen Ruixia..." At the same time, the old man’s eyes have been fascinated with the color of remembrance. It seems to be thinking about something. He finally shook his head: "It’s been too long, I have forgotten a lot of things in the past. It’s not I thought that someone still remembers the name."

He asked Shen Yan: "How did you know all this?"

“Experience, visit, coincidence, plus a little bit of reasoning.” Shen Xiao smiled:

"Hell hits a battle, I brought back the video of the battle with the ruler. Perhaps because it is a temporary world replica, the ruler is either that the ontological consciousness does not act on the replica, or that I am dying, in short, it There is no secret to hide the transfer of my soul. The result is that in the study of the video, I found out that it turned out to be a form of soul transfer... Do you know how shocked I was to see that? Why? Why do the masters have the same as the four? The ability to transfer souls?"

Hua Tianrui suddenly realized: "So you will come to us later and listen to the secret about the transfer of the soul?"

"At that time, I just wanted to know who invented the soul transfer, when it was invented, and what is the relationship between the master and the master. Then I know a few things. 1 The soul transfer ability is very early. It is unique to Longmeng. 2 The Speaker of the House is the founder of Longmeng, and it is also likely to be the inventor of the soul transfer. 3 The Speaker of the House is the leader of the Twilight War, the participants. Combine the above three messages with Querrey. The news that the slain is not dead, appearing in the ultimate hen nest in the form of soul transfer... Hua Tianrui, if it is you, what conclusion will you draw?"

Hua Tianrui’s hard voice: “The Supreme Council deliberately let go of the rule!”

Even if he is in a position of indifference, he can only reach this conclusion.

The blue bird has called to Shenshan: "Is this the case? The speaker, the Zerg, who have been fighting against us for so many years, are you released?"

"Hey!" Shenshan sighed again.

At that moment, I don’t know how many people’s eyes were on Shenshan. After all, Shenshan just nodded. “Through the infernal **** to uncover the true face of the rule, this is for the supreme parliament to better serve as a human being. After all, for many years, we have been pretending not to know who the lord is, and you really don’t know. Unexpectedly, a behavior that concealed lies once exposed a bigger lie. In this case, we are missing."

Is the Supreme Council really the master behind the scenes?

How can this be?

Shenshan’s recognition made everyone’s final fantasies broken, and they couldn’t believe their ears.

"So, to lie, this thing, the more disguised, the more loopholes." Shen Xiao laughed.

“Why? Why do you want to do this?” A group of people shouted.

"The reason will naturally be for you. It is you, sinking, I still don't understand some problems, I want to ask you." Shen Shandao.

"You want to know how I know that you are Shen Ruixia?"

Shenshan nodded. "I know that you have been to the Valley of the Beasts, but you really have no reason to connect us. Although it is not a great secret, it is always uncomfortable."

"The first time I saw you." Shen Yu said: "On the roof of the system star, when I saw you, I felt like I saw a man who had been reincarnation for countless years standing in front of my eyes... ...that is the real old, from the depths of the soul."

Speaking of this, Shen Yu paused for a moment: "Of course, I didn't think that you were Shen Ruixia. I just suddenly thought that you have the ability to transfer souls. To some extent, as long as the soul is still alive, you are not dead. Because you can continue to reinvent the body. If that is the case, then the inference goes on, the real you are probably a monster that has lived for a few years."

"After discovering this, I thought of one thing, that is, the so-called soul is actually the embodiment of human will and character. No matter how many bodies a person changes, as long as the soul has not changed, then the body is just a clothes-like body, its The behavior still reflects the soul's own will, and the character is difficult to change! In this respect, if there is such a person who has been living by changing the body for thousands of years, then this person will not only become more and more Powerful, and will definitely leave a distinctive, unique representation in history!"

"White girl!" Gentlely screaming out.

"White woman!" everyone shouted.

There is no more legend in the **** city than the white woman.

For thousands of years, the legend of white women has always existed. Today's white girls, but inheriting this legend, never created the mainstream of history.

Perhaps some female adventurer adventurers participated in the creation of this legend, but before that, God knows how many white women are Shen Ruixia himself. Ankanshu

It is her usual behavior that created this legend.

"It’s a coincidence... I know who is the pioneer of the white woman." Shen Yan looked at the old man.

Shenshan sighed for the third time: "Then you guessed it."

"You have to add are surnamed Shen, and you are an ancient one! The ancient Chinese people can throw anything, that is, the last name can not be thrown, plus what mysterious virus, put it together, can also guess eight / Nine is not separated from ten."

Shenshan nodded: "Yes, I am Shen Ruixia!"

When he said this, the whole body was soaring and his eyes shot two sharp rays. The old man’s body suddenly straightened up. Behind him, a white ghost appeared, not showing a little face, but it was The clothes are dancing and fluttering, and it is the legendary white female figure.

"God!" The middle-aged woman behind Shenshan suddenly slammed her mouth back a few steps.

She looked at the shadow of Shenshan's head and dared to shake her head again and again, screaming: "Woman! Your true spirit is actually a woman! Shenshan, you lied to us, no wonder you never love me, you **** **** You lied to my feelings!"

Even if they are members of the Supreme Council, they never know the true face of Shenshan until the moment they are squandered.

"Shut up!" The white spirit really screamed: "Natasha, you have been stunned by love. Have you forgotten what we have been pursuing? For the sake of dreams, we spare no effort at this time. And what are you doing with these boring things?"

Next to another man, holding the excited Natasha: "He is right. The urgent task now is not to confuse him as a man or a woman. But... Shenshan, I am still used to calling you Shenshan, anyway. You have deceived us in this matter."

"That is my private matter, and has nothing to do with what we have been pursuing!" Shen Ruixia snorted.

Shen Xiao smiled: "If you have nothing to do, why bother to deceive?"

"What is your dream? Is it to make the Zerg to make human suffering?" A city guardian has asked: "Do you know how many people have we died in the past few years to fight the dominance?"

"Do you still ask?" Shen Yansheng: "Look at the virtues of their presentity. They should not understand that they are not really old and undead. Although they can transfer their souls, the erosion of the years can not completely escape even the soul. It can only be delayed. The only way to survive for a long time is to gain stronger strength and achieve the true God!"

Realize the true God?

The crowd looked at the group of the Supreme Council together.

Kalif muttered: "Is it still a boring thing to make the true God? Once we were fighting against the master who tried to become God. I didn't expect to lead us to overthrow the existence of the old rule, but to succeed the master and start the dream of becoming a god. ""

Ye Dongsheng also said: "So you have traded with the last ruler? You transferred the soul of the ruler so that it continues to live as a Zerg, and you also get the benefits from system control and take over from it. Do the lords continue their unfinished work?"

Meryl also said: "Not only that, through the existence of war, you also have reason to continue to rule the world, let us sell for you."

Cliff interface: "Of course, the transaction is not perfect, and the master has some important knowledge about the system, so that you can not fully control the system."

Hua Tianrui interface: "Maybe it is not imperfect, but they were dominated by custody, but they were eventually managed to escape. So they are both trading partners and enemies."

Gentle snoring: "Rain the tiger."

Everyone, you say a word, I have to dig into the background behind the Twilight War.

Shen Ruixia has sighed: "Not all right, but it is not much different. At the beginning we did control the ruler, but the original purpose was not for the control of the system, but for the way they are united."

Spirituality is one!

This is exactly what the Quérez people originally pursued.

Those with strong spiritual strength, because they do not have the corresponding body strength, the initial plan is to achieve further evolution by acquiring the Zerg body. For this reason, the Quares people's research on the integration of spirits and meat is quite outstanding.

Shen Ruixia has said leisurely: "Soul transfer is a very dangerous way. Every time the soul transfer is actually the consumption of soul power, which is the consumption that the system can't make up. And the most important thing is that the long years In the end, constantly changing the body has already made us tired and tired. Just like the prodigal son always wants to have a home, in fact, we also hope to stay in one body for a long time. Even if that body grows old, It’s better than drifting. So at first, we just want to make our own spirits and ones, and my soul transfer is actually a by-product of the combination of spirit and meat... Unlike you, I have the soul transfer first, then Method."

"The kind of virus that kills you?" Shen asked.

Shen Ruixia nodded, her eyes showed the color of memories: "After the death of Green, I drifted around alone, until finally, I went back to the green child and waited for death... Even before I died, I did not find the soul reincarnation. The way, I didn’t even think about reincarnation. My son is dead, and I just want to die with him. But I don’t know why, shortly after I closed, I found that I was resurrected... rebirth On another person."

"In order to find the answer, I began to study all of this."

"Until later, I discovered that the virus is the root cause of my reincarnation. The Quares people have been studying the combination of spirit and flesh. The unsound system has produced a lot of loopholes, and has formed various problems, even The self-generating virus. The soul transfer is the reverse virus of the combination of spirit and flesh. Although the master quickly found the problem, completed the system and eliminated the virus in the adventurer's body. But since I had escaped from the control, I did not I got rid of it. The virus grows in my body, separating people's flesh and blood. Most people die because they can't bear this process, but some people can afford it..."

"Then you become the first BUG in this world." Shen Shendao.

"Yes, I am alive. Since God gave me a chance, I will hold it. I have been studying it since then."

"Then you create a true way of reincarnation and keep yourself alive in the city, even the Quares can't catch you."

"Yes. Since then, I have been committed to fighting the war of urban domination. The rebellion of the Second Age was provoked by me. The great rebellion of the Third Age did not have me. At that time, I was being ruled everywhere. But without me, they can't make such a big scene. The Quaternary rebellion is also dominated by me. For thousands of years, I have never stopped fighting against the ruler!"

A woman, through constant soul transfer, swam in the city, constantly dominated the battle, continued for a full five eras, a total of four times of super-large-scale rebellion, at least twice led by her, but I do not know how many times The scale of the rebellion was related to her, so that everyone was shocked at this moment.

Anyway, this is an amazing woman!

"But after the Quaternary victory, you replaced the ruler, took charge of the city, indulged the rule, and allowed the war to continue! You became the one you have been resisting, and created countless kills!" An adventurer roared.

"Yes, how many people have this stinky woman killed us?" Countless adventurers and guardians screamed in anger.

"How many killings have you seen?" Shen Ruixia suddenly shouted, his voice constantly echoing and resounding through the heavens and the earth.

She glared at everyone, long voice: "For your adventurers, even the longest and most useless adventurer, in this **** city, is only spent three or five years. And I, my life Spend time in the killing. Do you know how many deceptions, betrayals and betrayments I have experienced? I find that the stronger people are, the more easily they are lost in power. They are indulged in power and killing everything."

"The more powerful, the more crazy!"

The people were silent at the same time.

This is an angry accusation from Shen Ruixia, but the adventurers have nothing to say.

Every adventurer, guardian, who is not full of blood, endless life?

They are all killing people!

Shen Ruixia continued:

"And that god, the **** of the Third Age, you have not seen him! His appearance... A wave of hands, killing countless lives! You can't imagine what a big horror! He killed the Zerg and killed The master, also killed a large number of humans. In his eyes, all life is an ant, all dust! From then on, I completely understand. God, is a mistake, it should not exist!"

"But the new **** is gestating."

"I know."

"The **** is not dead."

"He won't go!"

"He will always come back!"

"When he falls again, it is our last day."

"I am not for myself, I am fighting against her and destroying her!"

Shen Yan asked: "So you cooperate with Quares?"

"Yes, he gave up the city and taught us everything he knew, and we gave him the opportunity to survive." Shen Ruixia looked at everyone, coldly said: "We do trade with the master, but not for strength, but It is to stop the regeneration of the true God!"

"How to stop?" Shen Yan asked.

Shen Ruixia did not speak.

Shen Yu has laughed: "There is only one other **** who can stop a god, right?"

"Sure enough, this is the case." Hong Lang shot his forehead: "Your mother / forced, said that for a long time, I still want to make myself a god? Just find a good reason!"

"Yes, that's what it means." Shen Yan also laughed: "People are always good at finding reasons for themselves, aren't they? Think about it, a group of souls who have been exhausted and aging, after the successful rebellion, captive They are a master. They find that they are not separated from the city because they are in a space that cannot escape. After a negotiation, they find that as long as they let go of this rule, they can avoid the fate of letting themselves die. Even further, to achieve the true God, and even possibly leave here."

"So, the choices naturally arise, they trade with the ruler, let go of the dominance, gain power, control the system. After the rule of freedom, the Zerg continue to fight with them. The battle is real, because the ruler also wants to go back to the city. Resistance It is also true, because with the help of resistance, the city can not only block the dominant attack, but also further improve the system and enhance itself."

"The only thing they need to do for all of this is to find a reason for themselves. Stop the true God? This is a good reason, noble enough to even lie to them, let them think they did it for this purpose. Maybe in the beginning When they negotiated, they also had arguments and finally convinced themselves for this reason. Now they are trying to deceive you with this reason!"

"Humans don't need gods, but humans don't object to being gods... this is the most contradictory and interesting place."

Speaking of this, Shen Hao haha ​​smiled: "But unfortunately, after all, you have been on it, not only did not get all the system mastery, even the Shen Ruixia adults who are already close to the threshold of God, have been dominated and deceived. Go back. From the beginning, you are wrong. Going on your existing path, you will never be able to make the true God."

"It is true..." Shen Ruixia smiled bitterly: "Who can think that the soul is the only way to become a god. I used to be so close..."

"Now it has lost all of this. The combination of the flesh and the flesh is the idea of ​​the Quares people at the beginning. Perhaps their concept of God at that time was to be more energetic and more spiritual. Until the emergence of the true age of the Third Age. They realize how far the true God can be."

"Then the Quaternary rebellion broke out, just as you are eager to have a stable body, so he will pass on the spirits to you, and in turn will deceive the soul transfer from you... You have done the largest in human history. A loss-making deal. And when you finish the combination of spirit and meat, you lose the opportunity again, and you can't even change your body."

"The road to God, completely cut off!" Shen Yan sarcasm.

"Yes." Several members nodded together: "We later understood this and regretted it. It was too late. But we still study hard and hope that one day we can get rid of the shackles. I did not expect that you have already done it one step ahead... ...sinking, what can you do now?"

Shen Yan did not answer, he just raised his hand and there were several light spots in his palm.

This light spot fell in the void, and even the generation of Michelle, Frost and other dead soldiers.

"Tina!" Seeing the resurrection of her own woman, King Kong quickly rushed over, hugged her, looked up and down, as if to confirm what it was, made Tina dare.

Shen Yu has laughed: "Don't worry, I promise that they are all genuine."

"This... how is this possible?" The adventurer's guardians are all dead.

If you can understand before you sink your hands and kill the master, this free resurrection will exceed the problem that power can solve.

Shen Wei did not answer, Shen Ruixia has said: "The power of the space source is directly resurrected, even the system can't do it... you really have become a god!"

Shen Yan shook his head: "No, your understanding of the true God is too shallow, the power to master the source of space is only the beginning, and the road after it is still long."

"But you will always come."

"The problem is that I don't plan to go any further." Shen Xiaoxiao replied: "The road to becoming a **** is also a way out of human nature. In order to pursue strength, I have also lost. I even gave up my most important thing. If I fail to arrive in time, collect the soul, or have insufficient ability to resurrect, those who die will really die. When I travel around the world, I feel that life is more important than strength. I understand the cruelty of divinity, just like human ants, seeing everything as dust. I don't want to go that step, so I decided to stop here."

"I understand how to stop, you, very good!" Shen Ruixia is nodding to appreciate.

"But you didn't do it." Shen said: "In the long-term rule, you are lost."

This time, everyone did not refute Shen Yu.

That's right, maybe their initial motivation is really good.

But in the days of the years, they gradually lost their grasp of power.

The desire to replace the public heart, the slogan in the form...

A member of parliament finally bitterly said: "The long years are enough for any hero to enter the Jubilee Year. His ambition is low, and he will survive forever. Some things, without that step, you will not understand."

“No!” Shen Ruixia suddenly said: “We really want to be gods, but I am a god, but not to live.”

what? The few Members were at the same time.

"You want to raise your son, right?" Shen Yan asked: "Maybe some people want to live forever, some people want to go back to Earth, and you, what you want is to make true God, reverse time and space, find the lost soul fragments of your son." And then resurrect it. But that approach is too costly, and it is very likely that the whole universe will come from the beginning... So, you have concealed from your partner the fact that you are a woman, but what you are hiding is not identity. It's your real purpose."

All the members looked at Shen Ruixia together, and some people muttered: "...bastard!"

Shen Ruixia was shocked: "How do you know?"

Shen Yan looked at each other sympathetically: "Because I have had the same thoughts as you ~ But I finally know that it is wrong to do that."

Shen Ruixia smiled: "Well, very good, I really didn't expect that these partners around me have been with me for so many years, and I didn't even know you."

“Polite, people, sometimes the more familiar you are, the less you know.”

"But no matter what... you are already on the road to becoming a god! Maybe you are not lying, you don't want to go any further. But how do you know that you are not like us, just a temporary excuse to deceive yourself?"

Sinking nodded: "Yes, I may be like you, just self-deception."

"So, this time I will not deceive myself any more." Shen Ruixia’s murderous eyes rose: "Let us really perform once, we have vowed."

"Sink, you must die!"

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