Infinity Armament

Vol 20 Chapter 82: Field of god

In the whistling whisper, Jin Guangzhen now, countless golden chains appearing from the Milky Way, actually filled the whole universe, engraved with strange runes that no one can understand, sparkling with blazing light.

"The power of the rules! This is the rule field!" Cliff, Hua Tianrui, and Ye Dongsheng Kalif and other hunters of adventurers shouted at the same time.

It is the rule field!

However, compared to Ye Dongsheng Shimak's rule field, the field in front of him is much larger.

The golden chain that appears in the sky is the rule chain that represents the existence of each rule. The whole river is under the control of this regular chain, which means that the field directly involves the entire Galaxy universe. Everything around is under control.

Mastering the highest council of the system, it has the highest level of rule control!

Even Shen Yan’s face is slightly sloppy, and he whispered: “It’s dominated by the outside world, the parliamentary city is in power... In this world, where the system is in control, the Supreme Council is invincible, let alone a simulated world, that is, the whole All the worlds of the city are under control. At the beginning you can defeat the masters, and ultimately rely on the sudden counterattack of the extraterritorial war, and the master can’t come in, relying on this system, as long as it is fighting here, how many adventurers and bugs Not enough to fill it?"

"When you know it, let's die!" Shen Ruixia pointed at the front: "The law, hehe!"

As she screamed, the endless gold chain was locked at the same time, as if there were thousands of locks in the sky.

At the same time, the other six members of the Supreme Council also shot against each other.

"The law, seal!"

"The law, lock the sky!"

"The law, obliterate!"

"The law, slaughter!"

"The law, shocked!"

"The rule, curse!"

Although he was dissatisfied with Shen Ruixia's concealment, the seven members of the Supreme Council were united, and this time they still regarded Shen Shen as the first enemy.

One after another, the rule chain is mad and indulgent, each of which represents the top force of the world, as if all the skills possessed by the **** city at that moment have come together and overwhelmed.

These rules and chains act on any target adventurer, and they can kill countless times. However, when they fly to the sinking, they are like a catkin, and no chain can get close to him.

Look carefully, you will find that Shen Shen does not know when to extend out of numerous fine silk threads, rooted in endless voids, and in the sinking body there is a large starlight, blocking those regular chains hard outside.

"This is..." Shen Ruixia whispered.

"The field of God." Shen Yu replied: "I call it that."

He gently raised his hand, and the starlight began to expand. As the starlight expanded, the regular chain was forced to retreat back.

The next moment, Shen Yu has formed a space around him.

This space seems to be self-contained, with endless flowers growing, and grass and worms are free to play.

Sinking just muttered: "My world, do not welcome foreign enemies."

Therefore, the silver light in the space, numerous silver chains have sealed the entire space, and collided with the golden chain, which formed a stalemate.

"The field of God, self-contained, living in abundance..." The six people in the Supreme Council looked at this scene and watched the enthusiasm.

That is the power they are tirelessly pursuing, but they finally let Shen Shen master it.

Only Shen Ruixia drank: "What about the realm of God? Although you have become a god, your power is still limited!"

As she waved her hand, more golden chains rushed in, and they came in.

The gold chain flutters in the sky, and it continues to fall in that space. It is absorbed by the space, dissolved, and then more chains fly to it. It looks like an internal competition!

Yes, by the way they are, there is no possibility of another fight.

There is no clever fighting style, there is no such thing as a lot of skill, only the direct hedging between space energy, so that there is a lack of attention.

However, with the mad dance of the golden chain, the face of the sinking is getting more and more dignified.

He suddenly shouted: "You are still standing here stupidly doing something? Hurry and retreat! The aftermath of this attack is to destroy the star!"

The rest of the waves are star-killing?

The words shocked everyone, and everyone rushed to the battleship. (Please use our Pinyin domain name to visit us.)

Only gentle and reluctant, she shouted: "Sink, you can deal with them, right?"

"Of course, I am God." Shen Yan smiled softly.

Shen Ruixia laughed wildly: "I admit that the field of Shen Shen is very strong, but do you really think you can win? Or do you forget the existence of the system?"

What is the meaning of the system?

Stay gentle.

"The existence of the system is not the auxiliary tool that the Quérez people want to use to harness the power of space." King Kong suddenly said.

"What do you mean by this?" Gentle and stunned.

"The meaning is that Shen Yu can directly grasp the source of space, but the system can also." Zhou Yi Yu long interface, he drove the battleship, but the screen is still firmly locked in the distant battle, the rule chain and the collision of the gods have been It began to produce energy fluctuations, and gradually formed an energy tide, sweeping toward the four sides.

The gentle face changed immediately.

She is not an idiot, of course, understand what this means, but she did not want to think about it before.

Shen can use the space source, the system can also!

This is like a person who wants to fly to the sky, but without that ability, he can only invent the aircraft. This aircraft is the product of the system, and people use the tools to achieve the purpose of flight.

The indulgence that directly absorbs the power of space is equivalent to flying directly, eliminating the need for tools.

This is the biggest difference between sinking and the system!

But this does not mean that you can fly faster than the plane!

It does not mean that he can hit the plane!

He is just more convenient, faster, easier to use, and more casual than waiting for a late flight in the hospitality hall...

But really want to fight, a fighter can easily kill a flying man.

This is where the Supreme Council is not afraid of the other party’s daring to fight.

Of course, if Shen Yu further enhances his strength and achieves the true God, the system is **** in front of his eyes.

But he didn't.

No matter whether it is time or willingness to limit, he has not further improved.

Now he is also able to withstand attacks from system rules, but his energy is limited. With this lack of energy, the last fate waiting for him is dying.

Simple, direct, there will be no change, strength to them, any so-called tactics are meaningless.

Want to understand this, gentle and pale face: "No, no! Shen is not out to die! He must have a way!"

"But no matter what the way, we are better off farther away!" Zhou Yiyu accelerated the retreat, the energy wave in the distance has become stronger and stronger. From here, the battle scene is no longer visible. Only the golden light in the sky Shining, as if the asteroids exploded, the blaze of horror.

However, Shen Yu can still be seen.

He stands there, no matter how far you fly, it won't get smaller in your field of vision.

He can even smile at the battleship here, just want to tell everyone, peace of mind, I will not have anything.

Looking at the smile, gentleness then let go of my heart.

This smile, not only she saw, all the adventurers who left were all seen.

"What a hell, what is he so confident?" Cliff muttered.

"By you." A voice suddenly sounded in everyone's ears.

"Who? Who is talking?" All the adventurers were shocked.

Then they saw a figure fluttering in white, and it was the white girl.

At that moment, she seemed to be incarnate and appeared in the hearts of everyone.

"Is it you?" Hua Tianrui's gaze shrinks: "Are you finally coming to join in the fun?"

This is the world of the system, the world with the strongest strength of the highest parliament, and even the white women have not dared to enter.

Today, she finally appeared.

In contrast, gentleness is a direct question: "You said we can help him?"

“Yes.” The girl replied, at that moment she answered the questions of each adventurer or guardian at the same time, but the content was the same: “The system is like a super complex machine that absorbs and transforms energy to form human needs. The various abilities, the laws are software, command the specific implementation of the machine. But as long as it is a machine, it must follow its laws."

"What law?" Everyone asked.

"Power, consumption, people need to consume, machines also, and more direct than people. People can eat without a meal, but the machine is stopped without oil. The highest parliament's attack on sinking is equivalent to all the centralized systems. Energy goes to battle. But the total energy distribution of the system is still limited. It has to work in countless worlds every day, to keep the world running, and even to maintain those abilities of you... even though those abilities are already yours. Self, but the system still needs to conduct evaluation and data analysis, and those that are not fully mastered will even extract system power directly."

Gentle and clear: "You mean that if we use skills here, we can increase the consumption of the system?"

"Yes, this was just normal consumption. But now they are concentrating all the energy attacks. If you use the same ability at this time, it will put an extra burden on the system, just like a traffic jam. Of course, do this. It will also make you the pinnacle of the Supreme Council."

"What are you waiting for?" Hung Lang has been laughing came against Zhou Yiyu crooked his finger: "Come on, you and I play a game, to be honest I had wanted to hit you."

"You don't come here, I don't play with you, the fat guys play." Zhou Yiyu is already a punch at the fat man.

Gentleness is nothing to say, flying directly to King Kong and Honglang.

At the same time, on the various battleships, the adventurers have also become a group.

The words of the white girls are actually equivalent to letting them stand between Shen Yu and the Supreme Council.

If you choose to help Shen, then once they fall into disappointment, they certainly have not finished.

But if you give up, once you win it?

"This bastard..." Cliff muttered. "He must be deliberate. He deliberately tested us!"

"But I have to make a choice, isn't it?"

"Yeah..." Cliff sighed. "Do you know? If I hit this punch, the fifth-century rebellion would officially begin."

Eva smiled and said: "Then I don't care, I don't want to hit me anyway."

"Good!" Cliff answered, then he shouted at the communicator: "Ashuro, I want to challenge you!"

"No interest." Ashura replied.

"Well?" Cliff stayed. Did Ashura, who has always been killed, not want to fight?

Ashura said: "I am going to pick up those who don't want to help, and if they don't fight back, they will die!"

"..." Cliff stayed, then laughed: "It turns out that your mother is not a fool! Good, Eva, take us to the guys who don't do it, kill him!"

The figure flashed, and Cliff had already rushed into the warships of other adventurers with the infernal sects and fought.

"The fifth era of great rebellion... began." Hua Tianrui sighed.

"What about us?" Variety enchantress asked: "Is it a hands-on or a hands-free?"

"Still consciously." Hua Tianrui punched the enchantress's lower abdomen and smiled back: "This time I am going to marry you!"

A melee broke out.

Seeing this scene, the image of the white girl disappeared and turned away.

"Where are you going? Are you not going to help sink?" Gentle screaming.

"Humans can't beat the machine, but they can tear down the machine... I am going to break the electricity of the system." The girl replied that the man had drifted toward the system star.


"Bastard!" suddenly found that the power of the rules weakened, Shen Ruixia and others immediately knew what happened.

These guys actually started to help the system to consume power!

This is a rebellion!

"The Fifth Age rebellion? You have premeditated?" Shen Ruixia glared at Shen.

"Every existence has its meaning, no matter how big it is, and give full play to it. Compared to you, my approach is already very scholastic. Believe me, this will be the least rebellion in the history of the dead, except you seven No, no one else will die."

"You are dreaming!" Shen Ruixia roared: "This level of consumption is useless to us!"

The splendid gold chain descends from the sky, hitting the field of Shen Shen's gods, oscillating large and large shock waves, like the energy tide, roaring the world, the whole starry sky is under intense turmoil.

"Yes, but you have forgotten to return a person... a person who has inherited your legend." Shen Xiao laughed.

"What?" Shen Ruixia's eyes, a white figure swayed, she angered: "You even colluded with her!"

"She has her needs, I have mine, isn't the union normal?"

"Do you know that let her get out of the rules?"

"Don't I also leave?" Shen Yan interrupted: "To fight against a god, you must create another god. You are not doing this? So, your mission, let me take over. I Will help you... watch her!"

"You can't know the system's life!" A member of Parliament has shouted.

Shen Yan shook his head: "I have read a lot of books recently."

With the indulgence of speech, the rules of the chain, the glory of light, the energy has begun to fly rapidly.

On the tower of the sky, the white clothes fluttered, and even the regular chain began to appear white.

Then there was a sudden break of the golden chains, and the pressure on the field of the sinking gods was greatly reduced.

Compared to the adventures of the adventurers, the invasion of white women is truly deadly. Let the adventurers step in, in the end, it is Shen Yan who does not want to be too lonely in this rebellion!

"No..." Shen Ruixia screamed.

At that moment she finally realized that this war was a doomed ending from the beginning.

No one can fight against the two gods at the same time!

"Something all the power!" Shen Ruixia shouted, seven people in one, the body released a large brilliance to the golden chain, the golden chain that fluttered in the sky reappeared, layered and stacked.

That is, they really use their own power to fight.

However, Shen Yan just shook his head.

He says:

"do you know?"

"As a space for thinking to create material, only the soul consciousness can truly accept the space and master the source of space. But how to master it, but there are different methods. Once I thought that the so-called mastery is swallowing. But then I discovered that I was wrong... ...the better way is to be integrated."

Speaking of his hand slightly raised, the silk thread on the body became brighter and denser, and the target was to point directly to the fallen star below.

Shen Yu still said: "From this point of view, the Queres people's spirits are not wrong. But their thinking is too narrow, only to create a strong flesh / body, but did not think that this world itself is The body, yes, the so-called integration, is to melt into the world, I am the space. This space is my body, and I, is the spirit of this space. Rules? That is just the bacteria that invade my body, expel !"

"You can't do it..."

"Of course, I still can't integrate into the entire urban space, but it is enough to integrate this!"

Sinking and smiling, pointing down to the next The star of the fall has slammed up to the top, and at the same time, the body shape has disappeared and disappeared in place. Instead, the star of the fall suddenly changed. The whole planet has become a human form, and it is a sinking!

"Hey!" The giant made a terrible roar, piercing the entire world of the Galaxy, and letting all the adventurers smell it, and the sight they saw at the moment made them immortal.

A giant giant such as a giant planet stands in the Milky Way, and is even growing further. Under its dazzling brilliance, even the sun and the moon will disappear.

The giant arms are high, and the arrogant smashing of the heavens and the earth is hitting the golden chain, and the regular chains that have been hit are also broken.

"God!" All of them are stunned.

Hong Lang even used his arm to smash Zhou Yiyu: "You are no longer the biggest."


The giant hand tears the sky, when it is taken!

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