Infinity Armament

Vol 5 Chapter 55: Split (five)

Above the wilderness, the sinking face is gloomy.

The news is very shocking.

According to Zhou Yiyu, he received news from the stabbing team Xie Rongjun just after entering the world of Terminator 2018. Zhou Yiyu did not know how the other party sent the message to his own hand, but from the content of the news, it is clear that Xie Rongjun’s message was sent to the entire slum, except for Shen Yu and his team members, all the adventures. The people have received this message.

From the time point of view, Xie Rongjun is very clear about the time when Shen Yu entered the mission world. He calculated the time and waited for the news to be sent out after he entered, so that there is no need to worry that their friends would inform the incident.

And those adventurers who are in the 2018 world of Terminator have long known that there is an adventurer in the mission world called Shen Wei. He and his team offended the most powerful team in the current district.

Now, they are wanted - in a very special way to demonstrate their strength.

It must be said that Xie Rongjun’s approach is more direct, more effective, and more discouraged than Shen’s entrustment to Ali’s practice of collecting information.

Being able to send messages to every adventurer in the mission world, but the target team itself does not know, this is not something anyone can do.

Compared with the adventurers in the slums, it is like a high school student dealing with primary school students. Maybe Shen Shen is a genius jump student, but he is limited by his own strength. In terms of the atmosphere and strength of the shot, compared with Xie Rongjun. Still a bad one.

The next thing, therefore, became logical.

After the death of Jing Twelve and two people, they deliberately ridiculed and sneered. The purpose was to see the strength of Shen Yu. The insulting counterattack made the Beijing Twelve Faces dull, and the original purpose of stealing information materials directly rose to the idea of ​​killing each other in exchange for more benefits. The monk did not plan to sell, but just wanted to sell the information about them to Shen Shen, so the name always appeared red.

This explains why when he was on the mothership, Shen Yigang saw Zhou Yiyu being attacked by him. When he later fled to the control room, there were so many Terminators blocking the way all the way - he was deliberate.

As for the later battle of the mothership, Zhou Yiyu deliberately stayed and waited for the sinking, and most of the same.

It is a pity that he did not think that Shen Yu had already seen Zhou Yiyu having problems, so he twice rejected Zhou Yiyu’s application for enrollment.

At this moment, I looked at each other: "You have read all of my information and signed the agreement confidentially. If you disclose my information to Xie Rongjun, the consequences of violating the agreement are to be erased by the city. Tell me how do you solve this problem? problem?"

"You don't need to solve it." Zhou Yiyu replied: "Xie Rongjun has a special prop in his hand that can be used to break the agreement. He suggests that any adventurer who sees you, if you are not sure to kill, will try to deal with you as much as possible. Friends, picking up your details from you, even if you sign an agreement, it doesn't matter. He has a special prop that can undermine the low-level agreement, but it is not valid for the high-level agreement, but the signing of the high-level agreement needs to consume blood, usually few people I did. I guess the way he sent us information was to use similar special items. He had been to the wilderness twice, and there could not be some unique gadgets in his hand."

Can you break the props of the agreement?

Shen Yan was very surprised to see Zhou Yiyu.

He suddenly realized that there is nothing in the **** city or that the system is eternal. If you are superstitious about some rules, then you are likely to encounter terrible attacks by such rule destroyers...

Thinking for a moment, sulking and swearing: "If the rules of a **** city can be broken by the things it produces, then there can be props to break the agreement, and it should also allow the adventurers to kill each other in the city. Don't allow props to move the rules of the army..."

Zhou Yiyu showed a bitter smile on his face: "I have thought about this question. I don't know what the answer is. If you can live through the pursuit of Xie Rongjun, go all the way, maybe you can find such props... Maybe, still There are props that can get us out of this city. If there is such a thing, then it should be there..."

"Tongtian Santa." Shen Yan cold and ice spit out these four words.

Zhou Yiyu’s eyes were awkward.

Both of them realized this at the same time: the **** city may have encouraged everyone to break the rules it set from the beginning.

At this moment, Zhou Yiyu looked at the sky and muttered: "I really hope that I can go that step... Unfortunately..."

Shen Yu did not speak, just watching Zhou Yiyu not moving.

They had the opportunity to be good friends.

However, because of a paper notice by Xie Rongjun, the whole thing was changed.

Looking at Shen Yu, Zhou Yiyu smiled:

"Sink, you can't believe me, but there is a sentence, I still have to say."


"In the beginning, I did not have a picture for you. I want to kill you, use your head to change a lot of blood to Xie Rongjun. But then I changed this idea. I feel more and more that you are a good person. Maybe I really can be friends with you..."

"But you have not taken any substantive action. Do you know that I have been waiting for you to tell me about these things?"

"I am sorry, because I hesitated. We have been fighting side by side for more than a day. There have been several times. I want to tell you about Xie Rongjun’s all-nighter, but I always feel that it is too stupid to give up a chance to make money. I am not a cold-blooded person, but also a friend, but I also want to see what kind of friend is right? The time we know is too short... You also know that to survive in this **** city, the health is comfortable and the money is The most important key. On the earth, money does not determine life and death, people have been born and died for it. Here, money determines life and death, people must be crazy about it, obsessed with it. Bloody point is the only meaningful existence in the world. Anyone will not be noble to say the stupidity of money like dirt, because it means looking for death, so I have been very contradictory... I like you friend, I want to be friends with you! Be a partner! But I still don't Really understand you! The friendship between us is not enough to let me give up those **** points! But I know that if we can continue to cooperate, maybe I will put Behavior made against you. But I do not know it occurs within the next day, still need more time ...... "

"That is, you may betray me when you and I complete the mission, or not."

"Yes...may or may not. Don't ask me the answer, because I don't know it myself. I didn't tell you because I need to give myself time to think, but not to harm you." Zhou Yiyu's face was helpless. wry smile.

Shen Hao nodded: "Very good, you finally said the truth."

Shen Yu knows that Zhou Yiyu did not lie in this matter, because in Zhou Yiyu's subsequent performance, he did not have any intentions against him. From his every harvest to crystallization, he took the initiative to hand it over to himself. At that time, he must have never thought about killing himself.

But he also did not tell the truth.

From this aspect, Zhou Yiyu is not a determined person. He is easy to shake, his temperament is erratic, his feelings and reason are in conflict, his IQ is not low, and his emotional intelligence is not high. Between feelings and reason, swinging before friends and interests, and always making up your mind...

After saying this, Zhou Yiyu suddenly threw the Vulcan cannon and said to Shen Yu: "Do it."

"Don't you plan to play well with me?"

"I can't beat you anyway. You don't know, there is no car, I don't have anything." When Zhou Yiyu said this, his heart was boundless.

The sinking spirit gun pointed at his head, and the bullet had been switched to the most powerful armor-piercing projectile. The distance between the muzzle and Zhou Yiyu’s head was even less than ten centimeters. He was able to escape from Zhou Yiyu’s current shooting. At least ten armor-piercing rounds were thrown into his head.

Even if Xie Rongjun is in the current situation, he does not dare to say that he must win, let alone Zhou Yiyu.

However, at that time, Shen Yan smiled.

The spirit gun disappeared and he said, "Let's go."

"What are you talking about?" Zhou Yiyu stunned.

"I said that you are now **** and giving me away immediately!"

Zhou Yiyu looked at Shen Yu, and suddenly he pressed a few times on his coat of arms.

The **** coat of arms of the indulgent reminder that the arrears agreement was lifted.

After a sigh of relief, Zhou Yiyu stepped back a few steps: "You no longer owe me anything."

He turned his head and flew away.


after an hour.

King Kong they are back.


King Kong jumped on the off-road vehicle and said to Shen Shen: "I couldn't catch him. The guy is too slippery. All the skills are life-saving skills."

King Kong’s tone is full of sorrow. After all, in his view, the escape of the monk means that part of his strength is exposed.

However, Shen Shen was very calm and did not care. "Run and run, and I don't care to run him anyway."

Sinking this way for everyone to see.

Hong Lang looked around and did not see Zhou Yiyu, or his body.

"What about the kid? He also ran?"


"You let him go?" King Kong was a little surprised: "This is not like your style."

Shen Yan spread the stall: "Occasionally I will be very kind."

Hong Lang pulled out a cigar point: "No wonder you turned off the team channel. You don't want us to obstruct you to make a decision? Don't blame me for not reminding you, let the kid, and endless trouble, he knows our bottoms. The number of comparable monks will be even greater."

"Are you blaming me?" Shen asked.

Honglang touched his head and replied: "There have been so many things, I have already learned to trust my captain. Since you have not missed it before, I believe that you will not be wrong this time. Of course, if you are only being Zhou Yiyu last Those few words will give me a soft heart, I suggest you commit suicide early."

Sinking and laughing, I laughed.

He smiled very loudly, with a heartfelt pleasure.

Gentlely hit the sink with a shoulder: "Is it necessary to be so happy with this guy's flattering?"

Shen Yan said with a meaningful meaning: "Of course it is necessary to know that a strong team, first of all, should be a team that trusts each other. I think, we finally did this step. From now on, between the 641 teams There will be no more suspicions, and only cooperation will work together to overcome difficulties."

"What about Xie Rongjun?" asked King Kong.

Shen Yan took out the air from his nose: "He is not qualified enough to stop!"

This domineering discourse makes King Kong Honglang and others at the same time.

"It seems that you are sure that Zhou Yiyu will not betray us?" Gentle smile.

This question should have been a very simple answer.

But at that moment, the face of Shen Yan showed a very strange expression.

He replied: "No, I don't know, because it doesn't matter to me whether he will do that."

"what did you say?"

Hong Lang and others screamed.

Shen Yan smiled slightly: "Don't be surprised, I naturally have my reason to do this. I know that you can't figure out why this is But before I give you the answer, I hope you first think about it yourself. I think why I want to do this."

Gentle people and others look at each other, one by one, thinking hard, but they can't understand.

For a while, Hong Lang shook his head and said: "I only know that if the stabbing team knows the strength of our strength, it will be very unfavorable to us. I can't think of any benefit."

Sinking and dissatisfiedly shaking his head: "OK, in this case, I will remind you of a few things. First: this news spying is an important confrontation between us and the stabbing team. From the psychological point of view, Anyone who has successfully obtained the other's information will have a greater initiative. But for this reason, it is easy for each other to ignore one thing. That is, intelligence is always intelligence, and cannot be replaced by combat power. In war, intelligence The collection is a very important job, but it is by no means the only condition of victory, not even the most important one."

"Second: If the person who lost the information knows that his intelligence has been leaked, then the value of the information that is usually leaked will be greatly reduced. Only the information lost in the unknown is the real, most valuable information! It is also the most deadly message!"

"Third, intelligence is always time-sensitive. This is an adventurer who is progressing and a strong world all the time. Everyone's strength is progressing rapidly, sometimes far beyond everyone's imagination. Our cards today are here. Tomorrow may be just a good old card. So intelligence is not necessarily intelligence, it is more likely to be a trap."

"Finally, remind you of one thing. Don't just look at the information, you must learn to look at the whole situation. The real threat of this incident is actually not a leak about our information. Give you some time, think about it, If you have an answer, tell me, now bury the dead person first."

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