Infinity Armament

Vol 5 Chapter 56: Counterattack (1)

On the desolate land of Los Angeles, two more graves were added.

That belongs to Beijing 12 and Rüder.

Although the two men have tried to be disadvantageous to themselves, they still let them die, even if this destination seems so far away.

They replaced the incense with smoke and inserted them in the grave of the two.

Not far from standing with Kellys, he could not understand the behavior of these adventurers - they fought side by side and killed each other, and then they died of foxes.

At the same time, he can't understand Marcus - why a good person will suddenly become a machine.

The sinking hand was inserted in the pocket of the trousers, and the windbreaker hunted under the strong wind. His eyes were slightly stunned and seemed to be waiting for something.

King Kong stood beside Shen Shen and looked at the two graves. He whispered aloud: "It's a pity."

It is a pity.

The two adventurers died, Zhou Yiyu and the monk left, making the adventurer's team's strength drop, and the next round of chasing, if there is no accident, they will only have to escape.

"Do you know what I think?" Hong Lang suddenly said: "Maybe they didn't really die, maybe they just returned to the once-world, were eliminated from memory and ability, and then continued to live like ordinary people. Maybe Death is not a real death, but a relief."

Gentle and somewhat surprised to see Hong Lang: "When did you become so philosophical?"

Honglang shrugged: "It's just a kind of self-satisfaction for those who are afraid of failure and death. If one day, I am going to die, then at least I can use this reason to comfort myself before dying, telling myself not to be afraid, this is just A game, now the game is over, I can finally go home."

Shen Yu said: "You are suggesting me, if one day I leave the **** city and return to the earth, will I find that I am just a rotten corpse in the loess?"

Everyone laughed haha.

The laughter dilutes the haze, making everyone feel better because of the bad feelings of the damage and the leakage of intelligence.

After laughing, Shen Yan looked at everyone: "Who knows why I want Zhou Yiyu to leave?"

King Kong shook his head: "I still can't figure it out. I only know that the contest between us and the stabbing team is like a hand. Once a card is seen by the other party, it will be passive. Even if we are later There are new cards that can't replace the parts that have already been exposed... the better the cards, the better, isn't it?"

Shen Xiao smiled: "If it is two people playing, of course, the card in the hand should be as tight as possible. It is best not to be seen by the other party, but also to go to see each other's cards. Under such circumstances, one party will expose most of its cards. It is indeed a big problem. Unfortunately, this is not a two-person matchup, but a multiplayer battle. The biggest mistake you make is that you mistakenly believe that no one else betrayed us. The strength will not be exposed, but you have forgotten one thing."


Shen Yan sighed: "I remember telling you that Xie Rongjun also has reconnaissance skills."

When this was said, everyone was suddenly stunned.

That's right.

In the **** city, Shen Yan told Xie Rongjun about his brother's death. He used spiritual exploration on Xie Rongjun, but the result was that Xie Rongjun broke his own city number. This fully shows that Xie Rongjun also has the ability to explore the class, you can see the part of the other party.

The problem is coming out.

Since Xie Rongjun has the ability to explore, why should he be so expensive, and he has to pay attention to their data at all costs?

It is necessary to know that Shen Shen did this because his mental exploration skills were blocked by the stabbing team, which made it impossible to investigate other people. The 641 team may not have the ability to seal the other party's ability to explore, and the stabbing team does not have to pay such a high price.

But he still did this, and his shots were more generous than Shen Shen, and his momentum was much louder.

Looking at everyone's horrified face, Shen Shen said after a moment of indulgence: "In fact, there is no news from the bottom of the world that is strictly impenetrable. Even without the exploration skills of Xie Rongjun, we have been in the previous two missions, and other The adventurers have cooperated. As long as Xie Rongjun has the heart, he will always find some news. Therefore, the purpose of Xie Rongjun’s purpose, the purpose, or the biggest purpose is not to collect information."

"What is it for?" King Kong hurriedly asked.

There was a hint of helplessness in the eyes of Shen Yan: "What else can you do? Look at what happened just now, don't you understand? That is what Xie Rongjun hopes... He is actually enemies for us everywhere!"

Xie Rongjun’s reward order, on the surface, seems to be only a way to get the 641 squad data, but there is another hidden murder.

That is, he is using this means to turn all the slum adventurers into enemies.

I believe that any adventurer will not mind selling the news after he receives a reward order. And to indulge in the secrets of their own strength, it is necessary to open the killing, such as Beijing 12 and so on.

The impact of this on Shen is actually very big. After all, what he is best at is to use others.

In the previous mission, he used more than one means to make other adventurers his allies, his tools, even his cannon fodder, his cash machine... Shen Shen is good at borrowing power, never easy Enmity in a **** city.

However, the practice of Xie Rongjun has made this specialization of Shen Yu into nothing, making him a step in the **** urban environment.

This is good for both parties to play cards. One of them publicly released the declaration. Who told me what cards were in the other hand, I will give him a sum of money. So a group of guys watching the battle have joined in the fun, and they have to peek at your cards. If you are angry, yelled, or even beaten, you will find yourself in a situation of embattled.

At that time, you are not only facing opponents in the game, but also a large group of people outside the game.

The latter is even more terrible - Beijing 12 died, Lu De died, the monk ran away, and the 641 squad had another enemy. If Beijing Twelve and Rüder have friends in this world, then maybe more than one.

If this situation continues, the 641 team will soon be everywhere.

Desperate their opponents, is the thorn team in the ordinary district, on strength, on financial resources, will only be stronger than the 641 team.

In order for other adventurers to choose to stand on the sidelines, 80% of the people will only choose the thorn team instead of the 641 team.

It can be said that Xie Rongjun's approach makes full use of his fame and strength. At the beginning of the war, the 641 team was in a desperate situation.

Therefore, the true intention of Xie Rongjun to issue a reward order is not to know the details of the 641 team, but to deliberately use this as a bait to create trouble for the 641 team and establish an enemy.

For example, nowadays, due to the death of Jing Twelve and others, the difficulty of completing their tasks has suddenly increased. This is precisely the result of Xie Rongjun’s help in the dark.

In this case, Shen Shen realized that if he wants to finish the deck with the stabbing team, he must first solve those bystanders who keep watching the cards behind them.

Even if they can't be used by themselves, at least let them relocate to a neutral position.

How can the bystanders stop spoiling?

The best way is to open the board.

At this moment, Shen Yan slowly turned around and faced everyone:

"To be honest, if I knew earlier that Beijing 12 was because of Xie Rongjun and killed me, and Xie Rongjun used a reward order, I would definitely not choose to kill them. The information is decided. The key to the important thing is that the allies are even more important. It is the king of the squad, and it is the king. If you can fight alone, don’t say that you can win, I will feel too defeated. ""

"As for Zhou Yiyu, I don't know if he will sell us, but this is no longer important. Just think of it as a test for him. If he does not sell us, maybe we will have another comrade in the future. Even if he Selling us, with him as a person, I will be somewhat apologetic..."

"This battle has only just begun, our opponents... far more than we think."

The indulgent answer made everyone realize.

They can't help but admit that Shen Yuyuan is more comprehensive than they think.

It is precisely because of this consideration that Shen Yu let go of Zhou Yiyu. For him, killing and not killing Zhou Yiyu is actually meaningless. On the contrary, if Zhou Yiyu did not sell them, then he has another trusted friend. Emotionally, this is also the best choice for him to accept.

As for the monk... The hatred that has been settled cannot be turned back, and it can only be dealt with calmly.

King Kong asked: "Why don't they directly reward higher prices for our heads? Isn't that simpler and more convenient?"

"Because they don't want to use other people's hands to kill us, it's just a blind man. For Xie Rongjun, all he needs is to use this to provoke the hostility of other adventurers and stimulate our resistance. Intensify the contradiction between us and others. For the adventurers, to kill five adventurers for 15,000 points, it is obviously better to spy on the information of the five adventurers and get 10,000 points to get a better price/performance ratio. It is also in line with the needs of Xie Rongjun. If he really wants to use money to buy our lives, then the price he has to open must at least double. Even for the adventurers in the ordinary area, 30,000 **** points It's not a small number. The stabbing team doesn't have to pay such a big price. It's better to strengthen it with this money, and then kill us by hand."

Gentle also asked: "What do we do in the future?"

Shen Xiao chuckled: "There are positive and negative things on both sides. There is no chess. It is only a magical place. There is no harm. Since Xie Rongjun does not need information about us at all, but he wants to deliberately let the wind go, then don't blame me. I got a benefit from him. After waiting for the task, let's entrust Ali to go to see him. Let him sell our intelligence and make a net profit. Isn't it good? Instead of letting others earn this reward, it also makes us feel envious everywhere, not as good as ourselves! He is sending money to the door."

This can be heard by everyone.

Sinking this hand will count the count enough to be Since you want to make me everywhere by reward, I will simply sell my own information. I believe that the reputation of the stabbing team will not be easy to rely on. Whether he buys or does not buy, this reward is what you want to maintain, at the expense of a high **** point.

If he wants to continue his unnecessary spending, he must cancel the reward order. As soon as the reward is lost, he will naturally not have to worry about the enemy.

However, King Kong still frowned. "In any case, this exposes our bottom line. It always has a great impact on strength. Is there any way to eliminate this effect?"

King Kong’s fears are not without reason.

Although Xie Rongjun has the ability to explore, after all, it must be used by people, and it may not be omniscient. In other words, excessive sales of your own intelligence will still be very detrimental to yourself.

Shen Wei smiled slightly: "Of course. There are two ways to eliminate the unfavorable factors. One: look back at the other side's cards. Everyone knows each other well, isn't it good? We have already asked Ali to do it, and do everything. Just listen to the fate. As for the second point... just let yourself have a new, undisclosed card."

Speaking of this, the voice of Shen Yu became cold and deep, and it was like a cold winter, and everyone heard a heartbeat.

Gentle instinct asked: "How can I get a new card?"

"Of course it is to complete a difficult task." Shen Yu quickly answered.

Difficult tasks? Everyone looks at each other.

King Kong tentatively asked: "Are you saying that the finalist of the fourth round of pursuit is eliminated?"

"No!" Shen Yan categorically denied: "That is not too difficult!"

His eyes turned around in his partner and smiled. "Is it interested to go with me to get to Skynet headquarters?"

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