Infinity Armament

Vol 6 Chapter 22: Safe separation

The ghost ship that completed the attack drifted away, adding a touch of nightmare to everyone's heart.

The broken ships were scattered into countless pieces floating on the sea, and occasionally some survivors were calling for help at sea, but they were ignored.

Here is the free killing mode. Every adventurer, unless it is a good friend of his own, a fixed team member, otherwise it is not worth trusting.

No one knows if the adventurer of the ship is still alive.

He may have been captured by the ghost ship captain David Jones for a hundred years of hard labor - for the adventurer, that means the mission failed, meaning the death penalty.

It is also possible that he is still alive, drifting on the sea, waiting for the person who saved him. However, his ship was destroyed and the goods were gone. Even if he was saved now, he still had only one dead end. Saving the other person is just a danger of creating a ship and cargo for yourself.

The gentle "Ivana Princess" and King Kong's "beautiful lover" have already met.

Honglang’s “Maxim Manor” and Luo’s “Little Boy” are not far from gentle.

The indulging "Potato" has greatly narrowed the distance with everyone because of the adventure through the storm zone. From the telescope, you can see that the potato is coming from the wind and the waves.

Gentlely put down your far-infrared telescope: "We saw the potato number, sinking, let your sailors add strength, we are waiting for you here."

"Don't just wait for me, be careful around."

Shen Yu is also looking around with a telescope.

More and more ships are appearing on the sea. This storm has not driven everyone away, but has narrowed the distance of many people.

The adventurers look for friends with each other and watch out for opponents. No one is willing to be close to anyone unless they are sure friends.

But there are also some boats that are trying to get close to all the boats.

They look for adventurers on board and try to see the familiar faces they are looking for.

From time to time, Xie Rongjun’s voice came from his team members:

"This ship is not."

"I didn't see them."

"not found!"

"There was a guy who thought I was going to attack him and tried to warn me. Hehe."

The little widow is swimming at high speed on the sea, and Xie Rongjun is constantly searching.

Although the preparation is not enough, the necessary equipment for the telescope is still carried.

A ship in the distance caught his attention.

"Potato...the name is interesting." Xie Rongjun looked forward in the direction of the potato, and he saw four ships at the far end being assembled.

"Attention, there are five ships that are gathering, maybe they are sinking them. Everyone is moving closer to me."

"I also saw it, Captain, I am closer to them. I will go up and see." There was a dream in the channel.

"Be careful, if they are, they will definitely get you started."

"Reassure, I know what to do. I won't fight hard, I will destroy the ship at most, and then I will grab another one."

"Good." Xie Rongjun nodded with satisfaction.

The strength of dreams may not be strong in the blood stasis team, but the victory is steady and it is not easy to risk. In the world of **** cities, this is a very important quality of life.

After thinking about it, he still felt uneasy and added an order: "Don't chase the four-person fleet first, first intercept the potato. Clown, you have passed, forming a squad. If the ship is sinking them Any one of them, don't rush to start, wait for us to come over. Pandora, Chen Yi, Luzio, No. 47, Yu Li, you five to chase the four ships, remember carefully, if it is an enemy, don't rush Love the battle, just drag them!"

"Understand!" everyone agreed.


In the telescope, two sailboats are heading towards themselves from the left and right.

"Dorissa" and "Cheese".

"Sink, you are careful, it must be the ship of the stabbing team." The gentle side also found the situation, some anxious.

"I saw it. Xie Rongjun must be nearby. They must have seen the problem. Leave yourself first."

"how about you?"

"I will catch up with you."


"If you don't leave, they will doubt me more, and I can't go."

Gentle and bite, finally agreed: "Well, let's take a step first, and be careful with yourself."

"Ivana Princess" took the lead in following the route and the other three followed.

This scene was seen by the stabbing team.

"Captain, the four ships left! Do you want to catch up?" Chen Yi called.

"Captain, there are more than a dozen boats not checked here! All the boats are leaving, what should I do?" This is the blue bottle calling.

"We called them to stop the boat, but nobody cares about us."

"What about the bleeding flag?"

"I'm afraid they run faster!"

Xie Rongjun’s brow wrinkled: “Go first to see the potato.”


The Dorisa and the cheese continued to move closer to the potato.

Seeing that the two ships are getting closer and closer, the T1000 is released.

"Do you know what to do?"

Nod on the 1st.

The liquid metal body began to deform, and the appearance of a rough man was gradually formed. The T1000's simulation ability is very strong, not only the appearance, but also the **** coat of arms can be simulated.

The captain beside him was stunned.

Put the telescope into the No. 1 hand and the windbreaker on the No. 1 body. Shen Shen said to the captain: "He is now a cargo owner instead of me. I hope you can accept him."

"Poseidon is on..." The captain almost squatted down.

Shen Yan took his hand and walked down the bow. He came to a sailor, took his sailor's hat off, put it on his head, and said to him, "Give me your clothes, I will help you, you will go there for a while."

The Dorisa is getting closer.

The dream did not stand on the bow of the ship, and looked at No. 1 with a cautious look.

The other side also looked at himself with vigilant eyes, probably suspecting that he wanted to rob the goods.

The two ships were about 50 meters away and they were facing each other for a while.

The unconscious eyes stayed on the **** coat of arms on the 1st and finally replied: "Not them."

In the channel, Xie Rongjun’s sigh came: “Go and check the other ships. The four ships are too far away to catch up. I don’t know if you will come back.”


The Dorisa and the cheese began to turn.

The potato slid forward with the Dorissa, leaving the two ships behind.

Staring at the back of the potato, I never felt that something was wrong, but I couldn’t remember it for a while.

Time is running out, and the players who went to check other ships have not found any returns.

"We still missed a few ships and did not check?" Xie Rongjun asked.

"In addition to the four ships that had been left before, there are still eight unchecked. Some have not touched it at all, and some are too far away from us and have already driven away."

"That is to say, the few who are indulged, it should be in these twelve ships."

"Not necessarily." The dream did not suddenly say.

"What?" Everyone is a stay.

"The adventurer of the potato is very strange, I have never seen it. I doubt..."

Xie Rongjun’s face sank: “Draw it down and send it to everyone, check it with the information in the computer.”

"It has already been drawn." Before entering the **** city, the dream was not the high talent of the art department, and it was a good sketch.

The picture is passed to everyone's hands through the contract and **** coat of arms. Xie Rongjun took out a laptop from the **** coat of arms.

Compared with the sinking handheld computer, this notebook is much cheaper. It only costs three hundred points. It is the most common type. It does not have the functions of scanning, but the power is endless. Most importantly, this computer records a large number of **** urban adventurers.

Whenever a member of the stabbing team contacts a person, his name, identity, information, etc. will be recorded in the computer for backup.

This is a huge and arduous task, and it needs to be as persistent as Japan.

From this above, we can also see the difference between the stabbing team and the broken blade team. In the eyes of the former, other adventurers are the first enemy, and the task is second. In the latter's eyes, they do not have a clear imaginary enemy, and strong self is the key.

The name of the strong team of the stabbing team is to kill, but not through the mission, but through the killing of other adventurers. They also have a wealth of experience in the battle against the enemy.

As far as members of the stabbing team are concerned, killing other adventurers is indeed more likely to yield benefits than from the mission, albeit at greater risk.

This free killing mode is the favorite of such strong teams as the Blood Stains. Don't look at them. They are only checking other ships now, because they have not yet merged, and the main goal of this mission has not yet been resolved. Once the merger has solved the main goal, then all the remaining adventurers will be their target.

In this case, being good at collecting information from other adventurers is an important guarantee for success and victory.

Some people may think that this is contrary to the provoked things that Xie Rongjun advocated before, but in fact, not causing trouble usually means not bothering the troubles that will not bring benefits to themselves, and not causing troubles that they cannot afford. As for the trouble that can bring benefits to yourself, and not to be unpleasant, you should try to get more and more Whether it is Xie Rongjun or Shen Yu, it is actually the same at this point.

At this moment, Xie Rongjun made a careful comparison with the images of all the adventurers in the computer and found that no one met. At the same time, other members of the stabbing team also said that they have never seen this person.

"Captain, can you say that there are people in Shen's gang who will be deformed?"

"The intelligence does not say that they have the ability in this area."

Xie Rongjun's brow is tightly twisted into a Sichuan word: "I may not have it before, it does not mean that it is not now. Zhou Yiyu also said that he left the sinking in the middle of the mission. As for the people who sank after that, is there any No one else knows what else to harvest."

"The problem is that they passed through the Terminator 2018 world last time. I have not heard of this ability."

“It’s not only available from the mission world, but also from the store.”

"Maybe some kind of prop?"

"Maybe someone else with deformability."

"It may also be a newcomer who has just entered the ordinary district."

There are too many possibilities, and there are different opinions, but there is no accurate answer.

Xie Rongjun said with a sigh: "Enough, there are still 12 ships that have not been checked. All of them are gathered together and heading to Tutuga Harbour. As long as he is still in this world, as long as he does not want to be obliterated by the city, he will I have to go to Tutujia Port. We have too many opportunities to find him on this road... The fleet is assembled! Raise the **** flag!"

After the fleet was assembled, the twelve-faced red flag rose in the Caribbean Sea.

That is the symbol of the ranks of the strong players in the ordinary district.

Any adventurer who sees this flag will automatically retreat, and those who disagree will kill!

Putting down the telescope, Shen Shen took a deep breath.

"Gentle, King Kong, I have left the concentration area. Let's see you in an hour."

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