Infinity Armament

Vol 6 Chapter 23: Rover number (on)

Before the sunset, the potato finally caught up with the Princess Ivana.

Five large ships marched in parallel on the sea.

They have slightly deviated from the route so that they can avoid encounters with other adventurers' ships. A considerable number of adventurers who are unwilling to find trouble in the mission world will also make such choices. A few self-righteous, or gang-like adventurers still sail on the main channel.

Shen Yan is sitting at the bow and watching the chart.

Gentlely grabbed a sail rope from Princess Ivana and swayed himself onto the potato, acting as a pirate.

Then there were several King Kong who also swayed here and fell in front of Shen.

"Several of you are not guarding your own ship, what are you doing with me?" Shen Xiao smiled.

"Anyway, I'm fine, I am looking for you to chat." Honglang replied: "The team channel is not even a talker. Don't say that people in this era can't understand, even if they are in the 21st century, others I thought you were talking to yourself. The look that was seen as a gorilla was really uncomfortable."

King Kong sat down on his ass: "It’s really comfortable to talk face to face. The biggest problem in the mission world has been solved, sinking, what are your plans?"

Although there has been a comprehensive plan for the Broken Blade team to compete with the Blood Stab before entering the Pirates of the Caribbean, everything is only relevant to the selection of the mission world and related preparations.

The stabbing team is a very powerful combat team on the frontal battlefield. In order to win this game, Shen Yu must choose a mobile battlefield with special terrain. The ocean, the desert, the snowy mountains, and even the space are all in the sinking range of choices. Although the world of missions in the **** city is ridiculous, it is not limited to the movie world, but the mission world in which the above terrain is the main body still exists in large numbers. Under normal chances, they can definitely wait for such a world.

The problem is that they can do data collection and preparation for these worlds, but they won't know what world they will eventually enter and what they will face after entering.

What is the mission mode? What is the task content?

After entering, is everyone together? Still being split?

no one knows.

This is also the most unpredictable and control part, and can only be determined by luck and strength.

The plan that is formulated without knowing anything is meaningless, so the preparations that everyone can do are limited to before entering, and after entering, they can only take one step and plan one step.

At this moment, when he heard King Kong ask him, Shen Yan replied: "The blood stab team is a trouble, but only concentrate on the blood stasis team, and ignore the task. We must send the goods to the port of Tutuga in this mission. In addition, we must reach a standard score of 9000 points. That is to say, in the process of shipping our goods, we must also get a **** point of more than 7,000 points per person."

Seven thousand points means that every adventurer must destroy at least three high-class warships or pirate ships. Of course, you can also choose to directly rob other adventurers' goods - destroy four and achieve one.

"I don't know if those British warships are good or bad."

"I don't know if I play a game." King Kong interface.

"Who is playing with?" Hong Lang asked.

"That's not it." Shen Xiaoxiao haha ​​used the chin to point to the distance.

Under the setting sun, a British warship is appearing at the far end of the horizon, slowly coming across the sea.


The rover number comes from the wind and waves.

As a light frigate, the Rover has sunk two ships in two naval battles, hitting an impressive record. Its commander, Baron Igorda Orsop, is a young man who is arrogant and eager to kill the enemy and make himself one step further.

In the field of view of the monocular, five merchant ships are moving in parallel to each other.

The baron’s mouth scorned a bit of disdain: “These nasty smugglers must learn to pay for their greed.”

Turning around, the baron gave a loud command: "Right turn the rudder fifty! The gunner is in place!"

The Rover slowly slid over its hull and used one side to face the merchant ship.

Hong Lang confused and asked: "What does this mean? What are they doing?"

Captain Courtney, aside, screamed in horror: "Damn, they are going to fire! They are going to attack us!"

Since the position of the guns is mostly located in the two wings, when the sea is engaged, the warring parties always use their own side to align the enemy's front as much as possible, thus using the powerful firepower advantage to defeat the opponent.

When a warship traverses the hull immediately after seeing you, the meaning it represents is self-evident.

The next moment, dozens of ship guns on the roamer rushed, and rumbling to the merchant ship.

Despite being a 16th-century cannon, the power is far from being comparable to those of real cannons, but it is enough to deal with wooden merchant ships.

The sea was bombarded with a huge water column, like a myriad of fountains blooming at the same time, forming a huge stream of water.

Several shells landed on the Maxim Manor, smashing a boat, and several sailors waded into the water.

"Mom, my boat!" Hong Lang screamed in pain.

He is now beginning to understand the problem of maritime warfare. The adventurer may not be afraid of these ordinary shellings, but the boat can't be afraid, and the sailors can't be afraid.

No boat, no sailor, what to take to deliver the goods and complete the mission?

A **** city is tantamount to creating a fatal point for them.

When the strength of the NPC in the mission world is insufficient, it is adjusted through the mission mode – this is the important conclusion that Shen Yu got.

At this moment, the shells flew in and out of the merchant ship, and several merchant ships were broken in one place. The sailors ran the call sign, and the wood chips were flying everywhere.

The East India Company's British fleet is more greedy than pirates, more cruel than pirates, and will never be soft on anything that might violate their interests.

Hong Lang shouted: "Sink, what are you waiting for? Still not bombing the broken ship?!"

Fighting at sea, the first battle. Although I don't know what the mission was before, the Broken Blade team is fully prepared for the long-range crossfire.

However, Shen Yan raised his brow and said: "No, you can't beat the ship, I want to capture it!"

"What are you talking about?" Everyone was a stay, and Shen Yan suddenly waved his left hand, and the vampire touched silently, cutting a springboard into two pieces.

Grab the springboard and throw it into the sea, and slammed into the sea: "I am going to capture the ship, you protect it!"

"What kind of protection boat do I use for my mother!?" Hong Lang shouted.

"Use your body."

"Mom!" Hong Lang slammed his feet.

Just at this time, a shell flew in, and the Hong wave slammed into the shell without thinking, and the big iron bullet hit him, causing him to grin. Just because of his current physical fitness, this kind of cannon really can't hurt him much.

As soon as he landed, gentleman had looked at him with sympathetic eyes and said: "The shell was missed. It was supposed to fly from the top. Why do you want to stop it?"

Hong Lang was dumbfounded.


As if surfing, Shen Shen stepped on the springboard and slid to the Rover in the waves. If it was changed before, he would never have done this, but the basic water-based specialization ability made him water-based, and with the high control effect of precision talent, it was easy to complete this seemingly impossible scene.

On the ocean, Wang Shen was as if he was walking straight in the wind on a leafy boat. He was so shocked that everyone was stunned, and even the gunfire on the warship was stagnant for a moment.

The old captain Courtney is constantly crossing the cross: "The son of Poseidon, the son of Poseidon..."

At this moment, he is already full of trust and worship for Shen Yu.

Baron Igorda Orsop took the monocular and pointed at the screaming waves from the sea: "Aim at him!"

The muzzle of at least three guns turned to sink at the same time, and continuously launched toward the sinking.

However, for high-speed moving and smaller targets, the hit rate of these old-fashioned artillery can be far worse. The shells bloomed around the sinking, and the tumbling waves became a better point of indulgence. They walked under the blue sky and the blue sky, and they were free to shuttle in the rain. The sinking was like a flying fish, smart and fast. Go straight to the target.

Seeing that Shen Yu is getting closer and closer, a group of British navy soldiers rushed to the deck, and the long tube of fire in their hands was aimed at sinking.

The sinking of the right hand spirit gun, a series of bullets flying. With his current expert-level gun specialization, these soldiers do not need to aim at all.

However, at this time, the crisis in Shen Xin’s mind emerged.

A flap on the side of the Rover's ship suddenly opened, and a black holed barrel protruded from the inside. Its caliber was larger than other naval guns, and its launch speed was faster.

The fire at the muzzle flashed, accompanied by a huge roar, and a shell had fiercely flew to sink.

Sinking instinctively, the body was short, and the shells flew over his head and landed on the sea more than ten meters behind him. The rising waves instantly drowned.

At the same time, two cannons of the same caliber stretched out, facing the sea, swaying the sea, and artificial rainstorms in a whole area.

"What kind of gun is that?" shouted softly.

Next to the old captain Courtney trembled and stunned and replied: "The British new type of fast-fire cannons, they are relying on this cannon to defeat the Spanish invincible fleet, that is their masterpiece!"

"No, that's not a masterpiece of the British." King Kong did not answer the gas.

Undoubtedly, the strength of these British warships has been enhanced by the city, giving them more powerful gunfire to deal with adventurers.

After a round of artillery fire attack, the sea finally recovered calm, but no longer see the shadow of indulgence.

"Sink, you are okay?" Hong Lang shouted: "Call me!"

no answer.

Everyone's heart is a bit cold.

Can it be impossible for an old warship to let Shen Shen die at the bottom of the sea?

Just then, a flying claw suddenly flew out of the sea and was grasping the main character of the Rover.

A figure flies out of the water, and people are in the muzzle has shot a bullet burning with flames.

With the bullets flying, Shen Yu has already landed on the deck, the left hand vampire touch, reversed, has opened a soldier's throat. Since the X-Men and the North Zone adventurer have played against each other, he has particularly liked this trick.

The soldier took a few steps back in his throat, but he did not die. Instead, he took out a sword and rushed up.

Indulge in a stay and immediately use spiritual exploration.

"British Navy Soldier: Defense 6, Life 120. Equipment Weapons: No-level single-handed sword, attack 7-12. Enter the class water-based specialization."

Advanced water-based specialization: combat in special terrain such as ships, with a 20% bonus. When fighting in the water, all attacks, movement speed and attack speed will be reduced by 40%.

Although these naval soldiers have limited strength, they can better exert their own strength when fighting on the ship. It is no wonder that they have not lost their throats.

Sinking and bullying, the left arm stretched forward, hugged the soldier's head and twisted it, and twisted the soldier's neck. This is the yin and yang in the hands of the skeletal bones. Hey, two consecutive critical attacks, died on the spot.

Seeing that there is nothing to do, Honglang excitedly shouted: "You are not dead yet!"

"You are trying to talk in the water." Shen Yu returned, and a dozen naval soldiers rushed over.

The Liquid Metal Terminator No. 1 was recruited at hand, Shen Shen said: "kill them!"

"Follow your wishes, sir."

The liquid metal Terminator's right arm has been changed into a sharp sword, and the soldiers are cut off.

Shen Yu’s right hand was raised again, and the flying claws had brought him up high and flew to the command tower.

The left hand vampire touches the baron to Igorda Orsop...

The thief first smashed the king!

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