Infinity Armament

Vol 3 Chapter 4: Market garden action

In the days that followed, Shen Yu was stationed in the slums.

After selling Dracula's blood, there were 2,239 **** spots left on the body. After purchasing essential necessities including sleeping bags, there are still 2,000 blood spots left in Shen.

Indulging in the use of the mace ring is useless, simply selling it to Honglang, got 300 blood points.

Flower 1300 **** points added 5 points of physique, 8 points spirit, so that his attributes become power 4, physique 20, agility 7, spirit 30, will 10, basically the long-range attack as the main battle the way. This is also the most practical choice for newcomers to enter the **** city. Before their ability is greatly improved, they must rely on guns to complete the task and at the same time increase their physical fitness.

Shen Wei found that he hadn't seen anything yet, and he only had 1000 blood points left.

In the following time, Shen Yu concentrated on shooting training. There is a low-level training ground in the slums, where you can practice the guns and skills here every day. The low-level training grounds are free of charge and can withstand any attack with a damage of 80 points or less.

The benefits of the infinite bullets are reflected here, not only useful in combat, but also in training.

In addition to practicing guns, the most important thing is to practice mental exploration and medical practice every day in the training ground.

After nearly 30 days of practice and use, Shen Yu’s skill in probing is greatly increased, but there is still a distance from the specialization of class gun. On the contrary, both spiritual exploration and despicable medical treatment have risen to the next level.

After the upgrade of the medical treatment, the system prompts: the medical treatment of the mean - skill level 2, each time consumes 2 mental strength, external injury, bleeding injury effective treatment, each time to restore life 40 points, puncture, tear, Moderate treatment for shocks and skill damage, 24 points per life. Weak treatment of incomplete and toxin-like injuries, each time recovering 4 points, is ineffective for special attacks. Skill cooldown is 60 seconds.

As for the mental exploration skills, the promotion only increases the priority of the skill effect, and the original 12-point effect priority becomes 14 points.

The so-called effect priority is that when the two skills collide, if the skill effect is in a contradictory state, then the judgment will be played by the party with the higher skill priority, and the greater the skill priority, the better the effect will be.

Despicable medical practice has no effect priority, and the effect of mental exploration is relatively lower. In contrast, the effect of the vampire touch is as high as 30 points. In the same level, there is almost no equipment and skill to resist the special effects of this weapon. It can be seen that the value of this weapon is not low. It is a pity that this is a difficult scene world where the gun battle is the main player. It is difficult for Shen Shen to play it.

At this time, he still has 1000 **** points left, which is considered to be the bottom of the box, until the task comes to the final targeted supplement.

Thirty days passed by in strict and self-disciplined training, and the task reminder finally came.

Tip: Go to the transfer area immediately and get ready to enter the mission world.

Mission scenario: Market Garden Action.

Preparation time: one hour.

This mission is a cooperative attack mode, killing one's own adventurers can not inherit the other's property. Attack on your own adventurer, damage reduced by 50%.

Market Garden Action was an airborne operation in the Second World War, and it was also the largest airborne combat in the history of human warfare.

The market garden action was proposed by the then famous British commander Montgomery.

At this point, the Allied forces have completed the Normandy landing operation, and the German troops began to retreat to the Netherlands, Belgium and eastern France.

In an effort to end the war in 1944, Montgomery proposed a daring adventure plan - Market Garden Action.

According to Montgomery’s plan, after the British 2nd Army launched a ground attack on Antwerp, the US Air Force’s 101st Airborne Division, the 82nd Airborne Division, the British Airborne 1st Airborne Division and the Polish Paratrooper’s 35,000 airborne units were adopted. The leapfrog tactics were airborne in the depths of the 63-mile battle in Eindhoven, Nijmegen and Arnhem. They captured a series of important bridges on the Rhine and the Val River, so that the army could drive straight through the Netherlands. German hinterland.

Therefore, the action is actually divided into two parts.

One: market action, that is, airborne troops fight.

Two: Garden operations, that is, ground forces operations.

At the beginning of this war, it can be said that it was fairly smooth. On September 17, 1944, the market garden operation began. At 2:15 pm, the commander of the 30th Army of the Second Army of the British Army, General Horoks, ordered the subordinate Irish Guard Armored Division to charge, with strong firepower. Move forward quickly. Half an hour before, the US 101 Airborne Division had airborne in Eindhoven. After a hard battle, they successfully won the nearby South Williams Canal Bridge and captured Zongzhen.

On September 18th, the 30th Army arrived in Eindhoven, joined the 101st Airborne Division, and passed the South Williams Canal Bridge.

On September 20th, the 30th Army reached Nijmegen and merged with the 82nd Airborne Division who took the Waal Bridge.

The U.S. Air Force’s 1st Airborne Division and the Polish Independent Paratroopers landed on the far north of the 30th Army, and also the terminal of the 30th Army’s march – An Army The 1st Airborne Division must occupy the highway bridges in Anheng and the railway bridges in Usterbike, including the most famous Arnhem Bridge.

However, the first airborne division encountered the enemy's tenacious resistance. They not only failed to win the extremely important Arnhem Bridge, but also suffered heavy casualties. They lost ground in the German army's mad counterattack, and finally arrived before the 30th Army. Lost the last bridge of Anheng.

On September 27-29, the British army entered the south bank of the Lower Rhine, but was forced to turn into defense and failed to win the landing site on the North Shore. Until March 1945, the Rhine was still a barrier that could not be crossed between the Allies and the Germans.

Market garden action failed.

To be fair, the performance of the British First Airborne Division has been quite good. Due to the slow progress of the ground forces, their time in the local area has already exceeded expectations. In this battle, the Polish paratroopers suffered 1,000 casualties and nearly 700 casualties. In the "market" operation, the first airborne division suffered nearly 7,000 casualties and captured personnel. In the end, less than 2,000 people broke out of the Germans. At that time, a division commander of the division sighed at the Arnhem Bridge, which they could never reach: "The bridge is too far away for us!"

Since then, the Arnhem Bridge has been called the "bridge in the distance."

Due to the narrow ground, coupled with the retreating Germans madly destroying the bridge all the way, the second group army's ground propulsion speed was greatly affected, which is an important reason for the defeat of this combat plan. Route 69 from Vankenswald to Nijmegen was later called "Hell Highway" by Americans.

Now, what Shen Shen entered is the scene world of market garden action.

"Wow, go to the days of war." Thinking of this battle, Shen can't help but want to whistle.

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