Infinity Armament

Vol 3 Chapter 5: teamwork

An allied airborne formation consisting of 1,131 fighters, 1,545 transport aircraft and 478 towing gliders took off from 24 airports in the south of the United Kingdom and flew to the North Sea along two routes. The airborne soldiers were sweating and squeezing on the canvas seats, and each of them was covered with countless straps, straps, bullets... The confident Allied Staff Officer was full of optimism about the victory of the campaign.

On a C-47 transport plane belonging to the transport plane formation of the British Airborne First Division, Shen Wei slightly closed his eyes and sat in his position. At this time he was dressed as a standard British airborne soldier, wearing a British airborne military uniform, wearing a red beret on his head and holding a vintage M1 rifle from World War II. All adventurer equipment is still in the **** coat of arms storage space.

After stepping into the portal, he found himself in the current situation, and looked around with a cold eye. There were a total of 22 people on the transport plane. Everyone had **** coats on their wrists. It seems that the city is an adventurer. Edited together.

Is this a cooperative attack? Put everyone together first, then put them to the designated location to fight? Shen Yan observed the coat of arms, heraldic tips:

Main line task 1: Successfully landed in the town of Arnhem. Complete the mission reward **** point 500 points. The task failed to deduct 500 **** points, and those with insufficient blood stasis were killed.

Main line task 2: rush out of the German encirclement and go to the Arnhem Forest area for a period of 12 hours. Complete the mission reward **** point 1000 points. The task failed to deduct 1000 **** points, and those with insufficient blood stasis were killed.

Main line task three: rush out of the German encirclement, go to the Arnhem Bridge, time limit of 12 hours. Complete the mission reward blood point 1200 points. The task failed to deduct 1000 **** points, and those with insufficient blood stasis were killed.

Main line tasks 2 and 3 can choose one.

Optional task 1: Meet the main force of the British first airborne division, help the airborne division to break through the German encirclement. Complete the mission reward blood point 2000 points.

Optional Task 2: Meet the 2nd Airborne Camp of the British First Airborne Division and help the 2nd Airborne Battalion to capture the Arnhem Bridge and hold for 10 days. Complete the mission reward blood points 4000 points, skill points 1 point.

You can choose only one of the two optional tasks. After completing the main line task, you can abandon the optional task and return directly after giving up. Do not give up halfway after accepting optional tasks. During the execution of the mission, the direction of development of the war and the identity of the party must not be revealed. The offenders deduct 10,000 blood points and the **** points are obliterated.

Obviously, the selection direction of the main line task directly determines the completion of the optional task. If you want to complete the optional task 2 with the highest reward, you can only choose the main line task three to complete. Thinking of this, the sinking mouth twisted a smile.

A sudden explosion sounded in the ear: "Dog day, Laozi will not skydiving."

It’s a fat man next to Shen, and I’m so sad that I don’t know what to do.

Someone is gloating: "You didn't learn to parachute? You can learn it with only 50 blood points, and you don't have to upgrade."

The fat man replied bitterly: "I didn't know what the market garden action meant at the beginning. I didn't know until the last moment that I wanted to learn too late, and I thought I would directly put us to the designated place."

Everyone looked at the fat man with sympathy. Some people even said: "You don't even know the most famous military action after the landing of Normandy in World War II history. What do you know?"

Sinking and patted the fat man's shoulder: "It doesn't have to be so tight. In fact, skydiving is not difficult. Jump out and then open the umbrella bag. It is your hand. It's very simple. Oh no, don't pull now."

"Do you guarantee that I will not fall to death?" The fat man asked with pity.

Shen Xiaoxiao smiled: "To be honest, even if you don't open the umbrella bag, the chance of falling to death will not exceed 50%."

The faces of everyone changed.

Someone sighed: "Kid, what do you mean by this?"

Shen Xiao smiled and said: "I know that most of you have heard of market garden operations, and this battle was a late stage failure in the early stage, so many people must think that in the early days of the operation, everyone will not have any difficulties, right? ”

Everyone looks at each other.

Sinking slowly turned back to look out the window of the transport plane: "Look outside, we have begun to enter the Arnhem area, and the anti-aircraft firepower is strengthening."

Outside the transport plane, the sky was full of bursts of fire, and the German anti-aircraft guns were firing, launching a fierce gunfire attack on a huge fleet of transport aircraft. In the distance, a large number of German fighters have also flown to the transport fleet, and it is estimated that it will not be long before they will be entangled with the **** fighter formation.

The sound of indulging sounds like a ghost: "The so-called early stage of the market garden operation is actually a self-deception. The entire airborne operation is to capture the three most in Eindhoven, Nijmegen and Arnhem. The important bridge is the main one. People only know that the airborne troops have successfully won two bridges, but they don’t know how much they suffered. In fact, the second bridge was not taken by the airborne troops, but the ground forces opened. After the attack with the airborne troops, they barely won. In the entire combat operation, the Germans only suffered 3,300 casualties, while the Allies lost more than 17,000. Among them, the US 82nd Airborne Division suffered 3,400 casualties. 101 Airborne Division suffered 3,800 casualties. All the airborne soldiers who participated in the market garden operation suffered heavy losses in this operation, and the most serious loss was the British first airborne division, which is the unit we belong to now, the first airborne in the UK. The division plus the Polish paratroopers, totaling 10,000 people, ended up leaving less than 2,000 people on the battlefield. The casualties of the airborne soldiers...not starting from the ground attack."

"Poor first airborne division. . . . ." everyone sighed together.

500 blood points are not so good. In essence, the adventurers here are still ordinary people, even if they are strengthened, they can't stop the shells.

A lot of adventurers are depressed and want to swear, but they can't do anything about it.

It’s the butcher-like man, Shen Shendao: “Can you tell us about the specific situation of the market garden action? The city has given five missions, three choices two and two elections. We want to hear about the Arnhem Bridge. This may be helpful for everyone's choices. 趁 Now that I have time, figure out the situation, and jump off the plane, I am afraid I have to fight for each other. It would be good for everyone to unify the following directions."

Unexpectedly, the butcher-like man could have such a calm and agile thinking, and even he couldn’t help but stunned.

Indeed, due to the optional task, it is destined that the adventurer is likely to choose a different direction to break through. If everyone can unify the direction of the breakout, it will be much safer.

Shen Yan looked at the sky outside, and then said: "There is still three minutes at most, we have to prepare for skydiving, and I have a short story. The market garden action was proposed by Marshal Montgomery. The whole plan has confidence to expand from the beginning, look at Germany. People, lack of war preparation, lack of enemy and lack of coordination. Due to intelligence errors, Montgomery did not know that in the area where the Allies were scheduled to land, the Germans had deployed two armored divisions of the 2nd Panzer Corps of the SS. Part of the airborne 1st Army. Allied airborne troops lacking heavy equipment airborne on the German armored forces, and the Allies carried out high-altitude parachuting. The average skydiving height was 366-457 meters, which is 244 meters higher than the standard skydiving height in World War II. Much higher, there were German anti-aircraft guns in the skydiving area, and many people were killed by the Germans before they fell to the ground. Especially bad, the Allies launched an air assault, but two hours later, the German 1st Paratroopers Commander Stuart Obtained an Allied combat command from a glider that was laid down. He took this order to the B Group Army. The ministry went to see Commander-in-Chief Modr and planned the German counterattack. In the German generals, Studen was more familiar with the Netherlands than anyone else, and also understood the major shortcomings of the airborne troops - such as lack of mobility on the ground and lack of heavy weapons. Finally, Modr chose Anheng as the training area for the SS armored unit, and Anheng was the final goal of the British Airborne Division."



Everyone tasted the breath of death from the last sentence of Shen Yu, and finally couldn’t help but scream.

"Talk about the Arnhem Bridge." The butcher man continued.

"The airborne process of the British First Airborne Division was not smooth. In fact, due to the strong aerial fire of the Germans, they were forced to parachute early. Most of them fell into a small forest far from Arnhem, where It was heavily besieged by the Germans. A small part broke through the line of defense and approached the Arnhem Bridge. This was the second airborne battalion of the British First Airborne Division. They took the lead in entering the city of Arnhem and occupied the northern section of the Arnhem Bridge. However, they were gradually surrounded by the SS armored forces and fell into a completely isolated state. The battalion was under the leadership of the battalion commander Colonel Frost, and the Germans began a deadly battle, and they remained until September 20. In Frost In order to avoid unnecessary casualties, the school led most of the wounded to surrender to the Germans, and the Germans accepted their surrender. However, the second airborne camp, under the leadership of Major Ralph, refused to surrender and continued to fire at the Germans. The German "Tiger" The tanks began to bombard them immediately. On September 21, the "Tiger" tanks collapsed the last wall of the 2nd Airborne Camp, completely regaining control of the Arnhem Bridge. After that, the Allies have been unable to bridge near Arnhem, until after two consecutive months, was finally rescued all trapped troops out. "

"A task that is completely dead, Montgomery that idiot." Someone complained.

"I never like him." There is another interface.

Twenty-two adventurers on this transport plane hated Montgomery at the same time.

The fat man around me asked: "I said how do you remember so clearly?"

“The task gave me an hour to prepare for the time, I am checking the information.”

"That can't be remembered so clearly."

"My master's memory." Shen Yan cold and cold.

"Can memory be strengthened? Why haven't I heard of it?"

On the other side, someone knocked on the head of the fat man: "Stupid, he teased you, the basics like you are the more intensified and stupid."

"Haha." Everyone laughed.

The butcher-like strong man smiled bitterly: "No wonder it will reward 4000 **** points. Mom, you have to fight hard with the Tiger tank. How do you say? To the north or to the south?"

To the north, it is to occupy the Arnhem Bridge and to the south, to save the main force of the 1st Airborne Division. Obviously, this is a matter of choice for life and death.

"I choose to go north." Shen Yan said: "You are free."

"This kid is really big." Someone is jealous.

"I have seen this kid, a newcomer. I heard that the completion of the novice task is not low. It seems to have killed the vampire Dracula." Someone suddenly said something.

Others look at each other: "How is it possible?"

Everyone shook their heads and screamed, but they just chuckled and took out the equipment they had prepared from the **** coat of arms.

"My goodness, the spirit gun, the infinite bullet box, the bulletproof jade, and the Kevlar body armor, this guy is really rich." Some people exclaimed, they began to believe that Shen Shen did complete a high-level task, otherwise it would not May be able to afford these things. Everyone saw a glimpse of the eye. If this is not a cooperative attack scene, I am afraid that someone will be black-handed after sinking. Of course, success is another matter.

"I can ask why you choose to go north? I don't believe that you are just paying a high reward." The butcher-like giant once again asked a question that surprised him.

Sinking at the brawny, he smiled and said: "My name is Shen Yu, what is your name?"

"The name doesn't make sense in this place. You call me King Kong. Everyone calls me that."

Sinking nodded, this brawny really deserves this title: "If you pay attention to the tips on the coat of arms, you will find that the first optional task is to assist the first airborne division to highlight the encirclement. You know the first When did an airborne division highlight the encirclement?"

"It won't be two months later?" King Kong immediately realized the meaning of Shen Yu's words.

Shen Shen nodded: "The forest area has the main force of the first airborne division, so the German encirclement force is also the most. The situation of the second airborne battalion is dangerous, but in fact, due to the airborne battalion and the airborne division The troops were isolated, so the Germans did not need to use too many troops to deal with them. Their true offensive focus is still the main force of the first airborne division. And if we choose the first airborne division mission, then To be sure, in the face of the German's powerful artillery fire and the tide-like offensive, with our current reinforcement, it basically does not play any role. But if we go to the Arnhem Bridge, even if we are weaker, we only rely on the advanced weapons in our hands. Both can bring great help to the 2nd airborne battalion. The comparison of combat effectiveness between the two sides will result in greater changes than the first airborne division. That is to say, to the Arnhem Bridge, our variables are more effective."

Everyone suddenly realized. Someone immediately said: "So, the chances of survival to the Arnhem Bridge are higher than the chances of saving the First Airborne Division?"

I did not expect Shen Yu to shake his head and said: "No, or save the survival rate of the first airborne division. Don't forget, the first airborne division in history finally escaped 2,000 people, while the second airborne battalion was basically all. The army is over."

"That is, if we choose to save the first airborne division, the mission will be completed anyway. The only difference is whether we can survive. If we go to the bridge, we can't be sure. The Arnhem Bridge has It may be taken down, or it may be taken down for only a few days, right?"


"If this is the case, I would rather go to the south."

Sinking and sneer: "How many days have you brought food? Is it enough to eat for two months? Do you know how the two months after the British First Airborne Division was besieged? How to spend the rainy tree bark? Many people are starving to or have been injured and not treated in time. How many of you have guns that are infinite ammunition? What do you use for the last time?"

Everyone is lost.

Shen Wei: "Before everyone came in, no one knows what the mission is. I don't think many people are ready for long-term battles. I want to stay there for two months and finally rush out, even though I am not. Anyway, I am not I will take ten days of food, I will only go to the Arnhem Bridge. By the way, I will remind you, don’t forget that this is a cooperative attack scene. The more people there, the higher the success rate. In my opinion, The difficulty of the Arnhem Bridge is actually half of the fact that there are not too many adventurers who will actively choose to attack the Arnhem Bridge, and as long as the problem is solved, the mission will be half successful."

King Kong laughed: "No wonder you are so kind to tell us this."

Shen Yan immediately replied: "Yes, I need to use the power of all of you to tell you this. I believe that people who have no courage to face the challenge of death, even if they complete the main task, may not have the confidence to complete the optional task. After all, the Airborne Division suffered heavy casualties and lost three-quarters of the soldiers. No one can guarantee that they will choose the first optional task and that they will survive to the end. But they chose to break north, at least everyone can Sharing risks with each other, it is also much easier to break through. After completing the main task, if you don't want to take risks, you can choose to return. If you are willing to take risks, stay and continue. Isn't that good for everyone?"

When I said this, I heard everyone face each other.

Finally, King Kong nodded first: "Good boy, not only have the guts, but also have a brain. Well, I will do it. After everyone jumps, they will break through to the north. After completing the main task, they will return to fear of death. Continue to die. How?"

"Ok, deal!"

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