Infinity Armament

Vol 3 Chapter 7: Killing the town (on)

The adventurers’ airborne designated point is a small town, 500 meters from the Arnhem Bridge. Don't look at only 500 meters, the entire Allied plan to open the Dutch road is only 63 miles, the road to Arnhem, almost every meter is used to spread a lot of plasma.

However, the reason why the adventurer will be airborne here is mostly because of the dark operation of the city. At least every adventurer who survived has not landed outside the designated area. As long as it falls, it is definitely within this range.

Gently open the door, the gunfire in the air is still there, and there are paratroopers in the sky from time to time.

Although it was the last one on the C-47 to jump out of the plane, Shen was the first to land on the ground.

He landed too fast, and more than 200 meters were straight without an umbrella, which was rare at the time.

Several German soldiers apparently saw him landing, and rushed over to the hut with his gun.


In the horse shed next to the house, the smile suddenly appeared.

Several Germans turned around and a bullet of a squirt gun was shot on them. The fire damage attached to the musket had a flame on them. Several German soldiers waded the flames of their bodies, but After all, he was unable to fall to the ground and die.

"Sure enough." Shen Hao first used this gun on the battlefield for the first time, and it felt great.

These German soldiers were observed with spiritual exploration, and their vitality is only 50 points, just like ordinary people.

Compared with the powerful individual combat power in Van Helsing's mission world, the World War II world uses human tactics to create death threats.

At this time, the German soldiers used it generally as the MP40, which is the Schmeiser submachine gun. The precision of this kind of gun was good at the time, the reliability of the bullet was strong, it was not easy to jam, and it was easy to control. The bullet damage power was 12 points, and the muzzle kinetic energy was increased by 5 points. The disadvantage is that the rate of fire is slower and the capacity of the magazine is only 32 rounds.

The biggest benefit of infinite ammunition is not only that it saves money, but it also has a great value of not having to change magazines. As a result, it is extremely cheap in the fierce battle. In the one-on-one process, some shooting masters often calculate how many bullets there are based on the gunshots, and then give a fatal blow when they change the magazine. When they encounter the guns of this infinite bullet, they are basically self-righteous. The moment he counted out and died, the only thought before his death was why he still had bullets?

Dealing with such equipment and adventurers is not a level of German soldiers, basically no suspense. It is a pity that facing a human tactic, it is obviously not enough to rely on a gun.

After killing a few German soldiers, Shen Yan quickly walked to the north by a low wall.

From time to time, German soldiers emerged from the road, but they were quickly killed by indulging. At the speed of his reaction at this time, three or five German soldiers could not threaten him.

On the way he tried to pick up a Schmeither submachine gun and was told that non-task reward items could be used but could not be carried back to the city.

There was a machine gun position in front of it. From time to time, the fire tongue was spurting toward the sky. Three German soldiers were wearing helmets and sweeping in the air, and four or five people were on the side. Shen Yan saw an adventurer drop to the top of their head, and was torn into a piece of powder by the heavy fire of the high-altitude machine gun, turning into a **** rain.

"God bless you, Amen." Shen Yan sighed and shook his head.

Not far away, another paratrooper was airborne near the machine gun position. Several Germans desperately shook the base of the high-altitude machine gun, diverted the muzzle, and watched another adventurer about to be swallowed up by gunfire. I didn't expect to suddenly throw in a black thing in midair.

A German soldier looked at the shovel in horror and made a stern call.


A machine gun position was blown up into the sky, and seven or eight German soldiers were turned into fly ash.

Walking in front of the position, Shen Qian took out a cigarette and ignited it with a fire on the position.


Hey, the paratroopers who died in danger were on the ground, and they quickly rolled on the spot. The daggers were cut and the ropes were broken. It looked like a good hand.

Shen Yang Yang said: "You owe me a favor."

The paratrooper replied: "I saw it and will return it to you."

As soon as I heard this voice, I couldn’t help myself.

The adventurer in front of him walked over after taking off the umbrella bag, and the two men looked at each other by the fire.

Isn't this the beauty that I met when I first came to the city?

"Is it you?" The beautiful woman exclaimed, was about to talk, suddenly heard the whistling sound in his ear, violently discolored on his face, shouting: "Your Majesty!"

She rushed up one by one and hugged the sinking on the ground.


A huge explosion of smoke rose from the center where the two stood, and there was a crater on the ground. The beautiful woman not far away was pressed against the sinking body, and the whole body was covered with mud.

Shen Qiang sighed with a deep breath: "Now the two are clear, I said that the speed of your repayment is very fast."

The beautiful woman looked at Shen Yan and said with a smile: "No, I still owe you a favor."

"Is it?" Being crushed by the beautiful woman, Shen Shen only felt soft and comfortable.

It’s a pity that the scenery is not very common. The beautiful woman still sat up and shook the dust on her body. “I knew the rules here, and then I realized how lucky I am. If I run into someone else, I am afraid I will be blackmailed. I have no text left. Fortunately, you reminded me that it is not allowed to attack each other. So I still owe you personal feelings, I am sorry that I said that you blackmailed that day."

"If that's the case, you can owe me two copies."


"The top floor of the novice building..."

The beautiful woman turned over the white eyelids: "You are really a man. Why do you think that I want to be against you at that time? Well, I admit, I really want to take the gun from your hand, but I don’t want to Leave you alone, but because I want to work with you, and I think my shots are better than you."

Shen Xiao smiled: "So you will use a gun?"

"Of course." The other party replied proudly, and then extended the hand of friendship to Shen Yu: "My name is gentle. What about you?"

Shen Yu lightly grasped, and started gently and greasy: "Sink, I am very happy to meet you again. I apologize for my previous excessive caution."

"Cautiousness makes people live, especially in this place." Gentleness did not care.

At this time, a large number of paratroopers have already landed, only a few unlucky eggs are still floating in the air, the gunfire against the air is gradually scarce, and the sound of the guns on the ground gradually becomes fierce. There are corpses everywhere, Germans, allies, trees, roofs, and church bell towers. Many paratroopers did not land smoothly after the airborne, but were hung up and became German. Live target.

"I didn't see you on the plane. Are you sitting on another plane?" Shen Yan asked as he shot into the north.

"Yes." Gentle and loudly replied. She is holding a 95-class light machine gun in her hand, which is the standard equipment for domestic firepower. At this moment, the charge was in front, and the light machine gun spewed out the raging fire tongue from time to time, sweeping away the enemies in front.

"Mom." Sinked.

"What's wrong?" Gentle back and ask.

"Nothing." Shen Yan did not have a good air: "Do you also choose to break north?"

"Yes, go grab the Arnhem Bridge."

"I mobilized everyone on my plane to break through to the north. I think this can give people a lot of advantages, but I didn't expect the city to arrange two planes to ride separately. That is, there are some people destined to go south. Running, the city is not going to give me the opportunity to bring everyone together."

Gentle and somewhat surprised to look back at Shen Yu: "Do you want to pull everyone to grab the bridge?"

"Yes, but I didn't do it. How many people are there on your plane?"


"It’s good to have a third to go north."

After the two men rushed to a bunker, they braved the rain of the sky and looked out. There have been many adventurers who have landed. Many of them have strong firepower and heavy machine guns on their hands.

Gentle and handy took out a pair of far-infrared night vision telescopes from the **** coat of arms, looking around: "There are many people who are breaking north. It seems that you have done a good job. The number of people going north is much more than going to the south." ”

"Do you even bring a telescope?" Shen Yu was a little curious.

"Not only this." Gentle and handy to take out a thermal imaging hose sight glass connected to the monitor, this is a night weapon, the enemy can be found deeper and deeper, you don't have to take the lead, you can see it.

"You think more comprehensive than me." Shen Hao thought he was thoughtful, and did not expect the woman in front of him to do better than him.

"Normal, after all, professional, I did not expect to go back to the bank."

"You are a soldier?" Shen Yu was surprised. It turned out that this gentle beauty was eating and killing this bowl of rice before entering the **** city.

"The police, served in military service."


Gentle and helplessly look back at Shen Yu: "Field, I am a special police, women's special police team. What about you?"

Shen Yan sighed, the murderer and the police fought side by side, thinking about it is really embarrassing!

Then he replied: "Engineer, precision machinery."

Around the moment there was a flash of fire everywhere, and the adventurers began to fight back against the Germans. Many adventurers already have their own special abilities. They can't take the other side when they are in the air. When they get to the ground, they become arrogant.

An adventurer didn't even use the gun after landing. He was very quick and straightforward to the German position. It was obviously strengthened his own speed. Several ups and downs came to the German soldiers. It was obvious that he was also purchased from the city. The sharp edge cut the throat of the German soldiers.

There is also an adventurer who simply does not evade, holding a six-tube Vulcan gun in his hand and shooting at the German position. The German's gun hit him, and he saw white light flashing, apparently wearing bulletproof props. And his Vulcan cannon is even more invincible, and the nearby German soldiers have been emptied. Several German soldiers shot at him behind the wall. He only turned one by one, and a string of bullets penetrated the wall and teared it into pieces together with the wall.

There is also an adventurer who fights with bows and arrows. Don't look at just a bow. Each arrow shoots out with a certain bursting effect. After hitting the target, it is accompanied by a large bombing and flare.

Although the number of these adventurers is not many, it is much stronger than the German soldiers.

The indulgent and gentle two people and other adventurers gradually marched toward the German position, and a large number of adventurers came from all directions. With the firepower in their hands, the Germans are obviously not opponents.

Tenderness can't help but admire: "Fortunately, with your mobilization, the people on your plane can break through to the north together, and the adventurers going south will be miserable."

Shen Yu gently shook his head: "It's not that simple, if the German defense is so good, it can't be considered a task."

"What do you mean?"

Shen Yu pointed to the few adventurous athletes in front of him: "They are dying."

As the voice of Shen Yu fell, the first thing that was unfortunate was that the arrogance was incomparable. I thought it was Rambo, and the brave man with the power of the fire in his hand was rampant. The fire from his Gatlin six-barrel heavy machine gun was like a light in the dark night, which attracted all the German artillery fire.

boom! boom!

A series of sounds, the 150mm caliber guns are in full swing.

The big man holding the Vulcan cannon was torn into pieces by a series of artillery bombardment. The bulletproof props could not stop the power of the artillery. There were huge craters on the ground, and the body was grayed out.

"It's a pity, a good gun." Shen Yu and gentle, the same channel, looked at each other, and laughed out.

Because it is a cooperative attack scene After the adventurer's death, the weapon and equipment will immediately lose the effect, become a common weapon, and have no value.

This kind of heavy fire can have a considerable suppression effect on the enemy at an appropriate time, but the big man is too conceited, he thinks that there are bulletproof props, and there is such a big killer in hand, the ordinary German soldiers are not arbitrarily pinched. As a result, the live target was directly killed.

"The guy is at least a good soldier, there are bulletproof props, there are six tubes of Vulcan cannons, and there are infinite bullet boxes... now all gone." Shen Yu muttered.

"It's a pity. I don't have an infinite bullet box with a light machine gun. I can't afford it." Gentle also sighed.

With the death of the great man, several adventurers have suffered.

The guy who rushed the fastest and thought he could be a cow like Nio was the second one after Rambo. Despite his speed, the German bullets are still faster than him. The fluttering bullets woven the space into a large net, and the ghostly-like figure in the air just stagnated, and instantly swelled up the blood springs throughout the body.

Then there was the adventurer who bombed with a bow and arrow.

This buddy is cautious. After hiding in a bunker, he occasionally comes out and puts a cold arrow. Like a jungle elf, he plays the archery skill, but he still can't help the Germans have their killer.

A tiger tank rumbling opened, the muzzle turned, and a large fire was blown at the adventurer.

The low wall bunker is connected to the adventurer's body in an instant into a fly ash.

At this point, Rambo, Neo and all the elves were killed. A large group of adventurers had become unstoppable after the emergence of the Tiger tanks, and they suddenly became a group of squadrons. Run backwards.

From brave to fugitives, sometimes just a momentary conversion.

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