Infinity Armament

Vol 3 Chapter 8: Kill the town (below)

"The Tiger tank type I has a defensive power of 35 points, an armor value of 280 points, and an artillery damage of 300 points. The key points, the top, the abdomen, and the crawler."

The armor value of mechanical products is equivalent to the life value of living organisms.

This is the result of the psychological investigation.

"Hey!" Shen Yan shook his head and admired.

It is a formal task, the attack and defense of a tiger tank is much stronger than the silver wolf that he encountered in the novice task.

Hit by a tank, the current adventurer's physique, basically no survival. Power is even stronger than BOSS. Fortunately, the flexibility is obviously insufficient, the attack frequency is too slow, and the damage is more.

The problem is that they are numerous.

At this moment, sinking and gentle, hiding behind a small broken room, gently asked: "Three tiger tanks, what should we do? Our firepower can't kill them."

Sinking cold and cold: "Help me see the direction, I will solve it."

"Do you solve it?" Gentle and somewhat strange, I saw that the sinking hand had suddenly changed something.

"Single-armed portable anti-tank rockets?" Gentle and screaming. "Your preparation work is not bad, infinite?" Gentle asked.

Shen Xiao smiled and shook his head: "How is it possible? This is the most common. You have to install a bomb once you have a shot, and you need to manually correct the target position. In addition, there is a problem of over-seat. Every time you use it, you will consume 7 life. Ordinary people who have not been strengthened can kill themselves after 13 consecutive uses. But the power is not bad, the rocket attack damages 300 points, the muzzle kinetic energy adds 50 points, 10% Sunder Armor effect, only Effective for large armored weapons, unable to attack for adventurers, and 50% damage to human attacks. This is a one-time item, limited to this mission, the mission is over, and the item disappears."

Gentlely laughing, she continued to observe with a telescope: "One at 11 o'clock, one at 12 o'clock, and one at one o'clock, more than thirty German devils behind each tank."

"Know it." Shen Yan took out a rocket and loaded it: "I made this hair, regardless of the middle, I changed the position immediately."

"Understood, I will give you fire cover." Gentlely shaking the class with a light machine gun.

The sinking side of the wall reveals the wall, and the long rocket launcher has already aimed at one of the tiger tanks. A sharp whistling, the rocket plucked a swirl on the ground, hitting the tank, and a bang, a tiger-style reimbursement. Dozens of German soldiers screamed and rushed up, and they were put down by a gentle one, and all others fell.

Shen Hao put away the rocket launcher and shouted: "Go!"

Two people ran towards the rear together.

Sure enough, the other two Tiger tanks began to transfer the muzzle.

Only one shot, the house that made the bunker was flattened, but at this time two people have fled the place and re-hidden.

It may be that a tiger tank was seen to be killed, and a large number of adventurers re-excited. Someone shouted: "I rely on, who is the cow, the rocket launcher can afford?"

Gentle look at Shen Yu: "You are an idol, not a low-key?"

"Low-key?" Shen Xiao chuckled: "Do you see more YY novels? Here is the killing world! B is a kind of behavior that seeks death and stupidity. To know that the more powerful you are, the more people will convince you, the more Willing to follow you. To keep B low-key, just to make a blockbuster? Can only say that this kind of person's brain is not normal. If you want to mix well, the high-profile will have a high-profile."

This is true of the development of the world. People will only follow the strong, and will not follow the weak. Looking to others to see the English? That is stupid thought. It’s better to show yourself more color.

The icing on the cake is always more than the charcoal in the snow.

I want to wait for a pure friendship in a place like a **** city, not to talk about friendship, and wait until I die.

By the same token, if you are on the plane, if you don’t let people know that you are a newcomer and already have the strengths of those who are old-timed veteran adventurers, then other adventures will not listen to his choice to go north. It's all a problem.

Even the opportunity for him to finish his words may not be given to him.

Changed to the fat organization that even forgotten to learn to jump to the north to try?

Most of the consequences are that everyone goes south together.

Therefore, Shen Yu never wants to show his strong strength, as long as this expression is not proud to expose all his cards.

At this moment, as Shen Shen said, in the distance, some people began to move closer to Shen Yu, apparently directed at the rocket launcher.

The effect is immediate.

Gentle admire: "This world is a big fist to talk about, I actually ignored this. You are right, meaningless, goalless low-key is a kind of stupid. Your rocket launcher is bringing you what you want, It’s worth the money.”

Shen Yan also smiled and said: "This thing is actually not expensive, only 450 blood points, that is, the rocket bomb burns money, to have five **** points."

"How many rockets did you buy?"

"70 pieces, plus a rocket tube spent a total of 800 **** points."

No wonder so many adventurers have no such thing, 800 **** consumables, for most adventurers, is extravagant. It’s only the people who have made a fortune in the newcomer’s checkpoint.

"I don't know if it is enough. This is just the beginning. I have to kill all the way. I don't know how many tanks and artillery pieces I will encounter." The gentle brow wrinkled.

The voice of indulging is weird: "I don't know enough, but I know another thing now."


"Get rid of a tiger tank and reward 25 blood points." Shen Yan refers to the **** coat of arms, gentle and obviously excited.

However, in the eyes of Shen Yu, this kind of practice of giving blood to the box is not a stingy way.

The official mission is really as rich as the novice task!

"Reporting directions, there are two more, I kill one, you kill one, how? I can lend it to you."

Gently and sweetly laughed: "Thank you, you are such a good person."

Shen Yu took a nap, did not expect that his first day of the day, the wanted criminals could get the praise of the beautiful police, it is really impermanence!

With two loud bangs, the two tiger tanks caught fire and the adventurers cheered for victory and rushed back to the German positions.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

As the Tiger tanks were destroyed, the adventurers launched their own counterattacks.

I have to say that there are quite a few people in these guys who still have two brushes underneath. The various attack methods are varied and can't be seen.

Some people will use Feijian, others will use the surrounding plants, including vegetation to attack, and some people have the ability to perform similar functions, can remotely control things, and even two adventurers stand in the distance and practice silently. As they raise their hands, the distance is a large group of ice, the fire rises, and various colors appear in the enemy group, so it is beautiful.

These skills are mostly junior, and the attack power is not strong. It has no effect when facing the tiger tank, but it is more than enough to kill.

After being indulged and gentle, the guns in the hands were used as the main battle force. From time to time, the German soldiers from all sides were shot. A large number of diverted adventurers consciously approached each other, centered on indulgence, and gradually gathered together. .

An adventurer even shot a few shots, his vitality dropped to the bottom line, and he couldn’t stand up on the ground.

Other adventurers continue to advance, and the adventurer yells: "Wait for me, who will help me!"

Unfortunately, no one cares about him.

It’s hard to protect everyone in the battle. It’s no good to help others. It’s very polite to kill you.

The adventurer probably also knows that he will not have any good end, and he will be angry.

Shen Yu looked far away at the injured guy and said to him softly: "You are waiting for me here, I will help the guy."

Gentle and a little surprised, but no objection, nodded and said: "Well, I am waiting for you."

Sinking and rushing past the rain, came to the adventurer and glanced at him: "Can you still hold it?"

The adventurer yelled at his teeth and said, "I am going to die. Mom, I have no money to buy medicine. I am going to die here... I want to go home..."

Shen Xiao smiled a bit, and put a hand on the wound of the adventurer: "Resist, I will help you."

The adventurer suddenly felt a warm current in the wound, and the bleeding wound quickly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. The blood of the wound stopped and the pain disappeared.

The indulgent medical technique has been level 2, and it can recover 40 vitality for a normal gunshot wound. The adventurer's physique is not high, and only a hundred points of vitality. At this time, there are still more than ten lives left. After the indulging treatment, half of the life is immediately restored, and I can't help but overjoy.

"One minute cooldown, go back and treat you again."

"Thank you!" the adventurer shouted.

Shen Shutou did not return to the gentle, I saw the other side of the eyes: "This is your skill?"


In the scene just now, many adventurers saw it. A group of people shouted: "The guy will heal!"

A large group of adventurers hula la ran all over.

A stout, chunky adventurer yells at the sinking: "Are you a doctor? Have medical skills?"

"Yes, but I am not a doctor."

"Hey, boy, I got a little hurt, give me a cure."

Shen Yu used him for a spiritual exploration, and then shook his head: "Without that need, you have lost more than a dozen lives, the problem is not big, my treatment has mental limitations, life is less than forty points. I don't want to treat me, it's too wasteful. And I don't like what you call me."

The adventurer was furious and pointed the gun directly at the sinking voice: "I said that your **** is not cured? Don't give your face a shame!"

Sinking at the adventurer, his eyes glowed coldly: "Give you a You better not aim me at the gun."

"I will also give you a warning, doctor, don't provoke the fire. Don't think that there is a rocket launcher for the fuck!"

"I said don't call my doctor. In the 21st century, the doctor is a derogatory term. I don't like it." Speaking, Shen's mouth twitched slightly. He suddenly reached out and grabbed the other's gun. As soon as the air was delivered, a row of bullets slammed into the sky, and the guns of the muskets flashed together, and a number of bullets hit the chest of the adventurer.

The adventurer never dreamed that he dared to shoot, wailing and falling down. Obviously it was the reason for the reinforcement. He did not die, but many bullets hit him. He could not bear it after all. Shen Yan looked at his body rolling on the ground, cold and cold: "Last repeat, I am not a war doctor, my mother is a battlefield butcher."

A group of adventurers rushed over to see the situation, all stupid.

Sinking on the body of the adventurer, he stepped on the flame of his chest and pointed out: "You can ask for help like this injury, treat a **** point at 30."

Hey! Three consecutive bullets hit the guy's head, consuming his last life, sinking coldly and coldly: "I didn't leave the habit of giving myself a curse."

Everyone is silent.

No one wants to be a dead person.

In particular, this person is becoming the main force in dealing with tanks and the only adventurer with healing power.

In addition to demonstrating force, we must also show our strength. Only when the two are combined can we quickly establish an authoritative position.


PS: I solemnly declare that I have no opinion about the doctor. It is only a substitute for indulging thinking, which is inevitably biased against doctors. Character thinking does not represent the author's thoughts, so please do not draw an equal sign.

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