Infinity Armament

Vol 3 Chapter 11: Optional task

The murder after entering the **** city is essentially different from the murder before entering the **** city.

The former is a forced behavior, which is largely an involuntary action. Many people are psychologically resentful and have a fear of death.

The latter is a proactive, ignoring all laws and consequences, and is prepared to face sacrifice and death. Whether they are just or evil, when they come to the **** city, they first have a great advantage in psychology.

Therefore, when Honglang said that Shenduo had already killed people before he entered the **** city, it meant that this was a real person who had experienced **** storms, unlike those who were forced into the city to experience life and death. Many people have not adjusted their minds psychologically.

Of course, after entering the difficult area, the situation will change. However, in this low-difficult area, few people can not be shaken in the face of indulging experiences.

A group of people followed the grove to the Arnhem Bridge, and occasionally there were some German devils on the road, which were easily solved.

After two battles in the town of Arnhem and the river, the problem of the main line mission has been basically completed. The indulgence can be said to minimize the danger of being weakened, so that he has hardly encountered much difficulty so far.

Not far from the Arnhem Bridge, the fire is skyrocketing. The airborne troops in the 2nd Airborne Camp are rushing to grab the bridge. As the history repeats, they have successfully occupied the northern section of the bridge, but they do not know that their progress has been So far.

Gentle first stop, use the telescope to observe the battlefield, and finally affirmed: "The road is basically empty, there are no enemies. The Germans are mainly concentrated in the southern section of the bridge, and are fighting with the second airborne camp. The German soldiers surrounding the town The town has been fully occupied, and we are taking a detour. The adventurers who broke out to the south are unlucky. They are fully attacked by the Germans. But the good news is that by the adventurers, this part of the Germans will not return. The Naum Bridge, but went directly to the jungle to deal with the main force of the first airborne division."

Hong Lang asked: "That is to say, our main line task to do this step, as long as you go a few steps forward, you can successfully complete it?"

Gentle and surely nodded: "I mean that."

Honglang single-handedly punched and excited: "It’s so cool! The first time I finished the task so easily."

King Kong also smiled and said: "If you don't sink, remind everyone to gather together, then find a small road and wander around, I am afraid that it is not so easy to complete this task."

Hong Lang turned his eyes: "I will not give him **** thanks. This kid will not even send a shot at a time, then he will move his mouth."

Gentle and laugh: "It’s all like this." Say, look at Shen Yu: "The head of the murderer."

In a pun, Shen Wei only did not hear: "In this case, go to the second airborne camp first. Right, ask how many people are willing to stay to continue the optional task."

To everyone's surprise, this time the adventurers who are willing to stay for optional tasks are quite a lot.

This is mainly due to the adventure of this scene. In addition to the heavy casualties at the beginning of the landing, the 22 adventurers after the collection did not die, and easily completed the final main task. Perhaps because of the strength of the team, many people began to expand their confidence, so the guts also increased.

In addition, this optional task rewards up to four thousand blood points and one skill point, which is also an important factor to attract everyone's adventure.

Skill points are used to improve skill proficiency. 1 skill per active skill, 1 point proficiency. Passive skills can only be improved by skill points. Variation skills can only be improved through proficiency.

The upgrade of skills depends on proficiency, and the higher the proficiency requirements required for future upgrades. At the beginning of the skill upgrade, only 400 proficiency is required. After upgrading, it takes 800 points, and then 1400 points. The proficiency requirement is always higher and higher. And 1 skill point can directly improve 1000 proficiency. This is a pretty valuable reward for some of the most difficult exercises, especially for special skills that cost a lot of mental energy.

The indulgent medical and mental explorations have been level 2, which is the result of uninterrupted use and training for a month. Spiritual exploration requires 3 points of spirit, and despicable medical treatment requires 2 points of spirit. To improve the skill of each skill by 1 point, it is necessary to consume 5 points of spirit. In order to indulge the current mental power, he can only use 6 times in total. It takes 5 hours to recover. To get rid of sleep, he can only improve his proficiency by 20 points per day. After one month, the proficiency will be upgraded to level 2 and 200 points of proficiency. If you want to upgrade, you can only wait another month. During that time, in order to practice these two skills, he even developed the habit of getting up and putting skills in the middle of the night.

If you have a skill point, you can greatly improve your skills.

There is absolutely no shortage of skill points like Shen Shen, so after some deliberation, 22 adventurers finally decided to stay as many as 21, and only one decided to leave.

Surprisingly, the timid fat man also asked to stay.

Shen Shen asked him why he did not choose to leave, so he replied, and behind you, maybe you can mix more blood, so that you will lose a few more qualifications in the future. Feelings, he is determined to mix some **** points to prepare for future mission failures.

This gentleness is very disdainful: "I really don't understand how your guy used the newcomer task."

Hong Lang laughed that the novice task is not a task level that is also carried out by a number of newcomers. This fat man is estimated to be a good life. He meets several newcomers with better quality and brings him into the city. Otherwise, his bear, the first level will have to hang.

The fat man nodded and said that he had no other skill, and his face was very thick, and he did not mind Honglang’s statement.

It’s a bit confusing to sink.

Is that true?

People who have the ability usually have a common mentality, that is, they are not angry, they are incompetent, and they are angry.

It doesn't matter if you don't have the ability, but you can't help.

Like a fat man, it is a typical incompetent and indisputable type. Shen Xin can't figure out what kind of newcomers will be willing to accept such a burden.

However, when it comes to the privacy of others, he does not want to think too much, just smiles: "It is rare that he has lived to the present."

"That is his luck." Honglang is not convinced.

"Luck is also a kind of ability." Shen Yan immediately interfaced, then shrugged: "But it can't be relied on, can only enjoy the surprise of falling out of the pie when there is no preparation, but can not be the last resort in despair."

Everyone laughed, and this was too reasonable.

In any case, even if the fat man clearly stated that he wants to mix, everyone will not push him away. This shows that it is a teamwork task. The ants are small and meat, and a gun is also good.

Since 21 people chose to stay and carry out their tasks, everyone re-arranged their respective responsibilities. At this time, Shen Yu has become the leader of everyone.

After walking for dozens of meters, the **** coat of arms really showed up: the main line task is completed, now you can choose to return or complete the optional task.

Complete the optional task Step 1: Join the 2nd Airborne Camp and Colonel Frost.


Arnhem originally had two bridges. The task of the second airborne battalion was to at least take and retain one. But in the process of winning the bridge, the Germans have already blown up one.

This forced the 2nd Airborne Battalion to immediately grab another road bridge, but the result was that they lost the chance of a surprise attack and were forced to face a hard battle.

Lieutenant Colonel Frost, the 2nd Airborne Battalion, is now fighting the enemy in the northern section of the bridge.

Opposite him, a large number of German soldiers violently fired the second airborne camp and could not lift their heads. Although the airborne troops are composed of the most elite fighters, they cannot carry heavy weapons. They lack the strong firepower to suppress them, and they are innate disadvantages in the confrontation.

In general, airborne troops are more suitable for rear-end raids than for such large-scale airborne frontal operations.

In particular, it also falls in the enemies surrounded by heavy enemies. Montgomery wants to create miracles. As a result, all the best soldiers of the Allies are pulled out to die. This is the biggest failure of the legendary commander in his life.

"Emergency call, emergency call, here is the 2nd airborne camp, I am the battalion commander Frost, we have already controlled the northern section of the Arnhem Bridge, but the Germans have placed heavy troops here, and their firepower is too fierce. I need support, I need support!” Lieutenant Colonel Frost yelled at the microphone.

On top of his head, the German artillery shells poured down like rain, hitting the ground in a hurry, and pulling out a hole in the pit. A large number of German soldiers madly rushed to the side of the rain, the air was full of fire, the shuttle bullets are like a stream of flying rainbow, from time to time to take away a lively life.

"Ah!" an airborne soldier shouted, and a shell exploded near him, exploding and flying one of his legs.

But he can still move, holding his injured leg and calling.

The situation is changing rapidly. The second airborne battalion that was still in the offensive state is now in a state of confrontation with the Germans. It is estimated that it will not take long for the Germans to fight back and then the second airborne camp will be completely wiped out. This bridge is on the surface.

"I need bomber support!" Frost was still yelling, and he was so anxious that he was going crazy. His soldiers suffered nearly a third of casualties in a few hours of fighting. The German soldiers carried out a strenuous blow to the paratroopers who robbed the bridge. The shells did not need to be bombarded with money, and the tanks came out one by one.

In order to help the paratroopers complete the task of robbing the bridge, the Allied Air Force was dispatched again. Unfortunately, the Germans’ anti-aircraft fire was too fierce, and many Air Force planes were even shot down when they could not reach Arnhem. A few planes that arrived at the Arnhem Bridge hurried back after hurriedly dropped a few bombs, which did not help the situation.

For example, there are still a few planes flying around today, but they are all Germans. Their shells flew around the position of the second airborne battalion, and they were able to kill the soldiers of the 2nd Airborne Camp with 150mm caliber artillery.

There was a distant answer from the microphone: "Lieutenant Colonel Frost, I regret that we can't give you more help in this situation. We need your heroic battle to take the bridge, hold the bridge, and wait for the group army. The arrival of ground forces."

"I need fire support, need tanks, need cannons, just don't need orders! You **** to inform your boss, and then go on like this, we won't be able to die on the battlefield in one day!"

"I will tell you what you need, but I remind you, Lieutenant Colonel Frost, don't expect too much from this. From the moment you receive the mission, you should be ready to fight in a tough environment. ready."

"Yes, it is to fight in a tough environment, not to die in a tough environment!"

The microphone was silent for a while, then sent a sentence: "May God bless you."

The call was interrupted.

"Bastard!" Frost screamed.

"Frost, what about our main force?" Major Ralph, the deputy battalion, yelled at his boss.

Frost said helplessly: "They didn't land in this area, but they were trapped in the woods in the south of the town of Savis. I don't think we can wait for the reinforcements, and the Allies can't give us more air. support."

"SHIT!" Ralph said with anger: "So we can only fight alone?"

"I am afraid that is the case."

"Oh, God!"

God really showed his spirit. As this sentence fell, a soldier quickly ran and cried: "The Lieutenant Colonel, there is a small unit in the rear of us, it seems to be ours."

"It is support!" The two battalions were also happy at the same time However, after seeing that the reinforcements were only a dozen people, the two battalions were silent at the same time.

It seems that only a group of disbanded squadrons came here to join together.

Honglang strode over: "Which is Colonel Frost? We are the first airborne division directly under the combat squad, ordered to support the second airborne battalion."

"I am." Frost came out: "How many people have you been?"


"I sent 21 people over? Not enough for the enemy to sew." Frost smiled.

Ralph is directly cold and iced: "We need at least 2,100 soldiers instead of 21 soldiers. The government's commitment has always been to be discounted. . . . .. abominable bureaucracy!"

Shen Xiao chuckled and said softly: "It seems that we are not optimistic."

Gentle and grin: "Even the initial level of reinforcement is enough to open their eyes. We will let them know that we are more valuable than 2,100 soldiers."

A slamming sound, as the adventurers arrived at the Arnhem Bridge, the optional mission officially opened.

Grab the bridge and hold the bridge for ten days and eight hours.

Additional team rewards mission open: Protecting the safety of Colonel Frost and Major Ralph. Surviving one person rewards 500 blood points.

The 2nd Airborne Battalion will reward 20 **** points for each surviving one.

This quest reward belongs to the team reward and will be assigned based on the contribution ratio.

Killing your own adventurer during optional mission execution will result in the loss of team rewards.

Special contribution awards are available for those who contribute the most.

The special bonus value depends on the following additional conditions:

Every surviving adventurer contributes 10% more per capita, the reward level rises to half, and the base reward has no rating.

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