Infinity Armament

Vol 3 Chapter 12: Guild Wars (on)

The so-called team reward means that if the second airborne camp survives 100 soldiers, rewards 2000 blood points, plus two battalions with 1000 blood points rewards, then the 3000 blood points reward belongs to the whole team. Instead of giving everyone a 3000 **** reward, they are assigned according to the contribution ratio. The contribution ratio is analyzed and judged by the city, and the final evaluation is made. There is absolutely no suspect of black whistle.

As for the special rewards, it is only rewarded to the most profitable adventurers. In fact, this is the real high-level reward, which is generally given to rare items that are not available in the city.

According to the city's standards, the highest contributor can choose a non-level reward without exceeding the average contribution ratio of 10%. More than 10% is a D-class reward, and 20% is double D. But no matter what level, it is definitely not available in the store, and even in the mission world.

At this moment, when you see the prompt, everyone's eyes are red, and they are all flexing their muscles. They have the ability to destroy the enemy and win the highest reward. Even the adventurer who was initially indulged to stop the release of a wide range of spells, this will be eager to try, and I can't help but think that fortunately, there is no use of spells, otherwise there will be no chance to express themselves.

However, compared with the active enthusiasm of most people, only a few people are soberly aware that I am afraid that this optional task is not as easy as the main task. An airborne mission gives 500 **** points, which makes the adventurers die and hurt. Now the optional task is 4000 points and additional bonuses, even if the difficulty is ten times higher. High risk and high return, this is the eternal theme of the city. If you don't experience some wind and rain, you want to see the rainbow. It is really an idiotic dream.

The number of the second airborne battalion was more than 600 before the departure. In addition, there were some paratroopers of other units who also floated into this area and temporarily included Frost in their own airborne battalion. People around. After a few hours of fighting, there are still 600 people left, more than 200 people directly killed, the remaining half are wounded, and dozens of seriously wounded. From the time of landing to the present, only four hours have elapsed, and the casualties have reached such a level, which shows that the battle is fierce.

And like this, they will continue for ten days.

The adventurers complete the main line task eight hours in advance. The advantage is that they can join the battle ahead of time and reduce the casualties of the second airborne camp. The downside is that they must keep eight hours more than the scheduled mission.

After the team's additional rewards mission, it is clear that it is not advisable to use the second airborne camp to make cannon fodder. Not only do they have to work hard, but they must also work hard to ensure that the people in the second airborne camp live as much as possible and protect them as much as possible. After all, the protection of the 2nd Airborne Battalion will also be included in the team contribution.

King Kong looked at Shen Shen with a strange look, and then pointed to a wounded road lying not far away: "Look at you."

Sinking and laughing: "I try my best. Under the premise of ensuring my energy, my treatment can save one person every twenty minutes."

Unexpectedly, Jin Gang and Hong Lang called out at the same time: "How is it possible!"

"What's wrong?" Shen Wei did not understand why they were so surprised.

"You can't be so high in your will? How can you recover a little spirit every 2 minutes?"

"I only have 10 will, and I will automatically recover 1 mental power every 10 minutes." Shen Wei did not understand why they said so.

Hong Lang and King Kong face each other and screamed in the same voice: "Does your treatment only consume 2 points of mental power?"

As soon as this was said, Shen Yu also stayed a little.

He suddenly realized that he had missed a very important thing, that is, the ability of healing is so easy to use and practical, how can it only consume 2 spirits?

Listening to Hong Lang and King Kong's tone, an ordinary treatment, at least also need to consume seven or eight points of mental strength, the effect is estimated to be similar to a small bottle of therapeutic potion.

He snorted a little and immediately said: "My treatment really only consumes 2 mental strengths. It is a reward I got when I passed the newcomer level. Why do I need to consume only 2 mental strengths? I don't understand."

King Kong said: "Can your treatment be used remotely?"

"No, you must touch the wound."

"Can that continue the bones?"

"No, it just restores vitality, but it can't be repaired for defects. The damage caused by special attacks can't be recovered."

King Kong immediately said: "I understand, this is probably an important reason for your low mental consumption. The biggest feature of your treatment is not recovery, but less consumption and narrow scope of application. Simply put, it is only common treatment. The injury is more suitable for self-combat and temporary maintenance. This is obviously a treatment specially developed for the adventurer's situation. After all, there are heavy injuries. As long as you can return to the city, you can recover from a **** point. In the battle, the mental energy is too much, and there is no medicine to recover, but it is a matter of life and death. Your treatment is obviously designed for common use, and the pursuit is the practical word."

Speaking of this, King Kong is very sure: "I suspect that your ability is a variant of skills, not urban self-owned skills."

“Variant skills?” Sinking: “Isn’t that the adventurer’s own skills? How come out in urban rewards?”

"I don't know this, but like this very practical and very practical skills, most of them are mutating skills. What is your treatment called?"

"Despicable medical surgery." Shen Yan said that the name is very reluctant, this name is also difficult to listen to.

King Kong and Honglang face each other, a good end to a medical technique, how can I take such a name?

Hong Lang smiled and said: "I think King Kong is right. You have the ability to learn 80% of the ability that the adventurer can create. Otherwise, it is impossible to have such a name. It is only this despicable medical technique, but we are I have never heard of it, and it is reasonable to say that there is no reason for the **** city to include the adventurer's ability as a reward."

"Unless..." King Kong suddenly said.

The three men cried at the same time: "Unless the adventurer is dead!"

The adventurer who invented the despicable medical technique is undoubtedly a genius. At the cost of limiting treatment coverage and abandoning remote treatment capabilities, he reduced mental consumption to a minimum of 2 points, primarily for common sexual injuries. For very rare injuries, choose medication or post-regression treatment, which can greatly reduce the cost of treatment. Otherwise, just a normal injury, treatment also consumes too much spirit, it is not worth it. And the adventurer with this skill is probably not a mentally advanced person, but an adventurer with a close combat. It is an adventurer who has a certain degree of self-healing ability and can stay in combat for a long time. Those who can create their own skills are strong. If such a strong person is a meat shield warrior, it will be a meat shield that can support the world alone. If it is a full-time assistant, it will be a rather horrible killing doctor.

Now, it is clear that the adventurer who invented this skill has died, and the **** city does not know why, this skill is included and rewarded as a reward. Suddenly, there is a feeling of winning, because the practicality of despicable medical treatment is far greater than the general medical technique.

"It seems that my luck is really good." Shen Yan laughed.

"If you have the strength, you have luck. If you change it, we can't live. It's a problem." Honglang is not jealous at all.

King Kong whispered softly: "It’s weird. I have never heard that **** cities will give mutations as rewards to adventurers. What is going on?"

A shell suddenly screamed and flew away, blasting away from the sinking, interrupting several people's conversations.

With the attack of this shell, the Germans' new round of offensive began.

"Tank! Tiger tank!" A British paratrooper called loudly.

On the other side of the bridge, a row of tiger-style tanks rumbling, the 88mm artillery began to sneak into the second airborne camp, and the guns rumbling, the scene was spectacular.

Just now, they are still smug, and the adventurers who are excited about the upcoming high rewards are suddenly beaten by the fire of the Tiger tank. An adventurer was unlucky to be hit by gunfire and turned into a fly ash directly in a white light.

"All squat!" Screaming.

Those who have not experienced real battles can hardly imagine the scene of survival in the rain of bullets. In the air, there was a smoke of gunpowder, and in addition to the sound of guns and guns in the ears, only the wounded of the wounded heart was crying. The bullets poured like a scorpion, falling to the hard ground, and only the fragments of the splash can make people die on the spot.

The stray bullets flying in the sky are densely woven into a large net in the air, madly pounced on all the objects that dare to be exposed to the air. A British paratrooper just wanted to stand up and fight back, and was dragged into pieces by the rain.

After sinking into the bunker, I only heard the slap in the top of my head as if the fried beans were mad.

He screamed with his head down: "gentle!"

"Where!" Gentle shouted in the distance.

"The enemy's firepower is very fierce, let's observe the situation!"

"Know it!" Gentle. She rolled over and quickly ran to the forefront of the position, carefully watching the movement from the side.

Then she quickly retracted and shouted: "There were more than twenty German soldiers rushing in. At least three heavy machine guns and an elephant tank destroyer!"

"Hands to deal with!" Shen Yan shouted, said to pull out a grenade from the **** coat of arms.

This hand is generally powerful, the price is not high, as long as 5 **** points, Shen Shen bought ten, mainly used for such strong fire suppression. In addition to one to save the gentleness, there are nine left at the moment. At the beginning, there were 1000 **** points left. In addition to the rocket launcher and the grenade and skydiving, he also bought two bullet-proof vests, so that when he came in, he spent all the **** spots, which was the idea of ​​being unsuccessful.

"Give me the distance!" he shouted.

"Come to the door!"

"Understood." Shen Qian unplugged the lead and threw it away without looking.

Several adventurers were inspired by the indulgence, and those who bought the grenade also threw the grenade out. There were a lot of loud noises in the rumbling, and there was a smoke on the Arnhem Bridge. More than 20 German soldiers in the charge immediately suffered more than half of the casualties, and the firepower of the suppression was obviously weakened.

It’s a shot of the tanker that took out the rocket launcher and pointed it at the tank.

"There are almost ten tiger tanks 600 meters away," said softly. "We are constantly firing at this side. We must find a way to kill them. Otherwise it is impossible to take the bridge!"

Tiger-type tanks have an effective range of 1,600 meters. At this moment, they are far from firing, and they are screaming at the lack of heavy weapons and strong firepower.

Hong Lang shouted: "Sink, can your anti-tank rockets hit 600 meters?"

"No problem, no more garbage than a tiger-style era." Shen Yan coldly replied: "Gently help me find the target, come to cover me!"

"First hit the direction of 10 o'clock, behind a wall, you will be on the wall!" softly shouted.

At the same time, Hong Lang and King Kong also rushed up, blocking in front of Shen Qian, the bullets in the gun all the best to spit in front, Honglang body white light, it is the scene after the bullet.

Under the cover of the two, Shen Yu put the bullets on the rocket launcher and aimed at the small wall in the distance. The eyes showed a cold: "Hey, buddy, it is not hidden enough."

He pressed the button lightly.

Hey, the rocket flew over the surface of a red light and flew into the middle tiger tank along the muzzle in the earth wall. The tiger tank was directly bombed into a ball of fire after being shot.

"Hey!" The soldiers of the 2nd Airborne Camp cheered at the same time.

For them, those tiger tanks are the most difficult for them to deal with. In the latter part of the Second World War, the Tiger-type heavy tank became the nightmare of the Allies. This kind of big killer on the ground battlefield once had a feat of hardening and winning a tank with the other seven or eight tanks.

After killing a tiger tank, Shen Yu installed a rocket and aimed at the next target, successfully killing the second Tiger tank. Before other tanks transfer the muzzle to deal with him, quickly switch places and prepare for a third shot.

Although he has not been a soldier, he has been strengthened in physical fitness, has excellent physical fitness, and has undergone a month of hard training. In fact, he is no worse than those paratroopers. He only lacks experience and skills, but with high The equipment of science and technology effectively compensated for this shortcoming.

Colonel Frost and Major Ralph did not have much expectations for the subsequent airborne troops. A total of 21 people, how much can they send?

I did not expect that the weapons in their hands were strange and not to say, there are still many people who are invulnerable!

What is the white light on the body, how is it so powerful? Can you block the bullets?

As for the thing that the guy used to fight the tank, they have never seen it before. During the Second World War, the tank was the main force of the ground forces. Although the development of anti-tank weapons has been put on the agenda, it has only seen the prototype. The sinking rocket launcher looks a bit like the "Tekken" anti-tank gun invented by the Germans. The problem is that the iron fist is a one-time consumable, and there is no such a long range. The British used the PIAT anti-tank launcher to deal with the tank, but the weapon has a complicated structure, a large recoil force, and a high risk factor during operation. It also requires two people to use it. In contrast, the anti-tank rocket launcher held at the moment is absolutely an epoch-making weapon for the soldiers of World War II.

"My God, who are they?" Major Ralph exclaimed.

Despite the darkness of the night, the artillery fire exposed the position of the tank, and he was gentle in helping him find his target and report his position. It was only a small amount of time. He had changed his position four times and killed six tiger tanks. . As the number of vehicles in the Tiger tank decreased, fewer and fewer shells fell to the position. Two of the tanks even started to retreat, and it is clear that the Germans were also shocked by the weapons that killed the tanks.

"I dare to use my head to swear that when the guy came over, he never brought the thing. Where did he come from? Is he a magician?" Frost screamed.

"Maybe God?" Ralph asked.

"No, he is not qualified enough." Frost was very sure. After thinking about it, he added: "Maybe the messenger of God."

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