Infinity Armament

Vol 3 Chapter 14: Respect

When the battle progressed to dawn, the 2nd Reconnaissance Battalion successfully advanced 50 meters on the bridge and occupied the middle section of the bridge.

The battle at night was too fierce, and both sides were extremely dead and wounded. Lieutenant Colonel Frost decided to suspend the attack and let the soldiers take a break. However, the main purpose is to delay the time, so that Shen Shen can treat the wounded as much as possible. The paratroopers stopped the attack and the Germans began to hurry to rebuild the fortifications. The two sides entered a short period of peace.

This downturn, even with the physical fitness of the adventurers, can not be overwhelmed, most people are kneeling on the ground to try to recover.

Sinking on the sandbags, a British soldier is offering him a cigarette. Although no smoke is allowed at night to avoid being caught by enemy fire, but in the square of Arnhem Bridge, even if there is no bright German can find the target, so everyone does not care. In addition, there were several soldiers who held canned food for Shen Yu, one by one.

Looking at the leisurely and leisurely look, King Kong spit on the ground: "Mom, the limelight has been robbed by this kid, and the rocket launcher is a medical technique. We are all standing by."

Sinking and lazy: "The Arnhem Bridge hasn't been taken yet. Think about how to get the job done and survive. It doesn't make sense to think about this kind of thing?"

I didn’t expect King Kong to shake his head and say: "That's not necessarily. People live forever, what are they pursuing? Isn't it a figure of fame and fortune? Let's live so hard, enjoy the eyes of others, and at least feel that it is worthwhile. Otherwise, fight for life. Just for survival, not too tired? The small staff in the big companies are all suicidal because they can't bear the pressure, let alone us? So there are always things to satisfy our needs, at least let ourselves Pursuit, even if this pursuit has no real meaning..." When he said this, he paused for a moment and sighed: "How much significance does life have in life?"

Shen Hao did not expect King Kong to say such a saying, this burly and strong man, full of brains is delicate, really amazing. However, he said it makes sense, and he was not able to refute it for a while.

Shen Yudao: "You are right in King Kong. It is a bit of a pursuit for people to live... even if it is meaningless."

King Kong and Hong Lang laughed at the same time.

"What about you? What are you pursuing? In this **** city." Ask him is gentle.

After thinking for a while, Shen Yan shook his head and said: "Before I came here, I have completed my pursuit. So now, I don't have much to pursue. If you must say yes, it is to walk in this city. In the end, hit the Santa to see if there is a wish mission."

"What is your pursuit of killing?" asked tenderly.

Shen Wei looked at the gentle with a weird look, and he muttered for a long time: "Hong Lang, your stinky mouth is really a horn."

Hong Lang laughed: "I haven't publicized that you killed seven, seriously injured sixteen, eight of them are glorious deeds. How can you not be like a murderer? Hey, murder doctor, this name The number is good."

"Shut up the flood!" Shen Yan yelled: "You big horn, and, warn, don't call my doctor, I hate the doctor! I personally killed a doctor before I came in!"

The next moment, I heard the gentle look of Honglang’s words and the eyes were full of surprise.

She grabbed her little mouth and spit it out: "The 312 case was originally made by you?"

She suddenly laughed: "I was almost transferred to participate in the pursuit of you, I said how familiar your name is."


The sullen eyes gradually became cold. He lay on the ground and looked at the sky, and the ears echoed from time to time.

Since coming to the world, he rarely recalls the past.

However, the gentle words, but suddenly pulled him into the memories of the past, in front of countless images beating, not knowing, familiar, unfamiliar, killing, killing, hundreds of The face formed an independent world in his mind.

He remembered Li Qiang.

I don't know how this guy is doing now.

Then he replied with a low-pitched voice: "You are also a city of W. It is no wonder that you feel familiar with the accent. It is very troublesome for your work? I am sorry."

Gentle laughed: "I am not a policeman now, don't worry about me catching you. Besides, even if I catch you, there is no place to send it."

"Chong your sentence, I will treat you for free once you are injured."

"Thank you, but Miss Ben does not lack that **** point." Gentle stunned and glanced.

The two people did not speak any more, the Honglang heard the fog in the clouds, and King Kong understood some of them: "It turned out that before you came in, the relationship between officers and soldiers and thieves seemed to sink you when you were on earth. Sensational."

Shen Yu thought about it and answered seriously: "In the eyes of the police... How many people are counted, unknown celebrities."

Gentle: "Can you tell me why you did the case?"

Honglang and King Kong looked at Shen Yu together, obviously want to know the answer, Shen Yan this guy lazily yawned: "Tired, sleep."


The fire in the morning replaced the alarm clock that got up, and woke up in confusion. A shell hit him 20 meters away and flew a sandbag. The sand fluttered in the air, pouring a sinking sand.

Sinking and spitting a few mouthfuls, squatting to the gentle side, shouting: "What is the situation now?"

"Each half of the country, I want the other half, and I am afraid of losing half of myself. Frost battalion commander is full of confidence, is preparing to launch a full-scale attack." Gentle and loudly replied. In this world of rumbling, even if you talk to your ears, you have to shout.

"It doesn't sound too bad." Shen Yan smiled and said: "Just keep it, it's good."

Colonel Frost also called for rescue as always: "I need the support of the first airborne division directly under the combat squad. No, not a bomber. I don't need a bomber or a **** cannon. I need a direct special operations squad! Yes, you didn't get it wrong, it's better than the bomber! I used my second child to guarantee that as long as I send 20 special operations team members, I will be able to win the Arnhem Bridge, and how many days do you keep me? How many days have I been fucking! What? I haven't heard of it? You stupid, find someone who can get in touch with the upper secrets!"

Colonel Frost hangs up the pager angrily and yells at him: "Do you know what is the worst thing in the war?! Just when you need bullets, they send you shells when you need them. When they were shelled, they sent you a bandage! When I asked for a special force unit like you, the **** operator actually answered that I had never heard of such a force, but asked me if Need air support, **** it!"

"We have always been very low-key!" Shen Yan shrugged.

A round of artillery shells flew over the scalp of the airborne soldiers and landed on the bridge. They jumped a few times and scared everyone to hold their heads and squat down.

No response for half a day, a soldier looked up and looked up, then squatted: "It's a dumb bomb!"

"Can't leave it there," Frost cried.

A soldier rushed over to prepare to remove the shells, and his face changed dramatically: "Get out of there!"

The soldier slammed, and the dumb bomb that had not been blown up suddenly blew a bang, and the huge air wave swept the airborne soldier and rushed him into the air.

"Arias!" Frost shouted. He yelled at the sinking: "Save him!"

Indulging in a rush, the young soldier has become a **** person, and his mouth is still spitting blood.

Sinking his uniform and seeing at least a dozen shrapnel on his chest, one of them shot a big hole in his lungs.

Shen Yan looked up and watched Colonel Frost shake his head and said that he could not save.

"No, I don't believe, you can save him, please help him!" Frost cried.

"Sorry, I can't do anything about it." Shen Wei is also very helpless.

Despicable medical treatment has almost no healing power for damaging injuries, so he can only watch the soldier's vitality slowly passing and cannot be saved.

"Oh, no, he was only sixteen years old. I promised his mother to bring him home alive!" Lieutenant Colonel Frost called.

Arias is the youngest soldier in the 2nd Airborne Camp. I heard that he has two brothers and all of them participated in the Allies, but they all died in the battlefield. This time Arias went out, his mother especially found the Frost battalion commander of the 2nd Airborne Camp, and asked him to ask him to protect his son. Frost agreed, and since then he has been allowing Arias to stay with him and not let him participate in the most dangerous tasks.

But Arias is still injured and is about to die.

This is the case with war. You can never find a safe corner.

All the soldiers looked at Arias with a dull look, showing a painful look.

Shen Yan sighed and said: "I still find him a priest, I think what he needs most now is the voice of the Lord."

"No." Lieutenant Colonel Frost shook his head: "God is dead."

Sinking: "What are you talking about?"

Colonel Frost replied angrily: "I said that God is dead!"

He is a little hysterical: "If God is still there, he will never let the Greeks live to the present, and will not let the whole world be involved in pain. God is dead, he can't help us! The only thing that can help us. We ourselves. God is dead, so send us to this desperate environment, let us fight alone! God is dead!"

This desperate cry makes everyone shut up.

Looking at Lieutenant Colonel Frost, he was able to see the pain in his eyes.

Arias's desperate eyes, the **** splashes in his mouth, suddenly sinking into his heart suddenly seemed to be deeply touched by something.

He quickly took out a bottle of intermediate recovery potion from the **** coat of arms: "This thing should save him..."

As soon as he saw the intermediate recovery potion, the Honglang eyes were straight. He rushed over and grabbed the sinking hand: "Are you crazy? For a soldier to take out this kind of thing? Is it worth it? Don't forget us. Unlike they are just..."

"Shut up, Honglang!" Shen stunned Honglang, Honglang knew that he almost said that he missed his mouth, but he still refused to let go: "Do you have a lot of bottles?"

"not much."

"Then you still..."

Sinking softly said: "I may not need it, Arias needs it now. Life is life, there is no difference between high and low... let go!"

Honglang’s hand trembled and finally released.

Sinking poured the potion into Arias's mouth and then started the healing. Under the influence of the mysterious force, the soldier's breathing became smoother.

The effect is good, even if it is indulged.

He suddenly realized that the original medical treatment was not only for the treatment of common trauma, but also had a role to play a better effect with medication.

"He woke up, he woke up!" Frost screamed excitedly.

The resurrection of Arias’s death made all the soldiers happy at the same time. Although they didn't know how Shen Shen did it, what happened to the medicine, but Honglang's behavior has fully explained the preciousness of the medicine. Shen Shen is obviously to save Arias and give his most precious life-saving drugs to the other side.

This makes all the soldiers look at the eyes of the gods full of respect.

With a bang, the familiar crisp sound rang in the ear.

Bloody Heraldic Tip: You have received the respect of all officers and men of the 2nd Airborne Camp, and the intimacy has risen. In this mission, you have the temporary power to command the 2nd Airborne Battalion, and you will also become the German officers' target.

One percent of the combatants of the 2nd Airborne Battalion will be attributed to your contribution.

Shen Yanran.

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