Infinity Armament

Vol 3 Chapter 15: crisis

Sudden rewards have caused Shen Yu to fall into a state of disappointment.

Compared with the rewards already received, Shen Yu is more interested in how the reward comes from.

Prior to this, he had never heard of rewards for unreleased tasks.

Hong Lang is still muttering at this time: "Idiot, fool, idiot, I have never seen an idiot like you, use 500 blood to save 20 **** points, and 20 blood points by 20 people! Big! Loss I always thought you were a genius."

Not only him, but even King Kong looked at Shen Yan with sympathetic eyes: "That is your life-saving medicine, you should not send it out for an ordinary soldier."

Shen Yan looked at the eyes of a group of adventurous people, and suddenly his heart moved.

"Hong Lang, have you ever heard that there is a reward that can be obtained without releasing a task?"

“You mean the story reward?” Hong Lang immediately replied: “That is a legendary reward. No one knows how it opens, and no one knows how to do it. We only know one thing: the story reward is very special. It only appears when a hidden condition is triggered, and usually it does not reward you with **** points or items, but rewards you with special offers, either to make your task easier or to complete your mission. The results are more generous. But these are just legends. Anyway, I don’t know who has done the plot reward. What do you ask this?”

"The legend is true." Shen Yu was sure to nod. "I just got a reward, it should be a plot reward."

When the words came out, all the adventurers were shocked and rushed over.

Sinking revealed the **** coat of arms, and the reward saw everyone stunned.

The adventurers are not too concerned about the command of the soldiers in the second airborne camp. A qualified commander is not so good. It requires not only talent, but more importantly experience and understanding. It must have an understanding of the battle and a good understanding of the subordinates. Otherwise, a commander who doesn't know how to fight or who doesn't know his or her ability to perform is likely to make fatal mistakes.

Regardless of the combat experience, the adventurers can't be stronger than Frost, and they won't even be stronger than a random soldier under his command, so they are not interested in overstepping power, but that percentage The distribution of contributions is completely different.

The 2nd Airborne Battalion currently has more than 600 soldiers, more than 600 guns, considering the lethality, is actually much higher than the combination of 20 adventurers, but the adventurer has some very special abilities that can be used for special goals. Special strikes were carried out to accomplish tasks that ordinary soldiers could not accomplish, but in terms of overall strength, they still could not be stronger than the second airborne battalion, or even better than an ordinary soldier.

The one percent contribution of more than 600 soldiers means that the contribution of six soldiers is completely squandered. It is really unreasonable to say that this reward is not good.

Everyone looks at me with each other, I look at you, and suddenly withdraw at the same time, leaving only Shen Shen, King Kong and gentle three people.

Gentle and tender to the ear of indulging: "Why are you so kind to say this thing? You don't say no one knows."

Sinking and laughing: "Look over there."

Gentle and gentle in the direction pointed by Shen Yu, I saw more than a dozen adventurers including Hong Lang, have come up with their own collection of recovery drugs. There are always some wounded people who can't be treated by Shen Zhi's treatment. They can only wait for death. But at this moment, the adventurers were generously blessed, and many wounded soldiers turned magically.

Even Hong Lang took out a bottle of low-level recovery medicine and cured a wounded person with a broken leg.

The "generous" behavior of the adventurers won the unanimous respect of the soldiers of the second airborne camp.

It’s just respect.

As time went by, the adventurers' faces became more and more ugly - they didn't wait for the reward tones.

Honglang first ran to the side of Shen Yu and trembled and asked Shen Shen: "Are you sure that the bottle of syrup is rewarded?"

Shen Hao nodded very seriously: "very certain."

"Then why I didn't get a reward!" If it weren't for the fear of the presence of the 2nd Airborne Battalion, the Hong Wave would have to scream.

Shen Yan’s face is very dignified: “Now, the plot reward is not good, I think this is also the most young soldier in the 2nd Airborne Camp, and the pleading of Campmaster Frost, and the previous treatment. There are a series of relationships between treatment and the reasons I am the first to do so."

"Then you don't say it early!" Hong Lang shuddered.

Indulge in the hand: "I just knew it."

All the adventurers listened to these words, all stupid.

That is their life-saving medicine, is it so vain?

In fact, the efforts of the adventurers are not all unprofitable. At least they did let the 2nd Airborne Camp accept their presence.

Fighting is a matter of life and death, and friendship between comrades-in-arms is also the most valuable friendship. The soldiers fought back and forth and entrusted each other to life and death. This friendship transcends everything, but it is also not coming out of thin air. It takes a long and long test.

The adventurer squad squats with a special skill, and there are some problems with all the emptiness. If you get along with each other for a long time, you will not be happy for the second airborne camp. The city can eliminate the identity of their Asians, but they can't eliminate their different character qualities. This completely different concept is bound to cause the final disagreement between the two parties. But this time, the "selfless dedication" of the adventurer squad allowed them to truly accept this group of people, which will lay a solid foundation for future battles.

But for greedy adventurers, they don't care about this. They only care about and can only care about two things: blood and survival.

Shen Qiang can make them big, and everyone is dying.

Especially the fat man, he cried directly and made the second airborne battalion soldier who was saved by him. He was too old to express his gratitude. The fat man was made a little embarrassed, a nose and a tear. Sobbing, seriously said to the soldier: "You will protect me for a while."

Everyone is speechless.

Gentle and strong, laughed and whispered again to Shen Yu: "You are too bad, I said how you are so generous, do you want to use them to explore ways to get rewards for plot missions?"

Shen Yanzheng said: "Don't say this, this is called a willingness to fight."

The gentle and beautiful big eyes slid around and whispered: "I feel that this should be called risky investment, and you need to be cautious when entering the market!"

Puff, Shen Yu and King Kong laughed at the same time, Honglang was completely soft on the ground.

Looking at Honglang’s crying face, Shen gave him a foot: “I’m fine, don’t be upset. After I go back, I will pay you a bottle.”

"Do you really?" Hong Lang immediately sat up.

"Fake." Shen Yan answered very seriously.

Hong Lang was so angry that he could not help but tear him.

Something he didn't say, just now he heard the second voice, **** coat of arms reminder: the second airborne camp soldiers deepened your friendship, get 50 points of friendship, the total value of friendship is 250 points, get Turn on the friendliness display. In the next battle, you will receive a total of 1.25 percent of the 2nd Airborne Battalion Soldier Combat Contribution Award.

Feelings in the eyes of the soldiers in the second airborne camp, the generosity of other adventurers, all affected by the indulgence. While they are grateful to other adventurers, they are even more grateful for their indulgence. As for other adventurers, there should be an increase in friendliness, but since the intimacy value is not reached at 250, the friendly display will not be turned on. In other words, their investment is not ineffective, but it is not qualified enough to be rewarded, so there is no hint.

The increase of this point is quite small for Shen Yu. What is really important is that he finally understands what is going on with the plot task: the original plot task can be upgraded continuously, and others can't follow suit, but only Later, it is half the effort, and it is estimated that the same thing can be done. If Shen can get a hundred points of friendship, then the latecomer can only be halved and halved. And his previous two hundred points of friendship, obviously, is not only a bottle of intermediate recovery potion, it should also include the role of treatment, just because the previous friendship is not enough, so did not get the qualification, so there is no hint. .

I figured out that there is a feeling of wanting to laugh at the sky, but this time, he will not say this secret again.


There is something that is very predictable, that is, the adventurous addition, it does have a significant role in changing the strength of the second airborne camp. This important role is not actually reflected in combat effectiveness. Although most of them carry guns that transcend the technology of this era, the combat power is much higher than that of ordinary soldiers. However, in wars, especially in ancient and modern warfare, the meaning of quantity is often greater than Quality, the true power of 20 adventurers (exactly 19 adventurers, fat is waste) is actually limited. But on the other hand, morale is more important than quantity.

20 savvy adventurers, quirky abilities, and weapons that transcend the technology of the times, the shock to German soldiers is enormous.

They can't imagine what kind of troops are coming across, how could they have such powerful strength.

To know that among the 20 adventurers, there are four snipers. Although all of them use the scorn of the 1990s, the range and accuracy are far superior to the German sniper rifles, and the two heavy firepowers are not used. The Vulcan cannon is also a 12-gauge Gatling gun. Among all the adventurers, even the worst fat man took AK47 in his hand. Honglang and King Kong used M17. Anyone whose weapon is better than the German soldiers. (All of these guns are very different from the property data of the guns on the planet, only the model styles are similar.)

In addition, the white light of some adventurers can resist the bullets. Some of the soldiers who were clearly hit by the second airborne battalion were only touched after they fell to the ground, and they stood up again and opened fire. It is really a German desire. cold.

If there is no fighting spirit, the combat power will drop greatly. When you know that the bullets you shot can't defeat the enemy, and even if you will live again after hitting, how many people can persist in the dead battle? How many people can insist on shooting continuously for those who can't die?

With the support of 20 adventurers, the battle to **** the bridge has gradually entered a process of heating up.

The paratroopers themselves are special forces. The soldiers who can carry out the enemy's post-war missions are not rookies. The second airborne battalion is the elite of the elite, and the combat literacy is definitely stronger than the average German squad. What they suffer is the lack of heavy fire support, and the adventurers have solved this problem for them. The remote sniper and the rocket launcher smashed the heavy firepower and tanks of the Germans one by one. A large number of airborne battalions took the opportunity to launch an assault. The adventurer could not make the airborne battalion have heavy firepower, but could level the firepower standards on both sides.

The adventurer's scientific and technological ability and the combat experience of the airborne battalion soldiers formed a good complementarity, and gradually formed a tacit understanding. The more they hit, the more convenient they were, and even the fat ones gradually became accustomed to the days of the bullets in the bullets, and occasionally dared to put bubbles. Two shots. One time, he was thrown over by a shuttle, just in time to sweep a German soldier.

The fat man screamed with joy: "I hit it! I hit it!"

Three bursts of bullets were hit, and the fat man was flying in front of the sandbags. After the fat man was shrunk to the sand, he did not reveal his head for half an hour, leaving only a big white **** outside.

Morale has risen and gone, and the 2nd Airborne Camp has gradually taken the initiative in the battle to seize the bridge. At the same time, the lessons of the previous bridge were learned. The second airborne battalion soldiers controlled the bridge base, the bottom of the bridge and other important sections very early, and no longer gave the Germans the opportunity to bomb bridge. One day after the fierce battle, the German soldiers dropped hundreds of bodies and retreated 100 meters. The second airborne battalion occupied more than half of the bridge. The British paratroopers cheered for it.

The battle also caused many adventurers to discover one thing: the original killing of the tank was bloody.

Many people are jealous of indulging, this kid's anti-tank gun is not forced to make him earn more than a thousand **** points? It is no wonder that when he crosses the river, he refuses to use the anti-tank gun to fire the fire. It is still the reason.

Sinking doesn't care what they think, he looks at the German defense with a gentle far-infrared telescope.

"There are about three hundred German devils on the other side, and there are more than one hundred on the bridge." Shen said: "The tank has been smashed, and there is an armored vehicle left, and there are several artillery pieces, but there is no big threat."

“Looks like we are going to succeed?” asked softly.

"Don't be too happy, I always feel that something is wrong." Shen Yu answered. He sat down on the fortification and gave himself a It was a British paratrooper who asked him to send it. After a day of fighting, people are sleepy, and this thing is just refreshing.

"Where is it wrong?" asked tenderly.

"I think I seem to have overlooked something." Shen Yu replied: "Do you think the task is too easy?"

"Do you want to remind us that this is your credit?" Gentle smile.

"No, I don't mean it." Shen Yan said very seriously.

He really felt that this task was too easy. Although he was officially entering the mission world for the first time, it did not prevent him from knowing how difficult it was to complete the mission world. According to Hong Lang, even if it is a difficult task, when it goes in, the probability of failure of the task is as high as 60%, let alone the difficulty of the optional task is always far more than the main task.

Until now, he will not forget what kind of effort and cost he paid when he killed Dracula.

Look at it now, all the adventurers are happy and confident, and some even say that this is the easiest task he has ever completed.

"It shouldn't be like this..." Shen Yan muttered.

Shen Yu believes that pulling people to the north line is undoubtedly an increase in the task of completing the task, but to say that it can make the task almost impossible, he thinks it is far from that level.

Where is the problem?

The indulging is confusing, and the sound of Frost came from his ear.

"Good, boy! Fight harder this evening, try to get the bridge early!" Frost gave his soldiers a boost. Despite the hard battles and heavy casualties, the victory is on the horizon, so that people can ignore all difficulties.

Get the bridge early? Sinking a little.

He suddenly thought of something and shouted: "Hong Lang, bring everyone together!"

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