Infinity Armament

Vol 7 Chapter 34: Break through the blockade line

On the hills, the black ants in a patrol are “watching” around them – their vision is not good, and they rely more on the olfactory search target.

Although it is called a black ant, this large body, about one and a half meters high, and a big guy about three meters long, looks more like a land-based galloping horse.

Even a common worker ant can easily tear a cheetah. Their sharp points are like sharp saws that can cut all hard objects.

As the lowest level of labor, worker ants not only take up the job of finding food, but also be responsible for warning.

They generally distinguish between targets using intruders and food.

Every goal that enters the sphere of influence is first of all food, attacked by worker ants. The worker ant will issue an intrusion alert only if the worker ant is unable to resolve the opponent and is subjected to counterattack damage.

At this time, the soldiers will be dispatched to fight for the protection of their homes.

The tentacles of this worker ant are fluttering in the air, and exchange information with the companions around them to represent safety.

A worker ant from another nest accidentally crossed the area, and the worker ant rushed up and slammed it back and turned it over to the ground.

The other party got up and seemed to know that he was crossing the border and shook his head and walked away.

The patrolling black ants returned to their position.

For it, most of the time, the days are so boring and boring.

However, a boring life will soon pass...

A squeaky muffled sound, a long wavy line in the air, a strange black air ant stretched the black ant's side abdomen, where a small bright red flower was opened.

The worker ant instinctively screamed in pain.

It's like an energy wave across the earth.

First is a quiet silence.


The hills that were originally dead like silence suddenly thundered a thunderous sound, and the sound rushed into the sky.

A black ant with a body shape like a cow flies out of the ant hole. The coleoptera **** at a speed of 80 times per second in the air, vibrating the air out of the sound of the piece. If there is substance, pick up the piece on the ground. .

Hundreds of wings sing, the earth is like water!

The black ant group that rushed out quickly screamed at the same time, and the mighty screams of the turbulent rain in the end of the long wilderness, giving people an endless sense of shock.

"It's a soldier ant! A total of ninety-nine!" The engineer screamed loudly.

"Retreat! All retreat!" The lord jumped on the black lightning screaming.

Everyone got on the train, and the roar of the motor was like a scent of fresh meat, which attracted the attention of the soldiers. The ant colony in the sky suddenly turned and swooped toward the attacker, drawing a line in the sky. A long black thick line, as if a flying black line snake is catching three little mice on the ground...

"The speed of the flight is seventy kilometers, not too fast. Stable, Michelle, they can't catch up with you." Shen Yan said while observing.

"Understand the sir, take care of yourself!"

"I will."

Put down the telescope, indulge in the black Harley Prince car of Zhou Yiyu, put the handheld computer in the car, forcefully step on the gas pedal, and the motorcycle rushed out of the hidden point.

All the black ants on the hills were aware of the close smell of the air, and the tentacles danced in the air, and the message was silently conveyed in the air.

Some neighboring workers began to crawl toward the sinking side, apparently intending to capture the "food." Their movements were fast, and the six feet ran at high speed on the ground, raising a piece of sand.

More worker ants, they incite the tentacles to slap the air, and the molars are staggered at the same time, making a sharp squeak.

Zeus issued a warning: "Enter the warning circle and enter the warning circle. It is 2,800 meters away from the target... 2,600 meters... 2,400 meters..."

The motorcycle rushed forward toward the front, like a high-speed running horse rushing toward the fierce wolves.

A worker ant is getting closer and closer.

It was rushing to the sinking claws, watching the moment when it was about to hit, sinking on the side of the body, the motorcycle rubbed the body of the worker ant - he did not attack the worker ants, it would only attract new Soldiers ant colony.

The worker ants turned suddenly, and the molars bite in the back of the sinking, but they bite the back of the motorcycle. Put a few mouthfuls in your mouth, bite into a piece of broken iron and spit it out.

"The distance is two kilometers ahead... We are entering the core of the warning circle and will face a massive attack..."

Two working ants who were on the tour turned at the same time and rushed toward the sinking.

Subsequently, more than ten workers were thrown in a fan shape.

The sinking car was gently shaken, and the two workers were cut from each other before the two workers were close together.

Just cut between the two ants, Shen suddenly suddenly brakes, one foot on the ground, the motorcycle made a big turn of 180 degrees in the original place, an emergency tail, turned around and rushed to the other side, with At the same time, a worker ant suddenly jumped up and slammed into the sinking, rubbing the back of the sinking turn and hitting the two black ants in front.

More than ten workers rushed over in the back, and they rushed together one after another, sinking around a curved circle and easily avoiding it.

"The distance in front is 1,800 meters...1,600 meters...1,400 meters..."

With the voice of Zeus, the surrounding workers have gathered more and more.

The more you go, the more clearly you can see that workers are rushing toward themselves.

With the speed of the motorcycle, the incessant breakthrough – just like the fish swimming in the sharks.

"The distance of the front is 1,100 meters, and it is about to enter the attack circle! Be careful, they will launch a large-scale active attack!" Zeus's voice began to sharpen.

It was like stepping on the red line. With the sudden penetration of a kilometer, the motorcycle was rushing through the warning line, and the air sounded strangely like an alarm.

All the workers are like what they got, and suddenly they collectively have actions.

Different from the previous ones, in the attack of the warning circle, the warning workers are only a range of activities, and when they enter the attack circle, they immediately evolve into collective action of all workers in the entire area.

When the number of up to four thousand workers ants move at the same time, there is a spectacular scene in the hills, as if the ants hills survived.

Looking around, I saw the black ant colony moving everywhere in the mountains. They crawled on the ground and made a sharp sound, like countless black water droplets converge in the same direction, first a puddle, then It is a pond that eventually forms a moving black lake.

At this moment, the picture turned from static to dynamic, and the past moment was still the pastoral scenery of warmth and veins. At the last moment, it turned into a torn battlefield where thousands of troops and horses were charged.

"Oh, my God, they are all moving, they are too much!" Zeus shouted.

Even Shen Shen couldn’t help but feel a scalp tingling: "They are so tight."

Worker ants are rushing toward the sinking side, they are getting more and more concentrated, the space is getting narrower and narrower, and the formation is changing.

If the former workers used a loose grid-like defense system, they now use a tightly linked chain defense system.

This huge thick iron chain is about 800 meters long and about 30 meters thick, and it is covered with a total of 4,000 workers. They are closely connected, and they are so close to each other that they can't get through a piece of paper. Some worker ants were even squeezed to the ground by their companions, letting their peers step on their bodies, then climb up and shake their heads to keep up...

"I think you can only shoot."

"Can't shoot, it will only recruit soldiers and ants!" Shen quickly answered.

"You will see them in the hole anyway."

"But at least in that space, they can't take advantage of the number."

"What should we do?"

Looking at the large group of worker ants squeezed by the black, the mouth of the sinking sighed slightly: "You should read more books, Zeus, then you will know that no defense is impeccable."

Speaking of a fierce turn of the front, heading towards the left side.

Just like the wolves chasing the elk, the workers and ants also turned at the same time, and the tail chased after the sinking.

Countless branches fell on the red land, and the dust brought up in the sky filled a thick dust cloud.

The motorcycle constantly turned in the high-speed rush, and suddenly turned to the east, and suddenly turned to the west, a large number of workers ants were chasing and blocking around, like a countless grasshopper on a hook, moving with the wind.

Without sufficient wisdom, they don't know what tactical use is, and they don't know how to do what they are doing at the moment is the essence of sports warfare—that is, pulling the target through uninterrupted high-speed movement and changing direction, and making the original impeccable defense line artificial. The ground tears a defensive gap and uses its own high-speed rapid breakthrough to forcefully intersperse, thus breaking through the opponent's defense.

This is the essence of sports warfare. In the movement, the warplanes are built, the fighters are grasped, and the troops with strong operational capabilities can often create brilliance that is weak and strong by this tactic. This kind of deeds is not uncommon in Chinese history. .

The ant colony gradually deviated from its position during the movement. After several rounds of round-trip folding, they were farther and farther away from the hole.

"Zeus, calculate the distance."

“The distance from the hole is 872 meters and the arc is 1,324 meters. The farthest ant colony is about 300 meters away from you. You have to bypass them to get behind them. The problem is that the corner is about one hundred and twenty degrees, and if you want to get rid of them, you must maintain a speed of more than one hundred and forty kilometers...including when you cross the corner. If you fail, you will rush into the ant. Among the oceans."

"Then don't fail."

Sinking and turning, he rushed against the black ants chasing themselves.

The speed is raised to the limit at this moment, and a black light is swept on the ground, and a perfect black curve is drawn on the map of the ant hills, aiming at the nest/hole.

As if to know what is going to happen, the workers and ants are rushing toward sinking.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer, and the farthest worker ants are already close to the sinking.

At a distance of more than ten meters, a black ant suddenly jumped up and rushed into the sinking. The huge fangs smashed and sank, sinking one side of the body, and the body was lowered in the rapid turn, sinking the whole person almost It is to make a sharp corner change on the ground - the rapid change of the angle of 120 degrees is definitely a super difficult job in technology.

The black ant flew over the sinking shoulders, and a front sill just touched the rear tire of the car. Although it was only a small external force attached, the motorcycle was completely out of control, doing a crazy turn in place, hitting a head. The sea of ​​ants pressed against the face.

At this moment, it is impossible for Shen Yu to complete this corner turn.

Seeing that it was going to crash into the ant pile, sinking the vertical body, lifting the handlebars, the front wheel was tilted up, like a stunt stunt, the motorcycle rushed into the air.

At the same time, a large number of black ants also leaped into the air at the same time. Their jumping power was extremely strong, and they instantly formed a steel fence in the air, traversing the air.

Indulge in the PDA, a body, through this role, people rushing into the air, can avoid the ant wall in the air.

At the same time, the motorcycle was low and low, flying over the ant wall.

Dozens of black ants slammed together and held a large group to the ground.

This scene is like the Smith Air Warfare, and the sky is like a dumpling like a black ant.

Shen Yu made a turn over in the air, and before riding it, he rode back to the motorcycle. As soon as he landed, he accelerated and rushed forward.

Zeus exclaimed with excitement: "Oh, people and cars are split in the air! How did you do it? Are you being possessed by Zhou Yiyu?"

Shen Yu coldly replied: "Even if there is no one car and one talent, this kind of action is also an excellent driver of ordinary people can do."

"But you are not a good driver."

"I am not an ordinary person!" Shen yelled.

The car suddenly accelerated, and after rushing through the blockade line of the army of workers, it rushed into the ant's nest with a head-on force.

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