Infinity Armament

Vol 7 Chapter 35: Ant

Just rushed into the nest, the light around it suddenly became dim.

The original world was quiet, and the surrounding workers and ants stopped chasing.

Sinking stopped the motorcycle and looked around carefully.

This is a huge labyrinth of caves with at least a dozen branches leading to different directions, each of which is dark and dark at the end.

One of the channels on the ground, a silver trajectory looming, is the path left by the lead bee.

Shen Yu first put the motorcycle away, marching in the ant's lair, the motorcycle is no longer necessary.

Then he said to the talker: "I am coming in."

There was a faint sound of guns from the other end of the talker, which seemed to be playing.

The Lord sipped: "Have you ever encountered an interception?"

"No, it seems that the black ants have a strict division of labor, and each ant has its own guardian area. After the soldiers of the cave are taken away, the guardian power is lost here, and the workers are not coming in."

“Great!” the engineer yelled: “Do you perform a search immediately?”

"of course."

Sinking and answering.

Remove the electronic reconnaissance bees from the **** coat of arms and let them fly.

A total of twenty electronic reconnaissance bees flew in all directions.

"Zeus, ready to receive the information, scan all the conditions here and transfer it to Hera."

"Zeus understands that the information is being received."

The electronic reconnaissance bee began to fly inward along the path indicated by the path, showing the inside of the scene a little bit on the screen.

The channel is very dark, but under the infrared illumination of the electronic eye, the internal situation is unobstructed.

The whole ant nest is like a huge underground labyrinth. It is like walking in a lava cave. The wreckage of some beasts is scattered everywhere on the ground, adding some horror to the place. Atmosphere, some of the rock wall is still dripping with water, making a ticking sound. The ground was a bit wet and the moisture was very heavy, so the electronic eye quickly covered a thin layer of fog.

"Weird, how can you not see the black ants?" Shen Yan frowned.

If the black ants at the hole are taken away, why did the electronic reconnaissance bee travel so long, but have not found any soldier ants?

I thought about taking the knife arm from his pocket and putting it on his shoulder. This knives have never been used since they were brought in by sinking. They are the cards that are especially reserved in their hands.

The knives and armor are inherently alert to all dangerous lives. When the little things appear, they immediately lie on the back of the sinking, a small triangle head swaying around, and the arm is lifted high.

Obviously, it was stimulated by something nearby.

But Shen Yan can't see any existence.

He gently calmed down some of the swaying arms and shackles, and he could see that his mood was very unstable and his intention to attack was quite strong.

"Engineer, look at what is going on here."

Engineers are the members of the M7 team who are best at environmental search and analysis. In this matter, instead of letting go of their own brains, it is better to let professional people do the work they are good at.

The engineer’s voice sounded in the talker: “I need you to transfer the command of the scout bee to me, and I will control the direction of the scout.”

"no problem."

The engineer took over the command, and on the screen of Zeus, the scouting bee began to dance up and down the mountain wall. With the change of the search direction of the scouts, the words of the engineers came: "The air humidity is about 74%, the humidity is very high, there should be an underground river nearby. The stone wall contains a lot of limestone, weak alkaline soil..."

This kind of electronic reconnaissance bee uses the most common level of intensive use. It can only see images, and can not carry out further analysis of air humidity and soil composition, but the engineers directly observe and analyze with the naked eye.

The reconnaissance bee is still flying forward, and there is still no existence of any soldier ant. The environmental analysis of the engineer is also continuing: "Indulge in the big brother, the channels are connected to each other, and the path pointed by the lead bee may be The shortest route to the queen's location is not necessarily the only one."

"This is very important. Haven't you found any soldiers?"

"please wait a while."

A scouting bee flew around the pile of fierce beasts on the ground and eventually stopped on the cheekbones.

The electronic eye is aimed at the ground under the cheekbone: "Indulge in big brother, you see, the soil here is mostly soft, the signs of turning are obvious, the soil is more humid, this is not the first place. Black ants are likely to hide in the ground, usually There is no groaning, and once life enters them, they will suddenly come out... Fortunately, you don’t have to go in. These passages look safe, but they kill the machine step by step."

The electronic bee flew up and down the rock wall and flew up and down: "There are also left and right walls. Here, here, there, here, damn, a lot... they are all hidden in the earth."

The engineering screamed.

The knives on the shoulders are becoming more and more uneasy and anxious.

The brows frowned: "Where is the nearest soldier ant?"

"One hundred and eighty meters away."

"No, no!" Shen Yan shook his head.

It is impossible for the knives to react so strongly to black ants one hundred and eighty meters away.

"There is definitely no danger in the vicinity of this."

Shen Qian thought about it and suddenly remembered something. He cried: "Engineering, you have said that the total number of soldiers who have been dispatched is ninety-nine, right?"

"Yes! But now there are only seventy."

"Have you ever encountered an ant? Or a particularly fierce one?"


"Mom! It's the ant! That guy didn't attack! It must be hidden near the hole and waiting to attack me!"

The vampire's touch was in the palm of his hand, and he slammed his hand, and the knives suddenly became bigger and flew toward the silver path. Just as it flew above the channel, the ground suddenly shot a black line and slammed into the arm, which made it slamming and fast, and directly hit the arm to the top channel.

It was the ant that should have appeared but never appeared.

The knives were hit by this, the arm of the knife swayed, and a knife was slashing on the back of the ant, tearing out a long **** mouth, which only screamed long, and the fangs slammed forward. In fact, two big holes were made on the lower abdomen.

"Come back!" Shen Qiang yelled and rushed out.

The knives screamed unwillingly, and it was very eager to say that such a guy was not in my eyes, but could not stand the command of his master, only to narrow his body back to sinking his shoulders. Sinking his left hand and pressing on his body, the mean medical technique was launched, and he whispered, "Oh, when you are not desperate, I have to test the strength of that guy."

That only the ants have turned in the direction and rushed to sink.

Like the electricity, the ant's pair of red molars were cut to sink, and the rows of barbs on the scalp saw the scalp numb.

Giants are like scissors.

The sinking body slammed back, the giant tongs rubbed his face and flew over, the vampire touched the scorpion, and stabbed the ant's lower abdomen. I didn't expect to hear only the slamming sound. The vampire touch was like a encounter. Like great resistance, the trend of advancement was obviously hindered, and this knife actually only went in a few minutes deep.

Carapace as a shield!

Indulging in a sigh, the ant hangs on him after a blow, and the tail spikes slammed down, and the tail pipe faintly has liquid flow.

Tail as a needle!

This down has been anxious and embarrassing, and the body that is squatting backwards can't escape. It simply uses the feet as a support point. It turns around in a circle, and the spikes rubbed his pants and poked on the ground.

Sinking on his fat buttocks, he used his strength to fly backwards. He only turned the ants quickly, and the six long legs poked in the sinking, sinking on the ground, and smashing six long feet. He was tied to the land behind him, and he stabbed six long round holes behind him.

Long legs like a gun!

The sinking head does not return, the arms are different and then turn, as if bent without bones, the vampire's touch is on the ant's long foot, stirring a spark, but still did not cause much damage.

"Mom, the melee damage is weakened." Shen Yan whispered.

He finally understood that the knife arm had a seemingly powerful blow. In fact, it was already a very sharp attack. At least it succeeded in opening the ant's carapace, but it was not even the ant's carapace. open.

Turning his hand on the ground, Shen Shen people have vacated and flew up, and the ant's giant python once again rubbed under him, but the ant slammed his head up, and the python slammed it down, squatting on the back. It hurts and sinks.

This only makes the strength of the ant extremely fierce.

The man is in the air, sinking and turning over to the back of the ant, he will take back the dagger, and the backhand will punch on the back of the ant.

The ant volley will roll over and fall down. When it falls, it sinks into the air, and the left hand bends into a catch. The ant’s sharp and long foot is caught in the long joint, and he is trying to grasp the long joint. The buckle is the twister of the hand. Only this lower winch hand was used, but it was not able to twist the joint of the ant, but it was hit by a counter-articular attack on the chest.

A spurt of blood spurted out, the general ant had a big mouth, and a stinger slammed into the sinking, and even a big hole was placed in the chest of Shen.

"You have a stinger attack on the general ant, which is eroded by toxicity, reducing your life by 12 points per second for 7 seconds."

The sinking sighs and retreats a few steps. The general ant has screamed and rushed over. The six-legged thorns, the sinking body flashes, it seems that the injured is not his own, and he has repeatedly shot more than ten palms. Place the ant's forefoot and carapace.

The attack of the ten palms is not strong, and the ability to weaken the melee damage is also up to 30 points, so each palm only causes a little damage to it.

The fate is that more than ten palms are photographed, and the body of the ant suddenly stiffens.

The feathered dragon snake effect is stunned, and you have a 2 second stun effect on the target.

The consequences of this vertigo are fatal.

If you used to use the feather dragon snake power to avoid the attribute problem, you are not willing to play the dragon snake special effects through frequent use. Now, if you have a full-length attribute of 40 points, you can have no scruples. The work is upgraded early.

2 seconds to let an agile 40-point adventurer attack, it is normal to play more than 10 punches, and for Shen Yu, it is possible to double this shot speed, although the consequence is that the strength of the play is greatly reduced. The damage per punch is still less than one-third of the power, but the chance of triggering special effects caused by frequent attacks is greatly increased. The probability of 3 percent seems to be small, but every 30 attacks can trigger almost once, sinking the power to increase the frequency, in exchange for the special effects at this moment.

This only ants have just got rid of the stun effect, and the body has been aging, weakness, paralysis, blindness, confusion and so on. All kinds of messy state were added to it, which led to its nickname, and the intensification of it became more and more popular. Even the knives on his shoulders screamed excitedly from time to time.

This will only make the ants extremely aggressive or defensive, but the response speed is slightly slower the sensitivity is slightly insufficient. When I met Shen Yu, who would seize the opportunity, I was immediately caught in the weakness.

The fists fell like crazy raindrops, and the sinking was like punching and kicking with sandbags. The elbows on the top of the head were all used, and the most common combo offensive was played to the fullest. Unlike previous opponents, adventurers are mostly flexible, know how to avoid disadvantages, and never let their opponents play. This only ants are dead brains, only knowing that they are fighting against their opponents. It is simply the best target for Shen Yu to practice the dragon snake. At this moment, he is doing his best, and he is carrying out the madest continuous in his history. attack.

Although this will only try to attack the sinking ants repeatedly, but under the influence of many negative states, it is slower and slower, and the reaction is slower and slower. Even the giant scorpion, the gun and the tail spur The strength is gradually fading.

When Shen Zhi’s last twelve fists and six feet fell on the ant, it was drained of vitality and finally slammed into the ground and died completely.

There was an urgent scream from the engineer in the caller: "Deep brother! Sinking brother! Are you okay?"

Although the war on his side is still fierce, the engineers can still clearly hear the sound of drinking and fighting from there. He has already shouted a lot, and finally he finally responded.

Shen Yu breathed and replied: "Yes, I am fine, know how much I have just played?"

"What?" The engineer took a trip.

"One thousand five hundred and sixty-two!" Shen said: "I took this **** general ant and made a total of 1,562 fists and finally got rid of it!"

Speaking of this, Shen Yan took a deep breath: "... I almost **** myself to death, I knew I used armor-piercing bullets."

"You really should learn the attack skills, sinking big brother."

"Yeah, I think so now." Shen Xiao smiled.

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