Infinity Armament

Vol 7 Chapter 54: Generous

Before they stepped out of the return door, they first got tips, whether they need to convert their materials into equipment, or directly convert them into **** spots.

Zhang Jianjun chose to exchange equipment. After all, there are two pieces of his carapace that will be the ant armor shell. It is obviously more cost-effective to use the defensive equipment to upgrade the defense.

Shen Yu chose three thousand **** points, which is much better than selling back to the city.

Then everyone went back to the city directly, and Zhang Jianjun and Lan Meier were relieved at the same time.

Only after experiencing the hardships of the outside world can we understand the beauty of our homeland. The heart that had been tight in the wilderness was finally completely relaxed at this moment.

Zhang Jianjun used his wide palm to hold on to Shen Yan, and said with sincerity: "Brother, this time thanks to you, I can come back completely. If you don't say anything else, there is something you need in the future. Despite saying hello."

"You're welcome." Shen Xiaoxiao answered.

Lan Meier also walked over with stepping, and squatted beside Shen, looking at Shen Shen with her unique charming eyes. She suddenly hooked his neck and said, "This is my address. You can come over to me at any time. I mean... this is not a deal."

The finger was gently stroked in the palm of his hand, and a small piece of paper was stuffed into the palm of his hand. Her movements were so soft, but full of provocative.

Thinking a little, sinking and nodding: "If there is time, I will go to you."

He used to just deal with it, but when he said this, there was an angry low-pitched voice in his ear.


Shen Yanran looked back and saw that a few people were standing there.

Hong Lang, King Kong, Zhou Yi Yu, a few **** looked at themselves with a look of "you are dead".

"Damn!" Shen Yan whispered, no matter Zhang Jianjun and Lan Meier, and quickly came over: "How come you are here?"

King Kong gave a hand: "Since you left, you have to look at it several times every day. Who can think of giving us a good show when you come back."

There is endless regret in the tone.

Honglang has always been gloating, as if he is more unlucky, he will be more happy.

"Go to you." Shen Yan pushed the waves and faced gentleness: "Things are not what you think..."

Without waiting for him to finish, gentle has already hugged the indulgent neck, and gave him a kiss. This action made everyone stunned. Honglang even glared at his own eyes and said: "What did I see? ?How could this be?"

The gentle kiss is long and deep, and it will take a while to loosen the sinking.

She looked at Shen Yu with the tenderness of the water, and then said in a very gentle tone: "As long as you can come back, everything will be fine."

Shen Xiao smiled: "You don't misunderstand, I am only a temporary companion that she met in the wilderness, between us..."

Gentle has held down his mouth with his fingers, softly said: "No explanation. Really, there is no such relationship. As long as you have me in your heart, I don't mind how many women you have."

This words once again makes everyone sluggish.

Hong Lang grabbed King Kong’s shoulder and shook his head: “I must have heard it wrong. It’s definitely wrong... What did King Kong just say?”

King Kong was sluggish and replied: "She said that she does not mind how many women he has."

Zhou Yiyu is also unbelievable: "This is really a wicked door. Are we in a **** city or a holy city?"

The fat man is adored: "The boss is the boss... it's amazing!"

Not only a few of them, but even Zhang Jianjun and Lan Meier in the distance can see it.

It seems to be very satisfied with everyone's performance, gently grasping the indulgent hand, full of tenderness and said: "Go, let's go home."

The temperature is as good as a newly married woman.

She grabbed the indulging hand and left, all the way to throw everyone behind, watching the Honglang, they are a little far away from themselves, Shen Shen then sighed: "Well, now you can no longer disguise. ”

Gentle, then loosened the sinking, staring at her bright, big eyes and watching: "What? Don't believe what I said is true?"

"I prefer to believe that it is a warning to Lan Meier."

Gentle and loud laughter.

She smiled very freely and freely, laughter like a wind chime, and walked a few steps. She whispered in her ear and said, "What about me?" I don't care if you and the Lanmeier have it. What is beyond the real relationship? You want to find a woman, don't let me see if you have the ability, otherwise you will let me see your second child into the pants of other women... I will marry you!"

For the sinking of the whole collar, gentle back a few steps, waved away, showing confidence.


An hour later, the indulgent residence.

"Things are roughly like this. This has been an accident in the past, resulting in little gain. I was originally looking for a beast to be a pet, but I have never met the right one. I can only wait for the next time. Fortunately, I finally got the team. The assembly order is not a white one."

Sitting at the conference table, Shen Hao finally finished all his experiences. This way, he went alone, there were successes and failures, gains and losses, and the rewards were certainly there. Fortunately, for an adventure, as long as its strategic goals are achieved, no matter how much it costs, it can be called victory.

In fact, for most of the adventurers, the achievements of Shen Yu are already extraordinary, but in the eyes of Shen Yu, the result is really difficult for him to satisfy.

"So, this time we not only formally avenged the blast team, but also offended the three difficult wolves?" King Kong had some headaches.

Gentle and sneer: "Here is the **** world, the land of killing, you can not sin people, people will offend you, how to provoke the wolf of the Nether, is not killed by the sinking three."

"But we also lost the reaper and the knives."

Sinking his hand: "This is one of the reasons why I have to come back in advance. The reaper's energy crystallization has been destroyed, but the wreckage is still there. As soon as new energy crystallizes, I will be able to reassemble it soon. So I intend to release the news and acquire the energy crystallization of the Reaper. I believe that it will take some time for someone to take the initiative to go to the Terminator World to help us collect it. Of course, the price will be more expensive, and that is no way. As for the arm Hehe..." Shen Yan sighed: "In the world of killing, casualties can never be avoided... just look at it."

"Fortunately, there is the harvest of the Nether Wolf as compensation." Zhou Yiyu grabbed the thunder scepter on the stage.

Class B special weapon thunder scepter.

Thunder blade shape: damage power 35-42, attack with lightning damage 12-15 points, 5 percent rate caused paralysis effect.

Staff form: no damage. Features: 10% increase in the power of all Thunderbolt attributes. Bring your own skill 1 lightning chain. Release a chain of lightning while attacking six targets, each with 60 damage. Consume 6 spirits. Bring your own skills 2 roaring thunder: single attack damage 220 points, and cause 30 points of group damage within 1 meter range, with 1-3 seconds of paralysis effect.

The use of this weapon requires 50 points of mental power and expert elemental specialization.

This is a rare double-form weapon, which is both a close weapon and a far-reaching weapon. It is a pity that the adventurer who called Zhou Mengzi was not even able to play all his strengths and was killed. If he is given another chance to let him and Shen Hao let go, perhaps he will not be a sinking opponent, but it is impossible for Shen to kill the opponent so easily.

It is a pity that the requirements for using this weapon are too high, let alone the Broken Blade team. It is difficult to find the entire area to meet the requirements.

Hong Lang picked up the ring of oath (yang).

"Voice of the Oath (Yang): Increases the power of all the combined techniques by 15% after the equipment. Equipment requirements: Male, has at least one combination skill. This item is a combination of equipment, the female ring can only be worn by women. When the wearer is When the same team member, and the distance is no more than 200 meters, the equipment combination skill automatically works."

"Equipment combination skill 1 oath ring with skill effect superposition. 2 wearer damage sharing. To start the equipment combination skills, you must first engrave your love vows on the ring and always obey it. When you violate the oath, the equipment effect It will disappear, you will be cursed by the oath, you will never be able to remove it, and you will be punished in the same direction."

There is also a small line engraved below the ring:

Love autumn forever, not to die - hehe.

Hong wave curiously looked at the ring and put it on his finger.

Just listening to the **** coat of arms immediately came to the tip: Are you sure you want to equip this ring? When you equip, the original vows will be eliminated.

Hong wave was shocked and quickly threw the ring back on the stage.

This ring is obviously prepared for adventurers with a combined ability and must be a man and a woman. When two people wear these two rings at the same time, the power of all the combined skills will increase by 30%, and the damage is also shared with each other. It can be said that it is absolutely powerful equipment.

It’s just that for a guy like Hong Lang who “never hang himself on a tree”, such equipment is meaningless.

On the contrary, it was gentle, and I watched the ring on the stand and my heart moved.

Shen Wei said: "These two things are of no use to us. I will sell them. I just want to learn the twilight angel bloodlines. We will make money before we enter the next task, and we can make up for the previous deficit."

King Kong's brow wrinkles: "Thunder the scepter is good to say, as a special equipment of Class B, I estimate that it will not be less than 30,000 points. This ring can be troublesome, who wants one?"

Indeed, although the ring of oath is a good thing, it is not useful at all. This is worse than the suit.

Shen Yan smiled and said: "Others don't, some people are afraid but they want to rush. You have forgotten this is the relic of a man who died of a widow... If I were her, I would buy it if I spent it."

All of them sat up straight together, stared at the sinking eyes, and shouted: "Do you want to sell the vow of the vows back to the widow?"

“Is there anything wrong?” Shen Yan asked.

"The woman is afraid that she has hated you!" Remind him.

"As long as she is willing to pay a good price, I will not care how much her anger and hatred." Shen Yu yo answered.

Everyone is speechless.

Next, everyone splits the action.

Fat man and King Kong are responsible for selling the thunder scepter. Since no one can afford this kind of weapon for the second difficulty, they can only go to the three difficulty areas. In order to get rid of it as soon as possible, everyone does not cover up, directly claiming to kill the end of the Nether Wolf.

Since you have already enemies, you don’t care to pull the hatred bigger, just let the things go out, let the Nether Wolf stink in the apartment area, and by the way, give a warning to all the adventurers in the apartment area - the hunter is fierce The prey is not all vegetarian.

Sure enough, saw the adventurers of the two difficulty to sell the weapons in the apartment area, and those adventurers in the apartment area were shocked one by one.

After learning that it was the weapon of the Nether Wolf team, many people screamed that Liu Sen had broken the name of their apartment area and even contained it in the second difficulty. After all, the Nether Wolf has not entered the apartment area for a long time, so it is far from being a strong team, so many people have not put them in their eyes.

After a day of tossing, someone soon bought the scepter for 30,000 points. In the words of the adventurer himself: I don’t care about such a weapon, I just can’t understand how many of your small characters are arrogant in our place, take the money and roll it, and wait for the ghost of the Nether to come back. I will use this weapon to degrade them. Something.

The fat man wants to play the snake with the stick, and wants to sell the vow of the vows by the way, and the result is a big swear: "You are really an idiot, this broken ring does not have a pair of farts!"

Can only sneak back to the ordinary area.

The Red Tiger's thunderbox is first handed over to King Kong, which allows King Kong to combine steel gloves with thunderboxes. The former is mainly used to use skills, while the latter is used to enhance the power of ordinary attacks. The violent claws and the violent ring are still reserved by Shen Shen himself, which can be used by soldiers or used by themselves.

Finally, he went to the Institute to stand up for Yu Linyu. After learning that the information he needed still had time to wait, he was relieved. This is another reason why he came back early. The two news that he had asked for Lin Yu’s search are no longer needed. Instead, the new intelligence gathering still needs Lin Yu’s help.

Lin Yu was very dissatisfied with this, but after Shen Hao promised to give him 3,000 points, he finally nodded to help him collect the news of the Nether Wolf. But this time he solemnly said: "First pay the deposit, if you change your mind, the deposit will be confiscated."

Shen Yu "extremely bold" to pull out three thousand pieces.

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