Infinity Armament

Vol 7 Chapter 55: Dark tour

After selling the thunder scepter, there were 31,345 **** points left in the Broken Blade team.

This time, Shen Qiang did not spend any more trouble, but the first time to let the gentle learning of the dawn angel blood.

After paying 18,000 **** points, the gentle coat of arms prompts:

"You have the Twilight Angel (middle) lineage."

"Blood Skill 1 Holy Sword: Gives sacred energy to the weapon in your hand, increases weapon damage by 20, ignores armor defense, and deals 50 additional damage to the undead target for one minute. Each mission world can be used three times."

"Blood Skills 2 Morning: Remote recovery skills, can restore trauma and vitality at the same time, can remove the various curses and control techniques below 60 points of priority, killing effects on undead or some evil creatures, only on singles Recovery or lethality is 300 points and can be used twice per mission world."

"Blood Skills 3 Redemption: Resurrection of all summoned life, the maximum number of people recovering is ten, and the maximum vitality is restored by a thousand points. Each mission world can be used once."

"Blood skill 4 is coming: fully stimulate the blood of the body, make yourself a Twilight Angel for a while, improve your life by 400 points, increase attack damage by 20 points, defense power by 10 points, bring your own holy aura, take your own as the center, the diameter of the action Fifty meters. All members of the team have a 50% increase in resistance to undead creatures, a substantial increase in the speed of life and spirit recovery, and a resistance to control cursed skills plus 3, with flying ability, duration Three minutes. Using this skill will not lead to mental confusion and madness, and can be used once per mission world."

"This lineage is of special bloodlines and can be upgraded."

If the beast is a powerful melee attacking skill, then the Twilight Angel lineage is a typical powerful assistive skill. Except for the Holy Sword, the other three are almost all auxiliary. However, its auxiliary effect is quite powerful. It’s just that the morning sun recovers three hundred points of all damage, and the ability to remove negative effects is better than the sacred medical technique. As for the resurrection of summoning life, not to mention, if gentle can learn this lineage earlier and follow the sinking into the wilderness, the arm will never die.

After learning the blood, the team still has 13,345 points left.

After the total, everyone is ready to help Zhou Yiyu strengthen the attributes. First upgrade Zhou Yiyu's attributes to strength 25 (35), physique 40, agility 40 (44), spirit 30, will 30, let him learn the Fabian language, and in the following time, Shen Hao was lucky enough to find a Blasting skill reel.

Double D-class skill explosives control: It has the ability to transmit and control the explosives of science and technology such as gunpowder and energy. The explosives can be transported to any location within twenty meters and a red special mark visible to anyone. Explosives should not be attached to any living body. The bursting force should not exceed 300 points, the lethality should not exceed 150 points, the blasting range should be 3*3, the damage force decreased with distance, and the bursting capacity was not affected by the upper limit. This skill cannot transmit double C-level explosives, the skill priority is 35, and the cooling time is three minutes.

There is no shortage of blasting skills in the market of ordinary districts, but Shen Yu has never been able to see it until the emergence of this skill. This is exactly what Shen Wei has been looking for for Lyle. For Lyle, he has this skill, and he will not have to look for the location of the explosives in the future, so he has the ability to immediately blast the battlefield. As for the way of self-explosion, although the power is strong, but it is too much damage to itself, it is easy to use it.

This skill scroll was only bought for 4,500 points, and then Shen Yan bought two magnetic storm mines for Lyle with 1,500 points.

Magnetic Storm Mine: After triggering, a large number of electromagnetic arcs are released to attack all targets around and cause paralysis effects. The damage is 150 points, and the one-time props cannot be superimposed.

Compared with ordinary explosives, the magnetic storm mines do not seem to have obvious improvement in lethality, but the lethality conversion of gunpowder blasting is not an ordinary attack and defense standard, but the higher the defense, the greater the damage is weakened, so it is only suitable for dealing with low defense. The goal, the magnetic storm mine is much better.

After buying this, everyone finally has 3,995 points left.

There is nothing to be strengthened in the calculations. In the next time, everyone will exercise skills in the training ground. During this time, the fat guardian of the fat man rose to level 2. Honglang's **** fanaticism is promoted to level 3 by the skill point and his own exercise, and the charge is upgraded to level 2. King Kong's withering was upgraded to level 2, but his skill point was useless, and he turned to Shen Yu, so that Shen Yu directly promoted the plunder to more than three levels.

Gentlely add skill points to the entanglement, plus a month of hard training, and finally lift the entanglement to level 8, and then one level to the top.

Class D wraps 8th level, using a whip weapon to entangle the target, making the target temporarily unable to use the skill attack, while causing 15 damage per second to the target. Skill maintenance time depends on the mental strength gap between the two sides, skill level and opponent's willpower. The greater the gap, the longer the maintenance time, the upper limit time is 18 seconds, and the mental energy is consumed by 3 points. Skill effect priority 24.

As a D-level skill, the 8th level winding is quite good both in terms of damage and utility. Unfortunately, the innate quality is insufficient, resulting in a skill priority of only 24 when it is raised to level 8. Once entangled with an adventurer with high priority exemption and even counterattack capabilities, the skill is essentially useless. It can also be seen from this aspect that the huge difference between low-level skills and advanced skills is better than the gentleness and the lover bracelet to increase the priority by 10 points, at least temporarily enough in the ordinary area.

In addition, King Kong, gentle and indulgent three-person fighting specialization has been upgraded to the advanced class, as for Hong Lang, his expert level wants to improve one step further, without the help of the scroll can still be early.

Shen Yu's feathered dragon snake power was also successfully upgraded to level 2, and the property improvement was not mentioned. The triggering probability of feathering dragon snake power was also increased to 6%, the smart effect was further enhanced, and the spiritual exploration was upgraded to level 6.

As for Zhou Yiyu, he didn't practice his skills at all, but he was responsible for modifying the two Mustangs and trying to make them go further in performance, at least not to delay the black lightning.

During this time, Pandora came to find a sinking once:

The big brothers agreed to the conditions of Shen Yu and gave him his first task - clearing the Nether Valley.

The same as Shen Yu’s guess, the Nether Valley is where Ban Dongming went. There is a wilderness and fierce land that is not dangerous to the ant's lair. It is a powerful and terrible undead.

Pandora did not tell Shen Yan what they needed, just told him that after killing all the undead in the Nether Valley, there would be a gold box.

What the big guys want is this gold box.


Time passes by and the day is getting closer and closer. However, Shen Wei has never encountered the task world he wants to turn to the gunman. Choosing the mission world is like going to the theater to watch a movie. You have the power to choose which movie to watch, but you have not decided on the movie to qualify for the movie every day.

Time went to the 28th day, and there were two days left until the final execution deadline of the mission.

On the sofa in the residence, Shen Yan heard the fat man in the channel calling: "Boss, today is Diablo 2 World!"

The sinking frowns: "It seems that this month I can't wait for what I want."

"Self-selection is like this. You can expect it, but never expect too much." King Kong came over and sat next to Shen Yu: "But then, the world of type is never lacking, this month is not, under Maybe it will come out in a month. But if you miss it today, it’s a pity."

"Oh?" Shen Brow picked: "You mean the dark world?"

"Well." King Kong nodded very seriously.

"Talk about why?" There is still an hour left, Shen Shen is not in a hurry to make a decision immediately. He wants to hear what King Kong thinks.

King Kong first bowed his head and pondered for a while. After clearing his mind, he said: "First of all, Diablo is a chaotic world. There are almost all enemies in the world. This means that we will not have any extra burden when we fight. In addition, all the BOSS in the game world have fixed locations, and they usually touch the little monsters that don't give benefits. For most adventurers, these little monsters don't make any sense, but they will cause a lot of damage to themselves. Trouble, but for airborne soldiers, the meaning is extraordinary. They can use this to train themselves. You can train as many elite soldiers as possible, and your ability is also best for group battles."

"Can you confirm?"

"Can, during this time, I and Honglang fat people often run the bar, although it is said to be a place to drink, but you know that the biggest advantage of playing is that there are many people who know each other, and there are many news channels, so I know a lot more about some things~ The mode of the task is always different, but the background of the task is basically the same, so this part will not be a problem."

"Good, what else?"

"Secondly, in order to have a career, the best way to get it is to go to the game world. Basically, every game world has a corresponding professional task release. Although there is no gunman class in the dark world, it is also a lot. There are many occupations in the mission world of the professional system. Of course, there are many differences between the original Diablo and the **** city reunifying all the specifications."

Shen Yan immediately understood the meaning of King Kong. Obviously this is a good opportunity for Hong Lang and King Kong to have a career.

"Understood, is there anything?"

"There is a lot of undead creatures, zombies and so on. The moon, the light bullet, the silver pistol, the undead coat of arms, and the gentle twilight angel lineage can play a big role there. Find the world that suits you." That's not what you love to say."

"That's right." Shen Yan laughed.

In fact, when King Kong said the second reason, Shen Hao had decided to go to the dark world, but he would like to know how much benefit Jin Gang still saw.

Speaking of this time, it was King Kong who saw more and farther than himself.

This may be because his skill bar is full, suffering from the inability to learn attack skills and the need to have a career. This strong need has blinded his eyes, but King Kong reminded him.

Sinking called the channel: "Rosie, what model is this time?"

"Competing mode!"

"Competing mode..." Shen Yan carefully tasted the meaning of the word, looked up to King Kong Road: "Notify the brothers, immediately collect all the information about the dark world, prepare for the start, this time ... we are going to the magic world Traveling!"

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