Infinity Armament

Vol 8 Chapter 3: Auxiliary

On the **** wasteland, black lightning flew through the plains like a sharp arrow.

Zhou Yiyu is driving, Shen Yu is buried in the computer screen, constantly zooming in and out of the map, to see the specific path.

Although the speed of black lightning should be the fastest among all the adventurers, the ground-moving vehicles are affected by the terrain after all. Therefore, the sinking of the passengers is the responsibility of the navigator. From time to time, Zhou Yiyu points out the direction that needs attention during the trip. Try to avoid meaningless distances.

"There is a small river in front of three miles away. You must go down the road to get the bridge."

“How wide is the river?” asked Zhou Yiyu.

"About fifteen meters."

"Then don't have to detour."

Sinking and laughing, there is Zhou Yiyu, many things can be much simpler, and some terrain problems are no longer problems.

After thinking about it, he suddenly asked: "Yi Yu, if God gives you another chance, so that you can re-select, you will not want this talent that makes your skills decline?"

Zhou Yiyu did not expect Shen Yu to suddenly ask him this, and he replied with a slight sigh: "Is it still necessary to choose? I am a person who loves to be motivated by nature and likes the feeling of speeding when driving. Although it is said to be in a **** city, it is more exciting than a car. There are a lot of things, but the habits that have been developed over the years are not easily changed. I love cars and love all kinds of cars. They are like beautiful women in my eyes, and I am excited. Let me adrenaline soar... How do you suddenly think about this?"

"The reason why I ask you this question is because I have always believed that love is the source of success. There is no driver in the **** city. All kinds of technology enhancements are essentially the outer packaging of adventurers, so the use of machinery You can only rely on everyone's understanding. If you don't have enough love for it, then you can't go long in terms of mechanical application. Fortunately, you gave me a happy answer." Knocking on the computer, suddenly said: "Oh yes, I have found a way to solve the decline in the power of the skills brought by your talent."

“Hey!” The black lightning made a sharp tire to rub the ground.

Zhou Yiyu almost slammed into a big stone. He made a beautiful rapid drift and flashed, then he looked at Shen Shen with a shock: "What are you talking about?"

"Don't be so excited." Shen Yan patted Zhou Yiyu: "Exactly, I just helped you find a way to avoid the problem of the decline in skill power."

"What do you mean?"

"The meaning is that when you have a big mountain in front of you, you don't have to cross the mountain, you can walk around." Speaking that Shen has opened the computer, turned out the above skill and read it out: " C-level skill second strike: After use, you can quickly cool a certain skill below the double C level (excluding the equipment skill), and it can only be used to cool the skill within one minute. For each level, increase the cooling range by one minute. Spirit is half of the mental consumption of the skills being cooled."

He looked up at Zhou Yiyu: "This is a skill to shorten the cooling time of other skills. For example, if you use a second strike against the Honglang charge, then the Honglang can use the charge twice. How do you feel?"

Zhou Yiyu stayed a little and stayed: "You mean..."

Shen Yu has already laughed: "In fact, there are a lot of auxiliary skills that are quite good, but too few people are willing to do the lightning seam. But the biggest feature of assistive skills is that it does not have any so-called attack power, I believe that Very suitable for you."

"Do you want me to be a dedicated auxiliary fighter?"

"Yes, Zhou Yiyu, you are now a member of the team. If you are alone, I will not give you this advice. But if you believe in your teammates, then this is the best choice."

Zhou Yiyu slightly silently said: "I need to think about it." Think about him and added: "I don't believe you."

Shen Yan certainly understands what Zhou Yiyu is worried about.

The mission world of the **** city is not the world of the game. The role of the assistants in the team is of great burden, but the risk is higher. It can be said that in the battle between the adventurer and the adventurer, the pure assistant is a natural fire attraction target. They don't have the ability to fight alone, they die when they are single, and they are equally dangerous on the battlefield.

For this reason, senior avant-garde professionals have always been sparsely populated and have always been under the care of – or focused on, or focused on killing.

Zhou Yiyu certainly believes that Shen Yu will protect him, but some things are not protected if you are willing to protect. Once his future development direction is defined as career support, he can only rely on the strength of the team to fight.

However, it is undeniable that this is indeed the best way to maximize its value.

The car is flying fast, Zhou Yiyu is silently thinking, he has completely immersed in this long thinking, the road is not seen, just by instinct to drive the car to be smooth.

After considering it for a few minutes, he finally replied: "I can accept your suggestion. For now, this is indeed the most suitable development direction for me, but I ask you to do the reinforcement for me, at least in terms of attributes, defense, etc. I want to make extra reinforcement for me."

Shen Yi patted Zhou Yiyu: "Don't worry, I will never treat my teammates badly. What's more, even if it is auxiliary, there are many ways to strengthen. You don't have to think that you will be weak when you take the auxiliary route. I am making further choices for you. More suitable for your direction."

"Since you have considered it so well for me, what about the fat man? How should he develop in the future? The simple meat shield is only useful to those who have no intelligence in the mission world, and it is not very useful for the adventurer. You can't always use it. By the time the chain is locked, the enemy is forcibly locked by the fat man?"

Shen Wei is about to answer, and suddenly there is a sharp sound of breaking in the distance. Shen Yu’s left hand quickly dialed back, and the second finger had caught a flying spur. The spurs came in very strong, and he stopped under the tremors of his fingers. He slammed his right hand and shot the moon. It was a shot at the grass in the distance.

With a sharp scream, a huge squeaky mouse flew out of the grass, looking like a calf, a pair of red eyes were squatting, and there was a blood hole in the body.

Shen Yu was about to shoot again. The black lightning had already rushed to the ground. He slammed into the squeaky mouse. It was like a buffalo collision. He banged the big mouse. The black lightning was not reduced, and he continued to rush to the mouse. The squeaky mouse was still dying, and he screamed and jumped to escape. He did not expect the black lightning to completely ignore the law of inertia. Suddenly from the front to the back, and back again, rubbing the side of the bristled mouse, the left main wheel spindle spurs out, laterally inserted from the belly of the bristled mouse, powerful by the lightning car The power is added, and the mouse is torn to the intestines.

Zhou Yiyu screamed proudly: "Beautiful!"

"Beautiful, you are a fart!" Shen Yan did not feel angry: "I still want to see the properties of it, and, my soldiers need to upgrade, and these pieces will be handed over to them as much as possible."

"Understood." Zhou Yiyu shrugged.

A zombie suddenly drilled out of the soil, and Zhou Yiyu circumvented it. Shen Shen had already released the mental exploration, and then called: "50 points of vitality, defensive power 5. Hands-on!"

In the back row, Frost and others shot at the zombie at the same time. The bullet leaned on the zombie, and when it was completely drilled out of the ground, it was blown up.

"It doesn't look too difficult to deal with." Zhou Yiyu called.

"Don't care." Shen Yu replied: "The more you go, the more these things will be. Before we reach the evil cave, we may have to face countless such small troubles."

"you sure?"

"I speak a good spirit that is always good."

As the voice of Shen Yu fell, a few red skin dwarves ran out in the distance. They are fierce, with a nail stick in their hands, wow, wow.

"It's a sinking demon!" Zhou Yiyu slammed the steering wheel and smashed it: "Sinking you are really a crow mouth!"

With the advent of Shen Yu, a single warrior in the wilderness, a variety of huge beasts began to emerge.

Black lightning all the way to the front of the rush, I saw more and more monsters gathered in the distance, along with all the way deep, even began to appear in groups. Although these little monsters are not strong, but a group of East West is really annoying. After all, they are not the real game characters. Killing a few monsters has no advantage for the improvement of strength. Therefore, Zhou Yiyu is desperate to drive away. On the contrary, the five soldiers in the car shot again and again, shooting wild monsters.

The team channel can clearly hear that the gunshots on the Honglang side are louder, and the sound of rocket explosions comes from time to time. Hong Lang is even more excited to yell, simply jump off the car and run to kill. It is estimated that if the task of saving Dika Kane is waiting for him, he has already come down to kill the massive soul energy needed for the slaughter.

For the adventurers, it is rare to be able to return to a low-difficult world, and these mission goals that have made them fearful, chilling, and headaches are not in sight. Although quantitative change can cause qualitative changes, it is based on the similar strength of both sides. The monsters in front of us are the weakest presence even in the low-difficult zone, and it is impossible to stop everyone from moving forward. Therefore, everyone is excited to go all the way, it is quite a bit of a feeling of being in the game, and the choice is veryeasy. .

"If the difficulty of the 52-person teamwork mode is more garbage, then let the storm come harder!" Honglang excitedly laughed.

"Don't be in love, Honglang, try not to let those monsters delay our time, and hurry to get the task done. Wait until you save Dika Kane and then go to these monsters to sacrifice your axe."


Stop talking, Shen Yu continued to observe the situation of the road ahead, at this time they have advanced more than 30 kilometers, is entering a wilderness.

There are two adventurers in front of the sinking eyes.

It is a man and a woman, the male is tall and tall, and the female is a good face.

Perhaps it was because he ran too fast, and even rushed to the encirclement of a large group of indulgent demons. Although it is impossible to exert too much influence on them by the power of Shen But like this, killing the past will cause great consumption in both speed and physical strength.

"Wow, that little girl looks really good, it looks too old, I hope that her next to her is not her boyfriend. It's funny, why is the proportion of beautiful women in the **** city so high?" Zhou Yiyu pointed to the men and women.

Shen Yan shrugged: "I think it is because the beauty is more likely to seek support when you open your legs. Of course, it does not rule out the possibility that the **** city also has an aesthetic point of view."

Hearing the indulgent answer, Zhou Yiyu vented his anger and was no longer interested in the little girl. He pointed to the two people: "So... kill or let go?"

After thinking about it, Shen Yu replied: "We need to complete the cleanup as soon as possible so that we can catch up with other mission points. Two more combat forces are always good... Let the cooperation start from a small scope."

Zhou Yiyu smiled: "Look at their luck."

He slammed on the gas pedal and headed for the man and the woman.

The men and women in the distant battle saw a black sedan rushing to their side at a very fast speed, while changing color.

They naturally know how dangerous they will be if they encounter a surprise attack in this situation.

Seeing the black car rushing forward, the man jumped high and fiercely, and the giant sword in his hand slammed against the black car, and a strong sword slid out.

I didn’t expect that the black car that rushed at the high speed turned to the side like a sky, rolling in and down in the air, not only avoiding this imposing sword, but also squatting on several sinking devils when he fell. Three hundred and sixty degrees of in-situ circling, all the smashing demons around the air slammed into the air, and then wiped the woman's side and drove slowly.

The young man wearing sunglasses in the driver's seat screamed at the men and women and shouted: "Hey, do you have a ride?"

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