Infinity Armament

Vol 8 Chapter 4: protocol

The car is flying fast in the wilderness, and the car audio is using a loud symphony with a loud volume. The people on the car drive while driving, while the other is playing computer games.

This makes the other party not seem to be experiencing a cruel task competition, more like a young tourist on two different day trips.

The pair of male and female adventurers sitting in the back row looked at each other, or the girl’s first opening: "Thank you for helping us. I haven’t introduced myself yet. My name is Ivy."

Her voice is soft and her voice is good.

"Good name." Zhou Yiyu casually said: "My name is Zhou Yiyu, he is Shen Yu, so beautiful, he is your man?"

This guy is exposed to the bottom of his mouth, and the heart of **** is unmistakable.

Ai Wei’s face is red: “He... he is not my boyfriend, I... I know him on the road.”

Zhou Yiyu and Shen Yu both looked at each other.

This look is not because of the content of Ivy’s words, but because of the shy tone and expression when she speaks.

Zhou Yiyu’s mouth is slightly open. First, the word “Qing” is squeezed out, and then “Pure” is squeezed out. The meaning is obvious. The one sitting in the car is not the kind of girl who relies on opening her thighs to gain vitality.

Indulging in a sneer, Usage Arabic said: "It looks like a good girl, very rare, like to chase it."

Zhou Yiyu "ah" a few times, this only sounded a moment of excitement, actually forgot that the team had an internal language.

"Then I will be welcome," he said.

Shen Xiao smiled: "Of course, remember to start quickly, don't let Hong Lang see."

There was a question from the channel about Hong Lang: "Why don't you let me see?"

Zhou Yiyu quickly replied: "The boss said that I will send me a good piece of equipment after the end of this mission, and I will not let you see it."

"Rely, I am like a stingy person."

The call was terminated and the two men grinned together.

At this time, the man finally said: "My name is Meng Ling, Singapore Chinese, I can ask, why do you want to help us? This is a competition task."

The man spoke, his voice was low, his speech rate was slow, and his right hand was always placed on the sword of the waist sword. Obviously, he was not confident in the attitude of sinking them. Especially when Shen Yu and Zhou Yiyu spoke in a dark language, he couldn't understand it at all, and his heart was more vigilant.

In the end, he is an adventurer who has come over many missions*. He has learned to easily no longer believe in anyone. Therefore, the "goodwill" of Shen Yu and others is easily unbelievable.

"Dream bell... interesting name." Shen Wei did not answer the other party's question, just chewed the meaning of the name, and then said: "I guess your girlfriend's name must have a bell."

"It’s my wife." Meng Ling replied: "Unfortunately, the **** city brought me to the world, but did not bring her. I know that this name is somewhat feminine. You can call me Lao Meng, Zi Pan Meng, that is My last name... You haven't answered my question yet."

"You come to explain to them, explain from the beginning." Shen Yan patted Zhou Yiyu.

Zhou Yiyu said the previous analysis of their competition and mode. After he finished speaking, Shen Wei interface said: "The total score of the Rogge camp is 4100 points. From this point of view, the total score of Lu Gaoin's mission cannot be more than twice that of the Rogge camp. The total points are added up and then thinned down on everyone's body. It is estimated to be only about three hundred points. If you use nine hundred points as the benchmark, then this point can only meet the needs of one-third of the people. So everyone only currently Two choices. One: grab each other, but you can kill them. Second: unite together and try to hit the apartment area."

He looked back at Lao Meng: "Now you know our choice."

“Why don’t you tell others?” Lao Meng appeared very cautious and did not relax his vigilance.

"If you say it, you won't listen. It's impossible to unite everyone. You can only unite and unite. In addition, we also want to get the benefits and then unite. When a large number of reward points are concentrated in the hands of a few people, we can further The adventurer who forced the insufficient points to attack the difficult area, killing two birds with one stone... So we have to grab the evil cave before others, which requires enough people to speed up the clearance, so that we can rush to the next mission point in time. Explain patiently.

The suspicion on Lao Meng’s face gradually subsided.

At this moment, Ivy suddenly said: "But you obviously have six people, what about others?"

Shen Yu and Zhou Yiyu stayed at the same time.

Previously at the Rogge camp, everyone stayed for a long time, and most of the attention was on the analysis task. Even with the ingenuity of precision talent, it is impossible to do so in such a short time without special attention. I remembered all four or fifty people, but I didn’t expect this little girl to do it.

It seems that they are seeing their horror. Ivy replied: "My passive skills are quick memories. Everything that comes into my sight will be automatically recorded in a short time, just like this book can be turned over at any time."

"Good ability." Shen Yan laughed: "My partner went to another mission point, we split up, I am missing people here, I found you."

"How to distribute?" Lao Meng asked quickly.

"Together, don't leave any effort, whoever kills it. As long as we can hit the Kurast Harbour all the way, even if we only rely on the contribution points, we can meet the minimum of 450 points."

This requirement of indulgence seems fair, but it is based on the armor of the armor. Unless Dream Bell and Ivy have the same skills as Xie Rongjun's bursting bullets, it would be a dream to want to grab BOSS with him.

The so-called cooperation itself is to establish a seemingly fair clause, and then maximize the degree of self-help.

"Yes, but I have to sign a non-attack agreement." Lao Meng immediately said.

Shen Yi and Zhou Yiyu stayed at the same time. I didn’t expect this Lao Meng to be cautious.

To be honest, Shen Yan does not want to sign this agreement. It is not that he wants to secretly start against Lao Meng, but once he signs the agreement, Shen Yu loses control of the dream ring. Adventurers work together, and sometimes certain threats are necessary. Especially for the indulgence of the strong side, signing an agreement with the other party is equivalent to bringing the two sides to an equal position, which is absolutely unfavorable for the dominant party.

However, after thinking about it, Shen Wei still nodded and agreed: "Well, sign the agreement, but you have to make sure that you don't say it. In addition, in order to avoid accidental injury during the battle, it is better to sign an invalid agreement."

Lao Meng exclaimed: "But that is a high-level agreement."

"You ask for it, you pay." Shen Yan answered unceremoniously.

Since the other party wants to give him a problem, Shen Yan naturally wants the other party to put some blood.

Signing the agreement for mutual cooperation, Lao Meng extended his hand to Shen Yan: "Now we are comrades-in-arms." At this time his face finally showed a relaxed expression: "Please don't blame me for being too cautious... I was betrayed."

Sinking nodded: "I guess, I don't mind your caution and distrust, but I still want to remind you that if you need an agreement to ensure trust every time you work with others, then I am afraid that you will not be ever since. There are real friends."

Lao Meng opened his mouth and couldn't speak. Yes, the trust based on the agreement is essentially distrust. Therefore, both parties to the agreement will fight side by side in this mission, and once the agreement is over, they will not easily believe each other.

After all, they only experienced the tempering of war, but they did not experience the test of friendship.

Therefore, the agreement is a double-edged sword. It allows strangers to cooperate easily, but it also makes the partners always familiar with each other.

After thinking about it, he replied: "This is something that must be lost."

I smiled.

Flying all the way, the road soon met other adventurers. Since the person is full, Shen Yu is not interested in bringing more people, and does not want to kill the prematurely killing, so he just flies past them. At the time of passing, Zhou Yiyu yelled at the **** with the adventurers who used their feet to hurry: "Hey, you turtles, my brother, I will go to the evil caves first, and you will slowly climb on the ground!" Haha!"

The tempted adventurers yelled, but the speed was not enough. They had a grumpy shot at them and fired their bodies, but they couldn't even hurt the other's fur.

After waiting for another road, there were two adventurers in the distance. Each of them was riding a motorcycle. It was among the eight people who went to the evil cave. The only ones with transportation were the worst transport. - Evil caves have the fewest points, the shortest distance, and most of the self-awareness is not enough, you can only choose here.

Zhou Yiyu asked: "How do you deal with these two?"

Shen Yu replied: "Not far from the evil cave, they have abolished their car."

"No problem!" The black lightning quickly turned and rushed toward the two.

The two adventurers in front obviously saw that the visitors were not good, and their reaction was extremely fast. They even took the car up for the first time.

"Mom, the reaction is really fast!"

"What to do?" Zhou Yiyu shouted.

"Take them a warning!"

"Understand!" Zhou Yiyu's speed is not reduced, continue to rush.

The two adventurers did not fight, and one of them was straightforward in the car, playing a fierce knife, and the other hand raised a flame and swept it.

Dealing with high-speed moving objects, using a long-range attack method to first hit the head, knocking over the vehicle and then bullying melee, this is the most common practical method. Therefore, Lao Meng or the two men at the moment, almost all have taken the same contingency measures. However, this choice is based on the fact that the object can only be moved in a straight line.

Therefore, when encountering an alternative such as Zhou Yiyu, almost everyone will suffer a big loss as soon as they come up.

Sure enough, while the knife was hit, the black lightning had once again volleyed. Under the operation of Zhou Yiyu's human-integrated talent, the existence of the car is no longer a simple linear moving object, but a 360-degree free change, and the super-existence of the world.

The knife flew down the bottom of the vehicle, and the flame did not even touch the shadow of the car. At the same time, in the overturned vehicle, Shen Ai, Arias has raised the gun in his hand at the same time.

The death revolver and Barrett shot at the same time. The two shots were hitting the knees of the two adventurers, and the two men were almost unable to stand. The black lightning rolled over at this time, and slammed into the two sides in the horizontal direction.

One of the adventurers was also strong, and both hands pushed, pushing on the door of the lightning car, and even the steel door directly hit two deep handprints. Only his knee injury, the lower plate is unstable, the weight of the black lightning more than three tons plus the weight brought by the high-speed impact will hit him violently, and the whole person will fly out.

Another adventurer reacted flexibly, and the right hand knife quickly squatted, but the person in the car was aligned. A sharp sword light on the car actually greeted, just driving the knife, sinking has been flashing like a shot, grabbing the other's left hand and pulling it, it is the broken bones of the broken hand skills, actually born Knock the adventurer's left arm.

However, this adventurer is also very fierce, and suffered such a degree of injury and even hit a lightning car, actually hit the car and an emergency stop.

At the same time, the adventurers who were previously flying also rushed again.

Facing the four adventurers in the car, they did not escape or flash with two enemies and four, and they were quite discouraged. There are certainly reasons for escape and escape, but the most important thing is that they already have the most important qualities they need to be risk-takers - the courage to fight.

Excellence is a very complex concept with different needs in different social environments.

In the **** world, the most important quality is not excellent, not generous, not rigorous, but daring to fight hard and courageously confront. As adventurers, they can be incompetent, stupid, short-sighted, and greedy. These can't be the reason why they can't survive. But if they don't have the courage to work hard, then they are destined to go far on the **** road.

The adventurer who can enter the second difficulty, at least in the courage, most people are passing.

Seeing that the two men joined forces to fight, and they screamed coldly and suddenly shouted: "I am coming!"

He took a knife and a knife, and the man flew out like a ghost. He punched one of them and the man rushed to save himself and greeted him. He is a power-type adventurer, and he is very confident in his own strength. He did not expect his fists to meet his hand, and he found that his hand was actually covered with blood, and the other hand’s hand was faintly bloody. Shadow, he only knew that he was fooled, and he was shocked and angry. He had not reacted yet. Shen Shen had already pulled out his legs and kicked one on the other. Then he bullied and an elbow hit him on his face.

He is alone and two people, but he does not put the two in his eyes. The opponents have repeatedly played back. Compared with the previous battles, his speed is not faster, but the rhythm is clearer and the movements are clearer. If you describe it in calligraphy, then it used to be mad grass, and now it is awkward.

This is also the result of the breakthrough in the melee fighting after the ants hills and Zhang Jianjun and the silver wolf. If his previous understanding of fighting is still on a fast basis, then at least now, he has begun to learn to master the rhythm, and gradually began to form his own style.

If these two people are not injured, he may not have to take an enemy two, but after fighting the two people, they will fight against them and win the game immediately.

The two men were frightened by his heart, and even the skills could not be released. When they knew that they were really strong, they were desperate in their hearts, and they kicked one of them and then floated on the car. The right hand was A light shot on the car, the previously knocked door has been restored.

He was cold and cold: "Go!"

The black lightning suddenly accelerated, and instantly left the battlefield, and the two men were stunned and didn’t know how to be good for a while.

Even the fools have understood that the other party is warning them not to go to the evil cave to grab food.

As for Lao Meng, watching Shen Yan’s eyes is also quite different.

He hadn’t had a hand with Shen Hao before, and he didn’t know how to sink into the bottom. Can't help but say: "With your strength, there is no need to join us."

Sinking and smiling: "My melee is characterized by suppression, and the damage output is weak. It is better than the damage output. Without the gun, I am better than either of them."


"Because I don't have any offensive skills... I just scare them. If you just fight with a fist, you can't beat it." Shen Yan smiled at Lao Meng, and Lao Meng was completely stunned.

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