Infinity Armament

Vol 8 Chapter 71: White reproduction

A small jungle outside the city of Kurast.

Shen Yan bowed his head and stood still. He was sitting on the opposite side of his gentle knees.

The wind blew through and brought the deep loneliness in the jungle.

For a while, I will open my eyes.

He shook his head gently.

Gentle and ask: "Is it still not?"

Sorrowful smile: "I will take a break and try again."

Already four hours have passed, during which time Shen has repeatedly used communication to try to find a white girl, but she has never been able to meet it. He also knows that the chances of finding each other are very low. After all, he has tried it before, and without exception, it is a failure.

"Why should you be reluctant, maybe after the return to the city, God will cure me?"

Sinking and shaking his head: "Impossible, this is not an injury."

The pedigree conflict has already touched the level of urban rules. According to the understanding of space managers, they do not have any possibility to defy the rules, so purple sand is impossible to treat such injuries, just as the legs of the staff can not be cured.

The only thing that can ignore the rules is the white girl.

Gentle sigh: "Then wait. Some people, just like the red dust. You may not find it when you look for it, but it will automatically appear in front of your eyes inadvertently. Maybe there will be new in a few days. Found?"

"That is equal to giving destiny to God! luck may be important, but you can never take the initiative to fight for it... I must find her today!" Shen Yan said firmly.

The gentle brush stood up, the small hand blocked the sinking mouth, and the other finger pointed to the sky: "Be careful..."

She is reminding her eyes on the day of indulging, and she may be watching his every move at any time.

"What do you know?" Shen Xiao sneered: "Do you know that gentleness, people are really a very strange animal, people are afraid that their leadership is often more than fear of death. We are born and died in the world of tasks. The vast majority of the enemies are stronger than us, and we need to work hard to win the hope! Compared to these immediate threats, those space managers look more like kindergarten aunts, perhaps capable of hitting our ass. Give a little punishment, but it is not worth our fear at all. Of course, if they perform better, I can give them some respect."

"So, what do you know?"

He raised his hand to the sky and yelled at the sky with a domineering voice: "I want to see you! I know you can hear my words... I want to see you!"

The open mind conveys the intense thoughts of sinking to the whole world at this moment, and almost all the adventurers feel the indulging voice.

I was drinking wine with Ambeira and drank for four hours. I don’t know how many pounds I drank. Some of the confused Honglang’s ears licked my ears and said with a big tongue: “How do I seem to hear... The boss is right to me. Say... see me..."

Amber, who was also drunk, was still in his arms: "Don't talk nonsense... he is not here... Come, continue... drink!"

"No... can't drink... it's messy when you drink too much..."

Ambeira's slightly red eyes looked at Hong Lang: "Chaoticity... Giggle... That's good... then it's a mess."

The sky was suddenly dark.

The dark clouds obscured the sky, and the air pressure suddenly became extremely low, as if the storm hit.

Ambella snorted and subconsciously drilled into the pocket of Honglang. Honglang’s eyes let out the light: "Oh... then... mess..."

A pair of thieves leaned toward Ambeira's chest, and Ambella didn't mind, but instead made her chest taller.

In the jungle, the invisible energy once again isolates the connection between Shen and the world.

Under a tree in the distance, the white girl stood on the blade of grass, and a pair of eyes looked like a sinking eye.


"You shouldn't look for me."

The ethereal children's sound is fresh and sweet.

This is the first time gentle to officially see the little girl in white.

Sinking is right, she looks a bit like a white girl in the midnight bell, but there is no strong suffocation in her eyebrows, but a clear calm like a lake.

"My friend has trouble, I think only you can help her."

The little girl in white looked at the gentleness and looked back at Shen Wei: "She has little trouble, and your troubles are great."

In a tender heart, Shen Xiao has laughed: "Oh? Because I call you the way?"

“The space manager already knows your connection with me.”

"Maybe they already knew it." Shen Yan shrugged: "I don't care about them, not afraid of them. I just want my woman to be alive, can you help me, right?"

The little girl in white looked at me again.

"She now has two bloodlines in her body. Temporary blood is originally a blood force that dissipates automatically after use, but the Twilight Angel and the Hell Demon are just the opposite, when they come together, because the battle is entangled. Part of the power of the Infernal Demon is mixed in the Twilight Angel lineage, causing the legacy and counteracting the power of some of the Twilight Angels. These two bloods are in direct conflict, and since the Twilight Angel is officially pedigree, most of the time can suppress the Hell's demon blood. Occasionally, the residual force will counterattack, and when the conflict reaches its peak, she will be weak and painful. The more the battle is fierce, the more obvious this situation is, especially when she calls the Twilight Angel Power, it is the Hell Devil. The opportunity to grow and counterattack. But it also has an added benefit: when the conflict occurs, she has a strong resistance to the blood spell attack."

"How to deal with it?"

"I can help her get rid of the **** of the demon king, but the space manager will not allow me to intervene. They will eliminate all the effects of what I have done."

Sinking and frowning: "Is there any way?"

"Looking for a force that can fuse two different blood sources and use them to merge into each other and evolve into a new lineage. This is an act that conforms to the rules of the city. Before that, she must use the lineage of Andariel again. These two lines of blood balance. When the blood balances, the two forces confront each other, and she will temporarily lose the ability to use the lineage."

“Where can I find the power to merge two bloodlines?”

"You don't need everything to get an answer from me. The more help you get from me, the more unfavorable you are."

Shen Shen understood, he nodded: "Well, anyway, I want to thank you for your advice."

The little girl in white took a few steps back.

Gentle and eagerly said: "Don't go! Will there be any trouble with Shen Yan? Will he die?"

"He didn't accept my direct help, so he won't die, but the space manager will punish him. The biggest possibility is to take away the Skynet chip and deprive him of half of his ability. He does not rule out the punishment to expand to the team members. The possibility."

Gentle again ask: "How can we solve this problem?"

“The **** city has a special need for adventurers. Space managers hope that there will be enough generals to enter the Tongtian Tower. Just let them see that you have the potential to become a general, then they will have a certain degree of tolerance. Once you call in the black ant's lair, it is the performance of the space manager's tolerance for you. The space manager thinks you have enough potential to become a general."

Sinking: "Do you know the ant hole?"

"I know everything that happens in the **** city."

Gentle: "Since Shen Shen has shown the potential to become a general, space managers should be able to continue to tolerate him."

"The premise is that his performance brings more expectations than he has caused."

Shen Xiao smiled: "It is a big trouble to get in touch with you?"

"The top trouble."

"How can we let them continue to tolerate it?"

“Space managers need not only generals, but also the best and best generals. The trouble you face is so big that you need to prove that you are the best and most promising adventurer ever before, so that the Supreme Council can open up to you. one side."

“How can I prove that I am the best?”

“Challenging the tasks that the predecessors have not completed.”

Gentle: "We are doing three difficult tasks as a normal zone adventurer."

"That's not enough."

Looking down for a moment, Shen suddenly asked: "What about Ivy? She has received your direct help, her trouble is bigger than me, will she die?"

"Yes, after the end of the mission, the space manager will kill her, and all the rewards obtained through the time-lapse will be canceled. They call this a correction."

Sink and gentle while taking a breath.

Sure enough!

After thinking about it, Shen Yu said: "The girl saved my teammate's life, I hope to save her. So how can we let her survive? In addition, how can we make our income not canceled?"

"It's hard."

"That is there a way?"

“Correcting mistakes is an important part of the space manager's existence. The only way to make her survive and retain her income is to get her into another mistake and reverse it.”

"To pay for your crimes?"

"Yes. But even then, time-lapse will be cancelled."

"I didn't expect it to exist all the time. Is there something wrong with this space?"

"With me, there will be mistakes."

"What kind of mistakes do we have to face?"

"An opponent that should not be faced or faced, it is a master key that can solve all problems."

Sinking and gentle while the soul is shaking.

Sinking is even more out of mouth: "kill the devil?"

"The devil and the **** are the ultimate existence of the **** world. They represent order and majesty and have absolute strength. Under normal circumstances, they will not be shot by any adventurer below three difficulty levels."

"It turned out to be..."

Shen Yu finally knows why the final BOSS of the three difficulties is not Mephisto but Azmodan.

In the world of **** cities, the devil and the **** are the top and most peaks, such as the female sea **** Yadoma. These demons or gods have extraordinary powers, and the ability to pass through the heavens is the master of every world. It is not the resistance of the adventurers.

Therefore, below the three levels of difficulty, the characters of the demon level will not only serve as the main line task, but will not even appear as an optional task.

This is why the same fall equipment, the star necklace requires the blood cleaning of the four difficulty BOSS, the devil mask only asks to face the devil to chase and kill.

From the nature of the task, I am afraid that the latter is more difficult than the former.

However, Shen Yu still said: "Diapoluo, who has experienced Beria's transformation, must be admitted to be very strong, but it does not give me the feeling that I can't face it."

"The horror of the devil is not the powerful attack power, but the undead character they possess. Every demon or **** has the ability to infinitely resurrect, and no matter how they are destroyed, they will eventually come alive."

This answer is like a thunder in the thunder.

He couldn't believe the little girl in white, and said one word: "Infinite resurrection?"


"How can we kill them?"

"The undead character of the devil comes from their soul, that is the end of all their power. When the demon is killed, the soul or the demon will dissipate. When they regroup, the new demon will be born. Off, the devil is not dead."

"It turned out to be the case. Is it because we can't be resurrected as long as we grab the gods?"

"It's not that simple. The soul of the **** you once got is just a magical or god's most traced form of the soul. The soul is the most valuable existence of the **** city. The soul of the soul is only the lowest level of the soul. When you kill a demon At that time, the power of the spirit will overflow and re-gather, you must try your best to capture or destroy the soul, but as long as there is still a trace of the soul, the demon will be born again. The more souls you capture or destroy The slower the speed of the demon **** is, and the speed of capture is much less than the speed of So in theory, if you want to completely acquire the spirit of a demon god, then you may want to kill it a hundred If you just destroy the spirit, kill it at least ten times."

“It turns out that our security is directly proportional to our greed, right?”

"Yes. Unlike the resurrection caused by the use of time-reversal, the resurrection of the devil is a true all-round resurrection. Some devils even inspire even more powerful forces after the resurrection, such as Diablo."

Gentlely said: "This is a mission that is impossible to accomplish. Don't say dozens of times, it can't be done at one time!"

"You only need to kill once. Even if you don't consider the undead character of the demon, the strength of the devil is the top of the four difficulty. There have never been any low-level adventurers who have done this before. You can kill once, it is enough The Supreme Council is eye-catching to you." The little girl in white is silent and melodious: "With the mask of the demon god, Diablo will appear and chase the user. The normal time for chasing is three minutes, and only one person is chased. If you need I can make it exist for a long time and attack all targets, and the error will arise. I make mistakes and you solve the mistakes."

“Do space managers know about it?”

"There are screens here, they won't know our conversations, but they may guess the content based on what happened. But it doesn't matter, as long as they think you have great potential and can be the one they need most in the future, they can Tolerate some of your actions."

Shen Qiang asked: "So tell me why you want to help us?"

The little girl in white was silent.

For a while, she said: "I am not helping you, but you are helping me."

She slowly receded and disappeared into the sky.

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