Infinity Armament

Vol 8 Chapter 72: within Temptation


A happy voice rang out over Kurast.

In a castle at the western end of the city, a pair of big strips are rolling a pair of men and women.

Honglang swayed his **** in a battle-like manner and did a high-frequency piston movement. Ambella held his legs tightly against the waist of Honglang and kept shouting: "Strongly! Some! Oh..."

The long sound of the ecstasy makes the impact of Honglang more and more brave. He exerts an unprecedented high agility attribute. Under the ultra-high frequency twitching, the cross/closing action even turns into countless afterimages, making people unable to see the action, as if * Super fast forward.

Different from fighting, when a person's fist hits the target body, it is difficult for people to punch out continuously because of the stop of force. Even if the speed of agility is high, you can hit the hundreds of empty punches in one second, but it is impossible. Even if you hit the human body ten times in a second. However, for the frictional motion that is not for the purpose of attack, but for the purpose of friction, the friction coefficient causes the resistance to be far less than the stopping effect, which can cause a high speed like the empty boxing, and the ultra-high speed is produced in a very short time. Frequency friction.

This high-frequency piston movement is like a four-stroke engine that performs work continuously, and the kinetic energy effect is enough to make a woman have an unprecedented and continuous climax.

The so-called land that has not been cultivated, only the words of the tired cows have been completely subverted in the adventurers with super-physical qualities - the old cattle that cut the ground have turned into high-powered crawler tractors, endlessly here before the power is exhausted. The land was madly cultivated and repeatedly crushed until the land was overwhelmed.

" can't..." Ambera screamed loudly: "Water... give me water..."

Hong Lang's effort: "I will wait until the next time, Laozi is coming out!"

"I am thirsty... I have sprayed more than 30 times... You still can't come out... Are you **** people?"

“I’ll be right soon!”

Honglang shouted, and the whole body was violent, just like experiencing the toughest battles. The body's gas field blossomed outward, and the surrounding furniture was promoted.

This is the power of talent and fanaticism, but Honglang never thought that it has a unique effect in this respect.

He almost flew up, his muscles picked up in pieces, his entire face became blood red, and then he roared in the sky: "Hey..."

It is like the fierceness of ancient behemoths!

Ambella felt that she was stunned by the huge waves, and the whole person was shaken by the huge impact. At the same time, she was the most screaming since the beginning of the "battle".

Then, the two men finally softened together.

Ambella reached out with a weak hand, took a bottle of water from the coat of arms, and drank a sigh of relief. The big mouth of Honglang has been put together, the two populations are intertwined, and the soft lower body is still even around.

Just then, the team channel suddenly heard a tone to request a call.

Hong Lang wanted to ignore it, but at first glance it was a request for indulging and could only be opened.

As soon as the communication was connected, Shen Yu said directly: "Hong Lang, immediately gathered outside the city of Curast."

The action of Honglang was stagnant: "Now? Can't you be late?"

Shen Yu seems to have heard the sound of Ambella's gasping, and he couldn't help but scream: "Are you a woman around you?"


"... urgent, come over now."

"Oh, I know." Hong Lang cut off the call and was about to turn over. Ambella hugged him: "You just throw me here?"

"Sorry, but the boss told me to listen."

"Shit!" Ambera shouted: "Now don't perform the task, can you have any urgent needs? He knows what you are doing, and still calls you, what does he take you?"

"Take me as a brother." Hong Lang replied calmly: "Without him, there is no strength of Laozi now, maybe even life is gone. So what he said, I have to listen."

"Fart! I think he is just using you as a tool! Yes, he is taking care of you, and strengthening is also biased towards you. But can he always do this? If I guess correctly, from now on, the next reinforcement, There will be a long time without your share!"

"You don't have to say it, I know it myself. It should have been, it is the debt I owe to everyone."

Ambella hugged Honglang and used her own pair of plump milk/rooms to hang on Honglang: "Why do you have to pay this debt? Why don't you leave him now?"

"What are you talking about?" Hong Lang stayed.

Ambella said in a word: "I said... leave him! When you are strong enough now! Come to my South China Sea team, I will give you the position of this captain, you will be the boss, I Be your woman, you will get a third of the harvest in the team, how about?"

Hong Lang looked at Ambella.

In the eyes of Ambella, the fanaticism is released: "Hang Lang, listen to me, give up sinking, oh, now is a good opportunity! When I get to the South China Sea team, you have to wind up the rain and rain, what you say is the order, this is no better than Is it a strong dog for Shen Yu? And I am not a jealous woman, you want to go to bed with anyone. Isn't this a hundred times better than your life in the Broken Blade?"

Honglang’s face quickly gloomy: “Enough, stop talking.”

"Hong Lang!" Ambera yelled: "You think about it! Here is the **** world, the place to kill, the place to struggle for survival, not the place to talk about morality! Without betrayal, there is no windfall. Not even stronger!"

Honglang nodded. "Oh, it turned out to be like this, I understand."

Ambera is overjoyed: "Have you figured it out?"

"Yes, I figured it out." Hong Lang said coldly: "I figured out why you would go to bed with me, and you can see what kind of woman you are. You are right, Ambera, if I quit now It really brings me a lot of benefits. Unfortunately, I don't want to!"

Ambera's face changed: "You..."

Honglang sneered: "You dare to dig the corner of the sinking wall. You probably don't know what to do with Shen Shen. Woman, you are far worse than him. Don't blame me for not reminding you, and being right with Only one dead road!"

"Then you will find a chance to do it first..." Ambera didn't finish talking. She had already been smothered by Hong Lang and let her stop talking.

Hong Lang squatted on her and raised a finger: "Hey... don't give me more advice, understand? The consequences are dangerous!"

He patted Ambera's face: "Your ability is good, but the heart is too poisonous. Give you three reasons, one: I don't believe in you. Second: I am not so shameless. Three: Laozi is stupid, but at least One advantage is that I can see myself clearly. I am not the boss of the material, so there is no possibility between you and me. But for your bait... I still like it."

He put out his tongue and rubbed Amber's face: "Your bed is good, it's better to continue this relationship later."

Ambera angered in her eyes: "Mix... eggs, get out of my body!"

She suddenly bent her leg, kneeling on the Honglang lower abdomen, and slammed the Honglang. The Honglang only felt that the lower body was cold and had left the warm zone.

When Ambella took a bed, people had jumped up and swayed against Honglang.

"Rely!" Hong Lang sighed and was kicked by Ambeira on his face and fell to the wall before falling.

Then Ambera raised her right hand and another group of flame shock waves hit it.

Honglang grabbed a long table and stopped it. The flame shock wave hit the Honglang body through the long table. The Honglang slammed and rushed over, and the pair of plump rabbits that were hitting in Ambella. She was so upset that she was frowning. The left hand is pointed into a claw, and the claw is directed to the Honglang head, while the right foot is flying to kick the Honglang lower body.

Hong wave was shocked and hurried to dodge sideways. This foot was kicking in the inside of his thigh. He kicked Ambera with his backhand and yelled: "Woman, don't give face a shame! This **** is Laozi. Original goods, you dare to abolish it, I smash you!"

"Go to death!" Ambera screamed and rushed again.

"Hell!" Hong Lang was big.

To be replaced by someone else, he took out the knife and axe and unloaded the other side. But this woman just went to bed with him, and now they are all naked, plus Amber is a team leader, killing her is bound Destroy the league's plan, I really don't know what to do.

He simply slammed against the wall behind him, rumbling and smashing a big hole, and the man had passed through the wall.

Ambera slammed into the air and saw that the Honglang was far away. While sprinting in the buttocks, he took the clothes from the coat of arms and shouted at the same time, and shouted at the head: "Look at the couple’s share overnight. I don't care about you, you are good at it!"

"Go to your mom / night couple!" Amberla hysterically shouted.


When he ran outside of the city of Kurast, Hong Lang discovered Shen Shen, King Kong, gentle, Zhou Yiyu and Luo Wei and others were waiting there.

They are sitting on a black lightning car and it looks like they are going to travel.

Honglang jumped into the car with a fly, and he frowned. "How is it so slow?"

"Don't mention it, fight with the woman of Ambera... Yes, call me what is going on?"

"Back to the Kurast Harbour, there are things that must be dealt with immediately. Yes, how do you fight with Ambella?"

The black lightning started, flying generally away from the city, heading for the harbor.

"She suggested that I abandon the dark and tell me what to do back to the seaport?"

"Looking for the old man to pick up the task, she let you go to the South China Sea team?"

"Well, the price code given is not low, what mission?"

Two people, you have a sentence, I finally said things in general. As soon as I heard that I was going to deal with Diablo, and it was the demon-level existence of the gods, the daring of Honglang also felt the back of the cold.

For Amber's proposal, Shen Wei and others are also inexplicable. I did not expect this woman's mind to be so vicious and courageous.

She even smashed Hong Lang to kill Shen Shen!

"You must have a good lesson to teach this dead woman." Gentle and angry.

Shen Qianzheng replied: "Now is not the time, after the completion of the business, all the accounts together."

"But I really didn't see it, the wave ball, you can resist the temptation so much." King Kong touched Honglang's head and said: "The price that Ambella gives you is not low, let you be the boss, the woman is As you play, you will not agree."

"That's right, Honglang, you really should promise her." Shen Yu interface, and then turned to gentle: "Look at the fact that I will not hesitate to offend the space manager, learn Ambera, give me the right to have an affair how about it?"

His words suddenly turned the atmosphere from anger and tension to ease - Shen Yu knows that everyone is not an actor ~ ~ or adjust the mood and then play.

Gentle and wink: "You want to be beautiful!"

Indulge in helplessness: "The dream is always beautiful."

"Promise is always good." Hong Lang sneered: "Because you don't love you, you can indulge you. I don't understand this. When I refused to die, I gave her three reasons. Any one is enough." Bird her."

Shen Yan immediately said: "Then you give her a less reason."


"One-third of the South China Sea team's harvest will not be more than one-sixth of the Broken Blade team. The captain of her South China Sea team will not be more promising than the soldiers of my Broken Blade team."

"That is, we have to challenge Diablo, not to die or to return with full load." Hong Lang replied with a white eye: "Maybe I should promise Amway's conditions, at least I don't have to face the fear of the devil." It is."

Shen Xiao smiled and took a bottle of wine from the refrigerator and threw it to Hong Lang: "Thank you, a good brother who is loyal to you."

After taking the bottle, Honglang thought about it for a moment and replied: "Actually, I still feel a little embarrassed."


Hong Lang grinned: "Because I hesitated for two seconds before I refused."

Shen Yu pointed out that Hong Lang said to everyone: "Is it seen? This is called Tsundere."

Everyone laughed at the same time.

At that time, the fat man seemed to discover what the New World was, pointing to Hong Lang and said: "Lang brother, what is this white in your hair?"

Hong Lang grabbed a hand, sticky on the hand, stunned, and then jumped up and shouted: "I rely on the dead woman, she jumped up and kicked me, big forks, her mother's old man a paste !"

"Wow!" there was a vomiting sound on the car.

"My car! You guys bastard!" Zhou Yiyu issued an angry call sign.

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