Infinity Armament

Vol 8 Chapter 73: Destruction

When the black lightning entered the harbour of Kurast, the sight in front of them made them tremble.

As the safe area of ​​the third difficulty, human beings are the last guardian of Kurast, where thousands of residents were originally inhabited. Despite the difficult life and the sinister environment, the basic living atmosphere of the human gathering area has been preserved in the harbor area.

When they set off from here, they even saw some spontaneously sentimental cheering teams. The crowds were filled with laughter and the children didn’t know how to play hard and hard...

However, now in seven or eight days, there have been earth-shaking changes in the harbour of Culaster.

Without the noisy crowd, the Kurast harbour suddenly became clear and degraded, and at first glance, there were few inhabitants in the harbor street of Nuo Da.

"What happened? How did this place suddenly become so depressed?" Zhou Yiyu said.

Sinking: "King Kong, get off and ask what happened."

King Kong flew out of the car, not a moment back, his face was gloomy.

"They said that the strength from **** has begun to invade the harbor. Many people are missing every day and are caught by those monsters."

"How is this possible?" Hong Lang / cried: "This is a safe area, **** can not attack here!"

"But they saw the emergence of undead creatures."

Sinking and chilling: "It’s not only **** that has undead."

King Kong stayed: "You mean... Lao Meng?"

Shen Yan sighed and nodded. "Isn't it strange? We knew that he would do this, but I didn't expect it..." He looked around for a moment: "I didn't expect him to do so out... How many people have been missing?" ”

"In seven days, a total of more than 400 people have disappeared. Now everyone is afraid to go out."

"Oh my God!" Gentlely covering his face and exclaiming.

The disappearance of more than 400 people means that Lao Meng has established a small army of more than 400 undead creatures in these seven days. If he continues to develop, he will build a larger and more numerous team in the next few days.

If used properly, this will be a terrible force!

Hong Lang muttered: "He was really idle during this time."

"What do we do?" King Kong asked Shen.

Shen Hao looked down and thought about it, finally ordered: "King Kong, Yi Yu, Luo Wei, you three to find Lao Meng, remember that we are not a messenger of justice, no matter how badly he did, as long as it does not touch us The interests, do not force interference! The fate of the Kurast Harbour is not within the scope of our consideration, do not give yourself a sense of enemies!"


Then he jumped out of the car: "Hong Lang gentlely came with me, we went to Dika Kane."

The three men hurried to the port.

Along the way, the scene of the decline of Kurast was shocking. It is possible to turn a human settlement into a refugee cave in just seven days. It can only be said that Lao Meng is also a personal talent.

Dika Kane is near the port, and the old man is strolling around the port without any problems, making NPC's responsibility.

When he saw them coming over, they couldn’t help but shine: "Oh, the warriors from afar have finally waited for your return. The harbour is experiencing an unprecedented disaster..."

"It won't be worse than what the whole world is experiencing." Shen Yan interrupted his words coldly: "Mr. Dika Kane, I don't want to talk nonsense, we need your help."

"What help?"

"Give me a full set of synods synthesis."

The old man immediately replied: "Oh, that's impossible. The friendship between you and me didn't go that step."

"Mr. Kane!" The voice of Shen Yu suddenly increased: "Maybe we should calculate the account between us. You see, we save you from freedom, help Lu Gaoin and Rogge camp to regain the light, and you What? What kind of help did you give us? A worthless map, a few worthless explanations, and finally, let an item that belongs to me truly belong to me. Can I think that you are a mean person? I don’t know how to return the people who helped you?”

De Kai Kane’s body trembled: “How can you say this? You are human warriors. Is it not your responsibility to help the world restore peace?”

"So what about you? Just stand by and stand by? When the Warriors need your help, they take the opportunity to ask for a sky-high price and make a limited return?"

"Oh, I am already a bad old man, no ability to fight again..."

“At least you can contribute your knowledge and collections.”

"If you can use it for the peace of the world..."

“Using one's knowledge and wealth to save the world? Are you too much to look at your knowledge or too despise the Hell Legion that brings disaster to the entire world?”

Dika Kane did not speak.

He looked at Shen Yan and said for a while: "I really want to help you, young people, but I can't do it..."

"How about being flexible?" Shen Yan took the runestone: "There are twenty-eight runestones here. I don't need you to give a full set of runes, but I need you to help me identify which ones can be composed. The language, is this all right?"

It was originally hoped that all the runestones would be collected and then bargained with Deca Kane. Now the situation has changed, forcing him to immediately seek the highest force to ensure the town and follow-up plans.

Dika Kane stayed up and suddenly looked at him with amazement: "But...but this is not the rule. With our friendship, I can only give you sixteen ready-made combination formulas. As for whether you can Use the responsibility that does not belong to me..."

"Mr. Dika Kane!" The voice of Shen Yu became harsh: "The rules are dead, people are alive, you are not a puppet, you don't have to guard a meaningless dogma. You live in a In a free world, working hard for peace in this world, nothing is more important to you than this. It is far more meaningful than some obsessions imposed on you! You can do it if you want! ”

Dika Kane was very stunned for a while, and he could see that he was hesitant.

Here I have to mention some of the usual practices that **** cities take on plot characters. Although every mission world is created by the city, in order to ensure the authenticity of the world and make people truly human rather than machines, the city does not impose rigidities on the plot characters into unchangeable death orders. In order to ensure flexibility, the conditions imposed by it are usually a regional limitation rather than a linear restriction.

The request made by Shen Yu, within the scope of Dika Kane, as to whether he will promise, depends on the efforts of Shen Yu, including the bargaining of the first Yadoma.

Seeing that Dika Kane was hesitant, Shen Shen knew it was time to add fire.

He said: "Mr. Dika Kane, in fact, I have always been very interested in the book of identification. It is better to talk about how we can let you give this book to me willingly?"

Dika Kane immediately replied: "My greatest asset is the book of identification, the book of the return to the city, and the full set of formulas for the language of the gods. As long as you can destroy them and exchange peace and tranquility for our world, I can all……"

Sinking interrupted him: "I am only responsible for killing one. As long as the book of appraisal and the formula of the instrument for my runes are suitable, this condition will not change. Of course, as a thank you for your exception, I can help you with the library. The Rast Harbour is restored."

Dika Kane finally nodded: "Yes, but you have to hand over all the remaining runes to me."

Giving the rest of the runestone to Dika Kane means that the indulge in the follow-up harvest continues to get the way for Runestone to form the language of the Rune, but for Shen, he has no choice.

However, Shen Wei noticed that the **** coat of arms did not always give a task reminder, which is absolutely unreasonable.

This means that the first error has already occurred.

Thinking of this, he smiled.

He handed the runestone to the past: "Complete, please pay some compensation in advance."

The old man took the runestone: "So when are you going to make the Kurast Harbour return to normal?"

Shen Xiao smiled: "I have to wait for some days... If human beings want to get rid of suffering, some people must make sacrifices for this."


After seeing the 28 runesstones, Dika Kane said: "The runestone in your hand has three distribution methods. The first one can combine three sets of intermediate charms and a set of low-level runes; the second can be combined into three A set of low-level runes, two sets of intermediate charms; the third is a combination of a set of high-level runes and a set of intermediate runes. You can choose a combination."

"I want to know the specific content of the rune."

"Only the corresponding force will be displayed if it acts on the corresponding weapon."

Shen Yu understood: "Well, the third option."

He took out the rose armor and said, "Intermediate."

Four runestones were taken out on the rose armor, and a group of gorgeous lights were released on the armor. Together with the armor that was originally very beautiful, it produced a beautiful picture.

When the light disappeared, a colorful armor appeared in the hands of Shen.

The **** coat of arms sends a hint: Get the elemental charm.

"Elemental Rune: Collecting ice, fire, thunder, wind, four intermediate runes generated by runestones, adding four elements of roses, increasing the number of uses of rose flower and guardian roses to 22 times. Enhancing resistance of four elements, All elemental damage is reduced by 25%. The weapon advancement does not affect its effect and can continue to function."

"Not bad." Shen Hao nodded with satisfaction, and threw the armor to gentle, gently replaced the cotton armor on his body, put on this piece of rose armor, and became more and more heroic.

Then he sank to Honglang and Honglang took out the blade of power.

In order to deal with Diablo, Shen Yu had to give priority to improving the strength of Honglang.

This time, the old man took out five runestones on the blade of power. I saw a flash of glare on the weapon. Five gems have been set in a unique order. The waves flow, and the originally cold weapons seem to change at the same time. It’s dazzling and gorgeous.

Heraldry Tip: Get Destruction Rune.

"Destroy Rune: A collection of five high-level charms of runes, increasing the damage of melee weapons by 50%. Attack target with destruction of the gods, special effects, 5 percent chance to trigger special effects , the destruction of the thunder, the damage of 300 points. The weapon advancement does not affect its effect, can continue to play a role."

This power blade was originally 56-62, which directly increased half of the attack damage, coupled with the destruction of the gods, can be said to be a hard-boiler to upgrade a double-B weapon to the status of the standard S-class weapon.

Even the sinking floods, they also looked completely stunned.

The power of a set of high-level charms is so fierce, completely beyond their expectations. No wonder the limits of getting it are so big and the trouble is so much.

In contrast, the gentle rose armor is not the case.

Honglang looked at the weapon in his hand, and his face was wild and unpredictable: "You are right, head, that is, a small soldier in the broken blade team, and stronger than his **** team captain in the South China Sea!"

Shen Yu was cold and replied: "If you don't kill Diablo, there is no point in the existence of these things."

When Honglang stayed, I remembered that quite a few of the Runestones here came from the effect of Ivy's time-lapse. Without Ivy, in theory they have no possibility of getting a rune at all, unless they have been through four difficulties. And to be able to hit that step, it is not unusual to have such a benefit.

In other words, unless they kill Diablo, all the benefits including the two kinds of charms will be taken away by the space manager, and Shen Shen himself will be greatly damaged, and Ivy will be directly Obliterate.

Behind the huge gains is a great danger, and the full joy of Honglang suddenly disappears.

The voice of King Kong sounded in the channel: "Find Lao Meng."

"We will come over here."

"But you'd better be mentally prepared."


"...he has changed a lot."

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