Infinity Armament

Vol 4 Chapter 32: Hunting

A series of drops of sound seriously stimulated the nerves of every adventurer.

Gentle first rushed out to look at the fireworks signal in the distant sky, then turned back and shouted: "The signal came out of the palm forest on 79th Street!"

Shen Shen said: "Go to save people immediately!"

All the adventurers rushed out of the restaurant at the same time. A minute ago, they were polite and gentlemen, and now they have become a group of cockroaches. Seeing the guests in the restaurant, the waiters are all stunned.

As soon as he rushed out of the restaurant, he began to make loud orders:

"Rosie, you are here with Jerry and Neddy, don't take part in the battle!"

"Weina, you four follow. If the mutants attack us, they will come directly to the battle; if the adventurers in the east and the west exchange fire, they will stop their own adventurers and let them cease fire; if it is another area attack We pretend not to know us and then prepare to raid each other!"

"Understand!" Everyone sipped at the same time and ran away.

Sinking quickly jumped on the Land Rover, King Kong stepped on the gas pedal and started the vehicle rushing toward the palm forest.

The fireworks in the sky have not been completely eliminated, and the adventurers here have all taken action.

Land Rover is like a wild horse detached from the Imperial Holiday Hotel, whistling to the location of the incident. Gentle standing on the Land Rover, while observing the distance with a telescope, while listening carefully to the distant movement.

"What did you find?" Shen asked.

"Very quiet. Strange... It doesn't seem to be any movement." Gentlely staring at the palm-liner, "I can feel someone there, but I can't hear any fighting."

"Is it all dead?" Hong Lang asked doubtfully.

At this moment, the **** coat of arms sent a whistling sound:

"No. E3359 died."

Another Eastern adventurer died.


"I didn't hear the screams before someone died!" gentlely replied loudly. Her hearing at this moment is all locked in the direction of the palm forest, but in addition to the rustling of the wind blowing the leaves, almost no valuable information.

"How is it possible?" Hong Lang screamed.

"Everyone is careful, the enemy's strength may be very strong." Shen Yan looked deep.

With the rapid approach of the Land Rover, the direction of the Palm Grove is getting closer and closer. At this moment, a violent gunshot suddenly came from the direction of the forest, which was rushing and fierce. Gentle shouting, carried from the roof of the car, this sudden loud noise is like a heavy hammer in the tender heart, so that she is not uncomfortable.

Sinking grabbed her hand, the medical technique was about to start, and the gentleness shook his head: "I'm fine, not hurt, just..."

"It’s just like someone suddenly puts a firecracker in your ear and is mentally irritated?"

"...Yes." Gentle smile.

The gunshots slammed and rested in peace.

The **** coat of arms once again heard the sound of 叮:

"No. E2987 died."

The face of Shen Yan and others is more and more gloomy.

Four Eastern adventurers have died, just in a few minutes.

The Land Rover has already drove to the edge of the palm forest.

Shen Yudao: "Stop, walk in."

King Kong stopped the car and jumped out of Land Rover. This avoids being attacked at the same time because the target is too large and too concentrated.

Behind the An Wen three people also followed the car.

Seven people carefully entered the palm forest, and the huge palm leaves covered the sky with sunlight, and a little light sprinkled on them through the gap between the leaves, showing the light and shadow of the shift.

Stepping on the thick soft mud, Honglang King Kong is in front, gentle dragging, sinking in the middle of the policy, forming a triangular array, An Wen three people dragging some, appropriate to keep away from the four people Everyone took out the weapon and watched it carefully.

"Gentle?" King Kong whispered.

"Very quiet." Gentle also whispered.

"Is it all dead?" Hong Lang whispered.

"Impossible." Shen Yan shook his head and replied.

"Why is that so quiet?"

"Maybe it's all hidden." Shen Yan looked around: "It's a good place to fight ambushes."

At this moment, gentle and a sudden guide: "There are people over there!"

Everyone brushed and turned, and the weapon pointed at the gentle fingers.

The running sound of Shasha sounded from far to near and clearly.

As the sound gets closer, everyone's face is full of dignity.

When a large piece of palm leaves was opened, a person rushed out from behind.

Body blood.

"It’s Ogawa!" gentlely shouted.

It was the adventurer Ogawa who lost his brother in the mission of World War II and was indulged in a month of wine.

However, the entire Ogawa of this time has changed.

His throat was cut and the blood was constantly coming out of the neck. One eyeball was dug by the raw and shed a big hole in the blood. His left hand was cut off by Qigen, but his right hand was clutching his gun tightly...

Seeing the sinking of them, Ogawa’s face showed a hint of joy. He giggled to say something, but he couldn’t make a sound, but the man fell softly.

Sinking and rushing over, put him on the ground and put it on the ground: "Ogawa! What happened? What happened?"

Ogawa looked at Shen Yu with the only one-eyed one, and opened his mouth to talk, but a large amount of blood spurted out of his throat.

Sinking quickly launched a mean medical technique, but was prompted:

"The target is in a state of special attack and you can't use it for him."

Sinking quickly took out a novice and used a gun to face Ogawa, which was a medical bullet.

Bloody Heraldic Tip: Medical bullets have insufficient effect and cannot be treated for the duration of the spell damage.

Screaming and screaming: "Damn! This is not hurt! This is not ordinary injury! I can't treat him!"

"Give him medication!" Hong Lang shouted.

"This is impossible! His trachea and blood vessels have been cut, the esophagus is seriously damaged, and it is impossible to eat anything." An Wen interjected.

After the adventurer is removed from the deadly part of the **** city, he will not die because the deadly part is attacked, but will lose the ability due to the injury. It's like losing one arm, life can be restored, but the hand can't come back; eyes can be stunned, life can also reply, but you can't see it; the head is gone... Well, it hangs directly.

The trachea is cut off and will not kill Ogawa, but the inability to use restorative drugs due to damage to the esophagus is a fatal blow.

The continuous damage to the attachment of the skills is still working, and everyone is helpless.

Looking down on Xiaochuan, who was lying in his arms, he apparently heard their words at the moment, his eyes filled with despair.

"Ogawa! Tell me what happened! Who attacked you?" Screaming.

Ogawa opened his mouth, his trachea was cut off, and he couldn't speak at all. If the ordinary person died early, he could only support it because of the risky physique.

At this moment, he grabbed his right hand with his chest and loosened it. He stroked three strokes on the ground covered with leaves and showed an N shape.

"North District?" Shen Yan asked.

Ogawa nodded weakly, and his neck continued to smear with his nod movement, dyeing the whole person into a red.

It’s amazing how much blood he has come from.

"How many people do they have?" Hong Lang shouted.

Ogawa coughed and made a tough voice. He tried to show his meaning with gestures, but he didn't even have the strength to bend his fingers.

After shaking the hand in the air for a few times, I finally managed to take it down and never move again.

"Quickly answer me! How many people?" Hong Lang is still shouting.

Sinking and grabbing Honglang’s arm: "He is dead."

Slowly put the body down, on the body of Ogawa, a box is gradually emerging from the shackles.

Sinking instinctively grabbed the box, at this moment, the warning in the heart suddenly emerged.

A huge sense of crisis instantly enveloped his body.

"Be careful!" Shen Yan issued a hysterical cry.

With this scream, a black shadow suddenly appeared on a palm tree not far away.

The speed of this pounce was so fast that it was like a bullet shot at Shen Yan. Seeing that Shen Shen couldn’t hide, Shen Shen suddenly caught it, and took a shot on the box left by Ogawa, and took the box up. Blocked in front of yourself.

The box, like the **** coat of arms, is a special item in the **** city and does not allow the destruction of any power. More than once, people have tried to destroy the **** coat of arms with violent methods, but no one has ever succeeded. Even if you cut your arm, the **** coat of arms will automatically appear on your other hand, even on your legs and neck.

At this moment, the black shadow rushed, and the hand was a little cold, and it was hitting the box, making a squeaking sound. The original hit was a must, but it was blocked by this box.

The shadow rushed to the left hand and grabbed the box. He moved quickly and swiftly, and the man jumped into the air after copying the box. At the same time, the guns in the hands of the seven adventurers had fired at the shadow. The slanting bullets passed under the black shadow, and the black body made a strange twist in the air. The originally rising body suddenly changed into a flat, rushing toward other adventurers.

This sudden change completely overturned people's understanding of inertia and was made wrong. The black shadow rushed toward the Honglang, and the Honglang slammed the gun and punched the black shadow that flew toward him. The black shadow raised his hand and blocked the shot with a box.

He actually learned the method of coping with depression.

Honglang a boxing on the box, the box flew out of the box, Honglang's iron fist left the momentum to the shadow, the black shadow punched, but the amazing scene reappeared, the black in the rush The shadow turned to the other side again, panning to the other side, the figure was like a ghost, and it was a long shadow in the human vision.

Numerous bullets flew over the side of the shadow, but the shadow had quickly approached Li Xu, and the sharp dagger in his hand was drawn to him. Li Xu reacted very quickly, his body flashed toward the side, and he abandoned the gun. Sword, playing a skill against the shadow:

"Skills: 10 cracks, 3, 10% sword attack on the target, each attack is one-third of the power attribute. The first three attacks can not resist, eliminate and avoid."

The black shadow did not flash and did not evade the other party's skills and rushed in. While being attacked by the other side, it was slamming into his arms, with Li Xu hitting into the air together, and the dagger in the right hand was flashing. has been stabbed in Li Xu's body, and then fiercely stepped on Li Xu, people flew up, grabbed a palm branch with his left hand, swayed himself, flew to the tree At the same time as the palm trees, the right-hand dagger has crossed the corner between Li Xu’s neck.

Li Xu’s body fell from the sky, but the shadows fell on the palm trees and disappeared like ghosts.

The chasing bullets screamed in the air and woven into a curtain, sweeping the entire tree, and the gunshots continued for a while. For a while, the palm tree finally fell overwhelmed in this crazy and terrible attack.

The gunshot stopped.

After taking a few steps, he observed the nearby environment and said slowly: "We didn't hit him."

"How is this possible?" Hong Lang shouted and walked over.

Seven-on-one, even by the other side almost sneak attack success, Honglang only feels that the face is seriously dull.

Just then, An Wen’s scream came: “Li Xu!”

Shen Qian looked back and saw that An Wen was holding Li Xu’s body and yelling. His body was stabbed with at least six knives, but the most deadly was the throat.

His throat has been cut open, the tracheal blood vessels are all cut, lying in An Wen's arms and twitching.

Shen Yan quickly ran over and pressed his hand on Li Xu's wound.

Then he shook his head at An Wen.

Anwen closed his eyes in pain.

Li Xu suffered the same injuries as Ogawa, and the critical parts were attacked by continuous damage, and it was the kind of incurable injury that caused only one death after a blow.

It didn't take long for Li Xu to finally exhaust all his vitality and die.

The body that everyone looked at timidly, and the heart was chilly.

What kind of opponent is that? They even attacked them continuously under the joint of seven of them, and also let him succeed in killing oneself.

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