Infinity Armament

Vol 4 Chapter 33: Transfer flower (top)

55th hour.

In the palm forest, the atmosphere becomes tense and solemn.

Six people form a round and ready to go.

Shen Shen Shen said: "Everyone is careful, that guy must be nearby. Gentle, can you hear anything?"

Gentle and loudly replied: "No, I can't hear any movement. That guy is like a ghost. Have you seen him come?"

Shen Yan shook his head: "No, suddenly, I am lucky to survive. The guy is too fast."

"The speed of that guy is really fast, agile is afraid not to be added to more than sixty?" King Kong also confusedly asked Shen Shen: "How much blood is he paying?"

Shen Yan immediately shook his head: "It should be more than just a relationship of attributes, he may have acceleration equipment."

Even if you can't use spiritual exploration on your opponent, some things can be analyzed by performance.

Previously, the adventurer used at least three skills when attacking them. The skill of cutting the throat is obviously a continuous damage skill, and the action mode that allows the adventurer to freely change to ignore the inertia should also be a skill, and finally the hidden skill of the adventurer.

The existence of these three skills alone may not be great, but in the palm forest environment to hunt the target, it has formed a terrible skill set.

Even though it was just a glimpse, Shen Yan saw the other side's face at the moment of the black shadow attack.

Dark skin, eccentric totem on the face, a few strange feathers on the bare head, a necklace made of animal teeth and bones, and the arms are long and barefoot.

This fully shows that the other side is a barbarian from the primitive tribes of Africa.

Although Africa is a tropical region, there is no shortage of rainforests. Many tribes live in the jungle, grow with the trees there, and dance with grasshoppers and snakes. Some tribal warriors are very proficient in camouflage and fighting with primitive equipment. They are brave and good at fighting, fighting hard and being able to survive under all kinds of difficult conditions.

They are good at hunting targets and being very patient.

The intensive ability given by the **** city is to let some people with combat talents to maximize their strengths.

This is obviously the best among them.

The strong people in the North District really have their own uniqueness. They used to indulge in a close-knit battle, but this time they encountered a latent assassination. It's no wonder that they can't hear the movement before they come, because the opponent is the type that is quiet and ruthless.

"What do we do now?" Hong Lang asked.

Sinking down and meditating.

Just then, a slight noise suddenly came from the bushes not far away.

At the same time, everyone turned and slammed into the bushes, and the crazy bullets poured like rain, and the bushes were swept away.

After more than ten seconds, the gunshots stopped.

The flood waves rushed into the bushes.

He took a rabbit that had died and could no longer die. He shouted out loudly: "It’s broken, and even a whole piece of meat can’t be found. It’s a pity, otherwise you can use it to beat the tooth festival.”

When Hong Lang said this, Shen Hao and several people laughed.

The gun was collected and gently called: "You are not afraid to eat a tooth."

An Wen squinted at Shen Yan: "You still laughed?"

"To learn to relax, don't you think we are too nervous? The tension will make our muscles collapse, making our reaction slow and not good for fighting. An Wen, I know Li Xu has a good relationship with you, but people If you die, you are dead. Are you still accustomed to the dead in the **** city? Put your frustration away, learn to control your feelings, and the **** city does not need feelings!"

The **** city does not need feelings, and this sentence says that everyone is shaking.

Gentle, look at Shen Yan with a deep look.

The sullen face is dull.

Is this your idea? Bloody city does not need feelings? Sighed in the tender heart.

"You said, will that guy have already run away? After all, the guy himself was injured." Another adventurer, Yang Ping asked.

The adventurer sneaked on them, first ate a Honglang punch, and was hit by Li Xu’s crack. He is an agile adventurer, not a high-physical and high-strength type, so his ability to withstand is certainly not high, and it is estimated that the injury will not be too light.

But Shen Yan vetoed a veto: "No! He definitely did not go, he is near here, peeping at us, waiting for the opportunity to kill us one by one."

“How do you know?” asked another Eastern adventurer.

"Because that's their style!" Shen Yu replied: "When the battle begins, it will never shrink back. Injury... For them, it is just a hero's mark, don't say that medicine can be recovered, even if it doesn't Let them back down."

"They are crazy? This is a competition task, not a killing mission! Nothing is dead around us?" Yang Ping could not understand each other's thinking.

Shen Xiao smiled and said: "No, they are not crazy, this is just the belief they have always followed."

"What belief?"

"The law of the jungle, the weak meat."

Sinking a word and a reply.

Perhaps for the adventurer lurking in the dark, killing other adventurers is like a human being to eat.

They don't consider the consequences, they don't even get rid of the box, they just kill it for killing.

This madness is rooted in their bodies, in the blood, making them crazy and making them strong.

So they either die early or are fast and powerful to a terrible point.

The words of indulging sounded everyone’s vigilance.

An Wen stood up fiercely and shouted in the depths of the palm forest: "Come out, you are this animal! Come out!"

An Wen’s voice echoed around, but did not get any reaction.

The woman's face was distorted by anger, and she rushed into the forest and fired openly around her.

The sound of the guns screamed like a blast, the branches and leaves of the trees were smashed, and the shells fell on the ground and knocked each other out to make a crisp sound. Accompanied by An Wen’s angry cry, the sound echoed.

"Come back!"

A black shadow appeared in the grass, and it was directly exposed to An Wen.

Sinking and raising his hand was three shots at the shadow, but he immediately found it wrong. The bullet hit the black shadow, and there was no reaction at all. An Wen turned the gun to the enemy and hit the other side.

A closer look reveals that it is an adventurer who has already died. It should be a group with Ogawa.

"Be careful behind you!"

An Wen suddenly turned back, only to see a chilly man behind him flashing, is pointing to her throat.

At this moment, Hong Lang had already rushed to the tiger. He punched An Wen and shot An Wen out. The knife crossed An Wen’s arm and formed a **** wound. Hong Lang punched Fei Anwen, and the left hand axe had already smashed toward the adventurer.

The adventurer screamed and his body suddenly retreated in madness. His rapid progress turned sharply and smoothly, and there was no pause. It was as if he had not changed his direction and completely ignored the inertia.

Honglang was boxing and saw that the adventurer turned and jumped into the bushes and disappeared again.

Everyone rushed over and looked at the grass, where there was still a half-person.

"Mom! Mom! Mom!" Hong Lang was so angry that he said: "What is the power of this guy, how can it disappear?"

"It should be something that can be concealed, and it can't be attacked during the concealment."

“It’s like your stealth pill?” asked softly.

Sinking nodded: "Yes."

"This is impossible, the worst of stealth skills is also B-level skills!" King Gang called. When he picked up his skills in the store, he once saw that the B-level skills have similar skills, and they have been envious of such skills.

"The first-time adventurer can't afford the B-level skills. Maybe he uses other similar skills. If that's the case, his stealth ability must be very limited. Maybe... maybe it's not stealth. Or the ability to do the wind?"

Shen Yan said and suddenly, his eyes suddenly brightened.

If it is not a stealth skill, what is the ability of the adventurer? The indulging brain is spinning at this moment, and the time seems to flow back in an instant. The scene of the previous scene reappears in his mind.

a blow on the palm tree;

The magic disappears after the change of direction;

The second sudden appearance and disappearance;

There is also the cold eyes of the adventurer, the cruel smile, the **** murderous dagger in the hand, the strange and erratic figure...

The indulgent brain is like a movie in play. It is constantly moving into the picture, and one picture after another is skipped in front of his eyes. It is so dazzling that it cannot be distinguished.

"Ah!" He screamed and screamed, holding his head and vomiting loudly against the ground.

"Sinking!" gentle screaming and rushing over, and asked him: "What happened to you?"

"I... I'm fine." Shen Yan shook his head and replied: "It's a bit of a pain in the head, a bit disgusting, maybe it's overuse."

"What did you find?" asked tenderly.

"A little bit, I am still not sure." Shen Yan replied softly: "But the next time he shot, I will definitely find out."

Speaking, Shen Yan whispered a few words in the gentle ear, the gentle pupil instantly zoomed in, and looked incredulously.

Shen Yu went back with a certain nod.

"I understand." Gentle and soft.

At this time, Hong Lang was bandaging the wound to An Wen.

An Wen got the adventurer's knife, the initial damage is only 10 points, but it continues to hurt 8 points per second, and lasts for fifteen seconds to end. Hong Lang tried to use a bandage to relieve the blood loss, but was told that the bandage had insufficient priority.

This shows that the skill of the adventurer is not a mutation skill ~ ~ is the level has been trained to at least four to five.

This skill itself is not really great. The key is that the person using the skill uses it to cut the throat, which not only causes the deadly part damage double effect, but also breaks the other party's recovery means, so it can often be hit. Even if the other party's physique is higher, the adventurer can also weaken the other party by using ordinary attacks first, lowering the other's life, and then solve the problem by hitting the trick.

After seeing An Wen’s injury, Shen Yu basically understood the characteristics of the other skill.

He said: "The guy won't have only these three abilities. He probably has hidden abilities that are not used."

“Isn't it another expert-level fighting specialization?”

"I don't think so." Shen Yan denied: "For those who are mainly lurking, the expert-level fighting specialization does not make much sense. He has a better choice."

"What will it be?"

Shen Wei is about to answer, and the sound of rustling suddenly came from the intercom.

It is Verna.

After sinking their palm forest, Verna was asked to wait outside the forest and support at any time.

However, at this moment, the voice of Verna from the walkie-talkie was full of fear: "Sink, we are attacked!"

Sinking and shocked: "Who?"


"How many?"

"Five, Lake has been injured."

Everyone is ashamed.

Is there more than one North Zone adventurer in this forest?

"We will come over!" Shen Yan yelled at the intercom.

Put down the walkie-talkie and scream back: "Go to help Vera first."

An Wen shouted: "What do you do here? Just let the guy go?"

"Reassure, he will come over." Shen Yan coldly said: "I am waiting for him to shoot. He will not let us go, and I ... did not intend to let him go."

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