Infinity Armament

Vol 14 Chapter 23: Transfer

According to the truth, six people in the Broken Blade team appeared, and Gwawart should immediately bring together the three teams. .~

But there is a problem inside.

The role of the team convening order, to put it bluntly is to gather strength at the fastest speed, to play more and less, crush opponents.

The problem is that the current rogues already have twelve adventurers, even if they don't call the three teams of the Inferno sect, they have an overwhelming advantage in terms of numbers.

In this way, some people's small ninety-nine will inevitably have some calculations.

In the view of those who are not infernal sects, that is, the rogues, the thirteen people will destroy the broken blade, and the contribution will definitely be larger than that of the thirty-two. Even if it is not beaten, it will be too late to call the ashes.

For Gwawwater and the two Earl's team members, if they do not use Hercules to kill the broken blade, then the three of them are the biggest heroes of this pursuit. Therefore, if conditions permit, they do not mind touching the broken blade team first.

In this kind of psychology, when Hercules asked why it was not yet to be transmitted, Gawawal replied: "Herris, I don't think you should hurry up. We can play with them first and consume them. Physical strength, so when they come over, they are not so easy to run away."

Hercules slightly indulged for a while and agreed: "You can accept your suggestion, but you must pass the battle to me."

"Yes, Captain." Gawawal slammed his hand and took a small piece of flying sauce like a flying saucer into the air, shooting the light beam in all directions.

It seems that this is the battlefield video recording device of the ashes, and it seems that it is much more advanced than sinking them.

But they do it, they are not happy with them.

Rubbing your sister to make a joke, they are not coming to fight, it is to lie to each other to use the team to assemble orders, you do not send, how to play behind this play?

Hong Lang came over and asked: "What should I do next?"

Sinking and sneer: "What can I do? Hit! Pain the son out! One person and two, Gwawate and Angelo Libez will return to me, others will pick you up, remember to explain to you. thing."

Gentle flying: "So William is mine!"

The long whip rolled to William St. Regis of the Second Purgatory, and she became the first to take the shot.

Hong Lang laughed happily: "You will be enough to deal with him. I will pick you up for one, and I will be alone!"

Said to have rushed to the rogues.

Although these rogues are not infernal sects, they are also proud of themselves. When they hear that Honglang wants to be one-on-three, they are angry at the same time.

A strong and strong white man shouted an iron fist against Hong Lang: "I can deal with you, remember my name, my name is..."

His words were not finished, and the two iron fists had collided.


As if two heavy trucks collided, the white man had flew like a kite with a broken line.

Hong Lang retracted his fist: "Whoever is interested in listening to your name, this power is also worthy of the old man!"

It is said that the axe of the tyrant has taken advantage of the other two people. He is war-torn at this moment, and he can be described as hungry. If there is a fight, people will not pick it up. According to Shen Yu’s statement, a certain strength display is necessary. Otherwise, the other party is not satisfied, and now is the best opportunity.

At the same time, King Kong, Zhou Yiyu and the fat man also locked in two goals, and they all shot.

Once the battle between the adventurers is unfolded, the battlefields are within a few hundred meters. The dozens of figures are criss-crossed in the wilderness and the road, rushing and jumping, rushing around, accompanied by countless flowers and whistles, colorful, sound The light effects have a good explosion scene.

Gawawal sneered at Shen Shen: "Let's not idle."

He said that he had already rushed to Shen Yan, and he immediately pulled out seven phantoms on the flat land and rushed to Shen Shen: "Death in the footsteps!"

Death Steps: Create multiple shadows to attack the target. The shadow has 100% body damage ability. The existence time is 20 seconds. The attack disappears. During the existence, the body can exchange positions with any shadow. Add a welcome for each level of increase, a maximum level of seven, and a current level of seven.

This is a somewhat similar ability to mirror the avatar. Unlike the mirror avatar, the illusion of the phantom created by the footsteps of death is extremely short, the number is large, and the attack is strong. Very literary because of the ability to exchange positions with the shadow, but also a good escape and sneak attack skills, but the biggest problem is that the shadow will disappear when it encounters an attack, so the most fear is the group attack skills.

If Shen Qiu doesn't know the bottom of Gawawal, maybe he can't find the right way to deal with it right away. Unfortunately, he knows, so the eight Gawats who came in the face of the impact, Shen Yan only smiled slightly: "Spike gun! ”

The three hundred bullets fired out of the sky immediately formed a barrage storm in the space, as if the seven phantoms of Gwawart were swept away, while Gwawawa and Angelo Libez The human body flashed a layer of energy light under the fierce bullets.

That is the effect of bulletproof props.

"Surely everyone has a bulletproof prop?" Shen Yan sent a hearty laugh.

The infernal sect is well prepared, and the best way to deal with his armor-piercing projectiles is bulletproof props, which can be said to be cheap and practical.

Sinking but not fearless, in the impact of Gwawart and Angelo Libez, he slammed back. His agility was extremely high. Although he was retreating, he was no slower than the two in speed. Still kept on fire, playing a brilliant light on both of them, was actually trying to consume the number of use of two bulletproof props.

Although the bulletproof props can restrain the gunmen, there are limits on the number of uses, especially in the case of the sinking of the scattered guns, which is horrible.

Seeing the purpose of sinking, Gawawal gritted his teeth and took off the bulletproof props he wore.

However, just as he took it, Shen Yu has already raised his voice: "piercings!"

This shocked Gwawate, and the bullet-proof props that he had just picked up were worn back by him. A ray of light came in, and the bullet-proof props made a colorful glow of energy.

Just look at this bullet, how to look at it is just a normal bullet, where is the armor.

"Bastard!" This black man was almost vomiting blood by indulging in teasing, his eyes fixed on Shen Yu, and suddenly he screamed: "Withered shock!"

A black energy wave has hit the sinking.

Withering impact (double A-level special skills): Launches a dark shockwave, dealing 400 damage to the target, and inflicting the damage of the the the the the the the the When the effect ends, there are other hostile targets within 75 meters, and the corrosive species will infect each target. Add 25 points of impact damage per level, 5 seconds of corrosion time, maximum level 3, and current level 2.

This attack is not trivial. Even if the T1000 armor has already appeared on the body, the strong corrosive effect of the withering impact is to penetrate the armor and hit the sinking, and the speed of the sinking is also reduced. ~

Gawawal has taken the opportunity to rush, and violently said: "Come out, my fighting servant!"

In the process of his impact, three strange monsters have appeared, one of which is the Ereda Wizard who has been indulged.

It’s just that this Eredar Wizard is a captain’s item.

As soon as the wizard appeared, he was screaming at Shen Yu, and a spiritual shock wave had swept away.

At the same time, the other two monsters also sent their own skills to Shen Shen. The body shape that had been slowed down was slowed down again. The whole body became one of the most important, and even the speed of the shot was deeply affected.

Gawawal has sneered and rushed: "By the dead boy, flip the saw!"

A huge knife saw suddenly appeared in the air.

Apocalypse Knight bloodline skill flip saw: The first stage, attack target, causing 250 damage, a chance to cause 1 second stun effect. In the second stage, the rotating body slams the target 4 times in a row like a chainsaw, causing 150 damage each time, ignoring 50% defense, resulting in a coma effect. In the third stage, the target is lowered, ignoring 100% defense and causing 400 damage. This skill can be interrupted during use, and once interrupted, all subsequent effects will not work. It can be used 3 times per mission world.

As a bloodline skill, the power of flipping saws is quite large, but the biggest weakness of this skill is that it has a great chance of being interrupted. Once the skills are not connected, the power becomes quite limited.

Therefore, a basic habit of Gawawal is to reduce the reaction speed of the other party when using the flip saw. His three true servants, Eredar sorcerer O'Gallon, shocked the target spirit, reduced the reaction, and the combat maid, Milly Ryan, slowed the target's movement speed. The faceless Gsatok caused the target to be affected by gravity and the speed of the shot was reduced. .

In the case of moving speed, shooting speed and self-resonance, the attack on the flip saw becomes extremely difficult.

Through this combination, Gwawal has no idea how many adventurers have been killed.

Today, he naturally hopes to use this powerful combination technique to kill the sinking again. He has a desire in his heart to truly lay the impression that he is invincible in people's hearts.

Perhaps after this war, people will know that there will be no more Hercules, and he can also stand out from the powerful genius aura of Hercules and become another eye-catching powerhouse.

He wants to let people know.

The ashes are not supported by Hercules alone.

The overturned knife saw fell against the top of the sinking head, and Gawawal’s sly smile seemed to indicate that the battle was coming to an end.

Shen Yan only smiled slightly.

He shook his head and raised a finger: "This trick... not enough!"

I have already pointed at the knife and saw it.

The position of this finger is extremely ingenious, just in the moment the saw body rotates, and the moment of sinking in the middle, it acts on the side of the saw. One of the basic functions of the flip saw is to complete the continuous attack by flipping. This force is just right, and the force of the saw is directly stopped, and even the first hit fails to be released and disappears.

" is this possible?" Gawawal couldn't believe his eyes. His speed was clearly limited by his own war servants. How could he still grasp the weakness of the flip saw so accurately? ?

Shen Yu has said leisurely: "Accurate, never rely on speed!"

Since Shaka, he has been trying hard to master the precision of his own agility, and in the battles to improve himself, even the attack of Hercules can be unloaded by him, let alone the defects of Gwawat Flip saw.

"Seven evil swords!" Just as Gawawal was sluggish, Angelo Libez rushed to the point where the speed of sinking slowed down, and the black long sword made a sinister fog and smashed into sinking.

Just as Shen Shen retreats from dodging, Angelo Libez's sword-style transformation: "Final refracted light!"

From his body, a myriad of beams suddenly appeared and fell into the sinking.

This is also one of Angelo Libez's most powerful skills. The effect is similar to a squirt gun. An endless beam attack can be used against a group of enemies or against a single target.

At that moment, the left palm suddenly pushed forward: "Come out, Reaper!"


A huge steel robot has fallen from the sky, falling in front of Shen, and also blocked this fierce refracted light attack for him.

It is the reaper of the tragedy of the thousand years.

However, unlike the past, with the comprehensive improvement of the world's science and technology base at home, the level of technology has further improved, and now the reaper has changed a set of alloy casings, which looks harder and stronger than the original.

As soon as it appeared, it shot a shot at Angelo Libez, while the right hand with a large chain swept through Gwawat, becoming the most solid and reliable wall shield.

To be honest, like this one-on-two battle, in fact, the reaper is more suitable for absorbing damage than the T1000.

The three are fighting in this situation.

I have to admit that whether it is Gwawal or Angelo Libez, each of them has their own unique strength.

As one of the five main forces of the ashes, Gwawate's strength is definitely not lost in the wave of Warcraft, even the strength of the Piaget team's Angelo Libez can not be underestimated.

Therefore, even if you don't consider other people, it is a gray chariot, and its overall strength is actually stronger than the broken blade team (regardless of Megatron, paralyzed rings and other special cards).

Even if you are in this situation, you can only do it in a pair of two. If you want to kill any of them, you can't do it.

Fortunately, he did not intend to kill anyone now.

Since Shen Yu has been playing back, Gawawal did not notice that they are now farther and farther away from the battlefield. As far as just a few minutes, they have already ran out of kilometers. In the view of Gawawal, the gunman should have been running while playing, using the distance and frequency to attack the opponent, so he did not feel any strange about the retreat of Shen.

However, Shen Wei made a hearty laugh at this time: "Don't play with you, the Terminator Legion, give it to me!"

With his screaming, there are four or fifty Terminators at the same time, all of which are TX.

Shen Hao pointed at two people: "kill!"

The forty-five Terminators have lifted the muzzle together, and the plasma-accelerated guns released a powerful light.

"Not good!" Gawatwa yelled, and the fierce right fist shook: "Don't die!"

The apocalypse knight bloodline skill is not reborn, and it gains 3 seconds of undead effect after use. No matter how serious the attack, there will be at least a little life remaining, and then resume at 100 points per second until the life is full.

This is also the most powerful bloodline skill of Gawawal. Although the apocalypse knight is not the demon **** lineage, it is the bloodline closest to the demon god. Its transformation effect is general, but the skill is powerful.

At the same time, Angelo Libez’s seven evil swords also swayed a black mist: “Seven evil guards!”

Layers of black smoke have completely enveloped Angelo Libez.

At the same time, the two together took out the team assembly order - since Shen has already started to play cards, they also time to call their team.

However, at this moment, the two people heard that Shen Shen suddenly said: "Stop the attack!"

The plasma-accelerated guns in the hands of all the Terminators faded together.

At the same time, the reaper suddenly slammed the chain and was rolling towards the Gwawart, which was in an unrelenting state.

Gwawate, who has an unrelenting state of regeneration, is killing in three seconds, but the Reaper did not intend to kill him, but instead rolled him up and threw it into the air.

This kind of throwing is not the same, with the huge power of the Reaper, even throwing Gawawal into the air like a ball.

At the same time, Gwawart has also launched a team assembly order, and all members of the next Ashes have appeared in Gawawal.

However, they did not appear on the ground, but they did not appear on the side of Shen, but they appeared in the air directly with the flight of Gawawal. One by one, they did not react and fell from the air.

Claudia yelled out loudly: "Gawawal, see what you do!"

On the other side, Angelo Libez also summoned the Piaget team. They were also covered by the black smoke released by Angelo Libez himself.

"Damn, what's going on!" everyone called.

Shen Hao has laughed: "You play, I am leaving!"

Said that the reaper and the Terminator had been ran away.

In the sky, the dumplings were like the dumplings. Because of the sudden incident, none of them were prepared. All of them fell into the sky. Only Hercules rolled in the air and landed on the ground.

Looking up, I saw that Shen Yu had run far.

The adventurer of the Piaget team had already rushed out of the smoke and was about to chase. Hercules shouted: "No need to chase!"

"Why?" Claudia screamed.

Hercules looked gloomy: "He has a mirrored body and a blast, and he wants to escape... we have a hard time catching him."

It is because of knowing the bottom of the sinking ~ ~ Hercules is very clear how difficult it is to kill the innocent comrades around him - that is what the two gods of the Inferno sect did not do.

Hercules looked around and his face became more and more gloomy: "What about other people? Why are you only?"

Gawawal whispered: "He has been running, not doing a positive confrontation, so..."

"So you have been led here by him, and then passed us over?"

Gawawal did not dare to answer, Hercules has roared out: "Idiot!"

A slap took Guevat out.

This slap also completely awakened Gwawatt’s dream.

Claudia stepped forward: "What now? Go back and find those few?"

"Is that necessary? Nothing is wrong now, everyone should have run out now." Hercules looked gloomy, and he suddenly reached out and grabbed the empty space, the former UFO-like small device that was released by Gawawal. Has appeared in the hands of Hercules.

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