Infinity Armament

Vol 14 Chapter 24: Doubtful point

{} In the wilderness of Los Angeles, Hercules took the flying butterfly camera to see the previous battle. *.

This miniature flying saucer has the function of a small satellite, which can be recorded on-site or used for signal transmission. The range is up to ten miles. It is also a substitute for hacker Cage - once all the signal towers in Los Angeles are destroyed, then this The mini-flying sauce will replace Cage for search.

At this moment, Hercules looked at the video very seriously.

In addition to the battles of Shen Yu and Gawawar, including the battles of Hong Lang, gentle and others, none of them missed.

He looked so carefully, and even repeatedly played, the brows were getting tighter and tighter during the viewing.

"No," Hercules said suddenly.

"What did you find?" Claudia asked.

With a wave of Hercules, the UFO device has released six three-dimensional images at the same time, which is the battle scene of the six-segment team.

"Synchronous playback." Hercules ordered that the impact began to change rapidly.

Then Hercules shouted "stop!", the image was fixed, Hercules's fingers fell on Honglang: "Look, he did not use **** fever, did not use a paralyzed ring, and did not use bloodline to transform."

"And King Kong, Zhou Yiyu and the fat man, they all have their own cards, but they are all useless."

"Maybe they don't think it's the time? They know that we have a team assembly order, so there is no need to use the killer too early." asked the leader of the Piaget team, Ulrich Boman. As a team leader, although he is not a member of the ashes, his strength is not worse than the main members, and his status is even higher than them, second only to Hercules.

"This is a reason, but how do you explain this?" Hercules's hand has fallen on the gentle body of the image.

In the midst of the influence, the gentle long whip is playing against William S. Rigg of the second team.

Ulrich Boman looked at the picture and his brow wrinkled: "William, tell me how do you feel when this woman is playing with you?"

William St. Rigg hesitated a little, and Ulrich Boman had already said: "Quickly! Every word of yours is related to our follow-up. Every detail can be related to our success or failure! Live, the enemies we face have repeatedly overturned opponents who are stronger than them. Anyone who looks down on them is a dead end!"

William St. Rig was shocked and quickly called out: "I don't think she used all her strength in the battle. The data shows that this woman has a blade of power besides the whip. That is when she is fighting one-on-one. Commonly used weapons, reincarnation whip is only her group warfare weapon. In addition, her ability is a high-speed nerve reflection system, but I did not see her use. Finally, when she was fighting with me, she was entangled, I did not feel obvious The killing... she doesn’t seem to want to kill me.”

Hercules coldly said: "Not only do you not want to kill you, they don't even want to kill anyone."

Hercules fingers fell on Honglang: "This person, according to data analysis, character smashing, fighting bravely, is best at hurting and hurting, attacking and defending, relying on his powerful attack before the enemy kills himself, Kill the enemy. ^/Very literature/^ But now you look at his performance again, his fighting style suddenly changed. He has at least two chances, as long as he launches **** fanaticism, he can reinvent at least one member. They also have Raytheon Warhammer, Raytheon Warhammer is not a bloodline skill, there is no limit to the number of times, he could have taken out Raytheon Warhammer unexpectedly, kill at least one person. But he did not do it."

"Maybe they can't use the Thor hammer now?" asked Gawawal.

Hercules sneered: "They made a lot of special points in the Warcraft mission. If I can use the ruling blade, why can't they use the Thor hammer? I believe that Shen Wei will never make this kind of low-level mistake, let go. A good weapon makes it impossible to work."

"Reduced scrolls!" Everyone understands at the same time.

"The third doubt." Hercules pointed to depression and gentleness: "The two men, one with a mirrored body and one with a high-speed neural response system, are all best suited to escape, and the opponent they choose is precisely What do we say about the people of our purgatory sect?"

Ulrich Boman interface: "Indicating that they have prepared us from the beginning. And once we are transmitted, the first target must be the person closest to us. At this time, if it is Honglang or King Kong were besieged and they had a hard time to escape."

The second team captain, Ibi Acheson also nodded: "Yes, so when he was fighting with William, he was also constantly shifting the battlefield, so that he was far enough away from Honglang, and the second team was sent over. At the same time, it is impossible to chase after them in the first place."

"The fourth doubt."

Hercules snapped a finger and the picture turned again. After a few seconds, Hercules's fingers fell on the sinking body, pointing to sinking, and then pointing to gentleness: "Look, Gwawart launched After the team assembly order, Shen Yu immediately retreated. Just one second after he fled, gentlely launched the most violent attack, forcing William to use the team assembly order, and then she immediately retreated, and the high-speed neural response system started, resulting in The second team could not chase."

Ulrich Boman has interface: "The fifth doubt, four groups, they choose the one with the most people. In these four groups, if the gray chariot is the strongest group, Then this group is the second strongest group. They don't choose the ashes chariot, they can also say that they avoid weakening and choose the rogue team, which is intriguing."

Hercules said faintly: "There is only one answer..."

Hercules, Ulrich Boman and Ibi Acheson also said: "They are deliberately consuming our team assembly orders!"

Despite the intensive planning, some things can't last long.

Hercules can be deceived, but will not repeat the mistakes, and will not be deceived like Gwawawa, but still do not know what happened.

After reaching a conclusion at this moment, Hercules brows more and more tightly: "Since they dare to fight with us, can they say... their assembly order... more than two?"

This conclusion makes everyone feel trembled. If the Broken Blade team has more than two team assembly orders, it means that their strategic manoeuvre is bigger than their own.

This is definitely not good news.

"There is still a problem." Claudia said suddenly.

"What?" asked Hercules.

Claudia refers to the three-dimensional image: "Gentle does not kill William, in order to force him to use the team assembly order, this is well understood. But why does Honglang have the same opportunity, but does not kill people? This can't be said!"

Everyone has a look again.

Yes, gentleness does not kill William. This is a good thing, but Honglang has a chance and does not kill people. This is not right. You can't do it, but why not try it?

The fact that Gryce agreed to let Gwawawa fight with Shen Yu, it is a bit of a knife to kill people, by the way, it may also irritate the snow, let him take full shots - this guy is not here to help, Hercules is very clear His purpose.

If you can let the snow-free full force attack, the ash chariot can take the profit.

But why is the Broken Blade team going to be compassionate and even trying not to try it?

At that moment, Hercules suddenly flashed a thought in his eyes. He gnashed his teeth and said: "This **** bastard, he found our action plan!"

Just then, Cage suddenly cried: "They have blown up another signal tower!"


Black Lightning has returned to downtown Los Angeles, and the police who have been arrested have long been scared to run in the horror of the highway wilderness, so there is no tail behind them.

However, it is not guaranteed that Los Angeles is already requesting support from the federal government to mobilize reconnaissance satellites and the military. The arrogance and arrogance of Americans make them unable to accept any provocative acts of trampling on their "dignity", even if these are superhumans, as long as They haven't gotten to be able to punch the earth with a punch, and they have to fight against them at the point where they can survive the nuclear bomb attack.

Of course, privately, there is also an anatomy and research intention.

In fact, from the current performance of the adventurers, their own value has long exceeded the value of their robbery.

It is estimated that Zhou Yiyu can sell tens of millions of blood casually.

The Broken Blade team did not care about this, and still squatted on the street.

For them, the pursuit of the government may not be a good thing - sometimes you have to ask the government to help, they may push three, four, and full of bureaucracy. But when you hit it, they will become more vigorous and efficient.

If the US government sends a large army to chase the broken blade team, they will be happy to provoke the war. For the weaker side, the situation will always be more chaotic.

Although it is offensive to the government, it does not matter. It’s not necessary to join forces with the US government, they will send troops to help – they can’t be beaten by the Dragon Army. The US government is watching the Dragon Army’s own death because of the reason that the “broken blade team is not with us”. City?

So this kind of use of the government does not have to worry about it. Even if the Brokeblade team made Los Angeles a mess, they could not be friends with the Dragon Legion. Instead, in order to deal with the Broken Blade team, the army was transferred early, so that it could be prevented from being caught off guard by the Dragon Legion.

In this respect, this approach tells the mayor that you will be attacked by monsters when you go to the Los Angeles City Hall. You will come to the army quickly, I will help you, you help me... it is much simpler and more effective.

As for now, Shen Yu is talking to Zhuang Yu: "So she already knows now?"

"Well, I guess I hate you all the time." Zhuang Yu laughed.

Shen Yan also laughed: "If you can't let a woman love you, let her hate you."

"That's what he is, but what about now? This woman is frightened now. Zhengdong is hiding in Tibet. She doesn't dare to go now, but she doesn't seem to be coming back to look for you...etc...have a ghost, there is a policeman. She ran the cow and ran... This stupid woman, she was thinking about the way to attract the attention of the police... They chased it... Do you want us to shoot?"

Shen Yu listened to Zhuang Yu’s live broadcast and thought about it: “No, don’t shoot, let her be caught. The prison may be a good place for her, let her stay there for a night. When she waited for her to save her, she knows how much she appreciates."

"...she was arrested."

"Track the police car and see where she was taken. I will let you go to you gently. I will give her permission to let you rejoin the team. For gentleness, control a policeman and take care of her. Let her suffer, but don't overdo it."

"Understand." Gentle jumped out of the black lightning, and several of the landings disappeared.

Sinking ended the call and bowed his head.

"Where are you going now?" Zhou Yiyu asked Shen Yu.

I really thought for a while, Shen Yu replied: "First go to Isen Kenrick, find a way to contact him through old Jack, this is a good hand."

Old Jack, the oldest guardian of the dragon in the Dragon War, is a very powerful man, but with his strength alone, he is still not the opponent of the Dragon Legion.

According to the original setting of the system, it was originally necessary to add a few guardians of the dragon to the guardian camp of justice, but it was cancelled due to the innocent disaster. However, what was originally there will not be cancelled.

Ethan Kenrick has repeatedly rescued Sarah in the film, half by luck and half by old Jack.

So indulge in finding out the old Jack anyway, this is a powerful help.

But only by controlling Ethan can I control the old Jack, which is why Shen Yu gave up the original intention and turned to Isen Kenrick.

An hour later They found Ethan, who was sitting in a cafe on the side of the road.

For Sarah, he had to choose to believe in them again.

Seeing them coming, Ethan stood up: "You said that Sarah will give me Sarah the next time I meet."

Shen Yu replied: "She is in a very safe place, is being strictly protected, don't worry about her. It is you, the same goal that the Dragon Legion tries to kill... You are also the guardian of the dragon, although your strength is very Rotten. I said that your honesty didn't teach you something?"

Ethan’s face rose red: “I have never met him since I was a child. I went to see him once yesterday, but he is not there.”

"He will appear, when necessary." Shen Yan patted Ethan: "Let's go with us."


"Looking for a place to sleep, playing for a day, tired." Shen Yan stretched a lazy waist: "I hope there will be no more activities at night... The guys have to rest?"

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