Infinity Armament

Vol 14 Chapter 36: Blood stasis (4)

A volley turned over, gentle and lightly fell into another room, she looked back, no snow behind and other people are chasing behind her, chuckled: "It's really tight, but unfortunately no flowers. Big literature-_()"

Open another passage, gentle has leaped down.

"The mountain doesn't turn, the people don't turn the room, it doesn't matter if they fall off the team. It's always going to run again. It's Miss Wen, you just want to talk to you, why should you run so fast? We look Is it so fierce?" Even though there is a room, the sound of no snow is still clear, as if in a gentle ear, his speed does not seem to be slow, but he always pursues behind the gentle, I do not know that he deliberately I don't want to catch up, but gentle and deliberately slowed down waiting for him.

"If you have something to stop, why bother to squeeze a room with me? In case my answer does not satisfy you, then ten of you bully me, I can't resist it." Gentle smile.

No snow stopped: "Well, let's stop."

Seeing that there was no snow to stop, the gentleness also stopped, and the two sides were separated by the passageway. At this time, the smoke gradually dispersed, and the obstacle to the line of sight was not so great.

Gentle said: "Now you can ask."

"There is nothing, just want to know what is going on in the innocent disaster."

"Want to know the innocent disaster? Simple." Gentle and suddenly took out a piece of paper and threw it to no snow: "All on it."

The paper is like a knife, flying without snow, no snow and **** stretched out, has caught the paper, slightly glanced at it, and finally changed his face. He looked up and looked gentle: "Is this all true?"

Gentlely ask: "Is it true or false to make sense?"

Without a snowy moment, I finally chuckled and nodded: "Yes, it is meaningless to say that it is true or not. After all, we have to confirm it ourselves."

Having said that, but no snow knows, a series of incidents before the verification, this is nothing to be said.

He passed the note to other people. After they saw it, they all exclaimed. No snow has already said: "Everyone listened well. If there is no confirmation, this should not be transmitted beforehand."

"What do you do now?" An adventurer asked no snow. Great literature

No snow, thinking a little, said: "Withdraw! We are leaving here."

“Withdraw?” The crowd was shocked at the same time.

"Yes, retreat!" There is no snow in the tone of the words: "This indiscriminate killing made by Shen Yu is not directed at us. Whether it is true or not, we don't have to work hard for the inferno sect. Really... then let the Broken Blades live better for us."

"If Hercules knew that we were retreating, he would not let us go." Some people worried.

"They haven't planned to let us go." Someone was angry and low.

"But it's not impossible to talk!"

No snow is deep: "I know who Hercules is. In his war, there has never been negotiation and compromise. Let's go first."

Gentle has raised the voice: "Go to the channel on your right. After two rooms, go to the next room, and then go to the right room, you can go to the central gate."

"Thank you." No snow took the piece of paper and suddenly wrote a few words on it. He has no pen and no ink, but he has left the paper back and has left himself on it. Then he threw the paper back to the gentle, gentle and took a look. He smiled and said: "I thank you too, I hope it is not an enemy."

"I hope." No snow faint response, has taken the lead to enter the right room.

Watching this group of people leave, gently exhaling a breath, then she said to the team channel: "They already know that things are coming and going, they are withdrawing from the battle."

The voice of the sinking came: "I guess they still don't believe it."

Gentlely replied: "People are always habitually unwilling to believe in a message that is not conducive to themselves, a psychological self-protection."

Shen Xiao smiled: "You are also philosophical."

"It’s still very interesting to play a deep time, what about your side?"

"It’s playing hot." Shen Yan looked back and looked behind him.

At this time, the giant Bulachi had been led to the city center by him, and the US government sent a large number of troops after learning that the monster appeared. The large literary forces were originally used to deal with the indulging and specially transferred. The current target of dealing with it has become Brakey.

The sky is full of helicopters flying, the tanks and armored vehicles on the streets are rampant, and a large number of soldiers focus their firepower on Blaki to open fire. The sky and the earth are full of traces of the chain, the sound of the guns is loud, and the middle is also mixed with the giant de labrador. The scream of anger.

It bite a helicopter that is flying low in half, and the fire is half-cut, and the half is swallowed directly by the big guy, and the taste is crisp.

This scene is ten times more spectacular than a movie.

"Don't we go back?" Standing next to Shen Hao, Sarah asked. It is strange to say that before he saw Brakey, this giant stalked her in Sarah’s dream every night. But now she really saw the big guy who made her horrible, but she didn't feel so strong.

It is because she has been psychologically prepared, so that when all this happens, she has the ability to resist, or because she is indulging in her side, giving her inexplicable information, and even Sarah herself is uncertain.

After hearing Sara's question, Shen Yu replied: "It depends on when our opponents can bring us a deadly threat."

"I don't understand what you mean." Sarah stunned.

Shen Yan smiled and said: "It means that when my comrades are in danger of being unable to resist, I will appear by them. But at that time, you will become alone."

Sarah was so scared that her face changed.

Shen Qiang has hugged her shoulders: "But don't worry, I have already prepared for your safety."

Sarah looked down at the necklace in front of her neck.

"No, not just that." Shen said: "Remember, when you are in danger, you call 'exchange.'"

"Come on..." Sarah was about to repeat the words of indulgence, but she was indulged and held her mouth: "Now don't read it."

The indulgent hand pressed on Sarah's face, and Sarah's face was slightly red.

Shen Yu also knows that something is wrong. He shrunk his hand back: "Remember, when you are in a critical moment, you will shout out the word, but don't shout now. I repeat, exchange, understand?"

Sarah raised her face and nodded.

Shen Hao satisfied with a smile: "Very good."

At the same time, Honglang’s big voice has already shouted on the team channel: “I fuck! How are they everywhere?!”


Keith hung up.

However, this is the last person that the Broken Blade team can kill with the help of different dimensions.

All traps were most effective at the beginning, but as the enemy's understanding of the agency deepened, the maze effect began to decrease exponentially, and it was less and less cumbersome.

Hercules's understanding of the maze of killings was so fast that the Broken Blades only killed three people, and the counterattack from the ashes was fully developed.

Hercules's netting strategy completely aimed at this weakness of the labyrinth space, and the result was that the bladed team's evasive space was greatly squeezed.

Hong Lang, King Kong, Zhuang Yu, Bei Ming and others, no matter where they go, they can almost see the ashes.

Although there is usually only one person in a room, once the battle is unfolded, as long as the Broken Blade team can't kill the opponent in the first time, other members of the Ashes chariot will often come in from all directions.

The members of these ashes are strong in their own strength, and other rescuers are rushing fast. The result is that Honglang has repeatedly attacked them, but they have never been able to kill anyone.

Often forced to retreat while other team members arrived.

Sometimes the withdrawal is slow, and even the other side is chasing and killing. If Ethan is in the control room, it is really possible to be killed.

However, as the smoke dissipated and the scouts were exposed, the danger of the precise control of the operation of the room by Ethan and Zeus was greatly reduced, and the danger further increased.

The danger rose to the top when the Honglang jumped into Room 34.

Because he rushed too fast, he jumped in at the moment the passage opened, and did not look carefully at anyone in the room.

However, just as he entered the room, he suddenly felt the wind whistling behind him. He was shocked and instinctively rushed forward. A powerful and heavy punch had been hit **** his back, and the Honglang was directly on the opposite wall.

Honglang wow spit out a blood, quickly turned around, only to see Hercules standing in the corner of the eyes indifferent, as if watching a dead man watching him.

When Hong Lang was splashed with cold water, his heart was cold—he jumped into the room where Hercules was like a flies.

This time you can't blame him for being stupid.

When he saw him from the fat man, he began to escape. Hercules understood that the guys who were looking for trouble would not find themselves in trouble. They have been avoiding themselves.

Due to the obstruction of the passage, Hercules' limit acceleration has no use, so the active pursuit is not effective.

In this case, Hercules took one of the most stupid, simplest, and most effective ways to hide yourself in the corner and wait for the rabbit.

Because of the positional angle of the station, at least two passages leading to the room where Hercules is located can not see Hercules, and those who can see Hercules, the members of the Broken Blade often see Hagrid Si, immediately shut down the passage door and escape, I would not have thought that Hercules had been standing there waiting for So for Hercules, what he has to do is wait.

There are only 36 rooms in the same dimension. The limited space leads to the chance that the Broken Blade will crash into the room where Hercules is in the process of evacuation. However, most of the time I can see Hercules so I can change the channel. road.

And Hercules was waiting for someone to enter from the two channels that could not see him in repeated hooliganism, and he slammed into his arms.

He succeeded.

This time Honglang wants to run away, but it is not so easy.

Hercules squinted and looked at the Honglang.

He said: "Very good, I didn't expect the first one to come in. It happened to you. I am a violent warrior, let us make a collision of pure power."

A fist burst out, stirring up a majestic force.

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