Infinity Armament

Vol 14 Chapter 37: Blood stasis (5)


The iron fists of Hercules and Honglang collided together at this moment, and they burst out with a strong vortex of power, which crashed into the surrounding walls and shook the whole killing.

These two people did not use weapons. Under the collision of pure power, Hercules did not move, but the Honglang wave continued to fall a few steps, and a little bloodshot had leaked from the mouth.

Obviously, this pair of fights, Hercules clearly has the upper hand.

This is not because of the relationship between power, but by its own strength, although Hercules is slightly stronger, it is better than Honglang.

The key to the problem is that Hercules has two more skills.

The ultimate fortress (a level special skills): active and passive skills, passive effects, and permanently improve 30 defense. Active use: Add an energy shield with no defense and 200 vitality. Start to consume 5 points of mental power, cooling time of five minutes. For each level of lift, the energy shield adds two hundred lives. The highest five, the current three.

Intensive Strike (Double b-class special skills): Active and passive skills, passive effects, permanently increase your own damage by 40 points. Active use: ignores the shield type defense for 5 seconds and increases the damage by 40 points. Starts to consume 4 points of mental power and cools down for 5 minutes. For each level of increase, the passive effect permanently increases the attack by 5 points, ignoring the shield time by 1 second. The highest five, the current three.

These are two relatively rare, both active and passive effects, which makes Hercules still have a strong advantage in the face of the same strength of the opponent.

This shock retreats, Haigris has lifted his proud chin, and his right index finger hooked against the Hong wave, and that means come again.

"Mom!" Honglang snorted and wiped the blood marks from his mouth. He shook his head: "Come on, really, he thought that I am afraid of you?"

He simply put away the axe of the tyrant, and suddenly looked up and said: "Hey!".

In this crazy snoring, Hong Lang's muscles are picked up, the power frenzy is surging in his body, the air becomes a wave, and he is spinning wildly around his body.

It is rock strengthening!

"Eat a punch!" Hong Lang has punched Haiglis.

This punch is powerful and powerful, even if it is a tank, it can be worn by a boxer. Hercules stepped forward, and the right hand crossed the upper arm, blocking the impact of the Honglang. The left hand pushed against the Honglang chest. This hit was suddenly and quickly, and the chest was hit in the middle of the flood. This blood directly spit into Hercules, Hercules flashed a head and escaped, Honglang had hit a face in Hercules.

This next impact is not light. If it is not the high altitude of Hercules, he will almost be able to break his nose and beam. At the same time, in the collision between Honglang and Hercules, this time Honglang won, powerful. The power of the force against Hercules, a punch on Hercules, actually shot him out.

But unfortunately, due to the power offset, the Honglang this attack did not cause any harm to Hercules.

However, Hercules still licked the nose that was hit by the Hong wave, and the eyes were already excited.

That is the excitement that he has when he meets the strong. Only those who are familiar with him know that this expression means that Hercules will become more and more serious in the face of fighting, and the power of release will become more and more horrible. Extracurricular book

"Yes, good! I haven't encountered such a brave opponent for a long time, you have whipped my appetite. I believe that fighting with you must be more fun than fighting with Shen!" Hercules sneered.

The stronger the opponent, the more excited he is.

"Cut, really fucking, think you are the best in the world?" Hong Lang said with a sigh of relief: "Not that the property is stronger than Laozi. The skill is more than that of Laozi. The equipment is better than Laozi. Can you recognize the cognac? ? Laozi is not rare!"

Hercules’s face changed immediately.

His life is self-defeating, and the most hateful thing is that others say that he relies on the family to become so powerful.

At this moment, Honglang said that he simply touched his anti-scale, and his heart was full of killing. He took a deep breath and spit out the cold words: "Yes, the family has indeed given me many benefits, artifacts, bloodlines... but!"

In his eyes, he gave off fierce glare and glared at Honglang: "Even without these, do you think you can deal with me? Honglang, let you see and see the real, belong to my own strength! Hercules!"

With the high voice of Hercules, a force of arrogance that is more prosperous than Honglang has been surging in Hercules, and the power is more powerful and powerful than when he was incarcerated.

I have to say that Honglang is a natural master of hatred. Just a few words, I will drive Hercules to run away.

With the support of Hercules at this moment, the strength of Hercules soared to 80 points, directly blessing to the point of 248 points of strength.

This is not enough, and Hercules screamed again.

War roar, double b-level special skills: increase rogue 20 points to all teammates within 100 meters, increase defense power by 5 points, last for one minute, so that the target is in a slow response state, lasting 3 seconds, so that the attack is improved At 40 o'clock, the defense increases by 10 and lasts for 90 seconds. Consumes 12 spirits and cools for eight minutes. For each level of increase, increase the duration of ten seconds and fifteen seconds, the maximum level of five, the current level of three.

At the same time, there was a red light on Hercules.

Fury (level b): Sacrifice 20% of existing life, increase attack damage and attack speed by 50% (uplift is only effective for self-power, but does not affect the self-superposition of various types of damage), duration two Ten seconds, cooling time is five minutes.

With the continuous improvement of the two skills of Hercules, his offensive and defensive has reached a level of horror, even Honglang is stunned: "I fuck, are you ashamed? Not that you have a What are the excitement of cognac, who wants to mix well this year, and who is not much more than a few cognacs? People Guo..."

"Shut up!" Hercules had punched the waves, and the surging tide directly drowned the words of Honglang.

The Hong Lang screamed and jumped, and the Nether Shield was already launched.

However, the Nether Shield is mainly anti-remote, and the damage to melee damage is only 15%. In the face of Hercules's raging attack power, this weakening is really limited.

This is the result of the fact that Hercules did not use weapons. The reason why Honglang did not use the axe of the tyrant was to maintain a fair surface.

Shen Xiaoji told him that Hercules was a heads-up madman, and that the battle was not cheap. So when playing with Hercules, the best way is to not use weapons.

You don't have to, he certainly doesn't have to.

The result of weakening everyone's attack is that the damage is limited, and no one can easily kill who. In this way, the decision to win or lose is often no longer the strength of both sides, but the drug reserve - who has more potions, who will win.

Of course, Shen Wei does not expect Hercules to be stupid enough to have no medicine, but at least it is very effective in delaying the fighting time.

However, Honglang did not expect that even if he did not use weapons, the attack of this cargo would be so powerful.

248 points of strength, 50 + 40 attack bonus, plus the violent 50% of the self-powered bonus, resulting in even the freehand state, Hercules' attack power is as high as 462.

Moreover, Hercules has the top fighting specialization, and itself is a violent warrior who is good at exerting power, which causes his every shot to be close to the upper limit of power.

This made Honglang not dare to open **** enthusiasm, otherwise he could not hold a few punches of Hercules by relying on the 15% reduction of the Nether Shield.

In this case, Honglang has made the most daring and most unexpected decision: hard fight!

He shouted a sly and waved at the heavy punch of Hercules.

No skill, no evasion, the battle between the violent warriors is the simplest and most savage and **** fight, to see who can defeat the other, who can last.

At this moment, the strength of the two people soared, and the tide was soaring, giving people the feeling that it was like a battle between two giants, and no longer allowed any third party to intervene.

This approach seems stupid, but it is the best choice for Honglang.

Both Honglang and Hercules are the strongest attackers. The biggest problem of ordinary attacks is not only the degree of play and the hit rate. At the same time, there is another feature that can be blocked, and the collision of force and force offsets the opponent's big. Partial damage.

Only in the direct hit without encountering the block can you actually cause strong damage to your opponent.

At this moment, Hercules punched the door of Honglang, and Honglang’s backhand grabbed the fist of Hercules. The strength of the two men burst at the same time. Hercules iron arm slammed forward and connected with the hands of Honglang. Together, he slammed into his chest, and the flooding swelled and fell. Although he offset most of Hercules's strength, the damage attached to the skill itself could not be offset, or he suffered a little damage.

The next moment, Hercules was once again punching the head of Honglang.

Honglang’s head shrank, and the wall at the top of the head had been beaten again by Hercules, and then slowly recovered.

"Your sister, really desperate!" Hong wave was shocked.

Hercules had swept back and swept an elbow on the face of Honglang, and he flew him out on time.

He is agile higher than the Honglang, and has the speed bonus brought by the violent, resulting in quick and powerful power. Even if the Honglang can stop, it is impossible to block all his attacks.

Every hit of the Honglang is a heavy blow like a skill hit.

At this moment, the elbows flew over the waves, and Hercules had turned back and flashed a fist.

The boxing is like a rain, and it is like a tyrannical tiger. It instantly turns Honglang into a pig's head. In just half a minute, it has already hit Honglang with a recovery skill and injected three bottles of potion.

Hong Lang is now considered to be an absolute strong man in three difficult times, but in the face of Hercules, he was beaten to fight back.

"Go to hell!" Hercules violently said: "I see how much potion you have for splurge!"

The more fierce the boxing is, the more it is to make the Hong wave alive and dead.

At this moment, Hong Lang suddenly had a thunderbolt hammer in his hand, which was a hammer against Hercules.

A flash of lightning slammed into the air, hitting Hercules, and even Hercules could not bear it. It was hit by a thunder hammer in the hands of Honglang and crashed into the wall.

It is the hammer of Quake.

This goods either do not use weapons, use the best, use one is the wrath of Thor.

Unfortunately, although the power of Raytheon's wrath is large, Hercules' defense is also high, and its vitality is also extremely strong. This hitting distance wants to kill him, still far too far.

Honglang had stood up with a bruise and stood up, murderously said: "Fuck your sister, really he thought that Laozi’s power to fight back is gone?"

He was about to rush over, and he saw that Hercules looked up and looked at him in real terms. He saw that Honglang’s heart was actually a glimpse, and his movements were also braked.

Hercules had slowly stood up and stared at Quake's hammer. He sighed: "The hammer of Quake... You can still use it. Cosgrove's idiot, let you have a good job." Weapons. But it doesn't matter, I am coming back this time, I have to take it back. Now that it is in your hands, things will be easier."

"Cut." Hong Lang grinned: "You are not sinking, even if you kill Laozi, you may not be able to get it!"

Hercules snorted: "I did not plunder this ability, but this world is not only plundering, I can get what I want. Since I said that I have to get back the hammer of Quake, naturally there is a way to He got it back."

He said that he had taken out a golden knife-like weapon from the coat of arms.

The blade of ruling!

Honglang's complexion changed: "Hey, hello, what the **** is your Say you don't need artifacts!"

Hercules smiled softly: "In your eyes, I probably only know the fair battle, but I don't know the idiots that are unscrupulous for the purpose?"

When I heard this, Honglang’s heart was cold.

Hercules has raised the ruling blade and pointed to Hong Lang: "I don't deny that I really like fair fighting. But the premise is that it does not affect the family's mission. For the family, for the sect, for the belief in our hearts, personal What do you like about your preferences? You can never understand this without your conviction. Even if it is a victory, as long as it is necessary, it should be done... I will still do it!"

"I am going to be..." Hong wave desperately screamed, and at this moment he finally reluctantly said: "Boss..."

After he had not finished speaking, he heard the voice of Zhou Yiyu in the channel has been arrogant: "Boss, I can't hold it, I want to use the assembly order!"

A glimpse of Hong Lang, how can anyone still hold up before themselves?

His thoughts have not been sorted out, and he saw a white light flashing through the brush and people have disappeared.

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