Infinity Armament

Vol 14 Chapter 49: Battle of Los Angeles (1)

//very literary/^(reading the novels, the genius can only be remembered in 3 seconds). The Dragon Dragons appear without warning, as if crossing the time and space from ancient times into the modern city, when the low and melodious war horn is at When the air rang, a large number of Dragon Army soldiers appeared directly on the streets of Los Angeles and launched a charge toward where they were.

"They are coming, it is toward us." The gentleness is just listening to the ear, and the direction of the enemy's attack has been determined.

Shen Xun quickly got up and walked out of the store door. The smoke fluttered in the distance. You can see a group of lizard cavalry rushing to the side.

Shen Hao summoned 30 soldiers including Frost and four heavy tanks brought out from the home world: "Frost, the person who brought you and the bumblebee to protect Sarah"

Before entering the mission world, Shen Yu has already let his summoned soldiers carry out many tank driving trainings. Nowadays, using tanks can be said to be easy to control.

This is also the best direction for summoning soldiers.

As summoned soldiers, they may be the worst summoning units in strength, but they have the human wisdom that most of the summons do not have. With the development of step by step, Shen Yu gradually realizes that it is better to strengthen their attributes. Let them become operators of technology machinery, only in this way can they truly demonstrate their high intelligence and low strength.

Today, they are only driving tanks to fight with ordinary individual armor. Tomorrow, they may be able to harness a steel torrent to become the backbone of the indulgence. The future is the most important auxiliary personnel in the plan of the Great Universe. With a blade of six or seven people, you can't control a huge Star Warship.

Handing Sarah to Frost, I looked at the time: "It’s 9:40 in the morning, and there’s still seven and a half hours from the non-war agreement, and I’m trying to defeat the Dragon Army during this time.”

This is another weight that indulges and forced Hercules to give up the second main line: during the non-war agreement, attack the Dragon Army

This is like playing a game on both sides. One of them sends a soldier and the other party does not send a soldier who originally had a military advantage. However, because of the existence of a non-war agreement, he can only look at each other and kill his own soldiers, but there is no one-point method. Because they don’t have the other dragon guardian to kill.

For the Broken Blades, this is the best time for them to brush and brush the cards.

At this moment, I heard Shen Shen say so, Hong Lang grinned and said: "just wait for this day to go, guys, let's go and compete with the animals of the Dragon Legion."

The axe of the tyrant turned around in the hand, and Honglang had taken the lead to face the lizard cavalry rushing forward. Just at the moment when the lizard cavalry rushed, the Honglang jumped high and the axe of the tyrant faced The lizard cavalry was kneeling down, and even the man took the mount together and split it in half.

"吼" Hong wave screamed in the sky, bathing in the blood, showing the domineering and fanatical blood-seeking desire

With his roar, the Broken Blade team has rushed forward to meet the trend of the enemy, a killing

More than 30 lizard cavalry rushed to the top of the adventurer's moment, they were killed by the individual, and the broken blade team almost destroyed the first wave of the corps.

"Hong Wave is careful" In the gentle voice, Hong Lang just stumbled the last lizard cavalry, and a series of fireballs have come in from afar.

Honglang was not responding. He was hit by a fireball on the spot. When he was bombed and flew out dozens of meters away, he just landed. He tumbling on the spot, only listening to a series of explosions, and exploding a piece of his previous stop. Deep pit

"By armored beast" Honglang shouted

In the distance, a large group of armored dragons are slowly coming from here, and in front of them, there are a lot of humanoid heavy armored soldiers. These are the most important ground arms of the Dragon Legion. They look like Human beings are actually some undead units transformed from dead souls.

"I know? Don't patronize killing, stay a little, the battle is just beginning." Gentle and not angry.

If the lizard cavalry is a light cavalry of the Dragon Legion, it is a scout of the Dragon Legion, then the body is fat, the body is bloated, and the slow-moving armored beast is the heavy army of the Dragon Legion.

Compared with the original movie, these armored beasts appear to be huge, with thick iron armor on their backs and carrying double-barrel magical cannons on their backs. Although their steps are slow, the steps they take at each step are enormous. Make their actions actually not much slower than the real cavalry

There are two types of armored beasts, one is to reload long-range artillery, and the other is to reload close-range cavalry. The main role of these armored beast cavalry is to follow the artillery action and be responsible for melee protection.

Screaming: "Be careful, the armored beast's defense is 40+40, the vitality is two thousand points, the magical cannon power is 240 points, and every two seconds is double-shot, try to keep moving attacks, don't let these Guy sets fire"

Zhou Yiyu snorted: "These guys are still far worse than the scale of the attack on Haigal."

His Vulcan cannon danced cheerfully, squirting a large number of bullets and shooting them in front, hitting the armor of the armored beasts.

"The problem is that we don't have any walls and other adventurers here." King Kong is not angry.

"But at least we are stronger than that time." Hong Lang laughed and replied casually. He had already turned a heavy armored sergeant from the charge to the ground. When the sergeant died, he dropped a box. I picked it up and looked at it and grinned: "Boss, you like it."

Speaking of throwing things to Shen Yu, it is a d-level sword and a small sacrifice.

"Not bad" Shen Yan put things together and answered them in a loud voice. They shot again at the rushing Dragon Army soldiers. They didn't ask for murder. They only wanted every soldier to be attacked, so that they would have a chance after death. Giving sacrifices, in fact, the adventurers are promoted to the gods, most of them are done through small sacrifices. It is always the most fundamental step for human beings to develop themselves, like killing a demon. Trading is not a sustainable development plan after all

At this moment, as the war began, more and more Dragon Dragons were involved in this battlefield. The sky was full of artillery roaring from the armored beast artillery. It was slammed on the high-rises of the city, causing the collapse of one place and another. Los Angeles is therefore in a sea of ​​fire, flaming, a doomsday scene

People who are panicked everywhere are fleeing around, screaming and desperate

Seeing this scene, even Shen Shen could not help but sigh: "What makes the dragon Imoji get the Dragon Ball and protect the human being, this is simply to smear the disaster that I have seen only because of the Dragon Ball, and When the disaster comes, where are our good dragons? Those dragons who have received Dragon Ball before and where is the mother guarding humans?"

"You never expect the stick to write a logical story." King Kong did not answer well.

"It’s also...the moon." He replied in a loud voice, suddenly hitting a launching bullet and passing through the brain of an already-armored armored beast.

Shen Yan walked over and looked at the magical cannon on the back of the armored beast. He patted the gun and said: "This is a good thing. If you can bring back a few doors, then"

The power of the magic gun is too far from the flow of the fortress gun, but one advantage is that it can be moved. If it can gather enough quantity, it is also a force that cannot be underestimated.

"I come" gently sees the indulgent mind, the spell is launched, has controlled an armored beast, and then retracted before the gentle summoning regiment has not officially formed large-scale, she is not in a hurry to call them out to avoid Meaningless damage

"The light is not enough." He touched his chin and tried to plunder the dead armored beast. The result was prompted: "You can't use plunder for non-identified items."

"Unfortunately" Shen Yan sighed

The predation of plunder has a basic premise, that is, it mainly takes effect on equipment that does not need to be authenticated. If it is equipment held by senior life, and the target equipment is not yet owned by itself, the plunder can replace the identification to a certain extent, but the chance of success will decrease, but for You can use the non-identified items that you can use directly, but you can't use the plunder. This is to avoid using the plunder instead of the identification. For example, for the dragon pendant, you can't use the plunder.

The magical cannon of the armored beast is a plug-in equipment. There is no special need. Once everyone can use it after death, it is impossible to use the plunder.

Just then, gentle and suddenly pointed to the sky: "Sink, look"

Shen Qian looked up and saw that a large number of fearful dragons in the sky had already flown. It was the airborne unit of the Dragon Army.

"Give it to me" Shen Yu has shot a gun in the air: "Scattered Gun"

The barrage condensed into a huge nail plate in the air and smashed toward the large flying dragon. It hit the fearless dragons and hit countless blood holes. The sky suddenly sounded a fierce tragedy, and the blood was poured like rain.

This gun angered a large number of fearing dragons, circling one by one in the air, while spitting fireballs into the sinking

Countless fireballs fell from the sky, forced to sink and continually dodge, and for a time it was a wolverine

"I am coming" gentle smile, she suddenly jumped to a nearby building, the reincarnation whip suddenly extended to the maximum length of seven meters, a glimpse into the air, has been wrapped around the building's protrusions, and gently moved toward the air, a few In the ups and downs, gentleness has fallen on the roof of the building, and the left hand has risen. The movie animal Clos has already flown out. The figure is like electricity. It is biting the throat of a fearing dragon. At the same time, the toxins in the body are injected and the dragon is humming. At the same time of falling, the little things have screamed, the wings of the ice wind are unfolding, and after gliding in the air, they have already rushed to the next fearful dragon.

This little thing is longer than the power and weaker than the power. Therefore, in the usual battle, gentleness rarely makes it work, mainly because it lacks sufficient ability.

But here, in the sky occupied by the fearful dragon, the movie beast with the power and freedom to fly in the air finally has its own space.

At this moment, it is like a phantom moving through the air. Every time you fly, you must bite a dragon. These dragons are inferior to the shadow beasts in terms of power. The strength is also higher than that of Clos, plus small things. Fighting the odds, every time is directly attacking the key points of the fearless dragons, but even in the sky, a storm of blood and rain, one after another, the dragons are killed by this little thing, even Shen I didn’t want to shake my head and admire: "Well, I used to think that this little thing is going to be unemployed, but it seems that I am wrong."

"It's just a space that hasn't been played yet." Gentle smiles at the channel, waving long whip, and showing off in the air.

Perhaps because of the nature of the confrontation task, the strength of the Dragon Legion is far worse than the general three difficulty strength, and the Broken Blade itself is also a top presence in the three difficulties, so in this adventurer and hostile forces In the frontal contest, the Broken Blade team did not fall into the wind.

This is also extremely rare in past adventurer missions.

On a building four hundred meters away from the battlefield, Gwawat put down the telescope: "The Dragon Army is not a threat to them."

He looked back at Hercules, and Hercules was carefully looking at a painting hanging in this office.

He didn’t seem to hear Gwawatt’s words.

"Higer" Gawat whispered

"Know it," Hercules replied in a loud voice: "Some of the miscellaneous soldiers are not normal. Isn't this kind of thing psychologically prepared from the beginning?"

"The problem is that they can take advantage of this opportunity to benefit, but we can't stop it," Gwawart said worriedly.

Honestly, when Hercules signed a non-war agreement with Shen Yu, everyone only thought that the biggest loss was to miss the 24-hour pursuit opportunity.

However, I did not expect that Shen Yu did not take this opportunity to escape or prepare to hide. Instead, he made a big move. First, he was provoked by the door. Now he simply took advantage of the opportunity that they could not take the shot and the Dragon Dragon Corps, which weakened the strength of the Western District camp. Take advantage of yourself

If you know that this will happen, Hercules will at least have to add a few conditions to the agreement.

At this moment, I heard that Gwawal said that Hercules smiled: "I don't necessarily just sit and watch."

"What?" Everyone looks at Hercules at the same time.

Hercules leisurely replied: "The Broken Blade team wants to eliminate the Dragon Army by non-war period. The idea is good. Their strength is also OK. But this does not mean that they have already broken through the difficulty limit. You can see the enemy of the plot. If there is no thing, the Dragon Dragons are not dominant now, because their really strong existence has not yet appeared. Brocky or the head of the army is not the existence of the broken blade team. They dare to stand up. Hard fight, or because they also have a strong backup..."

Molun’s eyes lit up: “The US Government Army”

Yes, the US government army can never sit on the invasion of the Dragon Army. In fact, they are only being caught unprepared, but I believe that it will take a long time for a large number of federal troops to gather and launch a battle with the Dragon Army. When the **** battle arrives, the broken blade team can take out the hand to kill ss

Hercules smiled: "Because of the non-war agreement, we really can't intervene in their battles, but that doesn't mean we can't shoot the federal army."

“Yes,” Gawawal has already called out: “Since I’m going to deal with the Dragon Army, we’re going to deal with the EFF, and everyone’s playing, I don’t believe that he can still win so easily.”

Hercules shook his head: "This war, win... The blade team is afraid to win, I don't have any hope for it, but if I want to win without a price, it is not necessarily this battle, I will not count on it. There are any casualties in the Blades team, but I hope that the Dragon Legion can at least consume some of the opponent's cards to do this. I am afraid that the Dragon Legion and Brakey are not enough..."

He said that he turned back and looked at Meryl: "Although Shen Yan was very careful about the agreement check but there is still a loophole in the agreement, he did not find it... or he could not say it even if he found it, then Even though we can't shoot the Broken Blade team, it doesn't mean that we can't help the enemy of the Broken Blade team. It can take a lot of cards from the Broken Blade team. It depends on yours."

Meryl was shocked: "You let me..."

"Yes" Hercules has categorically said: "To help the soldiers of the Dragon Legion, to strengthen their strength, to save their strength, to preserve their lives, to destroy the plan of the broken blade team, there is a non-war agreement, they I dare not give it to you. This is a double-edged sword, which limits us and limits them to this time. You must make up for it."

Meryl took a deep breath and she nodded: "I understand... I will finish the task."

"Remember, for the benevolent Father, even if you lose your chastity, it is also a noble sacrifice. Don't let the insults affect your mind. Don't let the villain's words stimulate your spirit. The true saint, should It is a determined, unwavering, loss of power because of the envy of the enemy. It is the greatest shame. You have made a mistake. Don’t repeat it."

Meryl bowed her head: "I understand that for the benevolent Father, even life can be spared... not to mention chastity."

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