Infinity Armament

Vol 14 Chapter 50: Battle of Los Angeles (2)

In the downtown area of ​​Los Angeles, a fierce battle is unfolding. (M_bubble & book & bar)

More and more fearful dragons are coming in the sky, densely covered with large clouds and shadows on the sky. A large number of heavy infantry on the ground, armored beasts are also becoming more and more, it looks like an ancient invasion, heaven. The underground is full of echoes of the monsters.

In the face of this situation of the army's pressure, the Broken Blade team did not care. Under the influence of the fat aura of the fat man, the aura of thorns and the aura of evil, the adventurers have greatly improved their mental recovery and life recovery, and their ability to withstand war has increased significantly. As long as you don't face a particularly strong opponent, it is not a problem to hit the day with the current combat intensity. Although the number of Dragon Dragons is large, it is not unlimited after all. On the basis of not breaking through its own limits, the Broken Blade team is hoping that the enemy is more and better.


Honglang an axe smashed a heavy armor into two halves and shouted: "Shuang!"

In the case of one side of the situation, the battle can be understood as a kind of fun. The pleasure of crushing the enemy seems to remind yourself of the power of the moment, and the feeling of being incomprehensible is indeed a good mood.

However, Shen Yan was slightly frowned.

It’s been more than ten minutes since the battle was hit. It’s said that the US government was initially caught off guard, and it’s not enough to say that it’s not yet reacted.

Although the threat of the Dragon Legion is not big enough to threaten its own life, it is because the big SS has not yet come out. The current situation is that although the Broken Blade team can cope, it is far from reaching the point of defeating the enemy. Without the support of the US government forces, it is not an easy task for them to kill Brakey.

After thinking about it, Shen Yu released his flying claws and flew to a nearby building, looking out into the distance.

He saw the fireworks rising from afar, and the rumbling fire from the faint.

Sinking and snoring: "Everyone is careful, it seems that Hercules has already intercepted the US government. In the case of not being able to shoot us, this is indeed a good idea... It is better than nothing."

"I feel that this is not bad." Hong Lang laughed: "In this way, all the rewards of the entire Dragon Legion are returned to us."

Shen Xiao smiled: "The premise is that you can eat, don't forget that at least two big guys haven't appeared yet."

Just then, gentle and suddenly cried: "Sink carefully!"

The sound of the wind behind the sinking, the sinking is not good, the head does not return to the rapid forward.

Just listening to a loud bang, Shen Tian has set up a diffuse smoke, a powerful shock wave will fly out and fall from dozens of high-rise buildings.

The sinking man turned quickly in the air and turned back and fired several shots at the rear.


The huge buzz has sounded.

I saw a strange giant python curling up in a half-collapsed building, screaming at the sinking.

Sure enough, it was the evil Brockie, this guy launched a sneak attack on Shen Yu.


The sinking fell heavily on the ground, and he rolled over on the ground. At the same time, Blatche had swung down from the air. The huge snake head was rubbing against the ground in the sinking, and there was a stream of gravel flying, and the waves were surging. The sinking is thrown into the air.

Braki has once again turned to sink into the sinking, sinking his claws and coming out again. The volley has a sharp turn to escape the chasing of this guy. He even ran a few steps on the wall and jumped to a building, only to see the giant behind. He glared at him and rushed all the way.

"What a hell, how come I will find me!" Shen said.

"Maybe because he knows you are our head!" Hong Lang laughed.

"Shut up, go and help me, the miscellaneous soldiers here are handed over to me and the fat man!" King Kong has swooped down from the air and released the Terminator.

Before the Broken Blade team had not released the Terminator, it was this moment. Now that the ashes chariots are blocking the US government, the giant Brake has already appeared, and it is the time to go all out to get rid of this big guy. As long as you kill Blakey, the second mainline task is equivalent to completing ahead of time, and everyone will have no worries.

At the same time as the Terminator was released, King Kong had replaced the Ghost of Death, hitting the ground and launching the ripples of death.

This time, except for the fat man, there is no one to protect him, so he does not ask to kill anyone with the ripple of death, only to be able to reinvent the opponent, and then to make up the knife by the Terminator, as long as he can drag the footsteps of the Dragon Legion, then he and Zhou Yiyu’s blocking The task is completed.

"Know!" Honglang has promised to chase to Blatche. His single attack is high and the group is weak, which is suitable for dealing with SS goals.

At this moment, Shen Yu jumped rapidly under the chase of Brackie, and the savage Braki suddenly screamed, slamming a spin, and the tail of the odd has been swept away. Although it is comparable to the super squad of the train, but it turned around and there was no bloated slowness of the large-sized animals, but it was lightning fast.

The sinking was drawn by it, just like being sucked by an artifact-level whip, and vomiting blood flew out.

Originally, this hit was not fatal, but at the same time as Shen Fei flew out, there was a sudden appearance of a figure in front of the imaginary, full body armor, and the phantom sword in the hand stabbed against the sinking sword.

The gentle face that is coming is changing: "Be careful, it is the evil general!"

A sword that is as eager as an electric phoenix has been stabbed to sink into the heart of the heart. Just when the whole hole is to be worn, Shen Shen has called: "Mirror avatar!"

People are divided into two in an instant.

The sword is passing through the middle of the two sinkings. The left side sinks into the arms of the evil general, and the touch of the vampire on the right has stabbed the other side: "Bloodfall!"

At the same time that this **** waterfall was to be launched, the evil general suddenly snorted and turned into a phantom dissipated. This thorn was stabbed empty and the blood waterfall failed to come out.

"Hell!" Shen Yan volleyed his own kick and kicked back, while the giant Bulachi screamed and rushed, swallowing the fake sink.

At this time, the evil general of the Dragon Legion appeared on the ground not far away, and his eyes were cold and smoldering like a smoldering fire.

Behind him, there were four other people with the same black body. He must have been his avatar. The five evil generals stood together. For a time, no one could tell who was true and who was false.

Hong Lang rushed over to stand next to Shen Yu and watched it: "Fuck! This can be a little troublesome."

At the same time gentle, Zhuang Yu, Auntie, Zhou Yiyu and Hera also ran over, and saw a group of five people at this moment, while looking at Shen Yan: "What to do?"

"What can I do?" Shen Yan’s face murdered: "First try to get rid of the evil general, the middle is the real body, the others are fakes!"

It is said that the evil general who had appeared before has been fired again and again.

His Witch's Helmet comes with a smashing eye, like Claudia's Eye of the Sky or the Eye of God of Aphrodite. It has the ability to break the illusion and distinguish between true and false, so the evil general's four avatars The technique is completely useless for him.

When the squadron opened fire, the evil general screamed, and the man had turned into nothingness and rushed to sink.

But the next moment, Shen Yu has taken out the ghost eyes and inserted it into the ground. The evil general who turned into a phantom was immediately taken out. Hong Lang has been the first to rush up, and it is an axe to the evil general.

The evil general obviously didn't expect the other party to have the ability to break his invisibility. He was completely unprepared, and was attacked by Hong Lang. The anger screamed: "Abominable human!"

Shooting a hand against the Honglang, the palm of the hand rises in an instant, forming a horrible black, and pulling out a powerful dark force.

"It turns out that you can talk!" Hong Lang laughed and greeted him. At the same time that the evil general hit him, his left hand suddenly revealed the Thor hammer, and the evil general was a blow: "The Wrath of Thor!"

A large thunderbolt descended from the sky, and was kneeling on the evil general, and he was thrown up. The general "嗷" gave a scream of anger, and the phantom sword in the hand slanted against the momentum, hitting Honglang, Honglang The light flashed on the body, and the Nether Shield has already offset this sword damage a lot, but the strength of the blade is not reduced, or the Hong wave is flying out.

Hong Lang screamed while flying: "I fuck! Really really better than fake, enjoyable!"

When he said that he had stepped on the wall and stepped on the wall, he had already swept back faster than the speed of the retreat. The axe of the tyrant rushed to the top of the target.

When it comes to skills, he is not as good as others, but when it comes to brave and determined, he is the leader of the Broken Blade.

The evil general was about to fight back, but he heard a strange snoring, and a slight glimpse, only a sudden appearance of a giant in the air, stepping on his own feet.

The evil general responded quickly and quickly, and the figure actually pulled out a phantom in an instant, only to see that the big foot rumbling and slamming, shaking the earth.

A huge bang has sounded loudly.

It is the armored Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Honglang used to be a little cheaper. It is still a bit difficult to deal with the evil generals who are at least the strength of the high devil. But with this armored Tyrannosaurus, it is different.

At the same time, Zhou Yiyu, Zhuang Yu, Hera and Auntie also shot together to help Hong wave block the four avatars of the evil general. Shen Qiang and gentleness are entangled in the evil Baku. Of course, they can't easily get rid of this horrible big guy, but they can still get rid of Braki for a while.

Sinking and entangled with evil, while constantly taking the time to shoot a general with the aunt entangled, gentle also released the demon guard and angry guard helper, go all out to attack the target of the aunt.

The bottom card of the Broken Blade team appeared at the same time with the two SSs of the Dragon Dragons, and finally appeared one by one.

For the Broken Blade team, this battle is like licking a finger, destroying the avatar first, then destroying the evil general, and finally killing Braki, and finally developing into a global victory through the expanding local advantages.

If there were no surprises, the plan should have been perfect and seamless.

However, when the avatar attacked by the aunt was about to be killed, a ray of light suddenly illuminated from the body.

Along with this glorious effect, the evil avatar that had been beaten to death and suddenly died suddenly recovered a lot of life, and a sword was cut on the aunt. Aunt did not expect that there would be such a change, but he was cut off by a sword. Fortunately, his defense was higher and he was not seriously affected.

But at the same time, I saw that there was a glimmer of glory in the body of the evil general. Then the offensive of the evil general suddenly accelerated. The phantom sword waved, and at the same time the incredible speed blocked the Honglang axe, the left hand fist was already smashed. Beaten on the head of Honglang, the Honglang hit a face full of flowers.

The power of this boxing is extremely powerful, and the Honglang will fly when it arrives.

I saw that it was a radiance rising in the body of the evil general. The damage caused by his previous attack by the Honglang was restored. After that, the evil general had once again attacked the Honglang. Surprisingly, that Only the armored Tyrannosaurus rex suddenly stopped moving and kept screaming at the sky, but it was no longer involved in the battle.

At the same time, everyone was surprised at what happened. Gentleness had already idling, and escaped from Brackie’s blow. While flying in the air, she only slightly turned her head, and then she suddenly cried: “Come out!”

A whip plunged into a semi-collapsed house not far away.

With this whirl, Meryl's figure has come out of the sky.

Seeing the appearance of Meryl, everyone stayed.

Shen Hao’s first reaction came: "Mom, this is troublesome."

Sure enough, I saw Meryl raised his proud neck: "The benefits you get for me are also destined to be lost because of me."

Said that she raised her left hand and pointed at the evil general: "The shield of the shield! The glory of Michael!"

There is a bright and holy shield on the evil general, and there is a strange golden aura at the foot.

This is the most powerful guardianship of Meryl, and the Shields greatly enhances the defensive ability of the target, and the glory of Michael is the life-recovery ability of all targets in the range.

"Good job!" The evil general has long laughed, and the long sword stabbed the Hong wave.

He was originally stronger than Honglang. Now he is blessed by Meryl. The armored Tyrannosaurus Rex is not willing to fight because he saw the Lord. When he was on the road, he was so embarrassed that he was so angry that he was so angry that he was screaming: "Zhou Yiyu Let's see if your woman is doing a good job. What kind of chaos does she run over?"

Zhou Yiyu also angered: "What is this about me? She is not my woman, not my woman!"

He was originally full of Meryl, and he wanted to put this woman in bed. Even if he couldn't do it, it would be good to be able to play around and spend more money.

But now the emergence of this woman has become the biggest crisis in their eyes. Zhou Yiyu refuses to admit that she has a relationship with her.

At that time, the avatar that fought with Hera had already shown a form of disappointment. When Hera jumped high and a spear pierced the avatar, Meryl suddenly raised her hand and was a healing skill in that avatar. The body blooms. Although Hera’s attack hit the target, it failed to achieve the effect of killing the enemy. Instead, she was smashed by a sword.

This time Hera is also angry, cried to Zhou Yiyu: "Take your woman, bastard, see what she is doing?"

Zhou Yiyu was also anxious: "Don't bother to push me, shut me down! Also, I am yours, Hera, if she is my woman, she is your godmother! Godmother!"

"Go to hell!" Hera poked at Meryl.

Meryl is a chest, not hiding at all.

Shen Yan was shocked: "Don't hit her!"

Throwing a flying claw to hit the steel spear, and hitting the spear body off the side, this time rubbing Meryl's face and flying over it, drawing a **** mouth on her delicate jade.

Then everyone heard the **** coat of arms together:

"The Broken Blades control life to attack members of non-war agreements, causing minor damage, each deducting 200 points."

"I fuck!" everyone yelled together.

Since Hera is not a personal summoner in nature, but is owned by the team, her attack directly affects the team. Although there are not many 200 per person, it adds up to the fact that Meryl’s fist is more deductive.

"Hera, pay attention to your behavior!" Zhou Yiyu called.

Hera raised her neck: "I just want to prove that you are not doing what I am doing, otherwise it will only be you alone. Next time you dare to take advantage of me, I will let you know what is regret!"

Zhou Yiyu slammed his head: "Hell, this time she still has the mood to consider this kind of thing."

"I see your mood is not bad! Quickly solve the woman, I can't hold it anymore!" Hong Lang roared.

The biggest difference between plot characters and adventurers is that their lives are often higher than those of adventurers, but they lack effective means of recovery. Once there is a strong healing priest to do their backup, plus a variety of powerful auxiliary state, the effectiveness of the play, even can be said to quite double their strength.

It is because of the existence of Meryl that the Broken Blade team can almost kill no one.

This will make everyone anxious.

Hong Lang screamed wildly: "Zhou Yiyu, think of ways to solve that woman!"

Zhou Yiyu is also crazy: "Why must I be? Is this kind of thing always the boss to find a solution?"

"Because he is now taking care of himself!" Hong Lang cried: "Look over there!"

Zhou Yiyu looked over to Shen Yu, and saw that the gentle and gentle two were being chased by Brakey. Meryl added a state to Braki and accelerated.

A very simple acceleration state, but this state makes Brackie's speed suddenly increase, chasing the two people to the world only the wolf to escape, how to have time to consider the problem.

Zhou Yiyu must cry: "I fuck, what can I do?"

On the side of the attack, Honglang screamed to resist the attack of the evil general. "Kiss her, kiss her, tell her that you love her, don't worry about what to do, don't let her come over and mess up. Didn't you faint her last time?" ”

"Okay!" Zhou Yiyu gave up his avatar: "Hella, you come to help me drag this guy, I will deal with this stinky woman, I want to kiss her!"

He rushed toward Meryl and opened his mouth as if to eat a human gesture. At that time, he didn't really want to kiss Melil. All he wanted was to scare her away.

I didn't expect Meryl to raise his neck, and he wouldn't avoid his "attack" at all. There is a lot of things you want to do, despite the momentum of the horse, and it is a recovery skill added to an injured person.


Zhou Yiyu's mouth is printed on Meryl's lips.

Meryl looked at him coldly and motionless.

This time it was Zhou Yiyu's turn to stay: " don't hide?"

Meryl raised her neck slightly and left Zhou Yiyu's mouth, and replied coldly: "I made a mistake, but I will never repeat the mistake. For the benevolent Father, I can not hesitate to live, not to mention chastity." Heavenly Father knows that I am dedicated to him, and will only forgive me. When I am honored to heaven, I will purify my body and my soul."

"So you are completely hiding?" Zhou Yiyu heard amazement.

I don't know what he was thinking about, but he even reached out and squeezed Meryl's chest.

Full and round, feels good.

"Hey? Really don't resist." Zhou Yiyu was amazed.

He squeezed another one.

He was curious at the moment, simply pinching Meryl's chest and repeatedly squatting, watching this pair of plump little cute in the palm of his hand deformed, and restored to the original state, for a time actually played a little fascinated.

Of course, he couldn't see how faint Meryl's face was.

"I fuck!" Hong Lang was too angry in the distance: "I said what are you doing this bastard?"

Zhou Yiyu yelled: "You see what I am doing, I am trying to make her stimulate, it is not very successful!"

"That's your stimulation is not enough! To be wretched, must be wretched!" The voice of the fat man suddenly came from the are only two people and a group of Terminators in the fight against the Dragon Army. The situation is also More critical, have been waiting to indulge their good news, did not expect to kill a Meryl halfway, destroy everything, so the fat man finally could not help but talk.

“How is it wretched?” Zhou Yiyu hurriedly asked.

"Wait..." There was a string of rumble guns in the channel, and it took a while.

The fat man replied: "There is a way. Use your fingers, your fingers..."

"What do you do with your fingers?"

"Use your fingers... to buckle your ass... then... and then plug it into her mouth!" The fat man shouted.

Everyone took a nap at the same time.

When Zhou Yiyu looked up, Meryl’s face had become extremely ugly.

Zhou Yiyu whispered, "Would you like... let's try?"

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