Infinity Armament

Vol 15 Chapter 24: Scarlet lightning

At this moment, with the indulgence, all the attacks bypassed Barr and fell to other monsters. As for Barr, they were temporarily handed over to Megatron. [very literary].

It is expected that the indulgence is correct. Barr’s call is not infinite. The destroyer, Carlos and other SS and other monsters belong to his men instead of summoning life. Once he has died, he will not be able to resurrect.

So when the crowd poured fire on those monsters at this moment, Barr’s anger had reached its limit.

He pressed his hand down: "The Wrath of the Styx!"

A dark energy has spread with his movements in all directions.

Wrath of the Styx: After use, all targets within 100 meters, strip 80% of defense, slow down by 20%, priority 120, duration of one minute.

This is a super powerful group cursing skill, 80% of the group defense, plus a wide range, high duration, the horror of the consequences can be imagined, compared to 20% Slow down is nothing.

However, defensive stripping alone does not have a big impact on everyone. It is meaningless to strip the defense without a brute force attack.

At this time, Bal's attack was blocked by Megatron. The attack of the monster group was blocked by the Hornet, Hera, Tyrannosaurus, Undead Legion and Terminator. Therefore, the threat of this skill cannot be truly reflected.

But the next moment, Barr was screaming, and saw his huge body suddenly showing a huge projection on the ground, and gradually became a virtual reality, showing the image of Barr.

Evil illusion: Destroyed the illusion of the demon **** Bal, possessing the vitality and attack ability of Barr at that time, defending zero, but unable to use any skills.

This is Barr's most powerful ability to create a detachment with his own 100% attack ability.

Although this ability does not seem to be much better than the mirror image, except for the high attack, but the effect on the Bar, the meaning is completely different.

Barr’s vitality is 38,000, power 320, and defense 200. Except for defense and ability, the evil illusion completely inherits Bal's high life and high attack. Before he is killed, it is equivalent to two devils fighting with everyone. This is enough to make everyone headache.

What's more, at this time everyone is still in the curse of the Wrath of the Wrath.

At this moment, with the release of the evil illusion, Barr screamed: "Abominable reptiles, crushing the great King of Destruction!"

Speaking of his big hand pointing forward, the Barr illusion has bypassed Megatron and rushed to the crowd.

At this time, due to the previous round of attacks, Barr himself was also not hurt, so his illusion is not full, but like Bar, the vitality is only 28,000, but it is 28,000. It is not an adventurer who can easily solve it.

However, just as the illusion of Barr rushed over, Shen Yan laughed and fired at the illusion: "The favorite is this, the scattered gun!"

The indulgent scattered flower gun is a typical metamorphosis skill that encounters high defense or slag, and is invincible when it encounters low defense. In this respect, the scattered gun is almost the nemesis of all phantom attacks. The last time he used the scattered gun to kill the diamond dragon 20700 points of life, this time is not inferior, only three hits will be sent to the illusion of Barr body at the same time, playing the illusion of the body fading.

Rao is so dead, but the next moment Zhou Yiyu's Vulcan cannon, the Terminator heavy machine gun has also been aimed at the illusion Bal open fire, these two types of weapons are high-velocity low damage, in the face of those with a certain defense target effect Effective, but the illusion used to deal with Barr is amazingly killing, even more practical than the plasma-accelerator, BFG and other weapons.

"Hey!" The illusion of Baldeng just rushed to the crowd, even before he launched several attacks, he was swept away by the crowd, turning into a group of energy disappeared, the most powerful and terrible final of the King of Destruction. The ability is so forced to crack by the simplest method. ~

"Bastard!" has been angry and screaming.

He suddenly punched Megatron, and this punch used his full strength. Even Megatron couldn't resist it. He was hit by a blow, and Barr had already raised a **** flame.

Scarlet Lightning: Creates a Flame Shockwave with both Lightning and Fire damage, dealing 500 damage and 500 Fire damage per second for a specified target for three seconds. This ability continues to work as you kill the target, chasing other enemies. This ability should not be used within half a minute of hoarfrost use.

This is a terrible single skill. It is also a semi-disruptive semi-continuous skill that can cause up to three thousand points of damage in three seconds. If it is a general with lower vitality, it can also be directly spiked. No one can resist this horrible attack, unless it is the use of the body of the transformation and the sinking of the diamond, or the King Kong that is transformed into the final stage. *very literature*

Scarlet lightning should have been the skill of Diablo in Diablo, and it is also the most powerful and most lethal skill in the original game, but this skill did not appear on Diablo, but appeared in Barr. On the body, this should be the adjustment made by the city to make Barr more in line with his five-difficulty.

Of course, perhaps for the sake of balance, considering that the superimposed power of hoarfrost and scarlet lightning is too horrible, the city has imposed a restriction on this skill, that is, the skill cannot be used within half a minute after the application of hoarfrost.

The same applies to hoarfrost, which can not be used within half a minute after scarlet lightning.

Otherwise, these two skills are superimposed and applied, up to nearly 6,000 points of damage, and what kind of adventurers are really seconds.

The same is true of the sinking dragon pendant. It is said that there is no cooling time, but it can not be used continuously. There will be a small pause in the middle. Otherwise, with the number of dragon blood of nearly 800 points, anyone can kill it. .

But in any case, transmission, hoarfrost, decaying branches, mana cracks, evil illusions, the wrath of the Styx plus scarlet lightning, constitutes Bar's seven powerful capabilities.

Compared with Diablo, these seven abilities do not have a waste. Each one can be called a counter-level big move, and it has a combined effect. Even if it is old, it should be handled carefully, if not Megatron dragged Barr, and there was a natural cane to save lives for everyone. Two more broken blade teams were also dead.

This scarlet lightning flashed out, pointing to Shi Mumu, this guy was actually a logistical staff who had to be the first to kill each other.

Of course, his choice is also true. If there is no increase in the effect of Shimumu, the natural stick is really not so effective. It is just a hoarfrost and rotted branches, which will make the M7 and the Dragon Tooth team completely destroyed.

However, at the same time he hit this horror blow, there was already a person around Shi Mumu.

Luo Wei!

He smiled at Balti, and the bloodline skills of the devils had already started.

This scarlet lightning hit the fat man, only a blow will crush the fat armor of the fat man, Yu Wei does not rest, continue to impact on the fat body, only a scorpion electric light in the fat to bring out a glimmer, but the fat is like Shake his head like nothing.

He has a flame-immune constitution and a mental armor guard. Barr's scarlet lightning may be a big kill for others, but only for the fat man can only cause a limited killing in a thousand.

Barr wants to change personal killing, scarlet lightning also has the ability to change targets in the middle, but the fat man can't do it is to save people. His talent instincts can even find out who is dangerous and the first to block the past. This led to the scarlet lightning that was all eaten by the fat man.

Then he faced himself with a holy light and then continued his smirk at Barr.

He said: "Heavenly Fire Call!"

I saw a piece of meteor fire and rain falling in the sky, and I was smashing a large group of monsters that had been attacked before.

The first to bear the brunt is the frozen monster.

This cargo was originally inflicted in the previous large-scale attack, just because it has the highest life and the strongest defense, so it was not killed, but this time the fat man’s call of the sky is its nemesis, so it is only two rounds of bombing. Hey, kill it directly.

Then there is a low-level monster that has been attacked by a lot of adventurers. The fat-hearted call of the sky is like the last reminder. These monsters are sent to the road of no return, and they become ones.

The strength of both sides is changing at this moment. Bar is okay, and his servants are down.

King Kong’s tyrants first hit the cursed Ark, this guy is also a curse special, can complement Barr’s wrath of the river to play a greater role, so King Kong first identified him, in an instant against Acom Playing seventeen and eight punches, the effect of the tyrants was launched, and Arkom was set on the spot directly, and then the axe of the Honglang tyrant had been madly smashed down.

King Kong has turned and found the next target. This time it was **** Batko, and it was a mess that fixed the opponent. He still had time to go back and continue to attack the curse Ark, and then set him.

The terrible thing about tyrants is that it is effective.

The increase in the chances of effective contact is actually far more than the display on the data.

For a simple example, after agile has been promoted to over 100 speeds, the speed of the adventurer's punch is very fast, and the speed that ordinary people can't capture at all is as fast as a one-second hit like a meteor fist. It’s not difficult to make a hundred punches.

But in the real battle, no adventurer has repeatedly hit the target more than three times in a second. Not only because of the evasion of the other party, but also because of the need to release a force when contacting the target.

This process of power release does not grow with agile growth, which leads adventurers to simply pursue speed and focus on the combination of strength and agility.

This is like the speed of hand in e-sports, the speed of the light hand is not fast, take a mouse, even if the electricity is, the key is to have effective hand speed to make sense.

But for King Kong, the contact is effective so that he does not have to consider the power to release such a thing, as long as he can meet the other party, so that his attack frequency is greatly improved, it is not difficult to play dozens of punches in one second. The result is that the probability of success in the hegemony is also improved, which is exactly the same as the melee line that Shen Wei took in order to play the role of the feather dragon snake.

If this is not the case, a hegemonic skill will not be able to sell more than 100,000 yuan.

At this moment, he attacked two SS serials, although it was a pair of two, but the two SSs were beaten like rusted puppets, almost completely card machine.

Honglang counts as an opportunity to catch up with the **** fanaticism.

His attack power is already high, and it has always been limited by the hit rate when the enemy escaped. This is the moment that King Kong’s tyrants are fixed for him, and they must be two, which are simply two natural wooden posts. Let him play there, and there is nothing better than a violent warrior.

Brush and brush!

After a few dozens of axe, the curse Arkham was the first to bear the brunt, and was cut into a pile of meat by Honglang, followed by **** Batko, which was also boiled by Honglang.

The Hong wave was slashed and shouted: "Come back!"

"The effect is gone." King Kong replied with a sad face.

Just as **** Batko was hacked to death by the Hong Wave, King Kong’s hegemonic effect has also disappeared.

"What? How is it so fast? Can it last for three minutes?" Hong Lang was shocked.

King Kong snorted: "It is three minutes, but the fighter has its upper limit. When the stun target reaches 40 seconds, it will stop automatically... I just knew it."

These two SSs are powerful SS with nearly 20,000 lives. They have strong combat power. One-on-one can turn Honglang into a lifetime. If it is not the priority of the fighter, the two SSs are strong and wait. The order, lack of sufficient exemptions, it is not easy for them to kill the two guys.

At this moment, when he heard King Kong answering this question, Hong Lang slammed his feet: "Do your mother's city, what effect is it?"

He also didn't want to think that it wasn't the effect of the cap. A round of hoarfrost and scarlet lightning would kill them all.

However, Hong Lang has already called: "Xiao Zhou, give King Kong a second strike."

Zhou Yiyu was mad at a group of monsters. When he heard this, he was a second strike against King Kong, and then he replied with anger: "I said don't call me Xiao Zhou, your sister!"

Hong Lang shook his head: "Know it... Xiao Zhou."

The next moment he had already rushed out with King Kong. This time they only selected one opponent, the ancient record.

This guy used to be a gardener, a staff member, and Li Jianren three people fighting, although it was a pair of three, but under his endless spells, the three people who were in trouble were the gardeners.

When the Hong wave they rushed, the three people could not support it. Li Jianren shouted loudly: "Help, we can't hold it!"

Honglang and King Kong arrived at this time. King Kong started a storm hammer and set the SS. Then Honglang was hit by a storm. He called and shouted: "You really useless, three hit one. It is not an opponent."

Li Jian was very angry and said: "This guy is very tricky, it is very difficult to deal with!"

"Is it? I think he should be very good at it!" Hong Lang has taken out the Thor hammer and kneels down to the recorder.

The recorder has just resumed action and is about to evade. King Kong has already been a hegemony special effect to settle his opponent. This time his speed has slowed down a lot. Obviously, he is interested in saving the effect of hegemony. The hammer is slamming on the recorder. On the forehead, he got his head broken and the juice splashed.

Hong Lang satisfactorily withdrew the hammer and nodded and said, "I said, it is quite good."

The three people looked dumbfounded, King Kong put away the box and kicked Honglang's buttocks: "Less his mother wear B, go!"

The two men rushed toward the unclean Fanta. At this time, the gentleness had already killed the destroyer Carlosso, and the three men rushed to the unclean Fanta.

Hong Lang was shocked and shouted: "Hey? How can you kill one person so quickly?"

Gentle and unsatisfactorily white Honglang glanced: "This grandmother is not you."

Speaking of the attack sharp, gentle can not be under the Hong wave, she is now holding the edge of the artifact ruling, the high-speed nerve reflects the ignorance of the distance, and the hit rate is also greatly improved, and the destroyer Carranso is mainly based on the strong attack. The speed is not good at it, and the ability to evade is limited. Therefore, the gentle battle against the destroyer, although not cutting the stake, can also be said to be a cut turtle.

She also used the **** ability of the Dark Sword, and then cooperated with the Dark Arbitration and the Glorious Holy Sepulchre. Therefore, after the Honglang King Kong killed three SSs, they also completed the killing of the destroyers.

At this moment, the three people joined forces, and at the same time used the strongest killing, the last small SS unclean Fanta was quickly killed. At this time, other monsters in the battlefield have also been killed, and there are fires everywhere. The undead and the Terminator snarled and roared on the battlefield. Only Barr was still mad at the attack, and Megatron had gradually been unable to withstand the attack of Barr.

"Ready to go!" Shen Yu reissued this retreat command.

I have to say that the indulgent command is shameless, but it is also very real.

This time to clean up the dark world, everyone's biggest advantage is not Megatron, not many people, not even the enemy that is reduced to a certain degree, but their strategic choice, they can enter and exit Harlow at any time through the transfer point. Garth, even in and out of the dark world.

After Bar missed the best time to kill everyone, the opportunity behind him was actually very small - if you do something more, the adventurers can even use the transmission to repeatedly avoid Barr's aggressive big move. In order to make Barr exhausted, no matter how strong he is, under this shameless tactic, he has only one dead end.

The adventurers didn't use this tactic before because the monsters were too many and the siege was the biggest natural enemy of guerrilla warfare.

But with the sharp decline in the number of monsters, hindering the elimination, the initiative will gradually return to everyone's hands.

Otherwise, in the current situation, even if you give them ten natural sticks, don't want to beat Barr.

This round of madness is actually the last return of the Broken Blade team. After using all the available abilities, they have actually entered the stage of subsequent weakness.

Barr clearly understands this, and he screams: "You can't go anywhere!"

He transmitted it, moved to the point of transmission again, and blocked the way forward with everyone with his huge body.

"Your sister!" Shen Yan bit his teeth: "Do you really think you can stop you? Megatron!"

He pointed to the Megatron, and the abilities activated and launched. All the energy entered the Megatron body at this moment, and he immediately recovered the damage he suffered.

"Understand!" While Megatron was enjoying this recovery, he also turned into a demon gun and flew into the hands of Shen Yu.

Sinking at the muzzle, aiming at Bal: "Go to hell!"

A powerful energy shock has hit the bar.

"Hey!" The wild impact energy hit Bal, and he was rude, but he was shot with a shot and a shot.

Barr was already wounded in the previous battle. At this moment, he was able to withstand the attack damage of 3,600 points per shot. After four consecutive shots, this guy was killed directly.

Speaking at Barr’s body, Shen Yan said: “I want to leave and go, do you stop?”

Then he turned and cried: "What are you doing? Go!"

A group of people collected all the hula la to the transfer point.

Sinking is the last to leave.

Just as he left, he saw a large sacred soul flying over Barr’s body.

Counted, there are sixty.

"It's really enough." Shen Yan muttered.

He turned his head and was about to leave. He suddenly remembered something and looked back at the souls.

Then he slowly raised his demon gun at one of the gods and fired.

A soul is blown up by the attack of the demon gun.

Boom, the spirit of the sky is like a pot-like crazy flying scorpion, if the sky and the arrow rush to sink, it will stir up the earth-shattering energy brilliance.

There was a smile on his face, and he said, "Goodbye!"

The person has disappeared.

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