Infinity Armament

Vol 15 Chapter 25: Heavenly palace

Back to the group of demons, everyone has not had time to rest, Shen Shen has said: "Prepare, we have to leave the dark world.

what? The words were shocked and everyone was puzzled.

The gardener even shouted: "Why, Shen Da Ge?"

"Because it can't be beaten." Shen Weizheng replied: "Bal's attack is too horrible, it is the damage designed for the general's vitality, not that you can resist now."

In the ten seconds of the **** frost, the damage of 2,400 points has already brought the damage of the group attack to the extreme. If there is no natural rod, the 18 people are afraid that they are already half dead.

How is Barr weakened again? In the end, it is still the final ss of the five difficulties. It is the existence that the generals need to deal with. It is not like a gardener, and a three-level adventurer with relatively weak vitality can be confronted.

With their current strength, there is no way to meet in front of Barr. Even if the Megatron zenith is in front, the aftermath of the battle can make them suffer.

Shen Yu is very clear. In the previous battle, if they made a mistake, they would die. Even so, they still burned the natural rod and the magic gun energy.

He must not expect to continue to make mistakes in the next battle, every skill is used just right, every choice is the best decision.

This is even more unrealistic than the athletes expecting to play the highest level in every game.

If it is in the mission world and a group of adventurous people who are temporarily pulled up, then he will not care about the fate of others.

But here, everyone is a friend, he can not accept the death of any one person.

At this moment, I heard Shen Shen say so, everyone reacted.

They are too optimistic after all, but they ignore the horrific attack power of Barna.

The little nurse said: "So, do we still have to give up this cleanup?"

Sinking and laughing: "I can't count on giving up, that is, I will find some other helpers."

Verna asked: "Do you find other helpers?"

Sinking and stagnation, smiled bitterly: "Chu Sheng can still be trusted."

Weina coldly said: "Unfortunately, he can't resist the attack of hoarfrost, but it will increase the burden of reply. What you need is a high-physical recovery, an adventurer who can withstand the impact of hoarfrost, instead of attacking and weakening. Adventurer."

When it comes to the idea, Shen Hao nodded: "Yes, but I will find a way."

"There is nothing to think about." The lord already said: "Since you promised to come over and help you, you can't go halfway. I understand your worries. If you don't want to leave, let's leave a little bit. We have some points in our hands. All of them are used to strengthen our physique. The m7 will never drag everyone's hind legs, and we will go find some anti-freezing props or equipment.


"Yes!" A bunch of little guys shouted.

Lao Meng also yin test answer: "My bone dragon still counts on you, just give up, how can I be willing? The lord is right, the blaze of Barr is horrible, but we already know the bottom of Bal, There is no way to deal with it. This is to clean up the dark home, our advantage is that you can enter repeatedly, it is a pity that it is not easy to use. Since the lord is responsible for anti-freezing props, then the wrath of the Styx will be handed over to me, oh, the necromancer, But there is also a curse feat."

Vera also said: "I can be responsible for weakening the power of lightning properties in scarlet lightning."

Shi Mumu also said: "In this case, I will go to learn a cold ice shield, group defense, can weaken 25 percent of frost damage, exempt the effect. I am a water master, learn this does not occupy the skill bar, Together with the m7 ice anti-props and my life praise, it should be enough to block the attack of hoarfrost."

Everyone said a word to me, no one is going to give up.

Of course, there is a sense of difficulty in continuing to see the five difficulties, and there are also ideas to help a friend.

Sinking at everyone, I was a little moved in my heart.

He smiled and nodded and said: "Since everyone is so sincere, then I will thank you first. For the gentleness, take the box out."

This way, they cleaned up the five difficulties and harvested a lot of boxes. Among them, there were sixteen light ss. The ordinary monsters left a few boxes, and they were dozens. The main battle was too fierce, and the missed too. many. Among them, the rewards of six ss such as the shelling groove have been divided, and there are still ten small ss rewards such as the frozen bone demon.

In addition to the sacrifices and runesstone, the Frozen Bone gives an ice ring, which is an anti-freezing prop that can resist 10% of the damage.

The violent skin gives a violent samurai skill.

Tyranny: Active and passive skills. Passive effect, permanently increase attack power by 12. Active effect: After being stunned, it will temporarily increase 1 attack damage every time you kill a target. When the target is smashed, it will increase 3 damage. The skill and effect last for 20 minutes, and the cooling time is 20 minutes.

This tyrannical skill is somewhat like the sword of Hercules, and Shen gave it to Honglang.

The destroyer and the smasher are two double c-class equipments. Shen Shen put the two pieces of equipment to Lao Meng and m7, and gave a c-class equipment from the small box to Wei Na, which is considered to be lightened. Some of their financial burdens.

Nilasek was unfortunately not given the servant explosion skills, but gave the Arctic hurricane skills, Shen Yu transferred this skill to Shi Mumu, but also let this little girl more fighting ability.

In general, the previous dozens of ss, all of them are stingy, almost no reward for everyone's attention, so they only leave the sacrifice runestone, others are distributed to everyone.

However, when the destroyer Carlos and other five ss boxes were reached, there was finally a bright reward.

Double b-level dark suit!

Diagonal helmet: Provides 12 defenses and special effects 1 ignores darkness.

Dark Armor: Provides 48 defenses and special effects to weaken the curse: 10 to 30 percent of all curses are weakened, depending on the skill priority of the opponent.

Dark Gloves: Provides a defensive power of 12, and the special effects of Dark Transformation: Turns the killed target into a Dark servant, which is driven by the user and fights for ten minutes.

Dark Cloak: Provides a defense of 24 points and a special effect of Darkness: the cooldown of all Dark spells is reduced by 15%.

Dark Boots: Provides 12 points of defense, and special effects: Dark stealth in action in the dark.

Set Combination Effect 1 Eternal Curse: The user's attack target has an eternal curse effect, so that the target will inflict an additional 5 percent damage on any attack. When encountering a dark-like curse attack, the effect is further enhanced by the priority and the opponent's will, and the effect lasts for three seconds.

Set combination effect 2 dark enhancement: strengthens all the own equipment with its own special effects, dark helmet has a hidden effect, weakening the curse caused by 30 to 70 percent curse weakened. The dark conversion time is increased to thirty minutes. Darkness plus cooldown is reduced to 30%, and sneak in the dark speeds up to 20%.

Set combination effects 3 runes enhancement: When using Runestone Enhancement, the effect is increased by an additional 20%. However, it is therefore no longer possible to withstand other reinforcement methods other than the promotion.

This is a very powerful set, a total of five pieces, each of which is composed of five ss, which are just combined into one set. Unlike other suits, it doesn't have any active skills, all of which are special effects, but the effects are quite powerful. The best ones are weakening the curse, darkness and darkness.

The weakening of the curse is more powerful than the indulgent x professor's blessing, and the dark transformation is similar to the old Meng's Frostmourne. The darkness is a rare skill to add cooling time.

Obviously, there is no better way to use it than gentleness.

The gentle rose armor was actually early when it needed to be replaced, but it never found a suitable substitute. I didn't expect it to be a set.

With this set of dark suits, her defensive power has also soared, no longer as embarrassing as before.

At this moment, the gentle armor was taken off, replaced with a dark suit, and a black armor was so powerful that everyone was amazed.

"What about the rose armor?" asked tenderly.

"Give me Tina." King Kong said: "This equipment is suitable for her."

Because of the relationship between death and death, King Kong has been afraid to use Tina to fight with confidence. The short-term defense of the rose armor is strong, and the long-term defense is weak, which is suitable for Tina.

In the end, there are still some small things left, most of which are worthless equipment. The indulgence divides things into points, and then everyone leaves the dark world and strengthens each other.

With a lot of sacrifices, Shen Shen came to the temple again to sacrifice.

As one piece of the sacrifice is thrown into the pool, the air re-emerges with a pleasant sound.

The fallen glory of the fallen angel is worth two hundred. It is estimated that the goods are too weak. Diablo’s heart has shrunk. He only gave four hundred glory rewards. It is estimated that he died once before. related.

The glory of more than a dozen small ss ranges from 20 to 30, and other monsters get tens of glory in total because they get fewer boxes.

In the end, it adds up to more than 800 glory, plus the remaining ones, and the glory is just a thousand years old.

“Request to upgrade the quality of the Dragon Dragon Pendant and change the attributes.”

"If you request it, you need to pay four hundred glory."

"confirm payment."

A ray of light rises from the pendant of the dragon in the neck of the hand.

"Your dragon pendant has changed."

"When you wear the dragon pendant, your Holy Dragon's blood is improved."

"The power of the dragon remains the same."

"The power of dragon blood recovery is unchanged."

"Dragon soul possesses a little bit of blood of the dragon every 8 seconds. When the time is changed more than three minutes, the vitality increases."

"The Holy Dragon is coming, consumes a little blood of the dragon every 6 seconds. When the time is changed more than three minutes, the vitality increases."

"The length of the diamond body is extended to two The power of the Holy Dragon is unchanged."

Unlike the Soul Enhancement, the promotion of the Dragon Dragon Pendant is not all-round, but it is more targeted.

The most important thing is that Shen Yu can finally continue to maintain the growth of vitality in many transformations. This is the biggest and most crucial breakthrough.

This is only the point, and it is worthwhile to pay four hundred points of glory.

"Call!" Shen Yan sighed and waved at the heavenly palace: "Thank you, I will come tomorrow."

There is a saying in the Temple of Heaven: "You still have six hundred glory left. Are you not going to let them send more useful things?"

Shen Yan immediately stunned: "What do you say?"

In the silence of the Heavenly Palace, I finally responded: "Bal... is a **** of spirits, and your preparations are still insufficient."

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