Infinity Armament

Vol 15 Chapter 26: Heiner bottle

The Temple of the Devil. Very literary

Shen Yu looked at the Heavenly Palace above with some doubts.

"Why should you tell me this?" For Shen Yu, Barr's spirit is obviously not as attractive as the "good heart" of the Heavenly Palace. As far as he is concerned, even if they do not remind themselves, it does not mean that he will not prevent the spirit. In this respect, the other party’s behavior seems to be more concerned with the “cool clothes and more clothes”.

Although it is said that this "God of Heaven" will no longer be a shelf for him, but suddenly his self-proclaimed identity shows his fatherly love or makes him very uncomfortable.

After a moment of silence, Tiangong replied: "Just hope that you understand that you and us are the same front."

"The same front..." Shen Yan chewed the meaning of this words, his eyes were slightly bright, and he raised his voice and asked: "There are many kinds of fronts. It is big to the stars, the country, the small areas, the towns. I don't know what you mean. which type?"

“Not too big, not too small.”

Not too big, that is to say that it is impossible to refer to the level of the city and the Zerg, and it is not necessary to make a statement.

Then the same line that the other party refers to should be within the city.

At that moment, I suddenly felt a flash of thought in my heart.

Damn it!

He made a mistake himself.

He has always thought that the gods of the temple are members of the Supreme Council who are pretending to be ghosts.

But he is obviously wrong.

The Supreme Council does not have that kind of elegance.

He looked at the eyes of the Temple more clearly: "Red Dragon? Blue Bird? White Snake? Or Crow Adult?"

"Purple sand palms, crows die, blue face traps, cranes wilderness, red dragons main battle, white snakes become magic... I am a blue bird, the temple leader."

He said, a middle-aged man with a blue armor and a blue bird's head ring appeared on the Temple of Heaven. He smiled at him.

Behind him is the glorious heavenly palace, but this appearance, but the entire palace is blocked, as if his own light has covered the entire temple.

"Blue Bird Adult!" Shen Yan pays tribute to the Jade Bird.

This is not for the strength and identity of the Bluebird, but for the blue Yan Zisha they have taken care of him before, sincere thanks.

The blue bird has nodded with a smile and said, "You did a good job."

"What do you mean? The big universe plan? Or the slaughter of the purgatory sect?" Shen Yu has regained his body.

"There are two, but I personally prefer the latter."

“It seems that in the sequence of urban guards, some people don’t like them.”

"If an organization's strength is strong, it will inevitably be accompanied by arrogance and arrogance. This kind of thing will be born anywhere, and it is normal for someone to be indifferent."

"This is the case, but is it just for this reason?"

"War is a dangerous act. Usually only a strong party or parties can decide who is going to face the most dangerous battles, and who is responsible for the safest battles, so comrades can sometimes be competitors.

Shen Xiao smiled: "It turned out to be like this... It seems that I have to work harder to give the infernal sect a loose soil."

"That's what I want to hear." The bluebird smiled.

He said: "Destroy them!"

He did not hide his hatred of the inferno sect.

"So... Does the Jade Birds have any suggestions for the more than 600 glory spending that I have left?"

"Of course." The Blue Bird replied: "Bal's Spiritual Technique is called Blood River. It is a very powerful group attacking ability, causing 1 800 damage to all targets."

One thousand eight, this is already the highest group damage figure that the five difficulty Devils can achieve. Although the damage of the white frost is higher, it is a skill that lasts for ten seconds, and the threat is not as good as the blood.

If Barr moved his blood when he first appeared, then he would have to die several times, and even the natural rod could not be saved.

"It is not to destroy the devil." Hearing the introduction of the blood river, Shen Yu was also shocked.

Hoarfrost, Scarlet Lightning, Blood River, no matter which one can kill any adventurer below four difficulty, if these three abilities are limited, they simply don't want to win Barr.

He looked at the Jade Bird: "So what should I use to deal with it?"

A blue bird waved, and a strange vial has appeared in the blue bird: "Bal's hoarfrost and blood river are physical attacks. The characteristic of physical attack is that when the skill has eliminated the specified target, the remaining lethality can continue. Exist, looking for new targets to attack. But in this case, there is a major flaw, that is, the attack itself can be solved."

Sinking nodded and said that Hercules's call is not deadly attack, and the fat dragon is also a physical attack. The biggest feature is that it is explosive, but it can continue to act on different targets.

"This is a Heiner bottle. It can absorb physical attack damage and reverse the attack on the opponent. It is used ten times, absorbed once, and counterattack is counted once, but there is no counterattack without absorption, and no matter How many times you absorb it, you can only counterattack the last attack."

Sinking in the heart of the drama: "It's a good thing!"

The blue bird has said faintly: "The soul of Barr can release two blood rivers. In the case of no counterattack, the Heiner bottle can absorb ten attacks, that is, five souls. If he uses the spirit to attack every time he resurrects, Then with the reserves of his sixty souls, it is enough to consume 30 souls and move sixty times, so you need at least six Heiner bottles. However, the Heiner bottle is not cheap, and your current glory value can not be bought. Six."

"How many?"

"Two hundred points of glory."

"That means I can only buy three bottles?"

"It's four bottles, you have a 20% discount. But the rest of the blood river is up to you."

"I understand, rest assured, I can solve it." Shen Yan once again bowed to the Jade Bird.

Anyway, this time the Jade Bird is helping him a lot. If there is no Jade Bird pointing, even if he is psychologically prepared, I am afraid that he will once again lose the Diablo World, and may also pay the cost of human life.

Returning to the residence from the Temple of the Devil, King Kong has already waited for him in his room.

"Things are sold out?" Shen asked.

"Well, but the price is not ideal, selling too fast, not selling." King Kong replied: "So far more than 70,000 points."

The frowning brows immediately.

These 70,000 points are the result of selling all the props and equipment other than the hammer and the runestone. It is not small, but there is still a gap between Bar and Murphy.

The biggest problem with the demon gods who deal with the gods is that they consume too much, a war is long-lasting, and the consumption is huge, but the harvest is always limited.

The more obvious this kind of thing is, the more obvious it is. There is a hundred souls like Murphys. It is destined to get only four rewards. This is the same as killing Alsace, who has only five souls. (Without considering artifacts), the ratio of input to return is completely different.

In particular, they only used the home pass for only 20 days. Now it’s nearly half past, killing Bar and Murphys in the rest of the time, meaning they kill an average of fifteen every day. Sixteen times.

Calculating the degree of killing once per hour is enough for them to fight for a day, not to mention that everyone's mental power cannot be supported for one-third of the time.

In this case, there is no need for potion and energy stone support, they don't want to complete this task at all.

In fact, even Shen Shen intends to invade all the benefits except the runestone, sacrifices, bloodlines and hammers of forge at this home, but if King Kong received six bottles of blood, it is still not enough.

The late devil is piled up with money.

At this moment, Shen Yu has said: "The six bottles of blood are also sold. If it is not enough, the fallen angels will be sold, and then Bing Xin will be bought. The rest will be used to buy energy stone and potion."

"Do you pay so much, is it worth it?" King Kong hesitated. The fallen angel lineage is intended to be replaced by the blood of the dragon, and now it is sold out.

"Worth!" Shen Yu answered very positively.

In a war, it is not the number of deaths on both sides that determine whether to win or lose, but whether their respective strategic objectives are met.

It took a lot of effort to get rid of the dark home, so that the old man can be brought out of the dark world and become his professional appraiser, and the identification scroll provided by the Diablo World itself will be greatly improved. The existence of the old man is also of vital importance to his next move.

Without this strategic goal, they have more limited profits in the dark world.

He can understand King Kong's ideas, maybe they can slow down to clean up the home, and can wait until at least one task before returning to deal with Barr.

However, Shen Yu is very clear. Even if they complete a four-difficult task, the gains and strengths they gain will not allow them to drink a few bottles of potion against Bar and Murphy.

In particular, continuous damage like Memphis is basically the same for everyone, that is, the general can't immunize.

In this case, late killing is not as good as early killing.

After the deliberation, King Kong will contact the sale.

Because he is planning to hang infernal sects, King Kong does not care about his own business. He has a long time to do business, and he has a clearer path to the market. In order to sell six bottles of blood at the same time, it is not right to use it. To go out, he used the easiest way - auction.

The auction method is a dark shot, that is, it is not a price tag, but each adventurer quotes himself to the desired lineage, and then the host decides who to sell to, and the shooter can modify the price three times.

This is also a more common form of auction on the planet.

By auctioning a bottle of Diablo's bloodline, all the interested adventurers will be gathered together, and then the highest bidder of the Inferno sect will be found. According to the price of the other party and the secret, the six bottles of blood can naturally be taken in one go. sell.

Things went very smoothly, six bottles of blood quickly sold out, a total of 167,000 sold, less than expected, but the difference is not big, King Kong is not willing to sell the fallen angel blood.

After using this money to buy this ice heart for himself, King Kong bought all the remaining money for energy stone and potion.

The best and simplest solution to dealing with Barr's powerful attack is to destroy him as quickly as he can fully attack his horrible attack.

Although Shen Wei never believes that the best defense is to attack this kind of words ~ ~ but in the face of blazing, scarlet lightning, blood river, such a devastating demon god, at least this time it makes sense of.

On this day, everyone is rushing to kill the Barr.

The next day they gathered again and prepared to enter the dark world.

This is also the third time they have been attacking the action of cleaning up Diablo's home court. I hope that this is the last time.


Ps: Wiping his sister and making mistakes.

Two times more than 30 minutes apart, the vitality increased effectively, how to become three minutes.

It’s a cloudy day, and it’s a heavy cloudy sky. It’s more than eight o'clock, and the sky is still dark outside.

The state is very bad, the text does not feel, the soul stays on the earth, can't enter the city...

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