Infinity Armament

Vol 15 Chapter 34: Shadow leopard

"Fast! Fast! Fast!" Zhang Jianjun shouted screaming. *.

There were seven or eight adventurers beside him. They seemed to be avoiding nothing while running wildly, but they were nothing behind them.

On the way they ran, behind the last adventurer, suddenly appeared a black paw, and shot the adventurer, the adventurer screamed and flew.

The figure of a black-spotted leopard rushed out of the void, and the speed was so fast that it had opened a big bite and bit the throat of the adventurer.

Just then, an adventurer in front suddenly turned and threw a few daggers at the black panther.

It is Lan Meier.

"Merceware is careful!" Zhang Jianjun shouted.

I saw that the black panther had let go of the adventurer before rushing toward Lan Meier.

This downward-direction assault was quick and fast, completely breaking through the law of inertia. Seeing that Lan Meier was about to be bitten, Zhang Jianjun had punched a punch, and the boxing wind swayed. He hit the black panther and shook it black. The leopard flew up and rolled a few times on the ground, but it shook his body and jumped up.

The adventurer who was rescued in front of him was just about to continue running, and suddenly there was a black panther behind him, hitting the adventurer's vest with one palm.

The adventurer screamed, his reaction was fast, and the man hit a palm in the air, not asking for the enemy to seek to block the enemy, but just hitting the black panther, the panther’s body suddenly became Nothingness, wearing the past from the adventurer, rushing to the risky person in front of the heavy body, bite the adventurer's throat, two claws at the same time into the adventurer's chest.

A huge amount of energy was shot from the tip of the claw, and the adventurer was instantly torn apart.

Then he only listened to the air and whistling, and one black panther appeared from nothingness, and he chewed on the body of the adventurer. In the empty wilderness, there were hundreds of black panthers in the blink of an eye.

The adventurer's body was swallowed in an instant, and the leopard swarmed again to look at the crowds fleeing forward. A pair of green and faint eyes flashed, and the body was re-occluded into the air.

But everyone knows that these guys are chasing them again, and at their speed, they can't run away.

"Mom, these **** are playing cat and mouse games!" An adventurer screamed in anger.

"Work with them!"

"Yes, fight!" The seven or eight people shouted at the same time.

However, it is said that it is desperate, but it is only being slaughtered by the herd.

Each of these shadows has the power of the demon king, the life is nearly 10,000, the speed is fast, and the number is good at the combination, and their current strength is not an opponent at all.

Even so, these shadows are already the least powerful and least threatening in the entire four difficulty areas.

At this moment, the other side stopped, and the Shadow Leopard group was no longer eager to attack.

They came round from all sides, whispering, screaming at the ground with their claws, and watching the group of uninvited guests with their playful eyes.

The adventurers showed a desperate color on their faces.

A particularly large black panther headed up suddenly shouted in the sky, and the leopard swarmed toward the crowd.

Seeing that this group of adventurers will be torn into pieces, at this moment, a distant TAN797 self-unloading heavy truck suddenly rushed out of the distance, and the huge body directly crushed toward the leopard group. A shadowed leopard was hundreds of tons. The heavy body was rolled into the bottom of the car and crushed into a mass of meat sauce on the spot. .

The shadow leopard is not dead yet, and it is difficult to get up. It is followed by a black sedan that runs over it, then another one, another, one...

The TAN797 is like a heavy tank that rushes straight into the shadow of the leopard group, and the rumble hits a storm.

Suddenly the attack caused the Shadow Leopard to be hit hard, but in the next moment, all the Shadow Leopards entered the state of nothingness at the same time. When they appeared again, they all fell on the roof of TAN797. The claws in their hands were like steel knives. Inserted into the roof of the car, it was so painful that Megatron shouted: "A group of low-lying, low-lying lives, dare to hurt my great Megatron king!"

His screaming screams instantly transform into a humanoid form of combat. When he shakes his hands, he shakes all the shadows on his body. At the same time, he presses the big hand toward the ground and has pressed a shadow elephant into the ground.

However, the shadow of the shadowed leopard was really imaginary. It was actually flying through the back of his hand. The leopard body was spinning rapidly in the air. The claws were caught on the arm of Megatron and he was defended by a hundred points. The alloy steel plate is also torn open.

Sinking has fallen on his shoulder while Megatron has been deformed, using an activation against Megatron, and at the same time shot: "Be careful, these guys are not violent beasts, each of them has a close to David. The strength of Jones."

"Who is David Jones? I don't know him, but I hate him!" Megatron roared and punched a panther that flew toward himself, while the right-arm laser cannon was stretched out and one of them flashed. The shadow of the leopard was a blast, and the shadow of the shadow of the leopard on the spot.

The rear bumblebee, Hera has also been transformed into those shadows.

Seeing that it was Shen Yu, Zhang Jianjun and Lan Meier shouted at the same time: "Sink, how are you here?"

"I have to ask you this question, you seem to have not entered the four difficulties, how can you run to the four difficulty wilderness? Do you want to die?"

"Speaking long!" Zhang Jianjun reluctantly answered.

"Then I will talk about it later, solve these animals first!" Shen Yu suddenly turned back, and the vampire touched the back of the thorn.

A shadowed leopard emerged from nothingness, and has not yet had time to attack. The vampire's touch has been plunged into its head, and right to the shadow of the leopard eye socket: "Go to death!"

Open fire continuously!

After the addition of the elegant melody and the violent two kinds of runes, the shooting speed has increased from three to three per second, that is, every four seconds or so, the dragon phantom can be triggered. The extra 50 points of damage, the damage has completely exceeded the normal standard of double A-level guns.

The shadow of the shadow leopard was touched by the indulgent vampire. The body was set in the air and could not be dodged. It was hard to be shot as a live target and was beaten and screamed. However, this animal is also really brave, but it is a continuous attack with a sinking attack. Even with the powerful defense that is brought about by the current strength of the body, it is left with a few deep paw prints and blood marks on the body. Streaky.

It was not until the indulgence hit hundreds of rounds of bullets, and the head of the shadowed leopard was smashed, and the shadowed leopard fell from the air.

Shen Yu went back and saw that the shadows of the shadows were everywhere, and they were hidden in the air.

Shen Yu knows that these shadows have a vitality of nine thousand points, a power coefficient of 120 points, and an agility coefficient of about 130. They have a series of powerful capabilities such as nothingness, assault, and cracking attacks. The assaults can increase their speed by 40% and cause an additional 40% damage when attacking enemies in the charge. The lysis attack allows them to ignore the target's half defense and has a chance to partially smash or smash the target during the attack.

This is also the difference between the low-level beasts in the four difficulty zones and the low-level beasts in the low-difficult areas.

In low-difficult areas, if your defense is high enough, you can completely ignore the attack of low-level beasts.

But here, most of the low-level beasts have cracking attacks, which makes the defense effect greatly reduced. Fortunately, the beasts with such attacks often have limited power, and the damage is relatively limited. The number is still their biggest reliance.

Therefore, even if they are indulged in such a group of hundreds of shadows, they still dare not take it lightly.

They can never attack the Shadow Leopard like a violent beast.

Even so, this scene has already seen the group of beleaguered adventurers stunned.

They know too much about the strength of these shadows, even if they are single-on-one, these adventurers have no victory in the face of the shadows. Of course, if you don’t care about the consumption of medicine, you can still win. You must imagine the other side in a big panther. If you kill and kill, then don’t think about it.

But what really shocked them was Megatron.

This famous SS in the world of three difficulties, nowadays has become the driving of an adventurer, driven by it, and it is incredible.

If Megatron knows the thoughts of those adventurers, he will be angry and scream: Laozi is free, Laozi is just playing with these guys, and Laozi can never be driven by anyone.

Unfortunately, he didn't know, so he was killing at this moment and he was very happy.

In the face of these shadowless abilities, who can evade his attacks and apply a powerful counterattack, Megatron has shown great interest.

He had previously disagreed with the cautiousness of Shen Yu, but now he sees the fierceness of these beasts, wild, and can not help but begin to believe that the wilderness is not a place where anyone can come and go.

This group of beasts in front of him, he can not afford to eat alone.

The most troublesome thing about the Shadow Leopard is their illusory power. Like David Jones, their vain ability is talented and can be used almost infinitely. Once in the state of nothingness, they will no longer bear any physical attacks, only elemental attacks or groups. Warfare skill attacks can deal damage to them.

At this moment, Megatron smashed out a sword, and a shadowed leopard disappeared immediately. When it appeared again on the other side of Megatron, the claws were again hitting Megatron and then disappeared again.

The painful Megatron screamed: "What I hate most is this sneaky opponent. They never dare to face you!"

He has the largest volume and the strongest attack, so he is attacked by the shadow beast. This moment is really mad.

Shen Xiao smiled: "In this case, it is only a trick."

"Can you have any tricks to deal with them?" Megatron snarled.

"That's hard to say, you should know that there are many things you can't do, and I can do it." Shen Yu replied: "Like this..."

He suddenly jumped from the shoulder of Megatron, and while the man was falling, he had released a large amount of lightning.

"Energy storm!"


The large amount of energy swept the square like the tide of the sea, and the surrounding shadows were simultaneously involved in the attack of the energy storm.

This energy storm ignores nothingness, and it is a major blow to the Shadow Leopard. Some Shadow Leopards are even directly shaped by the energy storm from the state of nothingness, and at the same time they make a painful roar.

There is a glimmer of light in the gentle eyes: "Six-arm attack!"

The four snake arms behind her have already stretched out, gentle as a whirlwind rushed toward the leopard group, and the split whip swayed toward the leopard group, picking up a patch of blood, the ruling blade, the moon hook, and the thousand magic blade To a close-up shadow leopard.

The shadow of the leopard was equivalent to three attacks at once, and the pain roared long, the gentle cracked whip had already rolled back, and the shadowed leopard was thrown into the air, and the three weapons and the two snake arms had simultaneously entered the shadow. The body of the leopard will instantly kill it.

The high-speed neural response system was launched, and the gentleness continued to impact toward the leopard group. At this time, more than 20 shadows of the leopard were rushed by the energy storm, and they were temporarily unable to enter the emptiness, and they were traumatized.

The shadow of the Shadow Leopard is not high, and the gentleness of this is to enter, suddenly set off a **** frenzy in the Shadow Leopard group, blood and praise, even with a gentle moving body to form a **** tornado, only seen in the **** trend The waving of the four weapons flashed a variety of blurred light.

Zhang Jianjun and Lan Meier looked sluggish, Zhang Jianjun muttered: "This woman seems to be a woman who is indulged? I remember that you were discovered when you seduce Shen."

"Shut up!" Lan Meier replied in anger.

With the launch of the energy storm, the six-arm attack was gently launched, and the situation on the battlefield finally reversed. The threat of the Shadow Leopard group declined with the decrease of the number. Afterwards, they simply gave up the attack and changed the dragon tooth team to take full action, entangled the last few shadows including the Leopard King.

This way they can maximize the benefits.

The previous adventurers wanted to help, but Shen Yan shook his forefinger, which means you don't intervene, otherwise it is a blame.

A group of adventurers will no longer dare to do it.

When the last Leopard King fell, the **** battle finally ended.

Unlike the previous easy-to-solve battles in the three difficulty zones, this time the Broken Blade team did not play easily. Although it is not forced to use the pedigree, the ability to use is almost always used.

Fortunately, it is still within the controllable risk, at least it is a rewarding battle.

However, Lao Meng is a face of unhappiness - he is not interested in the Shadow Leopard.

The strength of the Shadow Leopard lies in speed and His undead army can only play basic attributes, but the skills of the original life can hardly be played, and the Undead Legion has one of the biggest weaknesses, that is, most of the undead life is slow. . The undead of the shadowed leopard has been limited in speed, so it doesn't make much sense.

"It's a pity... not for me." Lao Meng sighed.

"Don't worry, the days are long." Shen Yan patted Lao Meng's shoulder to comfort him.

Then he came to Zhang Jianjun and Lan Meier: "Talk about how you can run to the four wilderness of the wilderness? This place is even if we have to act cautiously, is your courage too big?"

Zhang Jianjun looked bitterly, how to look like the ancient drama when he said "wow wow!", he sighed and replied: "We don't want to, who can think of the exit of the underground passage, it will be in four difficulties. ”

"Underground passage? What underground passage?"

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