Infinity Armament

Vol 15 Chapter 35: Underground maze

"You mean... there is a secret underground passage in the wilderness?"

On the empty grassland of the four-difficult wilderness, Shen Yu is talking with Zhang Jianjun Lan Meier. *.

Since that Shen and Zhang Jianjun separated, Zhang Jianjun and Lan Meier came together, and soon established a team called the Warriors.

This thing is known, because shortly after the team was established, Zhang Jianjun spent money to buy a team assembly order from Shen Yu, and Shen gave him a preferential price.

However, after Shen Yu was promoted to three difficulties, due to inconvenience, the contact between the two sides was gradually reduced. Therefore, Shen Yu did not know that the Warriors had recently risen to the apartment area and completed two missions.

After the team assembly order, Zhang Jianjun’s courage grew bigger and dared to enter the wilderness again. However, due to his limited strength, he did not dare to challenge those violent beasts, so he tried to find some places where the strength is not so strong, but it is possible to give good things.

In the end he thought of the Ashes Capital.

He decided to go to the Ashes to get the mission sign.

Since the task command card is obtained by mining, unlike other special items, the task guide card needs more luck than strength.

For example, although the Broken Blade team is unimpeded in the wilderness, it does not get the task instruction card.

Of course, this also cherishes time with them, and does not want to waste on this area of ​​uncertainty. For those who have the strength, control is the most important. For those who lack strength, it is also a good luck. s Choice.

The ashes are special areas that span the second and third districts. The most special place there is that the beasts that live there are the undead transformed from the adventurer's death, and they are extremely cunning and the activity area is extremely large.

As the undead in the three districts will cross-regional activities, the ash is one of the most dangerous areas of the two difficult wilderness for the second district, but for the three-zone adventurers, the danger of the ash city is greatly reduced. Ideal for low-level adventurers to take risks.

Therefore, Zhang Jianjun went to the ash city a few days ago, hoping to try his luck there.

He also did a good job. In just two days, he gathered seven kinds of jadeites. Seeing a task command card, the members of the Warriors jumped, confidence rose, and they continued to mine, even those in the mine. The beasts are in their eyes, and they become so cute. ~

Unfortunately, their good fortune seems to have come to an end, and in the following time, they have not been able to dig a few decent jade.

Seeing that there are more and more delays, the harvest is minimal, and even Zhang Jianjun is anxious.

He eventually made an adventurous move: into the deeper layers of the mine. .

"You went to the lower mine hole? Are you crazy?" Shen Yan was shocked by Zhang Jianjun's choice.

Zhang Jianjun sighed: "I was also stunned by my interests."

The mines of the Ashes are divided into three levels, the monsters in the life are different, corresponding to the difficulty of the 234 layers. As for the five difficulties, because only the interstellar world, the task command card has no effect, so it does not exist. Corresponding mine area.

Zhang Jianjun They are three difficulty adventurers, it is reasonable to mine in the middle mine. However, Shen Yu knows that mining and hunting for beasts are also the higher the probability of going down to the lower level, but the broken blade team that had been mining in the second difficulty did not dare to break through the region to the middle, and several of them were barely mixed in the middle. The guy even dared to run down the floor, can only say that it really costs money.

This is the danger of gambling. Most people are only gambling before they are addicted to gambling, but then they have always developed into a big gambling injury, and finally they will end up with a strong gamble.

Zhang Jianjun also has a gambling mentality. He wants to make a few hoes near the entrance of the mine hole before encountering the four layers of difficult beasts. Once there is danger, he will return with the mine hole.

He thought that he could go in and out like a sinking point with the transfer point.

However, he did not expect that when he entered the mine, he encountered a large number of savage beasts, and almost killed him. Even his retreat was blocked, forcing him to use the random reel to escape. .

Later, he realized that this kind of thing had been done before, and the consequence was that the lower mine hole naturally attracted a large number of monsters to block the door. The adventurer is almost a dead one, even the adventurers of the four difficulty are not easy to enter. ~

However, this lower mine is actually a self-contained area, and then the transfer reel is not sent away, but directly to any point in the mine.

This Zhang Jianjun can be troublesome. He can't send it out now. The team assembly order has already been used. The hole has blocked a large number of monsters. The people above can't come down. The people below can't go up. Dead.

Zhang Jianjun was helpless and could only look around for the route.

Eventually he discovered that there was an underground river in the mine.

At that time, Zhang Jianjun was already in a state of stagnation, so he simply jumped into the underground river and went upstream along the river to see if he could find a way out.

Fortunately, his adventurer's physique can withstand long periods of inactivity, and eventually he actually returned to the wilderness along the river, and still in the ashes, finally picked up a life.

"Then why did you go into the mine hole later, and it also appeared directly here?"

Zhang Jianjun sighed: "You know that people are always greedy. When the masses of monsters in the lower mines blocked the door, the result was that the other monsters in the mine were scarce, but they were much safer, otherwise I could not run out. Then I will I think if I can swim into the mine from that river again, I can freely exploit it there."

"It turned out to be the case."

"But I didn't expect that when we entered the river again, we accidentally found a secret door."

"The secret door?"

"Yes!" Speaking of this, Zhang Jianjun's face suddenly excited: "There was a secret underground passage below the lower mine hole!"

"And then you broke into the channel? Just like in the novel, looking forward to discovering a hidden secret cave?"

Zhang Jianjun smiled embarrassedly and bowed his head and replied: "Yes, we did think so at first. You also know that many things in this world are not for no reason. When we saw the secret door, it was really very exciting, I thought it was discovered. There is a secret nest that is unknown, and I look forward to sending a shot from China."

"The results of it?"

Zhang Jianjun’s face showed a bitter smile: “We opened the secret door and found a long passage behind the door. So we walked along the passage, thinking that if there was danger, we would withdraw. I didn’t expect to walk through the passage. We found that this passage turned out to be a labyrinth. We came to an area with seventeen or eight forks. When we discussed how to go, we suddenly rushed out of a branch road to get a beast. It was a fierce beast with the strength of the Shadow Leopard, but since there was only one, we were not afraid of it. We got it with it, but soon we found that we were wrong..."

Shen Qian thought about it and asked, "Are you lost?"

Zhang Jianjun smiled and nodded: "Yes."

Fierce battles often make people disregard the direction. When the battle ended, Zhang Jianjun found that they could not tell which one was the channel they came in.

In this case they can only try one way, but the new beasts continue to appear, and they are quickly lost in the underground labyrinth.

"How did you come out later?"

"Smuggling, try your luck." Zhang Jianjun replied honestly.

After the Warriors found themselves completely lost, they simply let go of the scruples and walked around, but they finally found them a stone room.

There is nothing in the stone room, only one law.

After Zhang Jianjun, they set foot on the squad, they were sent directly.

They thought they were regaining their freedom. When they were excited, they didn't expect a large group of movie beasts to kill. The place where the transmission array sent them was actually the dark jungle of the four difficulty areas.

This time the Warriors can be frightened, and they can only run wildly in the pursuit of a large group of movie beasts. If it is not the sinking, this team is afraid that it will be killed.

Listening to Zhang Jianjun's narrative, Shen Yan frowned.

I don't know why, after hearing Zhang Jianjun's remarks, he actually had a familiar feeling, as if these places had a wonderful connection with him.

He stood up and walked back and forth a few steps, thinking hard, suddenly his eyes lit up, took a map from the coat of arms and laid it in front of Zhang Jianjun.

This is the map that was taken out in the Nether Valley with the eyes of Pluto.

There are many peculiar marks on this map, which are mainly used to indicate that those places are more dangerous. However, due to the age, the wilderness city has changed greatly, and many of the above information has been distorted, so it is not useful for sinking.

There are still some areas above, which are marked with special symbols, but Shen has never been able to find out what this mark represents.

Until this moment, he took out the map and pointed to one of them, asking Zhang Jianjun: "Is this the place where you enter the underground passage from the river?"

Zhang Jianjun looked at the map for a long time and hesitated: "It should be... I can't be too sure, but it seems that the area represented by this mark is very close to the place we entered."

"So what about this?" Shen Yu pointed to the dark jungle part of the four difficulty areas, which is an *.

Zhang Jianjun first stayed, then pointed at the mark of the * and said: "Yes, we are coming out from here! This * is... damn, this * is very similar to that of the transmission!"

"* represents the six-pointed star array." Shen Yu has said faintly: "~ represents the river and not far from the ~, there is a strange nickname, Shen Hao refers to this The nickname said: "∞ represents unlimited, it should mean the meaning of the maze. ”

Then his gaze rested on the nickname not far from the nickname.

"There is still such a symbol here, it should represent the deepest secret of the maze... You have been so close to it, but unfortunately missed it."

Zhang Jianjun stunned and looked at the sinking fingers but pointed to other places. It was another * mark.

Shen Yu has said: "On this map, there are a total of nine such * mark, it is very likely that each mark represents a transmission array, but the end point actually points to a place, that is the underground maze... It seems that there are some secrets hidden in this maze, waiting for us to dig... just like the Valley of the Beasts."

Shen Yu has put away the map and said: "A total of nine *-shaped symbols should represent different entry points."

He looked at Zhang Jianjun and smiled: "Is it interested to go to the underground maze?"

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