Infinity Throne

Chapter 320 Bringing pain to this ignorant world

The inside of the bust of the Buddha was indeed hollowed out.

Bai Xiaoyi's spiritual body penetrated the stone wall and entered the bust of the Buddha.

After advancing about ten meters inside the stone wall, Yi Lin's "eyes" suddenly opened up.

In front of Bai Xiaoyi, there is a passage leading to nowhere.

The passage was very crudely dug, as if a hole was dug out by an excavator, and could only accommodate one person to pass through.

On the wall of the passage, wires were pulled from nowhere and extended deep into the room.

Above the passage, an old energy-saving LED bulb hangs from time to time, providing a limited light source.

Yi Lin noticed that there were many exhaust windows around the passage, with the shadow of fans rotating inside.

"Although the facilities here look old, considering the difficulty of digging, it shouldn't be completed in a short time. It seems that this should be one of the secret strongholds of the Dawn Sect, at least for several years."

Yi Lin and Bai Xiaoyi connected with each other, allowing Bai Xiaoyi to follow the passage and drift deeper.

But after floating about 30 meters away, Yi Lin could already feel the stinging pain coming from the center of her eyebrows.

Obviously, this distance is the limit of what he can carry.

Yi Lin reluctantly took Bai Xiaoyi back.

The interior of the Buddha statue was transformed into a fortress.

The people from Shuguang Sect should be hiding inside.

If there are no accidents, the missing persons in Itai City in the past three months should also be there.

Bai Xiaoyi floated next to Yi Lin, her expression full of curiosity.

After all, it had been so long since he had come out for air. The bubbling showed that the owner seemed to be in trouble again, which was... quite exciting.

Alas! A mediocre life is so devoid of passion!

"By the way, Master, I seem to have heard some strange noises."

When Yi Lin was thinking about the next step, Bai Xiaoyi suddenly said.

"Huh? What's the sound? Do you hear what it is?"

What Yi Lin and Bai Xiaoyi really share is only the "field of vision", and they cannot fully share the five senses. Therefore, Bai Xiaoyi may be able to hear the weird chanting sounds better than Yi Lin outside the bust of the Buddha inside the passage. More real.

"There seemed to be many, many, many people in there."

Bai Xiaoyi tried hard to open her hands, trying to vividly describe what "a lot" looked like.

"They seemed to be shouting some slogan, it seemed like..."

Bai Xiaoyi carefully recalled the strange sound that echoed inside the Buddha statue. She lowered her voice and whispered:

"They are demons...we are the servants of awakening, pain...twilight and the like."

Bai Xiaoyi's cultural level is limited and he can only think a little bit clearly.

"Embrace the dawn?"

Yi Lin remembered the slogan Sheng Chunrou repeated over and over again.

"Yeah, yeah, that sounds like it! Master, you are so awesome!"

Bai Xiaoyi is very witty and makes a low-key flattery by the way.

Yi Lin frowned, her expression serious.

Bai Xiaoyi could only hear a few words clearly and could not provide much information.


Servant of God?

Who does "they" refer to?

wake? pain?

Yi Lin suddenly had a bad feeling.

He felt like this was getting weirder and weirder.

There is a feeling that the storm is about to come.

Ah, no...

Yi Lin wiped the rain from her face.

It is indeed raining now.

Yi Lin recalled the AVI she watched at Sheng Chunrou's house.

It's that little video that Sheng Chunrou made crudely when she was in an abnormal mental state.

"Sheng Chunrou knew for a long time that there was something wrong with the Shuguang Sect, but she still jumped in."

"She initially thought that as an apostle, she would not stumble here."

"She probably didn't understand the reality well enough, was careless, and ended up getting herself involved."

"It seems that she is here for that 'painting', but what exactly is that 'painting'? Could it be a prop left by the apostle? Or maybe it is a spirit-possessed weapon? Otherwise, as an apostle, Sheng Chunrou would not Take that risk for that 'picture'."

"By the way, she once said something in the video..."

"They're running out of time."

"Why is time running out?"

"Is this why someone in the Shuguang Sect, knowing that we are investigating this matter, still takes the risk and continues to abduct humans from Itai City?"

Just when Yi Lin was thinking.

"Let's go!"

"Follow up!"

In the distance, there were faint shouts.

Yi Lin's heart moved and she quickly put Bai Xiaoyi away.

Like a shadow, he hid in the shadow of the Buddha's feet and remained motionless.

A few minutes later.

In the darkness, several flashlight lights appeared.

As the lights appeared, several figures in raincoats walked quickly towards this side.

"It's actually those six people?"

Yi Lin's eyes narrowed.

Never expected that.

He actually arrived at the foot of the big-bellied Maitreya Buddha one step ahead of those six people.

Is it because he has better physical strength?

Yi Lin quickly found a reason.

Sure enough, people and their physiques cannot be generalized.

When Yi Lin was climbing in the dark in the mountains, she was worried that she would fall behind too much and did not take a moment to rest along the way.

Yi Lin thought as she silently turned on [Following the Shadow] in the darkness.

In this environment, the effect of [following like a shadow] reaches its extreme.

Unless the other party's flashlight happened to be stuck on Yi Lin's face.

Otherwise, even if you accidentally walk by Yi Lin, you may not be able to notice Yi Lin's presence.

Click click click.

After the six people arrived at the foot of the big-bellied Maitreya Buddha, they walked directly to one of the "toes" without stopping.

Although it is called a "toe", that toe is much taller than Yi Lin's height, and is equivalent to a flat stone wall.

I saw one of the leaders, a man in his thirties with strong bones, fiddling with something on the stone wall. In the darkness, Yi Lin only heard the sound of grinding stones.

From Yi Lin's hiding angle, she couldn't just clearly see what the man had done, which was a bit regretful.

But it's nothing more than an entrance.

Yi Lin didn't bubble up immediately and stopped those people.

This doesn't make sense.

It is very possible that these people are just minions of the Shuguang Sect and have no access to deeper secrets.

After a few minutes, the light of the flashlight disappeared, and the movements of those people completely disappeared from in front of the big-bellied Maitreya Buddha.

After Yi Lin confirmed that those people had entered the bust of Buddha, he walked out of the shadows.

"It should be here."

Yi Lin walked to the toe where they were facing the wall just now.

Sure enough, in a very secret recess, there is a compass full of words.

The compass is about the size of a palm, with nine layers in total from the inside to the outside, and each layer is engraved with many words.

"A, B, C, D..."

"one two three four……"

"Metal, wood, water, fire..."

"Huh? A very ancient mechanism?"

But Yi Lin thought about it, and perhaps it was this ancient mechanism that could block any outsiders from prying into it.

No matter how high-end the password lock is, or whether it is fingerprint, iris, or face verification, as long as it is a program, there will be loopholes.

As we all know, the AI ​​programs that are now popular in the real world are all pseudo-artificial intelligence. They are not artificial intelligence that can truly think and evolve on their own, and there is a possibility of being hacked.

Just like Orele, he once threatened that there is no program in the world that he cannot crack.

Of course, he was cheating and cheating, which cannot be measured by pure technology.

On the contrary, this ancient combination lock makes people helpless.

It’s no use even if Orele comes.

Yi Lin smiled: "But I don't need to open the lock at all."

While muttering to himself, Yi Lin searched the area carefully.

After a while.

Yi Lin found the gap.

The entrance seemed to have been cut open with some kind of instrument. After the mechanism was made, it was put back together intact.

If you hadn't witnessed with your own eyes that the six people entered the bust of the Buddha from this position, you might have mistakenly thought that this circle of gaps was the texture of the Buddha itself at a cursory glance.

"Shadow Kill."

Yi Lin's body suddenly twisted and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

After activating the skill, Yi Lin turned into a flexible shadow, going up, down, left, right, and everywhere. As long as it is a terrain that can leave a shadow, theoretically there is no blind spot for Yi Lin. .

The shadow transformed by Yi Lin after activating the skill instantly slipped into the gap and disappeared.

After the gap, there is indeed a passage.

The two sides of the passage were the same as what Yi Lin saw in "Bai Xiaoyi's Vision". There were simple LED lights hanging on the passage, which were not too dark.

Yi Lin did not cancel the skill. After all, after entering the "shadow state", he could fully afford the consumption of 3 spiritual energy points per second.

Inside the Buddha statue, the route of the passage is not very complicated.

A few simple branch roads leading to several areas.

In the "shadow state", Yi Lin quickly explored the inside of the bust of Buddha.

In one of the areas, caves that could only accommodate one person were dug out on both sides of the passage. The caves were closed with thick iron bars and served as prisons.

Yi Lin quickly moved inside the Buddha statue.

Passed by the cafeteria... dormitory... leisure area...

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, it would have been hard for Yi Lin to believe that the relics of the big-bellied Maitreya Buddha had been developed into such a small fortress with all the internal organs.

Another moment passed.

The sound of chanting that echoed inside the Buddha statue became clearer and clearer.

Yi Lin followed this strange sound and crawled forward.

It's becoming clearer.

The combined low murmurs of countless people sounded like murmurs, prayers, and songs.

The incomprehensible words with unclear meanings, chanted without any emotion, combined with the gloomy surrounding environment, give people a kind of creepy terror.

In the shadows, Yi Lin was shocked.

He moved quickly.

A moment later.

Yi Lin's eyes suddenly lit up.

This is a spacious space.

If you guessed correctly, it should be in the "belly" of the big-bellied Maitreya Buddha.

Tick ​​tick tick tick——

Above the head, there were water droplets from time to time, seeping and dripping from the stone cracks in the ceiling... It was raining outside.

Yi Lin glanced at the remaining spiritual energy values ​​on the apostle's panel, quickly changed back to his "human" appearance, and huddled in the shadows.

In the lobby.

One by one, "people" with empty eyes, thin bodies, and ragged clothes were lying on the ground.

And at this moment.

Yi Lin, who was lurking in the dark, finally heard what they were chanting——

"They destroy all living beings,"

"We save sentient beings,"


"The Great Lord of the Void, the Light of Dawn, the Imprisoned God,"

"We are willing to give our humble flesh and blood,"

"We beg you to come,"

"Bringing pain to this ignorant world,"

"We will wake up the world,"

"We will bring infinite dawn to this world with our blood,"

"Embrace the dawn..."

"Embrace the dawn..."

"Embrace the dawn..."


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