Infinity Throne

Chapter 321 This is the end of the world

at the same time.

Itae city center.

Daybreak Counseling Center.

Hu Sandao and Su Xiaosu walked out with calm expressions.

Hu Sandao took out a clean handkerchief from somewhere and carefully wiped the scalpel in his hand.

"Actually, I really don't want this."

Su Xiaosu shook off the blood on her fist, and after hearing Hu Sandao's words, she remained silent and did not respond.

When Hu Sandao saw that Su Xiaosu ignored him, he could only say to himself: "Sister Su, do you still remember that...I don't remember the name, what that woman said?"

Su Xiaosu: "?"

"'Do you believe there is a God?', this sentence."

Su Xiaosu remained silent.

Hu Sandao was thoughtful and wanted to laugh, but couldn't.

"To be honest, when I heard this sentence, I really had goosebumps."

"Although I clearly know that this phenomenon is a physiological phenomenon caused by the contraction of the arrector pili muscles when humans feel cold or fearful or other stimuli..."

Su Xiaosu clenched her pink fist as big as a casserole: "Speak humanly."

Hu Sandao shook his head helplessly: "Well, in short, I am a little concerned about why she said this. But there is no one left, so I can't verify it. Maybe she just said it accidentally, who knows."

The doctor didn't explain much.

When the two walked out of the psychological counseling center, it was raining heavily on the street.

In the distance, police sirens sounded wildly.


The evacuation sirens used to warn citizens to evacuate are ringing like crazy without any money.

Hu Sandao and Su Xiaosu looked slightly startled.

What happened?

Then the sound insulation effect of the psychological counseling center is also very good, right?

There's so much movement outside, but you can't feel it at all inside?

Pedestrians on the road were already in chaos.

They all ran away.

Hu Sandao didn't waste any time and rushed directly into the heavy rain. He grabbed a passerby who was holding an umbrella and asked:

"What are you all running for? What happened?"

Passerby A lowered his head, not hiding anything in his hurry, and said quickly: "What the hell? Are you still wandering around on the street? Hurry up and hide! The news just broadcast an emergency report, saying that there are two extremely vicious thugs who are meeting in the city. It’s very scary to kill people! Listen, all the police cars in the city are dispatched and they are fighting fiercely!”

Hu Sandao was stunned when he heard this.



Is it that intense?

“What do thugs look like?”

"I heard that one of the thugs was wearing a bunny mask. It was very cute. I don't know what he looked like, but his body shape was pretty easy to recognize. He was short, fat, stupid, and very fat."

Su Xiaosu's heart tightened, and she quickly stepped forward, her tall body directly blocking the rain for the two of them.

She pointed to her face: "Does the mask you are talking about look like mine?"

Passerby A raised his head.

Not high enough.

Lift again.

Lift again.


He finally saw the mask on Su Xiaosu's face clearly.

"Oh, they look very similar! They seem to match...ah...ah? Ah - Mom, I want to go home!"

Passerby Jia Umbrella didn't care anymore. When he saw that the couple's mask on Su Xiaosu's face was the same as Li Erpang's mask, he didn't react at first.

But his voice became weaker and weaker, and finally his scalp was numb with fear, his face turned pale, he ran away, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"It's Er Fat."

Hu Sandao's tone was affirmative.

With such obvious features, there should be no one else but the little fat man.

Su Xiaosu clenched her fists hard.

Silent anger simmers.


Su Xiaosu had no expression on her face, stepping hard on the rain and walking towards the direction where the siren sounded the loudest.

Boom, boom, boom.

Wherever Su Xiaosu passed, the rain splashed into flowers, and the ground seemed to be shaking.

Hu Sandao smacked his lips.

"Sister Su is very angry."

After thinking about it, Hu Sandao shook his head and said:

"It seems like something serious is about to happen."

Inside the bust of Buddha.

Yi Lin looked at the scene in front of her and didn't know where to start.

There are just too many people.

It is roughly estimated that there are hundreds of people crowded in this hall.

In addition to some ragged victims who clearly looked like they had been kidnapped, there were also many people wearing full-covering robes who looked like members of the Dawn Sect, kneeling on the ground in the same posture, chanting in a low voice.

Take another look.

Yi Lin discovered that these missing persons were much more than the number reported by Cao Anbang.

It may be because Cao Anbang concealed some data.

Another possibility is that what the Dawn Sect is planning is not limited to Itai City. There may be sporadic missing cases outside Itai City, but they are not included in the statistics.

After all, in this age of advanced technology, to make a person disappear is not as simple as covering his mouth, tying his hands and taking him away.

"Embrace the dawn..."

"Embrace the dawn..."

Amidst the chants of hundreds of people, a thin man in robes walked in from another passage entrance.

Yi Lin was condescending, squinting her eyes and staring at the figure.

The man in robe slowly walked to the high platform.

The moment the mysterious man in robes appeared, everyone raised their heads and looked at the mysterious man in robes, and fell silent instantly.

The man in the robe whispered something, but Yi Lin couldn't hear it clearly.

Several other members around him, who seemed to have a slightly lower status in the Shuguang Sect, quickly walked to the edge of the hall, holding open flames, and lit a row of jars at the edge of the hall.

Puff, puff, puff, puff!

As the fire tanks were ignited one by one, the hall became even brighter. The swaying firelight cast everyone's figures onto the stone wall, twisting and twisting. The whole scene looked very strange.

Except for the sound of the swaying flames, no one spoke in the empty hall inside the big-bellied Buddha.

Only the ups and downs of breathing were left.

The whole scene was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

"What do they want to do?"

Yi Lin did not take action immediately.

After all, it seems that the most threatening person on the other side may be the mysterious man standing on the high platform.

He may be an apostle.

Or maybe not.

Yi Lin remembered that in another "future", the doomsday disaster broke out completely, eternal night fell, and four Apocalypse Knights walked the earth to spread disaster, and then the Dawn Sect appeared in the sight of all survivors.

This religion is not a weird religion. They use the food resources they scavenge everywhere to lend a helping hand to every surviving survivor and absorb them into the Dawn Religion.

They are unable to fight against the Knights of the Apocalypse. They are just settling in a corner in the apocalypse, just to survive.

While living, spread a little soothing chicken soup for the soul.

And Yi Lin remembers clearly that their slogan is——

"Embrace the dawn."

But why did Shuguang Sect appear in advance?

It seems that it has developed to a certain scale.

Without three to five years of planning, this bust of Buddha would not have been excavated to such a mature scale.

And this is most likely just one of their strongholds.

Because back then, Yi Lin was one of the frontline fighters and had not had much contact with this organization that was spreading chicken soup for the soul.

But in his impression, Dawn Sect should not be such a weird organization.

What happened?

What is the Dawn Sect planning?

In order to find the answer, Yi Lin embarked on a journey and stood here at this moment.

stood in front of them.

It's as if something is driving everything.

Just when Yi Lin was lurking in the darkness and watching everything.

On the high platform, the mysterious man muttered something, breaking the dead silence that could be heard as the drop of a needle dropped.

“ # ¥% @Fuc¥#@% # ¥Bea#@KKKKK @……”

What the hell?

Yi Lin listened intently.

But he found that he couldn't even understand a single punctuation mark, let alone the words, of what the mysterious man said loudly.

It sounds like some ancient language, with obscure pronunciation and incomprehensible pronunciation.

Just when the mysterious man on the high platform started chanting the curse.

Under the high platform, everyone kneeling on the ground focused their eyes on the high platform.

There was a bit more piety and fanaticism in those empty and lifeless eyes.


Everyone seemed to be echoing the rhythm of the mysterious mouth, howling and screaming.

This situation gave Yilin the feeling that a group of psychopaths were communicating, communicating, and socializing in a way that normal people could not understand.

Yi Lin frowned.

He felt that the atmosphere was getting weirder and weirder.

But I can't understand it.

This feeling is very depressing.

It's like a good movie with an extra layer of hazy mosaic.

Just when Yi Lin was considering taking action immediately or continuing to wait and see to see what these people were up to, Yi Lin's expression changed slightly.

As the surrounding fire spread, a strange incense filled the air at some point.

"It's fragrant!"

Yi Lin got a lot of information from Sheng Chunrou's video, and she had already reacted when the fragrance was about to penetrate her nose.

"The things burning in the fire altar are all the 'incense' mentioned in Sheng Chunrou's video?"

Yi Lin only inhaled a little bit, and the smell was not too strong.

But just a trace of the fragrance made the scene in front of Yi Lin's eyes slightly distorted.

The voice of the mysterious man singing became louder and louder, as if coming from his ears, and also seemed to come from the depths of his mind, becoming increasingly clear.


The mysterious man raised his head and looked in the direction where Yi Lin was hiding.

It is obvious that Yi Lin is in the state of [following like a shadow], with zero sense of existence.

And from the angle of the mysterious man, it was impossible to see Yi Lin's existence.

But it happened that at this moment, he raised his head and looked at the shadow Yi Lin was hiding.

"Embrace the dawn."

In the obscure language, the mysterious man suddenly chuckled and mixed in such a human saying.

In an instant.

A dazzling light shone from the mysterious man.

Dazzling circles of light appeared one after another, like a miracle.

It was like the legendary divine grace coming to the world, rippling around, illuminating the entire hall as bright as day, very dazzling.

And those whispers seemed to turn into sounds of nature, like a poem of a prosperous age played with instruments that did not belong to this world, making people indulge in it unknowingly.

Yi Lin's pupils shrank.

Light... quickly.

Yi Lin didn't have time to react. The warm-looking light suddenly blurred towards Yi Lin's face, illuminating all the shadows.

At this moment, Yi Lin had nothing to hide.

Yi Lin felt as if there was a bang in her head.

When he opens his eyes.

In front of me is the endless night.

The sky is filled with stars.

Looking into the distance, skyscrapers were cut in half.

The raging river was frozen into glaciers.

The steel bridge was twisted into twists.

Yi Lin's eyes widened.

As if in a dream.

"This is...the end of the world!"

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