Inhuman Warlock

Chapter 415: No one shall attack

Jia was reading a book when she casually glanced at Jenilia, who was sitting near her. 

"Thinking about your brother?" She asked Jenilia, frowning. 

Jenilia nodded her head, agreeing. 

"I still don't understand why you're coming to Elisium and not going to the team that will be investigating the crash site of your brother's plane. You must really be confident that Elisium was behind this like everyone else," Jia said, sighing. 

Jenilia nodded her head, not saying anything. 

"Are you going to stay silent the entire flight?" Jia asked. "You haven't spoken a single word since I met you."

"What do you think? Was Elisium behind that explosion?" Jenilia asked, taking a deep breath. 

"Maybe... Or maybe not. We still need to wait for the investigation report. I don't want to rush to the conclusion, but I doubt Elisium would've been stupid enough to do it. But who knows, maybe they are just that. We'll have to see when we meet them," Jia answered, shaking her head. 

"Soon, we'll be face to face with the new leadership. We'll get our answers from them directly. We'll have to see what their attitude is towards us," she further added. 

"Did you hear the reports about a young man leading Elisium now?'' She asked Jenilia. 

"Yeah. I heard something like that. Haven't read much on it," Jenilia replied, nodding. 

"Apparently, he is a pretty powerful Warlock but really young too. I really wouldn't mind recruiting him if possible. He'll be a good addition to our Council. He's just eighteen, from what I heard. If he's this powerful now, he can only be more powerful in the future," Jia answered. 

"Only eighteen is certainly good. It's amazing that Warlock Council doesn't have even a single picture of that man," Jenilia let out. "All we have is a rough description."

"Yeah. Our sources were killed in Elisium when this takeover happened. In any case, it's not that important. Whoever he is, we'll meet them soon enough," Jia replied before immersing herself in her book again. 


Far away from the planes of Warlock Council, another plane landed at an airport. 

Cassius and Alicia stepped out of the flight, went through the checking, and left. 

"So, where is this academy of yours?" Alicia asked, walking towards the airport exit with Cassius. 

"It's in this city as well. But we won't be going straight to that," Cassius replied. 

"Hmm? Where will we be going then?" 

"We'll go to my home. We need to stay put for a little, at least until I find out what the situation of the Academy is. We can't blindly rush inside," Cassius answered. 

"Won't your parents ask about me? Won't they be suspicious?' Alicia asked, soon stepping out of the airport.

Even though she asked a question, she soon found herself distracted, looking ahead. 

"Huh? That's a long line. I wonder why so many cars are standing in line here. Is there some big shot coming here?"

She was able to see more than ten black SUVs standing in line in front of the airport. 

She didn't realize, but Cassius was smiling wryly in the back. "Did they really have to send so many to receive me?"

"Young Master Cassius, Welcome back!" A group of black-clothed men got down on one knee, greeting Cassius. 

"Huh?" Surprised, Alicia turned back to look at Cassius, wondering what was happening. "Are they your people? I didn't know you were a king or something?" 

"I'm not a king. It's just that my family is one of the four families of this city. I really shouldn't have told my father that I was coming back. He went overboard," Cassius answered, sighing. 

"When I told him that he didn't need to send a helicopter and that a car would be enough, I didn't expect he would send so many," he further added, shaking his head. 

"You must be really rich. I thought you were an Orphan. But to know you had a family and a rich family at that, it's surprising," Alicia let out. 

"I wasn't an orphan. We made that story since I didn't want anyone to realize who I was. If my family had found out what I was doing, it would've been bad. They'll never let me take risks like that. Don't tell anyone at home, alright?"

"Don't worry. I'll keep that secret." Alicia replied. 

The guards opened the doors of the car in the middle for Cassius. 

Cassius gestured to Alicia to enter first. 

Seeing Alicia enter first, the Butler grew surprised. He didn't know the lady was with Cassius. It was the first time he had brought a lady home. 

"Ah, Young Master. Is this lady your friend?" he asked Cassius. 

"She's an acquaintance from the nation I visited. She wanted to visit our Island, so I brought her with me. Don't think too much," Cassius replied, stepping inside the car. 

The doors of the car were closed. The butler also sat in the front seat. 

All the cars started moving together in a straight line, going straight to the Zaini Palace. 


Back in Dalia, more than five hours had passed since Lucifer destroyed the militant city. By now, he had almost reached the capital city of Dalia. 

He could see a city in front of him. The capital city was much bigger than the city he had just destroyed. He could already see that it was at least three times bigger. 

"Are you going to fly straight inside? I mean, they might think that you're an enemy plane and attack you. I think we should enter from the main entrance instead," Heath reminded Lucifer, who was flying like a rocket without stopping. 

"There's no need for that. I don't have time to play the guessing game! I want my answers," Lucifer replied lazily, not stopping. Instead, he increased his speed. 

Since this was the capital of a war-torn country, it was heavily fortified since the destruction of Capital was no different than the fall of Dalia. 

Massive walls were surrounding the city. There was only one entrance from where a person could step inside the capital. 

Unfortunately for them, Lucifer wasn't going to take that route. Instead, he wanted to go from above the walls. 

"Ah, are you seeing what I'm seeing? Aren't those humans that are flying towards us?" 

"They look like humans as well. But they can fly. They should be Variant."

"They aren't slowing down. I don't think they have any intention of following the protocol. Should we attack?" 

The guards had noticed Lucifer advancing towards them with three other people following behind him. They believed he was a risk for them. 

"Inform the higher ups. In the meantime, I'll try to stop them. No one shall attack."

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