Inhuman Warlock

Chapter 416: I made a mistake

"Only attack if they pass the walls without stopping," The leader of the guard said, looking at Lucifer in the distance. 

He started waving his hand, gesturing for Lucifer to stop. 

Seeing the gestures, Lucifer slowed down. 

"Are we stopping?" Caen asked, wondering why Lucifer suddenly changed his mind. 

"Yeah. I just remembered that we need to know where the President of Dalia stays. We can ask that guy. He looks like the leader here," Lucifer said, explaining his reason. 

Seeing Lucifer and the others slow down, the guards finally relaxed a bit. It seemed like these guys weren't here to create trouble. Even after all that, they remained alert. 

The guards in the back kept their weapons in their hands, ready to fire at a moment's notice. 

Lucifer landed in front of the team leader. The others also landed behind him. Finally landing on the ground, Heath sighed a breath of relief. 

It was only now that he felt like he was in control of his body. 

"Greetings to you all. May I ask who you are? And what brought you to the Capital City?" The Captain of the guards asked. 

"We're here to meet your president. And you'll take us to them," Lucifer said calmly. 

"Why do you want to meet him? Do you have an appointment? You don't answer. Who are you all?" The Captain again asked.

"It doesn't matter who we are. What matters is that you answer me," Lucifer said, grabbing the man by his collar. 

Multiple tornadoes took shape all about Lucifer, creating what seemed like a wall around him, blocking them from the view of the other guards. 

The guards remained outside the tornadoes, not knowing how to react. It all happened so fast. They couldn't even attack now since they couldn't see through the tornadoes. And they didn't want to accidentally shoot their captain. 

The tornadoes were like a wall around them. 

"So, are you going to answer me, or shall I throw you off the wall first?" Lucifer asked, raising the man in the air through his collar. 

"Look, young man. I think you should answer us right now. I can assure you that he will definitely throw you. There are more people like you that we can ask. You don't hold any leverage, and they'll certainly answer if you don't. So think smart," Caen reminded the Captain of the guards. 

The dark-robed captain reached out his hands to his gun, but before he could even bring out the gun, Lucifer grabbed the gun. 

He tossed the gun towards Caen. "Keep it."

Caen kept the gun. 

"Are you answering, or should I give up? This is the last time I'll ask," Lucifer reminded the pale-faced Captain of the guards. 

"H-he lives in the Presidential Palace in the center of the city. It's the biggest building. You will easily find it!" The Captain instantly blurted out the truth. 

"That's better. Now listen carefully. Your president probably did something that he shouldn't have. But I want to confirm it personally from him. If he and Dalia did it, then he would die. If he didn't, then someone else will die," Lucifer told the man, glancing at Heath near the end is his statement. 

"So be a good boy and tell the other soldiers that we passed the security check. I'm not in a mood to kill. If any of them attacked us, my mood would easily change. Don't let that happen," Lucifer said, tossing the man to the side. 

He started flying, carrying Salazar and the others. The tornadoes disappeared, revealing everything. 

The other guards watched their captain, who had stood up by now. Noticing the dirt on his clothes, they realized that he was hurt. 

They raised their guns towards Lucifer and the others that were flying. 

"Ready to attack! Give us the command!" They asked their Captain. 

"Stand down! They're not dangerous. They showed me that they were invited by the President himself. And they passed the check. No one attack them!" The captain yelled loudly, stopping his men. 

All the men lowered their weapons at once, letting Lucifer and others leave without any worries. 

Lucifer and the others flew above the city, soon reaching the center. Just as the guard had mentioned, they did find a Palace there. 

They stopped at the entrance of the Presidential Palace, where a group of men was standing, keeping guard. 

Following the casual wave from Lucifer's hands, a gust of wind followed, which took the guards with it, tossing them aside. 

Kicking the door open, Lucifer stepped inside. After asking a few people for directions, he soon ended up in front of the bedroom of the President of Dalia, who was said to be resting inside. 

Even though there were special guards in front of the bedroom, they weren't able to do anything either as Salazar took care of them before they could even raise their weapons. 

"Heath, remember what I told you. If you're lying, you'll be dead. And if he's lying, he'll be dead, and you'll become the new ruler of Dalia," Lucifer reminded Heath before kicking the door open. 


One day passed. The day turned to night which again turned to the day as time kept trickling away. 

The plane from Elisium had already reached the airport of Dalia Capital. It also safely landed without having any accidents. 

A black helicopter also landed inside the airport, carrying a group of men. 

Lucifer was the first person to step out of the helicopter, followed by Salazar and Caen. 

As for the last person, he was none other than Heath. He was followed by some Dalia Ministers who respectfully stood behind Heath. 

"I would like to thank you once again. It's all because of you that we got Dalia back. Our Commander would have been so happy if he was alive," Heath respectfully told Lucifer. 

"Well, if he were alive, he would certainly be angry at me for killing him for no fault of his own. But I accept, I made a mistake. That's why I compensated by making you the new President," Lucifer replied. "But remember one thing. You work for me now."

"I'll always remember that. I'm only the President in name. But this place belongs to you," Heath nodded. He knew what Lucifer could do if he went against this guy. 

In fact, it was only because of Lucifer that he got to this position. It was Lucifer who killed the previous president after finding the truth behind what had happened. 

He was also the one who threatened the Ministers to make him the new President. 

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