Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 102: There is room for farming when the end times are coming (2)

   Although Li Xiaoxi and Yuan Mengxian are best friends, she is very jealous of Yuan Mengxian's skin that is much prettier than her.

  But in the last world, the strong are the kings, and the skin cannot be eaten as food.

  Li Xiaoxi thought that it was Feng Shui in turns. Before the apocalypse, she revolved around Yuan Mengxian, and after the apocalypse, Yuan Mengxian revolved around her.

   But half a month after the end of the world, Yuan Mengxian accidentally hurt his hand and smeared blood on the humble jade pendant to open up some farming space!

   Since then, although Yuan Mengxian has no ability, he still...

  The fire of jealousy, ignited again.

   The reason that made the flames grow bigger and bigger was the appearance of the original male customer, Gu Ran.

   The original male protagonist of this world is the senior of Yuan Mengxian and Li Xiaoxi.

  When the end of the world came, Gu Ran was away from school because of some things.

   met Gu Ran three months after the end of the world.

  Li Xiaoxi has been in love with Gu Ran since he entered university.

   But Gu Ran is a school girl, but she is a very ordinary girl.

   So the heart that liked Gu Ran was hidden silently by Li Xiaoxi.

   In the end times when the strong is king, Li Xiaoxi began to hope that he could stand by Gu Ran's side again.

   Her fire ability is quite strong, and she is also highly valued by Gu Ran.

   Ke Gu Ran's attention to her is only that of his teammates.

  Gu Ran...he likes Yuan Mengxian!

  Li Xiaoxi watched as Gu Ran and Yuan Mengxian came together and knew each other.

   But what about her? !

   Jealousy, drowned her.

  Why can Yuan Mengxian stay by Gu Ran's side? Not because of that farming space!

  In that case, grab that pendant and kill Yuan Mengxian!

   As long as Yuan Mengxian is dead, she will be able to stand beside Gu Ran.

Once the idea of ​​   comes up, it can no longer be suppressed.

   So, Li Xiaoxi deliberately wanted to grab the pendant and wanted to kill Yuan Mengxian.

   But in her opinion, the perfect plan didn't hurt Yuan Mengxian's hair.

   Instead, she herself ended up being eaten by zombies.

   But fortunately, Li Xiaoxi was reborn, a month before the end of the world.

   was reborn before Yuan Mengxian had the space for farming.

   Li Xiaoxi immediately went to the place where Yuan Mengxian bought the pendant and bought the pendant.

   bought the pendant, Li Xiaoxi didn't even wait to return to the dormitory, and found a public toilet casually, and opened the farming space with a drop of blood.

   Originally, Li Xiaoxi was worried that the farming space would not be able to be opened, but it was successfully opened.

   Li Xiaoxi, who successfully opened up the farming space, was very proud of her, she made up her mind that Yuan Mengxian would not be better off in her life.

  Li Xiaoxi planted a lot of vegetables and fruits in the farming space before the end of the world, and spent all his savings, and even stole money from his family to buy supplies.


   "Mengmeng, why didn't you answer when I called you? How are you? Are your colds better?" Li Xiaoxi asked Xia Xia.

  Xiamen sat up from the bed and rubbed his bloated head.

   The host was indeed cold, so he didn't go to class and slept in the dormitory.

   When summer comes, the end times have not yet come.

   However, it's coming soon.

   At eleven o'clock this evening, earthquakes will occur all over the world, and some places will be razed to the ground by falling high-rise buildings.

   And the city where they were located, there was only a slight tremor.

  After the earthquake, many meteorites fell from the sky.

  Electricity, internet, communication... nothing can be used.

  The whole world is in panic.

   After that, there was a big smog that almost enveloped the whole world.

   At seven in the morning, human beings begin their genetic transformation.

  Most human beings have become zombies that bite when they meet someone, and have no sense of existence!

   The remaining small number of people, half of which have inspired abilities, have the power to resist zombies.

   However, there are still half of the people who did not activate the ability.

   At the beginning, ZF was still taking measures, there were survivor bases or something.

   But later, ZF was too busy to take care of himself, and in the end he could only let human beings fend for themselves.


   "I still have some headaches, but it's much better than yesterday." Xia Xia smiled at Li Xiaoxi.

  Li Xiaoxi knew the exact time when the end of the world would come, but he did not choose to leave, but continued to stay at the school and beside Yuan Mengxian.

   Xia Xia didn't like Li Xiaoxi, the original female partner of this world, not because she hated Yuan Mengxian so much, not because she made Yuan Mengxian lose his innocence, and not because she let Yuan Mengxian be eaten by zombies and eventually turned into a zombie.

   But because Li Xiaoxi was not good to his parents.

   Knowing that the end of the world is coming, what Li Xiaoxi did was to steal the family's money to buy supplies.

   She didn't tell her parents that the end of the world was coming, and she never thought about bringing her parents to her side to protect her.

  After the end of the world, the city where Li Xiaoxi's parents lived was the worst earthquake, the whole city was razed to the ground, and her parents naturally had no possibility of survival.

   If Li Xiaoxi's parents are not good, so Li Xiaoxi is unwilling to take care of them, summer is understandable.

  But Li Xiaoxi's parents didn't do anything bad to Li Xiaoxi, the only child.

  Li Xiaoxi's father injured his hand while working on the construction site in his early years and could not do heavy work, while Li Xiaoxi's mother could only do some low-wage and hard cleaning work because of her lack of education.

   Life was so difficult, but they still tried their best to send Li Xiaoxi to college.

   But in Li Xiaoxi's heart, he blamed his parents.

  Why didn't my father die on the construction site? If you die on the construction site, you can also get a large amount of compensation!

  Why didn't my mother die? No culture, as a cleaner, she just feels ashamed!

   These are the real thoughts of Li Xiaoxi.

   A ruthless and unrighteous person like Li Xiaoxi really does not deserve the aura of the protagonist!


  Li Xiaoxi's face was as usual, and she said to Xia Xia with a smile, "I brought you breakfast back. Come down and eat some good medicine."

  Summer nodded and got off the bed.

   The breakfast that Li Xiaoxi brought her was lean meat porridge, which was cold.

  Because there was a class this morning, Li Xiaoxi came back with breakfast after class.

  Summer was eating breakfast while talking to Li Xiaoxi as usual.

   While speaking, Xia Xia's eyes fell on Li Xiaoxi's neck.

   That ordinary-looking jade pendant is now on Li Xiaoxi's neck.

Inside   , there are many treasures!

   Farming space only recognizes one master. Now that Li Xiaoxi has recognized it, he cannot recognize the second master.

   However, in summer, I didn’t want to grab the farming space for myself.

  She, you don't need it yet!

  Although I don’t want any farming space in summer, I also don’t want Li Xiaoxi to take the farming space to scoff.

   Thinking that he was reborn, he was the most powerful?

  Summer lowered his eyes, and there was a trace of calculation in his eyes.


  Because of a cold, I stayed in the dormitory in the summer and did not go out.

   There are still classes in the afternoon, and Li Xiaoxi still goes to class as usual.

   In the dormitory, I stay by myself in summer.

  Summer was lying on the bed looking at the ceiling, planning in his mind how to complete this mission——

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