Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 103: There is room for farming when the end times are coming (3)

   At five o'clock in the afternoon, Li Xiaoxi came back from class, still very concerned and asked how his health was in summer.

  Xiamen smiled at her and said, "I'm fine now! It's just a little cold, not so squeamish."

   "Then let's go to the cafeteria to eat, I'll invite you today!" Li Xiaoxi said to Xia Xia while arranging her desktop.

  Xiamen is also welcome, nodding: "Okay, then I'll change my clothes!"

   After saying that, Summer got up from the chair and went to change clothes.

   Xia Xia knew that Li Xiaoxi had been carefully observing her every move, so she should be very worried about what would change.

   The cold has not changed, and the conversation between the two has not changed.

  It is decided in summer, and the clothes remain the same.

   From the wardrobe, I took a white short short-sleeved T, a pair of black pencil pants, and a pair of canvas shoes.

   Very ordinary dress, exactly the same as Li Xiaoxi remembers.

  Summer's performance made Li Xiaoxi slightly relieved.

  Because of her rebirth, her 'prophet', she changed a lot of things.

   But Li Xiaoxi didn't want 'Yuan Mengxian' to change, she hoped that she would still be a useless piece of firewood who would not inspire any powers.

   There is no room for farming, but she wants to see how 'Yuan Mengxian' will thrive in this apocalypse where the strong is king! ?


   "Okay, let's go!"

  Xia Tian casually tied a ball on his head, took his bag, turned his head and said to Li Xiaoxi with a smile.

  Li Xiaoxi came back to her senses and was dazzled by Xia Xia's bright and cheerful smile.

   In the next instant, a gloomy look flashed across her eyes.

  Yuan Mengxian, did she fascinate senior Gu Ran with her coquettish (harmonious) smile? !

  Really, I wish I could burn that face with a torch!

   Summer caught Li Xiaoxi's unpleasant look, but pretended not to see it.

   "Well, let's go!" Li Xiaoxi walked over to Xia Xia with a face as usual, and held hands with her intimately.

  Summer also behaved very intimately, chatting and laughing with Li Xiaoxi out of the dormitory building.

   Yuan Mengxian is beautiful and is also one of the flowers of the Department of Finance.

   She loves to laugh and has good grades. She has always been popular in school, so she can meet many classmates to greet her when she goes out.

   When Xia Xia responded to those classmates with a smile, she also noticed Li Xiaoxi's face.

   The expression on Li Xiaoxi's face became more and more stiff, and the gloom in his eyes became deeper and deeper.

   She looked coldly at the classmates who passed by and greeted Xia Xia, and hummed in her heart: These people! these people! When the apocalypse comes, everyone becomes a zombie.

   Really deserves it! Deserves to be a zombie!

   Yes, this university can be said to be the place with the most zombies in the city.

   As mentioned in the original plot, there were only twenty humans who could escape from this university in the early stage.

After    went out, because of various accidents and emergencies, there were ten fewer arrivals.

   Afterwards, everyone separated, and only Li Xiaoxi and Yuan Mengxian were left alone.

   Summer didn't even want to remind these people, because more than 90% of the human beings in this university are infected with zombie viruses.

   Even if she told these people, would these people be able to escape from this world and not be infected with the zombie virus? No!

   So, no need.


   went to the cafeteria with Li Xiaoxi, and then asked the aunt in the cafeteria to pack Yuan Mengxian's favorite braised pork ribs, a vegetable, and a tomato egg drop soup.

  Li Xiaoxi ordered quite a lot, several kinds of meat.

  Xia Tian asked her jokingly: "You order so much, why does it seem like the last time you have eaten in the cafeteria?"

   As soon as he finished asking this question, the expression on Li Xiaoxi's face froze.

   Then she smiled unnaturally and said, "It's just that I really want to eat meat today."

   After today, it will not be so easy to want to eat meat.

   Zombie viruses can be infected not only by humans, but also by animals.

  Although not all animals are infected, most of them are infected into zombies or mutant beasts.

  Zombie beasts only know how to bite people and eat meat, which is no different from zombies.

   But mutant beasts are even more dreadful, because they have supernatural abilities, they will attack humans and eat human hearts to improve their strength.

  Although Li Xiaoxi has put a lot of livestock in the farming space, after the end of the world, she can't take it out immediately, and she can't take it out casually.

   After all, after the end of the world, there are still many strong people.

   This point, she is still very self-aware.

   So if you want to eat meat, after today, you have to wait a long time.

   "But with so much meat, you have eaten two pounds of meat, right?" Xia Xia smiled while covering her mouth.

  Different from Yuan Mengxian's physique who never gets fat, Li Xiaoxi is a person who will grow two taels of flesh after drinking water.

  Li Xiaoxi's appearance is very ordinary in the first place. They say that one fat will ruin everything. If you don't pay attention to it, it will be even more inconspicuous.

   In summer, Li Xiaoxi can't even eat it.

   But the next sentence in the summer said: "Oh, I'm just joking! Occasionally eat some meat and you won't grow much meat."

   However, the words of Xia Xia made Li Xiaoxi feel more uncomfortable. She felt that Xia Xia just wanted her to eat more, and it would be uglier to gain weight.

   smiled unnaturally, and Li Xiaoxi said, "I'm going to gain weight by drinking water, so it's better to eat less meat."

   So, she pushed the plate of meat in front of Xia Xia and said that she would invite Xia Xia to eat it.

  Xiamen was not polite to her either, saying, "Then I can eat it!"

  Li Xiaoxi nodded: "You can eat."

   Looking at the happy summer eating meat, Li Xiaoxi said silently in his heart: "Eat it, this is the last time you have such a rich dinner!"


  After dinner, Xia Xia and Li Xiaoxi were ready to go back to the bedroom.

   When passing by the school supermarket, I stopped in the summer and said, "Suddenly I want to eat snacks, I'll go buy some snacks."

  Li Xiaoxi nodded, expressing no opinion.

  It was the same in the past life. Yuan Mengxian said that he was going to buy some snacks in the supermarket, but he bought a lot for no reason.

  Yuan Mengxian works part-time every weekend, and also helps people do graphic design online to earn some pocket money, and there are scholarships every semester.

   So Yuan Mengxian's life is still relatively well-off.

   Two people went into the supermarket, one bought a lot of snacks and drinks and went back to the bedroom.

   The other two roommates in the dormitory were people with boyfriends, so they didn't come back to sleep at night.

  In summer, I put a pile of snacks on my bed, and I turned on my computer to browse the web or something.

  Li Xiaoxi saw that Xia Xia's performance was the same as that of the previous life, and she also took a foreign language book to read.

   It's just that Li Xiaoxi couldn't calm down and read the book. She couldn't even combine the words in the book.

   From time to time, she still has to check the time and the sky outside.

  Li Xiaoxi is really, can't wait to hope that the end of the world will come soon——

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