Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 107: There is room for farming when the end times are coming (7)

   And a small half of the people thought it was too unsafe to go out like this, so it would be better to wait here for the ZF army to come and rescue.

   "Since everyone's ideas are different, then the troops will be divided into two groups, and those you want to stay will stay." Li Xiaoxi said.

   At this time, Li Xiaoxi was confident.

  Her fire ability has gradually become stronger, because she has experience before, so this time she practiced and upgraded quickly.

The    ability is divided into twelve levels, and each level is further divided into primary, intermediate and advanced.

   Less than ten days after the end of the world began, Li Xiaoxi was already a second-order senior.

  So, she is indeed the capital with self-confidence——

   Those who are leaving have brought some food and are ready to leave through the back door of the supermarket.

   Walk through the back door and make less noise.

  Li Xiaoxi and Wu Liyang walked in front, others followed behind.

   In the two days of summer in the supermarket, I acted as a little transparent and did not do anything.

   She thought the same as Li Xiaoxi, the end of the world has just begun, after all, she has only been in this novel world for a few days.

   But it's been a few days since she came to this novel world, and she hasn't slept a day, even for twenty minutes!

   This situation actually makes the summer a little irritable.

   She thought her insomnia was cured, but she didn't expect...

   But why was she able to sleep so well in the previous world, but not in this world?

really weird!

   Could it be that the world is different for her?

   After thinking about it in summer, there is only one reason.

  Since this is the case, then she thinks that her insomnia has never been better.

  The days without sleep are still the same.


   Leaving the supermarket to find a car that can be started, the process went smoothly.

   They had ten people and found a van.

   drove out of the city and got on the expressway.

   Along the way, the goal is despair.

  Wreckage, junk cars, zombies wandering in the ruins...

   The whole world, from full of noise, to the horrific silence of breathing and zombie roars as long as no one speaks.

  Everyone stopped and went all the way, and when they ran out of gas, they went to the gas station to refuel.

   If you have nothing to eat, go find something to eat.

   Of course, there will be dangers along the way, and even some companions will die.

   Later, only Xia Xia, Wu Liyang and Li Xiaoxi were left.

   But unlike the original plot, they arrived at the ZF security base smoothly!

  Although it has changed a lot, Li Xiaoxi no longer feels that there is anything.

   Even if the summer was bolder than she remembered, she didn't take it seriously.

   This ZF security base, Li Xiaoxi knew that they would not be able to stay for long.

   Because soon, this ZF base will fall.

   Most of the humans in the base who thought they were safe would turn into zombies.

Why? Because of that weird smog!

   Of course, those who did not become zombies after the smog will activate their abilities.

   In the previous life, Li Xiaoxi and Yuan Mengxian didn't get to ZF's security base so smoothly, they just passed by.

   When I saw the security base, it was already in ruins.

  This time, the base is still safe.

  The procedures for entering the security base are very easy to go through. After a medical examination, if there is no problem with the medical examination, you can enter.

   In the summer, the three of them had no problems with their physical examinations, and they successfully entered the base and were assigned a place to live.

   It is said to be a residence, but it is just a small tent for one person.

   However, the treatment of people with abilities is different.

   Like Li Xiaoxi and Wu Liyang, you can live in the house.

   In the previous life, Li Xiaoxi brought Yuan Mengxian with him under such treatment in order to find a sense of superiority in front of Yuan Mengxian every day.

   This time, Li Xiaoxi decided not to be so kind.

   Not only did she not want to live with her in the summer, she also wanted to…

   "Mengmeng, you stay here for a few days first, and we will ask if we can let you live with me after we are familiar with it."

  Xiamen nodded, and smiled optimistically at Li Xiaoxi: "It doesn't matter, it's good to live in a tent, and it's all humans here, so it's safe!"

  Safety is strange!

   It is said that in the end times, humans are more terrifying than zombies!

   In Yuan Mengxian's memory, they actually made it to the security base so smoothly.

  Li Xiaoxi is a power user, so it is different from where she lives.

   Then, Li Xiaoxi used food to find several ugly men and let them **** Yuan Mengxian who lived in the tent.

   Although this is ZF's security base, but in this situation, no one cares about **** or anything.

   After the incident, Li Xiaoxi came to comfort her again, saying that he wanted to help her get justice, even if fighting was not allowed in the base.

   At that time, Yuan Mengxian thought not to implicate Li Xiaoxi who was so good to her, so he stopped her.

  Yuan Mengxian thought that as long as he was careful, he should be fine.

   She didn't even dare to sleep at night or stay in the tent by herself.

   But there are times when she is alone...

   Until half a month later, this base fell.

   When Yuan Mengxian left with Li Xiaoxi, she was moved that she was not left behind by her best girlfriend.

   She didn't know that she had been insulted several times, all from the hands of this good best friend.

  Yuan Mengxian knew that he was weak and not strong enough.

   She told herself that if you want to live well and protect yourself, you must become stronger!

   What if she doesn't have powers, she can kill zombies just as well!

   Even, kill!

  Li Xiaoxi and Yuan Mengxian went to another base, and they were still treated favorably.

   And ordinary humans can only live in tents in civilian areas.

  Li Xiaoxi also wanted to use the same trick to torture Yuan Mengxian, but the person she was looking for was killed by Yuan Mengxian.

   Not only that, Yuan Mengxian also relied on his tenacious perseverance and forward spirit to join the team of ordinary people at the base, and went out to find supplies and survivors.

   Seeing Yuan Mengxian who was getting better and better in the new base, Li Xiaoxi was upset.

   At this time, Gu Ran also appeared, and he fell in love with Yuan Mengxian as he did in his previous life.

  Li Xiaoxi found an opportunity and asked Yuan Mengxian out alone.

   At that time, Li Xiaoxi told Yuan Mengxian that the men who raped her were all arranged by her.

   Yuan Mengxian couldn't believe it and said it was impossible.

   But Li Xiaoxi's eyes and tone did not seem to be lying.

  Yuan Mengxian asked Li Xiaoxi why with red eyes, Li Xiaoxi said, "I hate you! I hate you for being better-looking than me! I hate that you can integrate into other people's world better than me, and I hate that you can be liked by Senior Gu!"

   After finishing speaking, Li Xiaoxi did not give Yuan Mengxian a chance to react and pushed her into the zombie group——

  Yuan Mengxian's memory that he received in the summer was also cut off from here.

   The pain of being eaten by zombies is the same in summer.

   So this time, Yuan Mengxian's wish was to let Li Xiaoxi experience the pain of being eaten by zombies.

   "Okay, then I'll go first." Li Xiaoxi said to Xia Xia.

  Xiamen nodded, raised his hand and waved at her.

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