Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 108: There is room for farming when the end times are coming (8)

   After Li Xiaoxi left, she returned to the tent that belonged to her in the summer.

   There are too few supplies. Although the base has food distribution every day, it is not much.

   So the food for those without powers is even less.

  If it wasn't like this, Li Xiaoxi couldn't bribe someone with just a little food to treat Yuan Mengxian like that.

   Of course, those men who raped Yuan Mengxian were not good things.

   So in summer, I didn't plan to let those men go.

   Let them all taste the fate of being eaten by zombies.


   Lived in a safe base for a week, very stable.

   Although you can’t eat enough every day, at least you won’t be hungry.

   Summer still didn't do anything, she was waiting, waiting for Li Xiaoxi to act first.

  Li Xiaoxi had a good time at the base this week! Because her power level is better than other power users in the base.

  Li Xiaoxi felt an unprecedented sense of pride and superiority.

   This sense of superiority is stronger than in previous lives.

Why? Of course, it was because she had the farming space that originally belonged to Yuan Mengxian.

   For this farming space, summer could actually take it away from Li Xiaoxi in minutes, but she didn't do it.

   It is said that the higher you climb, the more painful it is to fall.

   In summer, I don't mind letting Li Xiaoxi climb higher, then climb higher, and then "pop"——

  Li Xiaoxi is doing well, and it is not bad in summer.

  I help out in the security base every day and find a job.

   She acted very casually, without the slightest panic in the post-apocalyptic world.

  Li Xiaoxi couldn't see summer like this, and finally started to act.

   On this day, Li Xiaoxi found three ugly men wearing a mouth and a peaked cap.

   These three men are the men who raped her in Yuan Mengxian's memory.

  Li Xiaoxi gave them some food and the number of the tent where they lived in the summer and let them go.

   These three men were habitual offenders, and they raped many young girls in the base who had no powers and no family protection.

   They wandered the civilian areas every day, looking for new targets.

  Summer, they have already been eyeing it.

   Now someone gives them food to satisfy their desire (harmony), why not do it?

  When I hear noise at night, I pretend to sleep in a tent in summer.

   Those three ugly men sneaked into the tent, and before they could react, they were suppressed by Xia Xia.

  Summer's strength was not heavy, but he immediately stunned the three ugly men.

   At this time, most of the people in the base were already asleep, as long as the movement was small, no one would notice it.

   It is a little difficult to drag three tall men at a time, so I choose to drag them one by one in summer.

   Take the three men away from the base with light work.

  There are zombies everywhere outside the base, wake up the ugly man and throw it casually, and the movement can attract zombies.

   The zombies jumped on the man and began to eat.

  After throwing all three men into the zombie group in the summer, he stood on the roof of a car and watched the zombies eat them cleanly.

   Looking at them, the cry for help and pain from the beginning gradually disappeared.

   Summer just looked at it like that, without the slightest sympathy.

   Sympathy for what?

   Only when such a person dies, will he not be wasting precious food in the last days!

   Watching the three men being gnawed down to only their skeletons, did they prepare to return to the base in the summer.


   A strange cat meow made Xia Xia raised her eyebrows.

   turned around, lowered his head, and saw a little milk cat...

   It's really a little milk cat, maybe it just looks like a full moon.

   "Meow~" The little milk cat's pupils shone with a cold light, just looking at her from the other end of the roof.

  Because the light is too dark, even if the eyesight is good in summer, it is difficult to see whether the kitten is black or gray.

   Summer didn't take another look at the little milk cat, and flew back to the base.

   She didn't see that the little milk cat was watching the direction she left.

   tilted his head, the eyes of those cats were a little different.

   Then, it jumped lightly, chasing in the direction of summer like lightning fast——


  Return to the tent in summer, lie down and wait for dawn.

   In the last world, I slept well for a few months, and when I have insomnia again, I miss it a little.

  The night is really long...


   Another cat meow, which opened the closed eyes of Summer.

   Hearing the sound, it seemed to be outside her tent.

  What, that little milk cat just followed?

  Because I was worried about being a mutant beast or a zombie beast, I ran pretty fast in summer.

  But now, that little milk cat has caught up!

  Summer sat up with the fruit knife on the side and stretched out the zipper of the tent.

   As soon as the zipper was opened, the little milk cat rushed in, meowing at her.

   That cry, if summer is a pet lover, it will be melted.

   But summer is not…

  I generally don't feel much about cute little animals in summer.

   Oh no, not actually.

   In summer, I once thought of raising a dog or cat to accompany me at home, after all, she was afraid of loneliness.

  However, she really has no animal relationship, and has raised several animals. The final outcome is either dead or dead.

   For the sake of the lives of those small animals, we no longer keep pets in summer.

   Put down the fruit knife in his hand, because Xia Xia knew that this cat was neither a mutant beast nor a zombie beast.

The cries of    mutant beasts and zombie beasts are not so soft.

   "Little milk cat, what are you doing with me?" Summer is also bored, so he talks to a little milk cat.

   Unexpectedly, just after she finished asking, the little milk cat really responded to her.

  Although the response to her was still Meow Meow, but Xia Xia understood what it meant.

  Because it went straight to the summer backpack and used its paws to unzip the backpack.

   Then, grab a bag of chips from your backpack.

  Summer: "…"

  This cat is a sperm, right?

   "Okay, take the potato chips and go." Summer said to the kitten.

   The little milk cat glanced at Xia Xia, did not leave immediately, and did not bark.

   One person and one cat looked at each other for about half a minute. The little milk cat meowed twice, lowered its head and bit the bag of potato chips about the same size, and left the tent.

  Summer stretched out his head to look, but he could no longer see the little milk cat.

   Back in the tent, I didn’t take this strange little cat in my heart at all in summer——

   The next morning, Li Xiaoxi, who had been waiting all night, came to look for Summer.

   Seeing that Xia Xia was safe and sound, she shouted without thinking, "Why are you alright?!"

Of course, Xia Xia knew why Li Xiaoxi was so excited, but looked at her with a puzzled look on her face: "What's the matter with you, Xiaoxi? What can I do?"

   Hearing Xia Xia ask her this, Li Xiaoxi realized her gaffe.

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