Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 109: There is room for farming when the end times are coming (9)

  Li Xiaoxi was stunned for a while, and then she said with a guilty conscience: "Oh, I had a dream last night. I dreamed that you were bitten by a zombie. That dream was too real, I thought it was real..."

   Originally, Li Xiaoxi thought that after she said so, Xia Xia would grin at her and say, "Dreams are all wrong, don't worry, I'm fine!"

  But Xia Xia raised her eyebrows slightly, turned to face Li Xiaoxi, and said, "But your tone just now didn't seem to be worrying about me. seemed like you were surprised that I was safe."

  Li Xiaoxi immediately panicked, for fear that Xia Xia would misunderstand her, he waved his hand quickly: "No! It's not what you think..."

   Before she could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by Xia Xia: "How do you know what I'm thinking, Xiaoxi? Could it be that what I think is true?"

  Li Xiaoxi stopped talking, she looked at Xia Xia, her face was not very good-looking.

  Xia Tian chuckled and laughed: "I'm joking with you! Did you scare you? Oh, I just thought that the atmosphere was so dull during this time, so I wanted to make you laugh~"

  Li Xiaoxi: "..."

   She actually doubted whether 'Yuan Mengxian' was reborn like her.

   Or, it was 'Yuan Mengxian' who knew something, so he was suspicious and guarded against her.

   But now it seems that there should be none.

  Yuan Mengxian used to be like this, saying some jokes to ease the dull atmosphere in the last days.

  'Yuan Mengxian' has not changed...

   After a pause, Li Xiaoxi took Xia Xia's hand and said, "Mengmeng, you are very important to me..."

  ...because I'm going to make you suffer! To watch you writhe in **** with your own eyes!

  Xiaomi matched Li Xiaoxi's hand with a moved expression.

   "Xiaoxi too, it's very important to me! It's very important..." Because I want to get rid of the protagonist's halo on your head.


  Because everything was fine in the summer, Li Xiaoxi made an excuse to leave without staying with her for too long.

   She's going to see those three **** who took her stuff and didn't do anything!

   However, Li Xiaoxi searched the entire base, but couldn't find the three men.

   She didn't know that there were the remains of three men not far from the security wall of the base. They had been eaten up to the point where only tattered clothes, pants and skeletons were left.

   Zombies wandered slowly beside them, flies buzzed around the wreckage, and from time to time attached to the bones with meat residue—

  Since it didn’t work once, try again.

  Li Xiaoxi found another man to deal with the summer that day, but all the people he went to disappeared the next day for no reason!

   In summer, not even a single hair is missing!

   This weird phenomenon, Li Xiaoxi didn't know what was going on, but guessed that someone might be secretly protecting Summer.

   But, who will protect the summer in secret?

   In the previous life, there was no such person at all!

   That's it, time goes by day by day.

   Summer is very leisurely. Anyway, the men Li Xiaoxi found were not good people. She threw them to feed the zombies and they were very happy.

   That night, Summer threw another man to the zombie group.

   Looking at the zombies obediently squatting on the ground and eating their limbs and internal organs, in summer, there is an inexplicable illusion that he is a zoo keeper, and those zombies are the beasts locked in the zoo.

  “Meow meow meow meow~”

   The familiar meowing of milk cats is not surprising in summer.

   As soon as he looked down, he saw the little milk cat standing at her feet, looking up at her.

  This little milk cat has been dangling in front of her for days!

  It also follows when it returns to the base in summer. Give it a package of food, and it will leave voluntarily.

  So Xia Tian thinks that this is just an ordinary little milk cat who only knows what to eat.

   took out a vacuum-packed bread from his pocket, squatted down, and handed it to the little milk cat: "Don't go to the base, if others find it, let alone eat it, you will be eaten by yourself."

   At this time, it is really difficult to want to eat meat, and it is even more difficult for people who are incapable to want to eat meat.

   Therefore, animals like small milk cats that have not become mutant beasts and zombie beasts have only one fate when they encounter other humans.

   The little kitten didn't immediately go to pick up the bread in Summer's hand, but tilted its head to look at her, then meowed twice, and bit the bag of bread with its mouth open.

   Xia Tian didn't know if the little cat that seemed to have aura understood her and stood up and left.

   The little milk cat looked at the back of the summer leaving, but did not follow.

  On the second night, the kitten will still go to summer and leave with a pack of snacks.


   One night after living in the base for more than half a month, it became foggy outside.

  Summer is not strange when you smell a strange smell.

  Although the time brought by the haze is somewhat different from the time in Yuan Mengxian's memory, these variables are normal.

   The smog didn’t dissipate until noon the next day. It was obvious that they had experienced smog once, but most people didn’t take this smog to heart.

   Only a few people feel that this smog is unusual, and even think of the smog when the end of the world just came.

   It's just that few people believe what they say 'people who smoke smog may become zombies'.

   Only Li Xiaoxi and Xia Xia know, this is true...

   Half an hour after the smog dissipated, someone in the base started to have a high fever.

   There are more and more people with high fever, and the base is in chaos.

   didn't give everyone a chance to react. Those who had a high fever all turned into zombies, and they bit people when they saw them.

  Li Xiaoxi came to look for Summer at the first time and said to leave quickly.

  I didn't see Wu Liyang in summer, so I asked Li Xiaoxi, "Where's Wu Liyang?"

   After all, we came together, always ask questions.

   "He also turned into a zombie, let's go!"

  Xiamen noticed that Li Xiaoxi's eyes flickered when he said this, so there must be something inside.

   Afraid that in the summer he was going to meet Wu Liyang who had turned into a 'zombie', Li Xiaoxi dragged her and ran away from a modified off-road vehicle in the base.

   At this time, many people fled outside, and the gate of the base did not know when it was opened.

  The zombies outside heard the movement and ran into the base.

  Many people ran to the gate of the base on foot and were blocked by the incoming zombies, and then fell down and bit to death.

  Some people saw the car Li Xiaoxi was driving and called for help, begging Li Xiaoxi to stop and load them.

  Someone stood in front of the car with arms outstretched in order to get on the car.

   However, Li Xiaoxi sneered and rolled over the man without any hesitation.

   Xia Tian, ​​who was sitting in the co-pilot, covered his mouth and exclaimed, "Ah! Xiaoxi, you hit someone!"

  Li Xiaoxi only said: "Anyway, they will all die." How to die is the same.

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