Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 116: There is room for farming when the end times are coming (16)

  Xiamen looked at the closed door and nodded: "Okay, so does the senior."

   Li Xiaoxi can't come out at the moment, but Li Xiaoxi will have to come out later.

   When the time comes, I don't know what happened to Li Xiaoxi.

  Gu Ran also nodded and hummed.

   He cares about Li Xiaoxi, and he has fulfilled his duties as the captain. He can't always stay at the door of this room.


   Back in the room, Xia Xia finally thought about the fact that he had slept for more than two hours.

  Looking at the bed, it was the same bed she slept on last night.

   But why can she fall asleep in the middle of the night?

   Of course, summer knows it’s definitely not the reason for the bed.

   What is the reason?

   After thinking about it for a long time, I didn't think of any possibility. In summer, I just didn't bother to think about it.

   Of course it's good to be able to fall asleep, but it doesn't matter if you can't, so... it doesn't matter if it can fall asleep or not!

  Go to the window in summer and look outside.

   Today's day is the same as usual, even though it is bright and grey.

   looked down at the yard, where the teammate A Yang, who was killed by the mutant beast Black Panther yesterday, was buried there.

  Because they are used to seeing life and death, other people only feel sad for a while and then don't feel much.

   Next to Ayang's grave, lies the mutant black panther.

   There are no other scars on the body of the black leopard, except for a hole in the head.

   That hole, of course, was made by the cat version of Gu Yanyu.

   If you ask Gu Yanyu what aspect of this host is satisfied, it is strong enough to protect the summer he wants to protect.

   Don't look at Gu Yanyu's cat, which is small but powerful.

   Not to mention a fourth-order mutant beast, even a twelfth-order mutant beast, he can easily kill him with one move!

   Therefore, Gu Yanyu is very satisfied.

  “Meow meow~”

   Gu Yanyu jumped onto the windowsill and rubbed against Xia Xia.

   In order to get close to summer, Gu Yanyu doesn't mind acting like a spoiled child.

When   Summer's gentle hands stroked his head, he felt very satisfied——

   After staying in the room for about half an hour, I heard the footsteps of someone going downstairs, and I went out in summer.

   In the living room on the first floor, almost all the teammates had already woken up, and everyone was preparing breakfast.

   When we were chatting, we talked about Li Xiaoxi.

  Someone bumped Xia Xia's arm lightly, Xia Xia turned to look over, it was Gu Ran's teammate Wang Lingling, the youngest of the three girls in the team.

  Wang Lingling asked Xia Xia curiously: "I said Mengxian, is there something wrong with your girlfriend?"

When    said the word question, Wang Lingling raised a finger and pointed to her head.

  Xiamen frowned, then shook his head: "No, don't talk nonsense, Xiaoxi may just have a nightmare."

Wang Lingling snorted, and her face was full of displeasure: "Hum~ she has to scream and wake us all up when she has nightmares! Fortunately, this place has been cleaned up, or else the zombies have to be brought in! "

   Indeed, if there are zombies here, they will definitely follow Li Xiaoxi's voice.

  No matter what the reason, Li Xiaoxi's performance today once again made everyone disgusted with her.


   After breakfast was ready, Li Xiaoxi hadn't come downstairs yet.

  No way, of course, I have to go upstairs and call her in the summer.

   "knock knock knock"

   "Xiaoxi, let's go downstairs for breakfast, Senior Gu said we are going to leave after breakfast, don't let everyone wait for you..."

   Before the summer words were finished, the door opened immediately.

   At the door of the room, Li Xiaoxi stood with a grim expression: "Don't you just want everyone to wait for me, and everyone's impression of me is extremely bad to be satisfied?!"

   She heard it all just now, heard Wang Lingling's words.

  Li Xiaoxi felt that all the good things that Xia Xia said for her were false.

   Of course, those words in the summer are all false, otherwise they can still tell the truth?

  Xia Tian pretended to be in disbelief and stared at Li Xiaoxi with wide eyes: "Xiaoxi...I have no such hope! What's wrong with you, Xiaoxi?"

  What kind of stimulation did Li Xiaoxi get so he couldn't control his emotions?

  Xia Tian looked at Li Xiaoxi's ordinary-looking face, why does that face seem to be much whiter than usual today?

   can be white, very abnormal.

   Make up?

   Yes, Li Xiaoxi put on makeup, and the foundation was a little thick.

  If Li Xiaoxi's expression wasn't so grim at the moment, his appearance would be a little more refined than usual.

  In the past, in order to make herself look better, Li Xiaoxi also went to learn makeup, but she stopped wearing makeup after being laughed at by the female classmates in the same bedroom.

   It seems that Li Xiaoxi's farming space also has cosmetics.

   But what makes summer feel strange is why Li Xiaoxi chose to wear makeup today? And heavy makeup.

  Li Xiaoxi also seems to feel her gaffe, she is really in a bad mood now, very bad!

   So she just softened her expression, didn't talk to Xia Xia again, walked past her, and went downstairs.

  Xiamen looked at Li Xiaoxi's back, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

  Why is the aura of the protagonist lighter? This is not what she planned!

   It seems that the plan has to be changed. For example... I decided to take away the farming space later.

   If you take it away now, you can do it~


   It was not only Xia Xia who saw that Li Xiaoxi was wearing makeup, others saw it too.

   Wang Lingling, who couldn't bear to see Li Xiaoxi, sneered and sarcastically said, "These days, food and clothing are a problem, and some people make up and dress themselves up!"

   "It's just a pity, people are ugly, no matter how they dress up, they can't look good!"

  No one knew why Li Xiaoxi put on makeup, they just thought she was trying to attract Gu Ran's attention.

   After all, her intentions are really obvious!

   Hearing Wang Lingling's words, Li Xiaoxi only regarded her as jealous, jealous that she could use skin care products and cosmetics in the last days.

  Humph~ No way, who gave her the space to farm!

  Before the end of the world, she bought a lot of cosmetics and skin care products and put them in the space.

  After the end of the world, she also took the opportunity to collect some skin care products.

   Now she can use those skin care products and cosmetics in her space for a lifetime.


  After everyone had breakfast, they packed up and set off.

   It was still Li Xiaoxi and Xia Xia in a car, following Gu Ran's car.

   Today is not the same as usual. There is a black kitten in my arms this summer.

  The cat sleeps obediently in the arms of the summer, enjoying the expression.

   Really... I like this body more and more!

   To be so close to his summer, so close...

   Don't think about it at all, keep a safe distance of one meter!

   Xia Xia didn't know Gu Yanyu's mental activities at all. If he knew, he might just open the car window and throw him out.

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