Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 117: There is room for farming when the end times are coming (17)

   "Mengmeng, I'm sorry this morning! I'm in a bad mood because I had a nightmare! You won't, are you mad at me?"

  Li Xiaoxi's voice made Xia Xia, who had not spoken, turn to look at her.

   "Ah~ Xiaoxi, what's wrong with your face?!" Xia Xia's exclamation made Li Xiaoxi so frightened that she quickly looked in the mirror.

  Myself in the mirror, with dozens of slender red scratches on my fair face.

  Although it is not very ugly, it is not very good-looking.

   The expression on Li Xiaoxi's face became distorted again, and he almost hit the car in front of Gu Ran while driving the steering wheel.

   She hurriedly pulled over to stop the car, and she didn't care that something was wrong in the summer, so she took out the concealer from the farming space.

   She trembled to cover those scratches that she didn't know how to come by, completely unaware that Xia Xia's eyes fell on her face for a while, and then fell on Gu Yanyu's cat paw.

  If it's correct, the scratches on Li Xiaoxi's face were scratched by this little milk cat while others were asleep.

   And the reason why Li Xiaoxi screamed like that in the morning was because he saw that he was disfigured.

  No wonder Li Xiaoxi is wearing makeup today, it was to cover up these scars on his face.

  Tsk tsk~ It's really heartwarming!

   But...why does this little milk cat do that?

   Gu Yanyu was a little embarrassed when Xia Xia looked at him like this.

  He raised his head and winked at Summer.

  Gu Yanyu knew that Xia Xia was so smart, he must have guessed that the scratches on Li Xiaoxi's face were thanks to him.

   Therefore, he did not intend to deny the account, but winked at her to express his 'confession'.

   For the little milk cat's human eyes, Xia Xia really almost thought he was a person.

   But thinking that this little milk cat is so powerful, it is definitely not an ordinary little milk cat.

   Maybe, a cat demon?

  No matter what it is, the little milk cat is a **** teammate, she is very satisfied!

   Gently patted Gu Yanyu's head, Xia Xia pretended to be frightened, covered her mouth and asked Li Xiaoxi, "Xiao Xi, what's wrong with you? Why is your face like this?!"

   Li Xiaoxi didn't have the time to answer Xia's question. Seeing that Gu Ran's car and other cars had stopped, they would definitely come over to see what happened to her.

   She can't, absolutely can't let Gu Ran see her ugly appearance!

   Cover up! Cover up!

  Li Xiaoxi hurriedly used concealer to cover up the red scratches again. Although it looked a little unnatural, it was not even better than before, but she thought it would look good as long as the red scratches were not visible.

   Sure enough, Gu Ran backed up the car, opened the car window and asked Li Xiaoxi what happened and why he stopped suddenly.

   After being stunned for a while, Li Xiaoxi said unnaturally: "Oh, nothing, I just felt a little uncomfortable all of a sudden, so I stopped and took a break."

   "Uncomfortable? Are you feeling better now?" Gu Ran asked Li Xiaoxi.

   Hearing that Gu Ran cared about her 'so', Li Xiaoxi's mood instantly improved a lot, and she raised a self-beautiful smile at Gu Ran.

   "I'm fine, let's go on!"

  Gu Ran nodded, started the car and continued to move forward.


   Everyone rushed all the way back to the gas station yesterday.

  There are still some zombies wandering around aimlessly in the gas station.

   Thinking that the gas was almost used up, they decided to add some gas at the gas station before continuing.

   A few people got out of the car first and got rid of the zombies.

   Then cheer up and leave.

   At five o'clock in the afternoon, they finally arrived outside the security base in P City.

   However, at this moment, the security base has become a zombie base.

   Zombie groups can be seen everywhere, men, women, adults, children, the elderly...

   The number of zombies here is definitely the most they have ever seen.

   "Damn it! Who the **** proposed to come to P City?! There are so many zombies here, let alone entering the base, it's impossible to get close!" A teammate was a little mad.

   They can only watch from a distance now, and they don't even dare to start the car, for fear that the zombies will hear the movement and swarm up.

  Gu Ran's brows were also tightly wrinkled at this time, which showed that he was also very irritable at this time.

How to do? What should I do?

  Go, or stay?

   At this moment, Li Xiaoxi doesn't need to guess what other people in the car think of her.

   It was her who proposed to come to P City. Now that she saw this scene, she knew that she was not thinking enough.

   But what to do? She must not let those people have the opportunity to look down on her!

  Can't go! Absolutely can't go!

  Li Xiaoxi suddenly thought of a way, a very good way!

   She tilted her head and glanced at Xia Xia: "Mengmeng, shall we help Senior Gu lead those zombies away?"

   As soon as Li Xiaoxi finished saying this, Xia Xia already knew her intentions.

   Farming space, Li Xiaoxi can enter.

  There are so many zombies, it is easy to get rid of them, but it is difficult to get rid of them after getting rid of them.

   But for Li Xiaoxi, it couldn't be easier.

   As long as you hide in the farming space, you can avoid the zombies.

   Then, she can wait for the zombies to leave before she comes out.

   But there is no way to disappear in the summer when there is no space for farming, and can only be surrounded by zombies.

   It seems that Li Xiaoxi is not going to slowly torture Xia Xia and wants to solve her in advance!

   Just in time, I plan to change my plans in summer~

   Then, come on!

   "Okay! I also want to do something for Senior Gu!" Xia Xia said with a smile.

   Li Xiaoxi's eyes crossed a trace of viciousness, and the corners of his mouth raised a malicious arc.

   Picking up the walkie-talkie, Li Xiaoxi told Gu Ran, "Let's drive away the zombies, you can just clean up the zombies behind."

   So many zombies, lead away? Gu Ran knew that if he did this, Li Xiaoxi and Xia Xia were surrounded by zombies and could not escape.

   As the captain, Gu Ran felt that he couldn't do this!

   So, he refused: "The base can be found elsewhere, I can't let you and Mengxian die!"

  Li Xiaoxi automatically ignored Gu Ran's mention of Yuan Mengxian's name, and took that sentence as Gu Ran caring about her and not worrying about her.

   With a shy smile, Li Xiaoxi said, "Don't worry, senior, I won't let myself be in trouble!"

   Gu Ran saw that Li Xiaoxi's attitude was relatively firm, and thought that this method was more appropriate, so he had to agree.

   "You must be careful! Be sure to come back safely!" Gu Ran said.

  Li Xiaoxi also nodded firmly: "I will come back safely!"

   Except Xia Xia and Gu Yanyu, no one noticed that Li Xiaoxi said 'I will come back safely' and not 'us'.

  Gu Yanyu just closed his eyes to sleep, not really fell asleep.

  Li Xiaoxi, do you want to hurt his summer?

   It seems that disfigurement alone is not enough...


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